994 resultados para The western Pacific


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Tephra fallout layers and volcaniclastic deposits, derived from volcanic sources around and on the Papuan Peninsula, form a substantial part of the Woodlark Basin marine sedimentary succession. Sampling by the Ocean Drilling Program Leg 180 in the western Woodlark Basin provides the opportunity to document the distribution of the volcanically-derived components as well as to evaluate their chronology, chemistry, and isotope compositions in order to gain information on the volcanic sources and original magmatic systems. Glass shards selected from 57 volcanogenic layers within the sampled Pliocene-Pleistocene sedimentary sequence show predominantly rhyolitic compositions, with subordinate basaltic andesites, basaltic trachy-andesites, andesites, trachy-andesites, dacites, and phonolites. It was possible to correlate only a few of the volcanogenic layers between sites using geochemical and age information apparently because of the formation of strongly compartmentalised sedimentary realms on this actively rifting margin. In many cases it was possible to correlate Leg 180 volcanic components with their eruption source areas based on chemical and isotope compositions. Likely sources for a considerable number of the volcanogenic deposits are Moresby and Dawson Strait volcanoes (D'Entrecasteaux Islands region) for high-K calc-alkaline glasses. The Dawson Strait volcanoes appear to represent the source for five peralkaline tephra layers. One basaltic andesitic volcaniclastic layer shows affinities to basaltic andesites from the Woodlark spreading tip and Cheshire Seamount. For other layers, a clear identification of the sources proved impossible, although their isotope and chemical signatures suggest similarities to south-west Pacific subduction volcanism, e.g. New Britain and Tonga- Kermadec island arcs. Volcanic islands in the Trobriand Arc (for example, Woodlark Island Amphlett Islands and/or Egum Atoll) are probable sources for several volcaniclastic layers with ages between 1.5 to 3 Ma. The Lusancay Islands can be excluded as a source for the volcanogenic layers found during Leg 180. Generally, the volcanogenic layers indicate much calc-alkaline rhyolitic volcanism in eastern Papua since 3.8 Ma. Starting at 135 ka, however, peralkaline tephra layers appear. This geochemical change in source characteristics might reflect the onset of a change in geotectonic regime, from crustal subduction to spreading, affecting the D'Entrecasteaux Islands region. Initial 143Nd/144Nd ratios as low as 0.5121 and 0.5127 for two of the tephra layers are interpreted as indicating that D'Entrecasteaux Islands volcanism younger than 2.9 Ma occasionally interacted with the Late Archean basement, possibly reflecting the mobilisation of the deep continental crust during active rift propagation.


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El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a major source of global interannual variability, but its response to climate change is uncertain. Paleoclimate records from the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) provide insight into ENSO behavior when global boundary conditions (ice sheet extent, atmospheric partial pressure of CO2) were different from those today. In this work, we reconstruct LGM temperature variability at equatorial Pacific sites using measurements of individual planktonic foraminifera shells. A deep equatorial thermocline altered the dynamics in the eastern equatorial cold tongue, resulting in reduced ENSO variability during the LGM compared to the Late Holocene. These results suggest that ENSO was not tied directly to the east-west temperature gradient, as previously suggested. Rather, the thermocline of the eastern equatorial Pacific played a decisive role in the ENSO response to LGM climate.


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Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have enabled us to determine phytoplankton community compositions at high resolution. However, few studies have adopted this approach to assess the responses of natural phytoplankton communities to environmental change. Here, we report the impact of different CO2 levels on spring diatoms in the Oyashio region of the western North Pacific as estimated by NGS of the diatom-specific rbcL gene (DNA), which encodes the large subunit of RubisCO. We also examined the abundance and composition of rbcL transcripts (cDNA) in diatoms to assess their physiological responses to changing CO2 levels. A short-term (3-day) incubation experiment was carried out on-deck using surface Oyashio waters under different pCO2 levels (180, 350, 750, and 1000 µatm) in May 2011. During the incubation, the transcript abundance of the diatom-specific rbcL gene decreased with an increase in seawater pCO2 levels. These results suggest that CO2 fixation capacity of diatoms decreased rapidly under elevated CO2 levels. In the high CO2 treatments (750 and 1000 µatm), diversity of diatom-specific rbcL gene and its transcripts decreased relative to the control treatment (350µatm), as well as contributions of Chaetocerataceae, Thalassiosiraceae, and Fragilariaceae to the total population, but the contributions of Bacillariaceae increased. In the low CO2 treatment, contributions of Bacillariaceae also increased together with other eukaryotes. These suggest that changes in CO2 levels can alter the community composition of spring diatoms in the Oyashio region. Overall, the NGS technology provided us a deeper understanding of the response of diatoms to changes in CO2 levels in terms of their community composition, diversity, and photosynthetic physiology.


