987 resultados para Thermally stable compounds
Pentacarbonyliron was oxidized with H2O2, in organic solvents, to give colloidal sols. The aqueous-ethanolic sol is highly stable and undergoes thermally-reversible coagulation. Its solid phase was found to be a non-crystalline Fe (III) hydroxoacetate which is transformed to α-Fe2O3 when heated to 300°C. Iron-bound acetate groups are assumed to have a major role in the sol stability, by preserving the amorphous solid phase. Dry hydroxoacetate particles were heated under vacuum; scanning electron microscopy revealed that these particles coalesce and grow, as in a sintering process but at low temperatures (100-250°). © 1987.
The reactions of the precursor [Pd(N,C-dmba)(MeCN)2](NO 3) (1) (dmba = N,N-dimethylbenzylamine), with the proligands 3,5-dimethylpyrazole (Hdmpz), 2-quinolinethiol (qnSH) and 1,1′- bis(diphenylphosphine)ferrocene (dppf) afforded the compounds [Pd(N,C-dmba)(Hdmpz)(ONO2)]0.5CH2Cl2 (2), [Pd(N,C-dmba)(qnSH)(ONO2)] 0.5CH2Cl2 (3) and [Pd(N,C-dmba)(dppf)](NO3) (4), respectively. The mononuclear species 2,3 and 4 were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, NMR and thermogravimetric analysis. The IR spectra show bands which are consistent with terminal monodentate nitrate group for 2-3 and ionic nitrate for 4. The 1H and 13C NMR data confirm that coordination of the organic ligands has occurred and the 31P{1H} NMR data for 4 clearly evidences the occurrence in solution of three cyclopalladated species with the dppf acting as a bridging ligand in two cases and as a chelate in one. The thermal behavior of compounds 1-4 suggests that complex 2 is the most stable. The X-ray diffractometry results show the formation of PdO from 1 and 2, Pd2OSO4 from 3, and of a mixture of PdO and Fe 2(PO4)3 from 4, as final decomposition products.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Studies by thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA) of the complexes [PtCl2L2] (L is PPh3, AsPh3, SbPh3), [PtLn] (n = 3, L is SbPh3; n = 4, L is PPh3, AsPh3); [(PtL3)2N2]; [(PtL3)2C2] and [Pt(CO)2L2] (L is SbPh3) are described. Analysis of the TG and DTA curves showed that Pt(II) complexes of the type [PtCl2L2] have a higher thermal stability than the corresponding Pt(0) complexes of the type [PtLn], with the exception of [Pt(SbPh3)3], which is more stable than [PtCl2(SbPh3)2]. Thermal stabilities of each of the complexes are compared with those of the others in the series. Mechanisms of thermal decomposition of complexes of the types [PtCl2L2] and [PtLn] are proposed. Residues of the samples were characterized by chemical tests and IR spectroscopy. The residue from the thermal decomposition of [PtCl2L2] (L is PPh3, AsPh3) and [Pt(PPh3)4] is metallic platinum. For [Pt(AsPh3)4] the residue is a mixture of Pt and As, whereas for the complexes containing SbPh3 the residues are mixtures of Pt and Sb. In these cases, the proportional contents of Pt and As or Pt and Sb correspond to the stoichiometry of these elements in the respective complexes. The complexes {[Pt(SbPh3)3]2N2}, {[Pt(SbPh3)3]2C2} lose N2 or the ethynediyl group at 130-150°C and are transformed into [Pt(SbPh3)3]. © 1995.
A delivery system containing polymeric (Eudragit) nanoparticles has been developed for encapsulation and controlled release of bioactive flavonoids (quercetin). Nanoparticles were fabricated using a solvent displacement method. Particle size, morphology, and charge were measured by light scattering, electron microscopy and zeta-potential. Encapsulation efficiency (EE) and release profiles were determined using electrochemical methods. Molecular interactions within the particle matrix were characterized by X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimetry, and infrared spectroscopy. Antioxidant properties of free and encapsulated quercetin were analyzed by TBARS and fluorescence spectroscopy. Bioaccessibility of quercetin was evaluated using an in vitro digestion model. Relatively small (d a parts per thousand aEuro parts per thousand 370 nm) anionic polymeric nanoparticles were formed containing quercetin in a non-crystalline form (EE a parts per thousand aEuro parts per thousand 67 %). The main interaction between quercetin and Eudragit was hydrogen bonding. Encapsulated quercetin remained stable during 6 months storage and maintained its antioxidant activity. Quercetin bioaccessibility within simulated small intestinal conditions was improved by encapsulation. The knowledge obtained from this study will facilitate the rational design and fabrication of polymeric nanoparticles as oral delivery systems for encapsulation, protection, and release of bioactive compounds.
