976 resultados para The Strain


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The stability of Hagen-Poiseuille flow of a Newtonian fluid of viscosity eta in a tube of radius R surrounded by a viscoelastic medium of elasticity G and viscosity eta(s) occupying the annulus R < r < HR is determined using a linear stability analysis. The inertia of the fluid and the medium are neglected, and the mass and momentum conservation equations for the fluid and wall are linear. The only coupling between the mean flow and fluctuations enters via an additional term in the boundary condition for the tangential velocity at the interface, due to the discontinuity in the strain rate in the mean flow at the surface. This additional term is responsible for destabilizing the surface when the mean velocity increases beyond a transition value, and the physical mechanism driving the instability is the transfer of energy from the mean flow to the fluctuations due to the work done by the mean flow at the interface. The transition velocity Gamma(t) for the presence of surface instabilities depends on the wavenumber k and three dimensionless parameters: the ratio of the solid and fluid viscosities eta(r) = (eta(s)/eta), the capillary number Lambda = (T/GR) and the ratio of radii H, where T is the surface tension of the interface. For eta(r) = 0 and Lambda = 0, the transition velocity Gamma(t) diverges in the limits k much less than 1 and k much greater than 1, and has a minimum for finite k. The qualitative behaviour of the transition velocity is the same for Lambda > 0 and eta(r) = 0, though there is an increase in Gamma(t) in the limit k much greater than 1. When the viscosity of the surface is non-zero (eta(r) > 0), however, there is a qualitative change in the Gamma(t) vs. k curves. For eta(r) < 1, the transition velocity Gamma(t) is finite only when k is greater than a minimum value k(min), while perturbations with wavenumber k < k(min) are stable even for Gamma--> infinity. For eta(r) > 1, Gamma(t) is finite only for k(min) < k < k(max), while perturbations with wavenumber k < k(min) or k > k(max) are stable in the limit Gamma--> infinity. As H decreases or eta(r) increases, the difference k(max)- k(min) decreases. At minimum value H = H-min, which is a function of eta(r), the difference k(max)-k(min) = 0, and for H < H-min, perturbations of all wavenumbers are stable even in the limit Gamma--> infinity. The calculations indicate that H-min shows a strong divergence proportional to exp (0.0832 eta(r)(2)) for eta(r) much greater than 1.


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The coherent flame model uses the strain rate to predict reaction rate per unit flame surface area and some procedure that solves for the dynamics of flame surfaces to predict species distributions. The strainrate formula for the reaction rate is obtained from the analytical solution for a flame in a laminar, plane stagnation point flow. Here, the formula's effectiveness is examined by comparisons with data from a direct numerical simulation (DNS) of a round jetlike flow that undergoes transition to turbulence. Significant differences due to general flow features can be understood qualitatively: Model predictions are good in the braids between vortex rings, which are present in the near field of round jets, as the strain rate is extensional and reaction surfaces are isolated. In several other regions, the strain rate is compressive or flame surfaces are folded close together. There, the predictions are poor as the local flow no longer resembles the model flow. Quantitative comparisons showed some discrepancies. A modified, consistent application of the strain-rate solution did not show significant changes in the prediction of mean reaction rate distributions.


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Effects of strain rate (10(-4)-10(-2) s(-1)) on tensile and compressive strength of the Al-Si alloy and Al-Si/graphite composite are investigated. The strain hardening exponent value of the composite was more than that of the alloy for all strain rates during tensile and compressive loading. The yield stress of the composite was more than that of the ultimate tensile strength of the alloy for all strain rates. Tensile and compressive properties of the alloy and composite are dependent on strain rates. The negative strain rate sensitivity was observed for the composite and alloy at lower strain rates during the compression and tension loading respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this article, the effect of initial microstructure on the texture evolution in 2014 Al alloy during equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) through route A has been reported. Three heat treatment conditions were chosen to generate the initial microstructures, namely (i) the recrystallization anneal (as-received), (ii) solution treatment at 768 K for 1 h, and (iii) solution treatment (768 K for 1 h) plus aging at 468 K for 5 h. Texture analyses were performed using orientation distribution function (ODF) method. The texture strength after ECAP processing was different for the three samples in the order, solutionised > solutionised plus aged condition > as-received. The prominent texture components were A (E) /(A) over bar (E) and B(E)/(B) over bar (E) in addition to several weaker components for the three materials. The strong texture evolution in solutionised condition has been attributed to higher strain hardening of the matrix due to higher amount of solute. In case of the as-received as well as solutionised plus aged alloy, the weaker texture could be due to the strain scattering from extensive precipitate fragmentation and dissolution during ECAP.