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Manganese nodules from the Campbell Plateau and Macquarie Ridge have been chemically analysed and their compositions compared with other Pacific nodules. No significant differences in composition are apparent. Foraminifera from nodule nucleii are late Tertiary or Quaternary, indicating the late geological formation of manganese nodules in this region. Nodule formation may be related to late Tertiary or Quaternary submarine volcanism.


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Phosphate deposits which apparently formed during the Miocene climatic optimum are widespread on the Chatham Rise and Camp bell Plateau, and on seamounts in the north Tasman Sea. They formed under oxidising conditions by the phosphatisation of older or contemporaneous foraminiferal oozes (Campbell Plateau and Chatham Rise) and coral limestones (Tasman Sea). The phosphorites of the rise and plateau were formed where current activity was sufficiently strong to prevent normal sedimentation, and now form lag deposits. After the Miocene, phosphorite formation ceased and was followed by manganese oxide deposition where conditions were highly oxidising on the eastern Campbell Plateau and north Tasman seamounts, and by glauconite formation in the much less oxidising environments of the western Campbell Plateau and the Chat ham Rise. The manganese deposits are not volcanogenic, as was formerly thought, but formed by slow precipitation from well oxygenated sea water.


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Evolution of the planktic foraminiferal lineage Globorotalia (Fohsella) occurred during the Miocene between 23.7 and 11.8 Ma and forms the basis for stratigraphic subdivision of the early middle Miocene (Zones N 10 through N 12). Important morphologic changes within the G. (Fohsella) lineage included a marked increase in test size, a transition from a rounded to an acute periphery, and the development of a keel in later forms. We found that the most rapid changes in morphology of G. (Fohsella) occurred between 13 and 12.7 Ma and coincided with an abrupt increase in the delta18O ratios of shell calcite. Comparison of isotopic results of G. (Fohsella) with other planktic foraminifers indicate that delta18O values of the lineage diverge from surface-dwelling species and approach deep-dwelling species after 13.0 Ma, indicating a change in depth habitat from the surface mixed layer to intermediate depth near the thermocline. Isotopic and faunal evidence suggests that this change in depth stratification was associated with an expansion of the thermocline in the western equatorial Pacific. After adapting to a deeper water habitat at 13.0 Ma, the G. (Fohsella) lineage became extinct abruptly at 11.8 Ma during a period when isotopic and faunal evidence suggest a shoaling of the thermocline. Following the extinction of G. (Fohsella), the ecologic niche of the lineage was filled by the Globorotalia (Menardella) group, which began as a deep-water form and later evolved to an intermediate-water habitat. We suggest that the evolution of G. (Fohsella) and G. (Menardella) were tightly linked to changes in the structure of the thermocline in the western equatorial Pacific.


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A number of scholars in the Asia-Pacific region have in recent years pointed to the importance that cultural values play in influencing journalistic practices. The Asian values debate was followed up with empirical studies showing actual differences in news content when comparing Asian and Western journalism. At the same time, such studies have focused on national cultures only. This paper instead examines the issue against the background of an Indigenous culture in the Asia-Pacific region. It explores the way in which cultural values may have played a role in the journalistic practice of Māori journalists in Aotearoa New Zealand over the past nearly 200 years and finds numerous examples that demonstrate the significance of taking cultural values into account. The paper argues that the role played by cultural values is important to examine further, particularly in relation to journalistic practices amongst sub-national news cultures across the Asia-Pacific region.