The purpose of this thesis is to further the understanding of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of ternary inter-metallic compounds using density functional theory (DFT). Four main problems are addressed. First, a detailed analysis on the ternary Heusler compounds is made. It has long been known that many Heusler compounds ($X_2YZ$; $X$ and $Y$ transition elements, $Z$ main group element) exhibit interesting half-metallic and ferromagnetic properties. In order to understand these, the dependence of magnetic and electronic properties on the structural parameters, the type of exchange-correlation functional and electron-electron correlation was examined. It was found that almost all Co$_2YZ$ Heusler compounds exhibit half-metallic ferromagnetism. It is also observed that $X$ and $Y$ atoms mainly contribute to the total magnetic moment. The magnitude of the total magnetic moment is determined only indirectly by the nature of $Z$ atoms, and shows a trend consistent with Slater-Pauling behaviour in several classes of these compounds. In contrast to experiments, calculations give a non-integer value of the magnetic moment in certain Co$_2$-based Heusler compounds. To explain deviations of the calculated magnetic moment, the LDA+$U$ scheme was applied and it was found that the inclusion of electron-electron correlation beyond the LSDA and GGA is necessary to obtain theoretical description of some Heusler compounds that are half-metallic ferromagnets. The electronic structure and magnetic properties of substitutional series of the quaternary Heusler compound Co$_2$Mn$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$Si were investigated under LDA+$U$. The calculated band structure suggest that the most stable compound in a half-metallic state will occur at an intermediate Fe concentration. These calculated findings are qualitatively confirmed by experimental studies. Second, the effect of antisite disordering in the Co$_2$TiSn system was investigated theoretically as well as experimentally. Preservation of half-metallicity for Co$_2$TiSn was observed with moderate antisite disordering and experimental findings suggest that the Co and Ti antisites disorder amounts to approximately 10~% in the compound. Third, a systematic examination was carried out for band gaps and the nature (covalent or ionic) of bonding in semiconducting 8- and 18-electron or half-metallic ferromagnet half-Heusler compounds. It was found that the most appropriate description of these compounds from the viewpoint of electronic structures is one of a $YZ$ zinc blende lattice stuffed by the $X$ ion. Simple valence rules are obeyed for bonding in the 8- and 18-electron compounds. Fourth, hexagonal analogues of half-Heusler compounds have been searched. Three series of compounds were investigated: GdPdSb, GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP. GdPdSb is suggested as a possible half-metallic weak ferromagnet at low temperature. GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP were investigated because they exhibit interesting bonding, structural and magnetic properties. The results qualitatively confirm experimental studies on magnetic and structural behaviour in GdPdSb, GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP compounds. ~