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The temperature ranges of thermal and athermal deformation behaviour of nickel are identified by employing the temperature-dependence of flow-stress and strain-rate cycling data. The results are used to present a unified view of dislocation mechanisms of glide encompassing the two thermally activated and the intermediate athermal regimes of plastic flow.In the low-temperature thermally activated region (<250 K) the strain rate is found to be controlled by the repulsive intersection of glide and forest dislocations, in accordance with current ideas. The athermal stress in this region can be attributed mainly to the presence of strong attractive junctions which are overcome by means of Orowan bowing, a small contribution also coming from the elastic interactions between dislocations. The values of activation area and activation energy obtained in the high-temperature region (> 750 K) negate the operation of a diffusion-controlled mechanism. Instead, the data support a thermal activation model involving unzipping of the attractive junctions. The internal (long-range) stress contribution here results solely from the elastic interactions between dislocations. This view concerning the high-temperature plastic flow is further supported by the observation that the Cottrell–Stokes law is obeyed over large strains in the range 750–1200 K.


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The effect of base dissipation on the granular flow down an inclined plane is examined by altering the coefficient of restitution between the moving and base particles in discrete element (DE) simulations. The interaction laws between two moving particles are kept fixed, and the coefficient of restitution (damping constant in the DE simulations) between the base and moving particles are altered to reduce dissipation, and inject energy from the base. The energy injection does result in an increase in the strain rate by up to an order of magnitude, and the temperature by up to two orders of magnitude at the base. However, the volume fraction, strain rate and temperature profiles in the bulk (above about 15 particle diameters from the base) are altered very little by the energy injection at the base. We also examine the variation of h(stop), the minimum height at the cessation of flow, with energy injection from the base. It is found that at a fixed angle of inclination, h(stop) decreases as the energy dissipation at the base decreases.


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Carbon nanotubes dispersed in polymer matrix have been aligned in the form of fibers and interconnects and cured electrically and by UV light. Conductivity and effective semiconductor tunneling against reverse to forward bias field have been designed to have differentiable current-voltage response of each of the fiber/channel. The current-voltage response is a function of the strain applied to the fibers along axial direction. Biaxial and shear strains are correlated by differentiating signals from the aligned fibers/channels. Using a small doping of magnetic nanoparticles in these composite fibers, magneto-resistance properties are realized which are strong enough to use the resulting magnetostriction as a state variable for signal processing and computing. Various basic analog signal processing tasks such as addition, convolution and filtering etc. can be performed. These preliminary study shows promising application of the concept in combined analog-digital computation in carbon nanotube based fibers. Various dynamic effects such as relaxation, electric field dependent nonlinearities and hysteresis on the output signals are studied using experimental data and analytical model.


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Using all-atom molecular dynamics simulation, we have studied the effect of size and temperature on the strain induced phase transition of wurtzite CdSe nanowires. The wurtzite structure transforms into a five-fold coordinated structure under uniaxial strain along the c axis. Our results show that lower temperature and smaller size of the nanowires stabilize the five-fold coordinated phase which is not a stable structure in bulk CdSe. High reversibility of this transformation with a very small heat loss will make these nanowires suitable for building efficient nanodevices. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4734990]


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The present work proposes a new sensing methodology, which uses Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs) to measure in vivo the surface strain and strain rate on calf muscles while performing certain exercises. Two simple exercises, namely ankle dorsi-flexion and ankle plantar-flexion, have been considered and the strain induced on the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle while performing these exercises has been monitored. The real time strain generated has been recorded and the results are compared with those obtained using a commercial Color Doppler Ultrasound (CDU) system. It is found that the proposed sensing methodology is promising for surface strain measurements in biomechanical applications.


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We report the temperature evolution of coherently excited acoustic and optical phonon dynamics in the superconducting iron pnictide single crystal Ca(Fe0.944Co0.056)(2)As-2 across the spin density wave transition at T-SDW similar to 85 K and the superconducting transition at T-SC similar to 20 K. The strain pulse propagation model applied to the generation of the acoustic phonons yields the temperature dependence of the optical constants, and longitudinal and transverse sound velocities in the temperature range from 3.1 K to 300 K. The frequency and dephasing times of the phonons show anomalous temperature dependence below T-SC indicating a coupling of these low-energy excitations with the Cooper-pair quasiparticles. A maximum in the amplitude of the acoustic modes at T similar to 170 is seen, attributed to spin fluctuations and strong spin-lattice coupling before T-SDW. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2012


