962 resultados para Territorial division


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Division of labour is one of the most prominent features of social insects. The efficient allocation of individuals to different tasks requires dynamic adjustment in response to environmental perturbations. Theoretical models suggest that the colony-level flexibility in responding to external changes and internal perturbation may depend on the within-colony genetic diversity, which is affected by the number of breeding individuals. However, these models have not considered the genetic architecture underlying the propensity of workers to perform the various tasks. Here, we investigated how both within-colony genetic variability (stemming from variation in the number of matings by queens) and the number of genes influencing the stimulus (threshold) for a given task at which workers begin to perform that task jointly influence task allocation efficiency. We used a numerical agent-based model to investigate the situation where workers had to perform either a regulatory task or a foraging task. One hundred generations of artificial selection in populations consisting of 500 colonies revealed that an increased number of matings always improved colony performance, whatever the number of loci encoding the thresholds of the regulatory and foraging tasks. However, the beneficial effect of additional matings was particularly important when the genetic architecture of queens comprised one or a few genes for the foraging task's threshold. By contrast, a higher number of genes encoding the foraging task reduced colony performance with the detrimental effect being stronger when queens had mated with several males. Finally, the number of genes encoding the threshold for the regulatory task only had a minor effect on colony performance. Overall, our numerical experiments support the importance of mating frequency on efficiency of division of labour and also reveal complex interactions between the number of matings and genetic architecture.


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The evolutionary theory of ageing predicts that the timing of senescence has been primarily shaped by the extrinsic mortality rate, which causes selection intensity to decline over time. One difficulty in testing the evolutionary theory of ageing is that extrinsic mortality risk is often confounded with body size and fecundity, which may also directly affect lifespan. Social insects with a pronounced division of labour between worker castes provide a unique opportunity to study the direct effect of extrinsic mortality on the evolution of ageing rates independently of body size, reproductive effort and genetic configuration. In the weaver ant, Oecophylla smaragdina, the major (large) workers perform the risky tasks outside the nest, while the minor (small) workers stay within the highly protected arboreal nest. Hence, this pronounced division of labour is associated with high differences in extrinsic mortality risks. The evolutionary theory of ageing predicts that the minor workers should have a longer intrinsic lifespan than the major workers. In line with this prediction, we found that in a protected environment the minor workers lived significantly longer than the major workers did. Hence, the ageing rate appears to have been moulded by variation in the extrinsic mortality rate independently of size, reproductive effort and genetic configuration.


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The mechanisms that facilitate the adaptation of Trypanosoma cruzi to two distinct hosts, insect and vertebrate, are poorly understood, in part due to the limited ability to perform gene disruption studies by homologous recombination. This report describes a developmentally-defective phenotype that resulted from integration of a drug marker adjacent to the GAPDH gene in T. cruzi.


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És més que evident la relació de JacintVerdaguer amb el poble de Folgueroles. Tanmateix, aquest estudi mostra llur relaciódes d’una nova perspectiva, en la qual el desenvolupament territorial n’és la base. Folgueroles percep quelcom d’identitari enel poeta i el fa esdevenir recurs clau per tirar endavant un projecte de poble. Mitjançant la descripció del Sistema Local Territorial sorgit a Folgueroles al voltant de la figura del poeta, es defineix aquest projecte, els seus actors principals i les seves relacions, i, finalment, se’n farà una valoració


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Article que analitza l' estructura i els models bàsics d'organització territorial al Bisbat de Girona i que planteja una proposta de divisió territorial per a cada nivell d' organització espacial


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Aquest article presenta les pautes espacials en l'àmbit de la Regió II arran de l'elaboració de l’ estudi sobre l'estructura territorial del Bisbat de Girona realitzat per la Unitat Geogràfica de la Universitat de Girona