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Pacific people have their own unique ways of knowing that shape how they learn and this should be taken into account in planning curriculum and in teaching. Pacific people are more likely to want to learn by doing, seeing, collaborating and in a concrete environment whereas for Western students learning becomes formal quickly and depends more on words and theories. This assumed difference in learning preferences could present a problem for formal learning with the need to bridge the gap psychologically and epistemologically between concrete and formal modes of learning. It could be the reason why some students in the Pacific, even at the tertiary level, rely heavily on rote learning. This chapter is a discussion of learning and assessment practices that help to foster understanding as they might apply to teaching at university in the South Pacific.


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The Indo-West Pacific (IWP), from South Africa in the western Indian Ocean to the western Pacific Ocean, contains some of the most biologically diverse marine habitats on earth, including the greatest biodiversity of chondrichthyan fishes. The region encompasses various densities of human habitation leading to contrasts in the levels of exploitation experienced by chondrichthyans, which are targeted for local consumption and export. The demersal chondrichthyan, the zebra shark, Stegostoma fasciatum, is endemic to the IWP and has two current regional International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List classifications that reflect differing levels of exploitation: ‘Least Concern’ and ‘Vulnerable’. In this study, we employed mitochondrial ND4 sequence data and 13 microsatellite loci to investigate the population genetic structure of 180 zebra sharks from 13 locations throughout the IWP to test the concordance of IUCN zones with demographic units that have conservation value. Mitochondrial and microsatellite data sets from samples collected throughout northern Australia and Southeast Asia concord with the regional IUCN classifications. However, we found evidence of genetic subdivision within these regions, including subdivision between locations connected by habitat suitable for migration. Furthermore, parametric FST analyses and Bayesian clustering analyses indicated that the primary genetic break within the IWP is not represented by the IUCN classifications but rather is congruent with the Indonesian throughflow current. Our findings indicate that recruitment to areas of high exploitation from nearby healthy populations in zebra sharks is likely to be minimal, and that severe localized depletions are predicted to occur in zebra shark populations throughout the IWP region.


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Understanding the host range for all of the fruit fly species within the South Pacific region is vital to establishing trade and quarantine protocols. This is important for the countries within the region and their trade partners. A significant aspect of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) and Regional Fruit Fly Projects (RFFP) has been host fruit collecting which has provided information on fruit fly host records in the seven participating countries. This work is still continuing in all project countries at different intensities. In the Cook Islands, Fiji, Tonga and Western Samoa, fruit surveys have assumed a quarantine surveillance role, with a focus on high risk fruits, such as guava, mango, citrus, bananas, cucurbits and solanaceous fruits. In the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM), fruit surveys are still at the stage where host ranges are far from complete. By the end of the current project a more complete picture of the fruit fly hosts in these countries will have been gained. A brief summary of the data collected to date is as follows: 23 947 fruit samples collected to date; 2181 positive host fruit records; 31 fruit fly species reared from fruit; 12 species reared from commercial fruit. A commercial fruit is classed as an edible fruit with potential for trade at either a local or international level. This allows for the inclusion of endemic fruit species that have cultural significance as a food source. On the basis of these results, there are fruit fly species of major economic importance in the South Pacific region. However, considerably more fruit survey work is required in order to establish a detailed understanding of all the pest species.


