205 resultados para Theft.


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Dieses Experiment untersuchte die Effekte der unterschiedlichen Fragen- bzw. Itemtypen (Stimuli), des Wahrheitsgehalts der Antworten und der elektrodermalen Labilität auf die Hautleitfähigkeitsreaktionen (SCR) und die phasische Herzschlagfrequenz (HR) für zwei relativ neue Befragungstechniken der forensischen Psychophysiologie ('Lügendetektion'): Directed Lie Test (DLT) und Guilty Actions Test (GAT).Achtzig Männer begingen einen simulierten Schmuckdiebstahl. Jeweils die Hälfte entwendete entweder einen Ring oder eine Kette. Während dieser Tat wurden jedoch alle Probanden mit den kritischen Details beider Scheinverbrechen konfrontiert. Anschließend absolvierten sie entweder einen DLT oder einen GAT. Die relevanten Stimuli der Tests bezogen sich auf beide Scheinverbrechen und wurden - intraindividuell variiert - wahrheitswidrig und wahrheitsgemäß verneint. Darüber hinaus umfaßte der DLT inhaltlich parallelisierte Paare von Kontrollfragen. Die Probanden wurden instruiert, die jeweiligen Kontrollfragen eines Paars wahrheitswidrig versus wahrheitsgemäß zu verneinen. Die Testverfahren beinhalteten außerdem nicht tatbezogene, irrelevante Stimuli, die wahrheitsgemäß beantwortet wurden. Für beide Befragungstechniken fand man Reaktionsunterschiede zwischen den Stimulustypen, insbesondere stärkere SCR-Magnituden und eine niedrigere HR auf die wahrheitswidrig verneinten relevanten Stimuli. Bei den Kontrollfragen des DLT zeigten sich jedoch keine signifikanten Effekte des Wahrheitsgehalts. Die elektrodermale Labilität hatte keinen bedeutsamen Einfluß auf die Reaktionsunterschiede. Die Ergebnisse wurden vor allem anhand psychophysiologischer Theorien der Aufmerksamkeit, Konflikte und Informationsverarbeitung interpretiert.


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This work presents first a study of the national and international laws in the fields of safety, security and safeguards. The international treaties and the recommendations issued by the IAEA as well as the national regulations in force in France, the United States and Italy are analyzed. As a result of this, a comparison among them is presented. Given the interest of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency for the aspects of criminal penalties and monetary, also the Japanese case is analyzed. The main part of this work was held at the JAEA in the field of proliferation resistance (PR) and physical protection (PP) of a GEN IV sodium fast reactor. For this purpose the design of the system is completed and the PR & PP methodology is applied to obtain data usable by designers for the improvement of the system itself. Due to the presence of sensitive data, not all the details can be disclosed. The reactor site of a hypothetical and commercial sodium-cooled fast neutron nuclear reactor system (SFR) is used as the target NES for the application of the methodology. The methodology is applied to all the PR and PP scenarios: diversion, misuse and breakout; theft and sabotage. The methodology is applied to the SFR to check if this system meets the target of PR and PP as described in the GIF goal; secondly, a comparison between the SFR and a LWR is performed to evaluate if and how it would be possible to improve the PR&PP of the SFR. The comparison is implemented according to the example development target: achieving PR&PP similar or superior to domestic and international ALWR. Three main actions were performed: implement the evaluation methodology; characterize the PR&PP for the nuclear energy system; identify recommendations for system designers through the comparison.