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In this study, the influence of tool rotation speed and feed rate on the forming limit of friction stir welded Al 6061-T651 sheets has been investigated. The forming limit curve was evaluated by limit dome height test performed on all the friction stir welded sheets. The welding trials were conducted at a tool rotation speed of 1300 and 1400 r/min and feed rate of 90 and 100 mm/min. A third trial of welding was performed at a rotational speed of 1500 r/min and feed rate 120 mm/min. It is found that with increase in the tool rotation speed, from 1300 to 1400 r/min, for a constant feed rate, the forming limit of friction stir welded blank has improved and with increase in feed rate, from 90 to 100 mm/min, for a constant tool rotation speed, it has decreased. The forming limit of friction stir welded sheets is better than unwelded sheets. The thickness gradient after forming is severe in the cases of friction stir welded blanks made at higher feed rate and lower rotation speed. The strain hardening exponent of weld (n) increases with increase in tool rotation speed and it decreases with increase in feed rate. It has been demonstrated that the change in the forming limit of friction stir welded sheets with respect to welding parameters is due to the thickness distribution severity and strain hardening exponent of the weld region during forming. There is not much variation in the dome height among the friction stir welded sheets tested. When compared with unwelded sheets, dome height of friction stir welded sheets is higher in near-plane-strain condition, but it is lesser in stretching strain paths.


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This report focuses on the structural and optical properties of the GaN films grown on p-Si (100) substrates along with photovoltaic characteristics of GaN/p-Si heterojunctions fabricated with substrate nitridation and in absence of substrate nitridation. The high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Raman and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopic studies reveal that the significant enhancement in the structural as well as in the optical properties of GaN epifilms grown with silicon nitride buffer layer when compared with the sample grown without silicon nitride buffer layer. The low temperature PL shows a free excitonic (FX) emission peak at 3.51 eV at the temperature of 5 K with a very narrow line width of 35 meV. Temperature dependent PL spectra follow the Varshni equation well and peak energy blue shifts by similar to 63 meV from 300 to 5 K. Raman data confirms the strain free nature and reasonably good crystallinity of the films. The GaN/p-Si heterojunctions fabricated without substrate nitridation show a superior photovoltaic performance compared to the devices fabricated in presence of substrate nitridation. The discussions have been carried out on the junction properties. Such single junction devices exhibit a promising fill factor and conversion efficiency of 23.36 and 0.12 %, respectively, under concentrated AM1.5 illumination.


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The strain-controlled fatigue behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V alloy with up to 0.11 wt.% B addition was investigated. Results show significant softening when the strain amplitudes, Delta epsilon(T)/2, are >= 0.75%. B addition was found to improve the fatigue life for Delta epsilon(T)/2 <= 0.75% as it corresponds to the elastic regime and hence is strength dominated. At Delta epsilon(T)/2 = 1%, in contrast, the base alloy exhibits higher fatigue life as TiB particle cracking due to strain incompatibility causes easy crack nucleation in the B-modified alloys. (C) 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Arterial walls have a regular and lamellar organization of elastin present as concentric fenestrated networks in the media. In contrast, elastin networks are longitudinally oriented in layers adjacent to the media. In a previous model exploring the biomechanics of arterial elastin, we had proposed a microstructurally motivated strain energy function modeled using orthotropic material symmetry. Using mechanical experiments, we showed that the neo-Hookean term had a dominant contribution to the overall form of the strain energy function. In contrast, invariants corresponding to the two fiber families had smaller contributions. To extend these investigations, we use biaxial force-controlled experiments to quantify regional variations in the anisotropy and nonlinearity of elastin isolated from bovine aortic tissues proximal and distal to the heart. Results from this study show that tissue nonlinearity significantly increases distal to the heart as compared to proximally located regions (). Distally located samples also have a trend for increased anisotropy (), with the circumferential direction stiffer than the longitudinal, as compared to an isotropic and relatively linear response for proximally located elastin samples. These results are consistent with the underlying tissue histology from proximally located samples that had higher optical density (), fiber thickness (), and trend for lower tortuosity () in elastin fibers as compared to the thinner and highly undulating elastin fibers isolated from distally located samples. Our studies suggest that it is important to consider elastin fiber orientations in investigations that use microstructure-based models to describe the contributions of elastin and collagen to arterial mechanics.


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This paper describes an ab initio design and development of a novel Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor based strain sensing plate for the measurement of plantar strain distribution in human foot. The primary aim of this work is to study the feasibility of usage of FBG sensors in the measurement of plantar strain in the foot; in particular, to spatially resolve the strain distribution in the foot at different regions such as fore-foot, mid-foot and hind-foot. This study also provides a method to quantify and compare relative postural stability of different subjects under test; in addition, traditional accelerometers have been used to record the movements of center of gravity (second lumbar vertebra) of the subject and the results obtained have been compared against the outcome of the postural stability studies undertaken using the developed FBG plantar strain sensing plate. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.