Selen ist in geringen Mengen ein essentielles Nährelement, das aber in höheren Gehalten toxisch wird. Der Se-Kreislauf in der Umwelt ist eng mit Redoxreaktionen wie der Reduktion von Se-Oxyanionen zu Methylselenid verknüpft. Flüchtige Methylselenide sind weit verbreitet und stellen einen wichtigen Se-Fluss in der Umwelt dar. Das übergeordnete Ziel meiner Dissertation war, die Stabilisotopenfraktionierung von Se durch Biomethylierung verschiedener oxidierter Se-Spezies (Se[IV] und Se[VI]) im Boden aufzuklären. Zunächst wurde eine Methode entwickelt, die es erlaubte flüchte Methylselenide quantitativ zurückzuhalten. Es zeigte sich, dass alkalische Peroxid-Lösung dafür geeignet war. Mit alkalischer Peroxid-Lösung wurde eine Wiederfindung von 95,6 ± Standardabweichung 5,4% in Verflüchtigungsexperimenten mit Methylselenid-Standards erreicht. Bei Einsatz von alkalischer Peroxid-Lösung in geschlossenen Mikrokosmos-Experimenten kam es zu keinen Se-Verlusten und ausgeglichenen Se-Isotopenbilanzen. Die massengewichteten δ82/76Se-Werte lagen für Se(IV) und Se(VI) am Ende der Mikrokosmos-Inkubationen bei -0,31 ± 0,05‰ (n = 3) und -0,76 ± 0,07‰ (n = 3) verglichen mit -0,20 ± 0,05‰ und -0,69 ± 0,07‰ im jeweils zugegebenen Se. Im zweiten Teil meiner Dissertation wurde die Pilzart Alternaria alternata mit Se(VI) und Se(IV) in geschlossenen Mikrokosmen für 11-15 und Se(IV) zusätzlich für 3-5 Tage bei 30°C inkubiert. In 11-15 Tagen wurden 2,9-11% des Se(VI) und 21-29% des Se(IV) und in 3-5 Tagen, 3-5% des Se(IV) methyliert. Die anfänglichen δ82/76Se-Werte von Se(VI) und Se(IV) lagen bei -0,69 ± 0,07‰, und -0,20 ± 0,05‰. Die δ82/76Se-Werte der Methylselenide unterschieden sich nach 11-15 Tagen Inkubation signifikant zwischen Se(VI) (-3,97 bis -3,25 ‰) und Se(IV) (-1,44 bis -0,16‰) als Quellen. Die δ82/76Se-Werte der Methylselenide zeigen also die Quellen der Biomethylierung von Se an. Die kürzere Inkubation von Se(IV) für 3-5 Tage führte zu einer ausgeprägten Se-Isotopenfraktonierung von mindestens -6‰, bevor ein Fließgleichgewicht erreicht wurde. Im dritten Teil bestimmte ich die Bindungsformen von Se mit drei operativ definierten sequentiellen Extraktionen und die δ82/76S-Werte des gesamten Selens in zehn urbanen Oberböden mit 0,09-0,52 mg/kg Se, die fünf verschiedene Landnutzungstypen repräsentierten (Überschwemmungsgrünland, Garten, Park, Straßenrand und Wald). Nur ein kleiner Teil des Seleniums lag in austauschbarer und damit direkt bioverfügbarer und in residualer, wenig reaktiver Form vor. Das meiste Se war an die organische Substanz und Fe-(Hydr-)Oxide gebunden (42-77% des gesamten Selens). Der mittlere δ82/76Se-Wert des gesamten Selens in den Oberböden lag mit -0,03 ± 0,38‰ nahe beim Mittelwert der gesamten Erde. Geringfügig niedrigere Se-Isotopensignale von -0,59 bis -0,35‰ v.a. in Waldböden und geringfügig höhere von 0,26 to 0,45‰ in Überschwemmungsgrünland wurden vermutlich durch Boden-Pflanze-Recycling und Se-Kontaminationen durch das Flusswasser verursacht. Der vierte Teil umfasste ein “Natural Attenuation”-Experiment und Mikrokosmos-Inkubationen von Bodenproben mit A. alternata. Die Equilibrierung von zum Boden gegebenem Se(IV) und Se(VI) für drei Tage führte zu abnehmenden wasserlöslichen Se-Gehalten um 32-44% bzw. 8-14, die mit kleinen