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The sensitivity of crime rates to social, economic and political influences has long aroused the interest of sociologists who have attempted to explain what kind of relationships might be associated with variations in crime rates between different social groups at different times. The earliest views were put forward by Emil Durkheim, and while later writers have developed (R.K. Merton, L. Srole, A, K. Cohen, etc.) have developed some aspects of his ideas further, his basic ideas of the divorce of the individual from normative standards and the lack of social integration are still valid. Ms. Voicu-Minea looked at the theoretical background in detail but then limited it to a specific social group, the family, asking first why certain individual within vulnerable families and/or negative social influences commit offences while others do not. In modern times the family has undergone massive structural and functional changes. Its former economic function, which once endowed it with a great capacity for social inclusion, has generally vanished, while its formerly crucial role in children's education has been massively reduced. These changes, which are still not complete, can lead to dysfunction and in certain social contexts such as that in post-communist Romanian society, this risk of dysfunction is still greater as unfavourably social circumstances more easily affect such families. The number of cases of juvenile delinquency in Romania has increased sharply ever since the end of the communist system and in 1996 reached the level of 18,317 cases. The sample examined included 1012 juvenile delinquents aged between 14 and 18, taken from all areas of Bucharest. Over 80% of charges related to theft, with more serious offences being relatively rare. The children underwent a series of psychological tests, accompanied by a questionnaire relating to family situation. The results showed that juvenile delinquency in Romania is overwhelmingly male, with 91.8% of offences being committed by boys. Two thirds of the research group were under the age of 16 and only just over one third attended school, with over half having left school before the legal age. While the majority of subjects had a lower than average level of education, they did not always recognise this, with two thirds seeing their level of education as being as good as or better than average. Nearly half the children (43%) did not live with both natural parents and majority came from families with three or more children. This applied both to their original families and to the families in which they were living at the time of the survey. The overwhelming majority of families were living in or around Bucharest, but under one third originated from there. Almost 25% of parents were under-schooled and around one third were unqualified workers. At least 30% of families lived in inadequate accommodation and family incomes were generally low. Ms. Voicu-Minea does however point out that over half the minors from the sample saw their family income as satisfactory or even more than satisfactory. When factors such as bad relationships between parents, corporal punishment, alcohol consumption and criminal records of family members were taken into account, the picture was bleak, making it understandable why over 36% of subjects had run away from home at least once, and in many cases repeatedly and for longer periods. The overwhelming majority of offences (80.8%) were committed in groups of between 2 and 11 persons, usually "friends" but in about 10% of cases member's of the family. IQ tests put about 75% of the sample at slightly under average, the difference being too slight to account for the behaviour problems of the majority. Personality tests, however, showed a different picture. Over 70% of those tested manifested an acute need of tenderness and a similar number a high level of potential aggressiveness. Almost half of the minors expressed such feelings as intolerance or a desire for revenge, and Ms. Voicu-Minea found a clear weakness of the Self. Around half the sample expressed sentiments of abandonment, renunciation and solitude.


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Die Radio Frequenz Identifikation (RFID) gilt als wichtigste technologische Neuerung in der Informationslogistik. Wird RFID in der produzierenden Industrie hauptsächlich zur Betriebsdaten-erfassung und im Handel zur Wareneingangs-/ Warenausgangskontrolle verwendet, so können ins-besondere in der Pharmazeutischen Industrie die Vorteile der Technologie voll ausgereizt werden. Die wohl wichtigste Anwendung ist die lückenlose Rückverfolgung entlang der Lieferkette, wie sie in den USA bereits in einigen Staaten für alle pharmazeutischen Produkte vorgeschrieben und auch in Deutschland für bestimmte Produkte erforderlich ist. Zudem können die RFID Transponder auf der Produktver-packung als fälschungssicheres Merkmal eingesetzt werden. Bei temperatursensiblen Produkten können Transponder mit zusätzlicher Sensorik zur Überwachung der Kühlkette dienen. Gleichzeitig kann der Transponder auch als Diebstahlsicherung im innerbetrieblichen Bereich sowie auch im Handel dienen und ermöglicht dabei eine höhere Sicherheit als die bisher eingesetzten 1-Bit Transponder. Die Trans-pondertechnologie kann außerdem den Barcode ganz oder teilweise ersetzen und so einen großen Beitrag zur Prozessautomatisierung leisten.


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Las indagaciones de la última década sobre el robo de niños en la dictadura franquista y el silencio por parte de los gobiernos democráticos españoles, han despertado el interés tanto de historiadores como de escritores. Quienes no vivieron directamente el exterminio físico e ideológico del régimen dictatorial, recomponen las identidades que quedaron sepultadas en fosas comunes, pero también esclarecen las apropiaciones por parte del Estado, para que aquellos que aún viven engañados puedan saberlo. Benjamín Prado con Mala gente que camina, se inscribe en el conjunto de autores que trabajan por escribir una memoria histórica capaz de llenar los vacíos que han dejado las generaciones anteriores


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Por lo general, estamos acostumbrados a leer y pensar la poesía de acuerdo a determinados ritmos, sin embargo en una poesía como la del cubano José Kozer -que opta voluntariamente por la maquinación y el robo- el lirismo resulta ineficaz. Las nociones de robo, fracaso y decadencia alumbran toda la poesía de Kozer y se proponen como una especie de destino voluntario y manifiesto ante cierta tradición poética triunfalista moderna. La tarea que cabría al poeta entonces es la ardua labor del talmudista quien, en un acto de devoción, inclina la cabeza para escribir comentarios en los márgenes de un libro eterno que es, a la vez, todos los libros. Este ensayo se propone reflexionar sobre estos aspectos del universo kozeriano sobre todo a partir de sus posibles vinculaciones con el neobarroco latinoamericano