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Conferència sobre la dimensió territorial dels nacionalismes, entenent els nacionalismes com unes ideologies sòcio-polítiques que persegueixen uns objectius determinats a través d’unes pràctiques polítiques determinades o com un conjunt d’expressions ideològiques que tracten de fer reconèixer una comunitat com un tot i que, a més, poden traslluir diverses estructures socials. Es tracta, doncs, el tema “dels nacionalismes”, més que no pas “del nacionalisme”


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Problème : Les ambulanciers effectuent souvent des tâches en contexte de division de l'attention. Cette caractéristique du travail peut contribuer à augmenter les risques d'erreurs ou ralentir le déroulement des interventions. Dans les situations d'urgences préhospitalières, cela peut avoir des conséquences dramatiques pour le patient et pour les intervenants. Méthode : Nous avons analysé l'activité réelle de travail d'ambulanciers en contexte d'intervention d'urgences. Notre démarche a impliqué l'accompagnement d'ambulanciers lors d'interventions réelles qu'il nous a été possible de filmer. Les analyses effectuées par une équipe multidisciplinaire ont de plus été complétées et validées par des séances en auto-confrontation. Résultats : Nos analyses ont permis de constater plusieurs exemples de travail en contexte de division de l'attention. De plus, nous avons aussi été en mesure de documenter certaines stratégies mises en oeuvre par ces professionnels afin de diminuer la charge cognitive attribuable à la division de l'attention. Conclusion : Notre étude pilote a permis de mieux comprendre le travail des ambulanciers. Nous avons constaté que la division de l'attention est fréquente et que les professionnels confrontés à cette exigence développent diverses stratégies pour y faire face. Nous avons aussi montré la faisabilité et la pertinence de l'analyse de l'activité réelle de travail lors d'interventions d'urgences préhospitalières. [Auteurs]


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Division of labor is central to the organization of insect societies. Within-colony comparisons between subfamilies of workers (patrilines or matrilines) revealed genetic effects on division of labor in many social insect species. Although this has been taken as evidence for additive genetic effects on division of labor, it has never been experimentally tested. To determine the relative roles of additive and nonadditive genetic effects (e.g., genetic compatibility, epistasis, and parent-of-origin imprinting effects) on worker behavior, we performed controlled crosses using the Argentine ant Linepithema humile. Three of the measured behaviors (the efficiency to collect pupae, the foraging propensity, and the distance between non-brood-tenders and brood) were affected by the maternal genetic background and the two others (the efficiency to feed larvae and the distance between brood-tenders and brood) by the paternal genetic background. Moreover, there were significant interactions between the maternal and paternal genetic backgrounds for three of the five behaviors. These results are most consistent with parent-of-origin and genetic compatibility effects on division of labor. The finding of nonadditive genetic effects is in strong contrast with the current view and has important consequences for our understanding of division of labor in insect societies.


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Estudi sobre la classificació i desclassificació de sòl en nuclis petits de l’Empordà en aplicació de la normativa territorial vigent


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Avui dia parlar de l’Euroregió i de les seves capacitats per optimitzar el nivell de cooperació no és estrany al mon del dret, però no sempre ha estat així. Ha calgut l’experiència positiva de diverses entitats regionals i locals d’arreu d’Europa per començar a reconèixer la importància d’aquest fenomen. Les regions europees havien iniciat diverses actuacions, algunes d'elles als inicis dels seixanta, amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar interessos comuns tractant que les fronteres estatals no suposessin una barrera insuperable. Estructures tal com l'Associació de Regions Frontereres Europees (ARFE), creada el 1969, o les accions dutes a terme per entitats territorials del denominat Arc Alpí (ARGE-ALP, ALPE-ADRIA i COTRAO) van constituir uns dels primers exemples de col·laboració permanent en el continent europeu. Així doncs, si bé a partir dels anys setanta (per posar una data orientativa) s’estengué la col·laboració d’entitats regionals i locals europees no va ser fins a la dècada dels noranta quan aquesta es va consolidar, sobretot pel llançament de les iniciatives comunitàries INTERREG que suposaren un recolzament econòmic a les actuacions empreses des dels seus organismes de cooperació