Isotopenfraktionierung (ε = -0,045 bis -0,12 ‰ and -0,05 to -0,07‰ verbunden waren. In zwei der inkubierten Böden mit mäßig sauren pH-Werten wurden zwischen 9,1 und 30% des zugefügten Se(IV) und 1,7% des zugefügten Se(VI) methyliert während in einem stark sauren Boden keine Methylierung auftrat. Das aus Se(IV) entstandene Methylselenid war deutlich gegenüber dem zugegebenen Se-Standard (0,20‰) an 82Se verarmt (δ82/76Se = -3,3 bis -4,5‰). Meine Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die stabilen Isotopenverhältnisse von Se neue Einblicke in Se-Transformationsprozesse erlauben.rn
Diese Dissertation ist in zwei Teile aufgeteilt: Teil 1 befasst sich mit der Vorhersage von Halb-Metallizität in quarternären Heuslerverbindungen und deren Potential für Spintronik-Anwendungen. Teil 2 befasst sich mit den strukturellen Eigenschaften der Mn2-basierenden Heuslerverbindungen und dem Tuning von ihrer magnetischen Eigenschaften bzgl. Koerzitivfeldstärke und Remanenz. Diese Verbindungen sind geeignet für Spin-Transfer Torque-Anwendungen.rnrnIn Teil 1 wurden die folgenden drei Probenserien quarternärer Heuslerverbindungen untersucht: XX´MnGa (X = Cu, Ni und X´ = Fe, Co), CoFeMnZ (Z = Al, Ga, Si, Ge) und Co2−xRhxMnZ (Z = Ga, Sn, Sb). Abgesehen von CuCoMnGa wurden alle diese Verbindungen mittels ab-initio Bandstrukturrechnungen als halbmetallische Ferromagnete prognostiziert. In der XX´MnGa-Verbindungsklasse besitzt NiFeMnGa zwar eine zu niedrige Curie-Temperatur für technologische Anwendungen, jedoch NiCoMnGa mit seiner hohen Spinpolarisation, einem hohen magnetischen Moment und einer hohen Curie-Temperatur stellt ein neues Material für Spintronik-Anwendungen dar. Alle CoFeMnZ-Verbindungen kristallisieren in der kubischen Heuslerstruktur und ihre magnetischen Momente folgen der Slater-Pauling-Regel, was Halbmetalizität und eine hohe Spinpolarisation impliziert. Die ebenfalls hohen Curie-Temperaturen ermöglichen einen Einsatz weit über Raumtemperatur hinaus. In der strukturellen Charakterisierung wurde festgestellt, dass sämtliche Co2−xRhxMnZ abgesehen von CoRhMnSn verschiedene Typen von Unordnung aufweisen; daher war die ermittelte Abweichung von der Slater-Pauling-Regel sowie von der 100%-igen Spinpolarisation dieser Verbindungen zu erwarten. Die Halbmetallizität der geordneten CoRhMnSn-Verbindung sollte nach den durchgeführten magnetischen Messungen vorhanden sein.rnrnIm zweiten Teil wurden Mn3−xCoxGa und Mn2−xRh1+xSn synthetisiert und charakterisiert. Es wurde gezeigt, dass Mn3−xCoxGa im Bereich x = 0.1 − 0.4 in einer tetragonal verzerrten inversen Heuslerstruktur kristallisiert und im Bereich x = 0.6−1 in einer kubisch inversen Heuslerstruktur. Während die tetragonalen Materialien hartmagnetisch sind und Charakeristika aufweisen, die typischerweise für Spin-Transfer Torque-Anwengungen attraktiv sind, repräsentieren die weichmagnetischen kubischen Vertreter die 100% spinpolarisierten Materialien, die der Slater-Pauling-Regel folgen. Mn2RhSn kristallisiert in der inversen tetragonal verzerrten Heuslerstruktur, weist einernhartmagnetische Hystereseschleife auf und folgt nicht der Slater-Pauling-Regel. Bei hohen Rh-Gehalt wird die kubische inverse Heuslerstruktur gebildet. Alle kubischen Proben sind weichmagnetisch und folgen der Slater-Pauling-Regel.