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Mikania micrantha (Asteraceae) commonly known as mikania, is a major invasive alien plant (IAP) in the tropical humid agricultural and forest zones of the Asia-Pacific region. This fast-growing Neotropical vine is able to smother plants in agricultural ecosystems, agroforestry and natural habitats, reducing productivity and biodiversity. Fungal pathogens were first investigated for the classical biological control of this weed in 1996. This resulted in the selection and screening of the highly host-specific and damaging rust pathogen, Puccinia spegazzinii (Pucciniales). It was first released in India and China in 2005/6, although it is not believed to have established. Since then, it has been released successfully in Taiwan, Papua New Guinea (PNG), Fiji and most recently Vanuatu. The rust has established and is spreading rapidly after applying lessons learned from the first releases on the best rust pathotype and release strategy. In PNG, direct monitoring of vegetation change has demonstrated that the rust is having a significant impact on M. micrantha, with no unpredicted non-target impacts. Despite this, the authorities in many countries where mikania is a problem remain cautious about releasing the rust. In Western Samoa, introduction of the rust was not pursued because of a conflict of interest, and the perception that mikania suppresses even worse weeds. For some, ‘pathophobia’ is still a major obstacle. In Indonesia, where insects for weed CBC have been introduced, pathogens will currently not be considered. In other countries such as Bhutan and Myanmar, there are no baseline data on the presence and impact of IAPs and, with no history of CBC, no institutional framework for implementing this approach. Malaysia has a well-developed framework, but capacity needs to be built in the country. Overall, it remains critical to have champions at decision making levels. Hence, even with an effective ‘off-the-shelf’ agent available, implementation of mikania CBC still requires significant inputs tailored to the countries’ specific needs.


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I. Scientific Issues Posed by OECOS II. Participant Contributions to the OECOS Workshop A. ASPECTS OF PHYTOPLANKTON ECOLOGY IN THE SUBARCTIC PACIFIC Microbial community compositions by Karen E. Selph Subarctic Pacific lower trophic interactions: Production-based grazing rates and grazing-corrected production rates by Nicholas Welschmeyer Phytoplankton bloom dynamics and their physiological status in the western subarctic Pacific by Ken Furuya Temporal and spatial variability of phytoplankton biomass and productivity in the northwestern Pacific by Sei-ichi Saitoh, Suguru Okamoto, Hiroki Takemura and Kosei Sasaoka The use of molecular indicators of phytoplankton iron limitation by Deana Erdner B. IRON CONCENTRATION AND CHEMICAL SPECIATION Iron measurements during OECOS by Zanna Chase and Jay Cullen 25 The measurement of iron, nutrients and other chemical components in the northwestern North Pacific Ocean by Kenshi Kuma The measurement of iron, nutrients and other chemical components in the northwestern North Pacific Ocean by Kenshi Kuma C. PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY, FINE-SCALE DISTRIBUTION PATTERNS AND AUTONOMOUS DRIFTERS The use of drifters in Lagrangian experiments: Positives, negatives and what can really be measured by Peter Strutton The interaction between plankton distribution patterns and vertical and horizontal physical processes in the eastern subarctic North Pacific by Timothy J. Cowles D. MICROZOOPLANKTON Microzooplankton processes in oceanic waters of the eastern subarctic Pacific: Project OECOS by Suzanne Strom Functional role of microzooplankton in the pelagic marine ecosystem during phytoplankton blooms in the western subarctic Pacific by Takashi Ota and Akiyoshi Shinada E. MESOZOOPLANKTON Vertical zonation of mesozooplankton, and its variability in response to food availability, density stratification, and turbulence by David L. Mackas and Moira Galbraith Marine ecosystem characteristics and seasonal abundance of dominant calanoid copepods in the Oyashio region by Atsushi Yamaguchi, Tsutomu Ikeda and Naonobu Shiga OECOS: Proposed mesozooplankton research in the Oyashio region, western subarctic Pacific by Tsutomu Ikeda Some background on Neocalanus feeding by Michael Dagg Size and growth of interzonally migrating copepods by Charles B. Miller Growth of large interzonal migrating copepods by Toru Kobari F. MODELING Ecosystem and population dynamics modeling by Harold P. Batchelder III. Reports from Workshop Breakout Groups A. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL ASPECTS WITH EMPHASIS ON IRON AND IRON SPECIATION B. PHYTOPLANKTON/MICROZOOPLANKTON STUDIES C. MESOZOOPLANKTON STUDIES IV. Issues arising during the workshop A. PHYTOPLANKTON STOCK VARIATIONS IN HNLC SYSTEMS AND TROPHIC CASCADES IN THE NANO AND MICRO REGIMES B. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN EAST AND WEST IN SITE SELECTION FOR OECOS TIME SERIES C. TIMING OF OECOS EXPEDITIONS D. CHARACTERIZATION OF PHYSICAL OCEANOGRAPHY V. Concluding Remarks VI. References (109 page document)