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Las indagaciones de la última década sobre el robo de niños en la dictadura franquista y el silencio por parte de los gobiernos democráticos españoles, han despertado el interés tanto de historiadores como de escritores. Quienes no vivieron directamente el exterminio físico e ideológico del régimen dictatorial, recomponen las identidades que quedaron sepultadas en fosas comunes, pero también esclarecen las apropiaciones por parte del Estado, para que aquellos que aún viven engañados puedan saberlo. Benjamín Prado con Mala gente que camina, se inscribe en el conjunto de autores que trabajan por escribir una memoria histórica capaz de llenar los vacíos que han dejado las generaciones anteriores


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Por lo general, estamos acostumbrados a leer y pensar la poesía de acuerdo a determinados ritmos, sin embargo en una poesía como la del cubano José Kozer -que opta voluntariamente por la maquinación y el robo- el lirismo resulta ineficaz. Las nociones de robo, fracaso y decadencia alumbran toda la poesía de Kozer y se proponen como una especie de destino voluntario y manifiesto ante cierta tradición poética triunfalista moderna. La tarea que cabría al poeta entonces es la ardua labor del talmudista quien, en un acto de devoción, inclina la cabeza para escribir comentarios en los márgenes de un libro eterno que es, a la vez, todos los libros. Este ensayo se propone reflexionar sobre estos aspectos del universo kozeriano sobre todo a partir de sus posibles vinculaciones con el neobarroco latinoamericano


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Por lo general, estamos acostumbrados a leer y pensar la poesía de acuerdo a determinados ritmos, sin embargo en una poesía como la del cubano José Kozer -que opta voluntariamente por la maquinación y el robo- el lirismo resulta ineficaz. Las nociones de robo, fracaso y decadencia alumbran toda la poesía de Kozer y se proponen como una especie de destino voluntario y manifiesto ante cierta tradición poética triunfalista moderna. La tarea que cabría al poeta entonces es la ardua labor del talmudista quien, en un acto de devoción, inclina la cabeza para escribir comentarios en los márgenes de un libro eterno que es, a la vez, todos los libros. Este ensayo se propone reflexionar sobre estos aspectos del universo kozeriano sobre todo a partir de sus posibles vinculaciones con el neobarroco latinoamericano


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Las indagaciones de la última década sobre el robo de niños en la dictadura franquista y el silencio por parte de los gobiernos democráticos españoles, han despertado el interés tanto de historiadores como de escritores. Quienes no vivieron directamente el exterminio físico e ideológico del régimen dictatorial, recomponen las identidades que quedaron sepultadas en fosas comunes, pero también esclarecen las apropiaciones por parte del Estado, para que aquellos que aún viven engañados puedan saberlo. Benjamín Prado con Mala gente que camina, se inscribe en el conjunto de autores que trabajan por escribir una memoria histórica capaz de llenar los vacíos que han dejado las generaciones anteriores


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Notes by unknown author on cases of land rights, debt, and theft.


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Record book of justice of the peace Eldad Taylor, covering cases of debt, libel, rape, profanity, assault, breach of contract and theft. Each entry gives a full statement of the case and its settlement, including decisions of referees, costs, damages, appeals, etc.


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Elias Mann kept this diary during his undergraduate years at Harvard College. The diary begins August 17, 1796 and ends in August of 1800 and also includes several undated sheets filled with excerpts of poems. The daily entries describe many aspects of Mann's life, including not only his experiences at Harvard but also his involvement in the larger community. Entries related to life at Harvard describe club meetings (coffee club, Hasty Pudding Club and Phi Beta Kappa); trips to the theater; dinners at taverns; games and recreation, including a card game called "Loo," cribbage, backgammon, bowling, playing ball, fishing, skating and going for sleigh rides; gathering, and sometimes taking from others' gardens, food (most often plums, peaches, nuts and apples); what he ate (including one breakfast of three raw eggs and two glasses of wine); what he read (including Tristram Shandy and one of "Mrs. Ratcliffe's novels"); his friends, often mentioned by name; and academic work and formalities. In one entry he mentions the theft of several possessions from his room, and there are several entries about trips to Fresh Pond.


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One letter briefly describing Russell’s studies at the home of Rev. Dr. McClintock in Greenland, N.H., where he was staying during a nine-month suspension from Harvard for theft of college property. Tudor, who was also found to be involved, was suspended for six months. Russell also inquires about fellow classmates, some of whom participated in the theft.


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Four letters on topics including their suspension for breaking and entering, and theft of Harvard property, as well as gossip about classmates, and Thacher’s life as an instructor at Phillips Exeter following graduation.