The world's rising demand of energy turns the development of sustainable and more efficient technologies for energy production and storage into an inevitable task. Thermoelectric generators, composed of pairs of n-type and p-type semiconducting materials, di¬rectly transform waste heat into useful electricity. The efficiency of a thermoelectric mate¬rial depends on its electronic and lattice properties, summarized in its figure of merit ZT. Desirable are high electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficients, and low thermal con¬ductivity. Half-Heusler materials are very promising candidates for thermoelectric applications in the medium¬ temperature range such as in industrial and automotive waste heat recovery. The advantage of Heusler compounds are excellent electronic properties and high thermal and mechanical stability, as well as their low toxicity and elemental abundance. Thus, the main obstacle to further enhance their thermoelectric performance is their relatively high thermal conductivity.rn rnIn this work, the thermoelectric properties of the p-type material (Ti/Zr/Hf)CoSb1-xSnx were optimized in a multistep process. The concept of an intrinsic phase separation has recently become a focus of research in the compatible n-type (Ti/Zr/Hf)NiSn system to achieve low thermal conductivities and boost the TE performance. This concept is successfully transferred to the TiCoSb system. The phase separation approach can form a significant alternative to the previous nanostructuring approach via ball milling and hot pressing, saving pro¬cessing time, energy consumption and increasing the thermoelectric efficiency. A fundamental concept to tune the performance of thermoelectric materials is charge carrier concentration optimization. The optimum carrier concentration is reached with a substitution level for Sn of x = 0.15, enhancing the ZT about 40% compared to previous state-of-the-art samples with x = 0.2. The TE performance can be enhanced further by a fine-tuning of the Ti-to-Hf ratio. A correlation of the microstructure and the thermoelectric properties is observed and a record figure of merit ZT = 1.2 at 710°C was reached with the composition Ti0.25Hf0.75CoSb0.85Sn0.15.rnTowards application, the long term stability of the material under actual conditions of operation are an important issue. The impact of such a heat treatment on the structural and thermoelectric properties is investigated. Particularly, the best and most reliable performance is achieved in Ti0.5Hf0.5CoSb0.85Sn0.15, which reached a maximum ZT of 1.1 at 700°C. The intrinsic phase separation and resulting microstructure is stable even after 500 heating and cooling cycles.
In this thesis we studied the stereodynamic behavior of 1,2-azaborines variously substituted on boron (7a, 7b, 13). Depending on the hindrance of the asymmetric aryl substituent the resulting conformations could be stereolabile or configurationally stable. Through dynamic NMR and lineshape simulation, the energy rotational barriers of the different conformers are obtained. When the barrier is higher than 22-23 kcal/mol stable atropisomers that are fisically separable could be obtained (case of compound 13) and the free activation energy barrier is determinable by kinetic analysis. Absolute configuration of two atropisomers were assigned by comparison between computational calculations and experimental ECD. Isosteric compound 21 is then synthesized in order to compare the rotational barrier around B-Caryl with the one around Cnaphth-Caryl bond.
OBJECTIVES: In order to create a suitable model for high-throughput drug screening, a Giardia lamblia WB C6 strain expressing Escherichia coli glucuronidase A (GusA) was created and tested with respect to susceptibility to the anti-giardial drugs nitazoxanide and metronidazole. METHODS: GusA, a well-established reporter gene in other systems, was cloned into the vector pPacVInteg allowing stable expression in G. lamblia under control of the promoter from the glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) gene. The resulting transgenic strain was compared with the wild-type strain in a vitality assay, characterized with respect to susceptibility to nitazoxanide, metronidazole and -- as assessed in a 96-well plate format -- to a panel of 15 other compounds to be tested for anti-giardial activity. RESULTS: GusA was stably expressed in G. lamblia. Using a simple glucuronidase assay protocol, drug efficacy tests yielded results similar to those from cell counting. CONCLUSIONS: G. lamblia WB C6 GusA is a suitable tool for high-throughput anti-giardial drug screening.
The human blood brain barrier (BBB) is a selective barrier formed by human brain endothelial cells (hBECs), which is important to ensure adequate neuronal function and protect the central nervous system (CNS) from disease. The development of human in vitro BBB models is thus of utmost importance for drug discovery programs related to CNS diseases. Here, we describe a method to generate a human BBB model using cord blood-derived hematopoietic stem cells. The cells were initially differentiated into ECs followed by the induction of BBB properties by co-culture with pericytes. The brain-like endothelial cells (BLECs) express tight junctions and transporters typically observed in brain endothelium and maintain expression of most in vivo BBB properties for at least 20 days. The model is very reproducible since it can be generated from stem cells isolated from different donors and in different laboratories, and could be used to predict CNS distribution of compounds in human. Finally, we provide evidence that Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway mediates in part the BBB inductive properties of pericytes.
M. Verdaguer
Ocean drilling has revealed the existence of vast microbial populations in the deep subseafloor, but to date little is known about their metabolic activities. To better understand the biogeochemical processes in the deep biosphere, we investigate the stable carbon isotope chemistry of acetate and other carbon-bearing metabolites in sediment pore-waters. Acetate is a key metabolite in the cycling of carbon in anoxic sediments. Its stable carbon isotopic composition provides information on the metabolic processes dominating acetate turnover in situ. This study reports our findings for a methane-rich site at the northern Cascadia Margin (NE Pacific) where Expedition 311 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) sampled the upper 190 m of sediment. At Site U1329, d13C values of acetate span a wide range from -46.0 per mill to -11.0 per mill vs. VPDB and change systematically with sediment depth. In contrast, d13C values of both the bulk dissolved organic carbon (DOC) (-21.6 ± 1.3 per mill vs. VPDB) and the low-molecular-weight compound lactate (-20.9 ± 1.8 per mill vs. VPDB) show little variability. These species are interpreted to represent the carbon isotopic composition of fermentation products. Relative to DOC, acetate is up to 23.1 per mill depleted and up to 9.1 per mill enriched in 13C. Broadly, 13C-depletions of acetate relative to DOC indicate flux of carbon from acetogenesis into the acetate pool while 13C-enrichments of pore-water acetate relative to DOC suggest consumption of acetate by acetoclastic methanogenesis. Isotopic relationships between acetate and lactate or DOC provide new information on the carbon flow and the presence and activity of specific functional microbial communities in distinct biogeochemical horizons of the sediment. In particular, they suggest that acetogenic CO2-reduction can coexist with methanogenic CO2-reduction, a notion contrary to the hypothesis that hydrogen levels are controlled by the thermodynamically most favorable electron-accepting process. Further, the isotopic relationship suggests a relative increase in acetate flow to acetoclastic methanogenesis with depth although its contribution to total methanogenesis is probably small. Our study demonstrates how the stable carbon isotope biogeochemistry of acetate can be used to identify pathways of microbial carbon turnover in subsurface environments. Our observations also raise new questions regarding the factors controlling acetate turnover in marine sediments.
Total organic carbon, amino compounds, and carbohydrates were measured in pore waters and sediments of Pliocene to Pleistocene age from Sites 723 and 724 (ODP Leg 117) to evaluate (1) relationships between organic matter in the sediment and in the pore water, (2) the imprint of lithological variations on the abundance and contribution of organic substances, (3) degradation of amino compounds and carbohydrates with time and/or depth, and (4) the dependence of the ammonia concentration in the pore water on the degradation of amino compounds in the sediment. Total organic carbon concentrations (TOC) of the investigated sediment samples range from 0.9% to 8.7%, and total nitrogen concentrations (TN) from 0.1% to 0.5%. Up to 4.9% of the TOC is contributed by hydrolyzable amino acids (THAA) which are present in amounts between 1.1 and 21.3 µmol/g dry sediment and decrease strongly downhole. Hydrolyzable carbohydrates (THCHO) were found in concentrations from 1.3 to 6.6 ?mol/g sediment constituting between 0.1% and 2.0% of the TOC. Differences between the distribution patterns of monomers in Sites 723 and 724 indicate higher terrigenous influence for Site 724 and, furthermore, enhanced input of organic matter that is relatively resistant to microbial degradation. Lithologically distinct facies close to the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary yield different organic matter compositions. Laminated horizons seem to correspond with enhanced amounts of biogenic siliceous material and minor microbiological degradation. Total amounts of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in pore waters vary between 11 and 131 mg/L. Concentrations of DOC as well as of dissolved amino compounds and carbohydrates appear to be related to microbial activity and/or associated redox zones and not so much to the abundance of organic matter in the sediments. Distributions of amino acids and monosaccharides in pore waters show a general enrichment in relatively stable components in comparison to those of the sediments. Nevertheless, the same trend appears between amino acids present in the sediments from Sites 723 and 724 as well as between amino acids in pore waters from these two sites, indicating a direct relation between the dissolved and the sedimentary organic fractions. Different ammonia concentrations in the pore waters of Sites 723 and 724 seem to be related to enhanced release of ammonia from degradation of amino compounds in Site 723.