983 resultados para Territorial configuration


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Disturbances affect metapopulations directly through reductions in population size and indirectly through habitat modification. We consider how metapopulation persistence is affected by different disturbance regimes and the way in which disturbances spread, when metapopulations are compact or elongated, using a stochastic spatially explicit model which includes metapopulation and habitat dynamics. We discover that the risk of population extinction is larger for spatially aggregated disturbances than for spatially random disturbances. By changing the spatial configuration of the patches in the system--leading to different proportions of edge and interior patches--we demonstrate that the probability of metapopulation extinction is smaller when the metapopulation is more compact. Both of these results become more pronounced when colonization connectivity decreases. Our results have important management implication as edge patches, which are invariably considered to be less important, may play an important role as disturbance refugia.


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Dieser Beitrag geht davon aus, dass eine neue Gattung in anderen europäischen Sprachen und Kulturen bereits vorhandene Gattungsformen ,"(re)konfiguriert", um sie der eigenen Sprache und Kultur anzupassen und neue Aussageformen zu schaffen. Dieser Prozess wird am Beispiel der europäischen Märchen aufgezeigt, die der hier formulierten Hypothese nach weder Erzeugnisse einer Universalgattung noch nationaler Folklore sind, sondern komplexe ,"Rekonfigurationen" lateinischer, italienischen und französischer Gattungsformen. Am Beispiel der Histoires ou contes du temps passé, avec des Moralités von 1697 wird gezeigt, wie Charles Perrault mit einer neuartigen ,"Szenographie" das zum Gattungsparadigma gewordene Psyche-Märchen von Apuleius ,"rekonfiguiert". An die Stelle des erzählenden Esels Lucius, der vorgibt, Psyches Geschichte von der alten Magd einer Räuberbande gehört zu haben, setzt Perrault seinen Sohn, Pierre Darmancour, und schafft mit einer pseudo-naiven Szenographie eine neue Gattung, die von den Brüdern Grimm und deren ,"Beiträgerinnen" hugenottischer Herkunft zum Kinder- und Hausmärchen umgearbeitet wird.


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Soil compaction has been recognized as a severe problem in mechanized agriculture and has an influence on many soil properties and processes. Yet, there are few studies on the long-term effects of soil compaction, and the development of soil compaction has been shown through a limited number of soil parameters. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the persistence of soil compaction effects (three traffic treatments: T0, without traffic; T3, three tractor passes; and T5, five tractor passes) on pore system configuration, through static and dynamic determinations; and to determine changes in soil pore orientation due to soil compaction through measurement of hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil in samples taken vertically and horizontally. Traffic led to persistent changes in all the dynamic indicators studied (saturated hydraulic conductivity, K0; effective macro- and mesoporosity, εma and εme), with significantly lower values of K0, εma, and εme in the T5 treatment. The static indicators of bulk density (BD), derived total porosity (TP), and total macroporosity (θma) did not vary significantly among the treatments. This means that machine traffic did not produce persistent changes on these variables after two years. However, the orientation of the soil pore system was modified by traffic. Even in T0, there were greater changes in K0 measured in the samples taken vertically than horizontally, which was more related to the presence of vertical biopores, and to isotropy of K0 in the treatments with machine traffic. Overall, the results showed that dynamic indicators are more sensitive to the effects of compaction and that, in the future, static indicators should not be used as compaction indicators without being complemented by dynamic indicators.


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We prove some results concerning the possible configuration s of Herman rings for transcendental meromorphic functions. We show that one pole is enough to obtain cycles of Herman rings of arbitrary period a nd give a sufficient condition for a configuration to be realizable.


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The discovery of early manuscript reports of Territorial and State Librarians, buried in the mass of old official papers transferred from the several departments of State to the new Department of Archives in the Historical Building, has suggested the propriety of completing as far as possible, the historical record of Iowa's State Library, "from the earliest period to the present time." After a thorough research through the papers on file in the Archives Department, the published Journals and departmental reports in the State Library and documents and private papers loaned me by Mr. Newton R. Parvin, librarian of the Iowa Masonic Library, Cedar Rapids. I am now able to present the following historical sketch, Supplemented by the hitherto unpublished papers referred to this filling a gap in the history of a State institution which from very small beginnings has grown to large proportions and has made for itself a firm place in the respect and esteem of every citizen of Iowa.


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La crise financière de 2008 a entraîné une remise en question des modes d'investissements de l'Etat dans la production territoriale. Ces transformations permettent-elles pour autant de réduire le déséquilibre croissant qui caractérise le développement des aires urbaines et celui des régions rurales?


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nd items. Once maps are drawn up they are digitized and put into a GIS and finally subjected to quality control. Table 4 shows the most important habitats (according to polygon number and area covered) and the least represented habitats in the sheets drawn so far. Sheets can be obtained through internet (www.gencat.net/mediamb/pn.htm).


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En los años transcurridos desde 1975, la población de Cataluña ha experimentado cambios drásticos en las tendencias demográficas, a saber: el hundimiento de 10s niveles de nupcialidad y natalidad y la inversión de la relación migratoria con el resto de España. Dichas transformaciones no se han producido de forma homopénea, dándose una notable variedad de shtuaciones a nivel comarcal y local. El presente trabajo se propone, en primer lugar, analizar la evolución de 10s hechos demográficos en Cataluña de 1975 a 1982, intentando poner de manifiesto 10s mecanismos que han provocado el desplome del que fue esplendoroso crecimiento poblacional; en segundo lugar, estudiar la incidencia de dicha evolución en la distribución territorial de la población; y, finalmente, reflexionar sobre las perspectivas de evolución que ofrece la situación actual.


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This paper presents the results of the first phase of archaeological and historical study developed in the Vallès Oriental. It has done a complete study of the archaeological information available from the several documentary sources (bibliography, IPAC, etc.). This has lead to an interpretative update on the forms of occupation and settlement dynamics developed in the study area during the 5th BC to 1st century AD. Preliminary results of the archaeomorphological analysis focused primarily on the road network are also presented. The first results highlight the importance of territorial organization programs of the late 2nd BC and 1st century BC. In this sense, it has been documented a close relationship between the road network and the distribution of rural settlements in late-Republican and Augustan periods. The use of databases in the management of archaeological information, and especially the application of GIS in the analysis and interpretation of data, suggest new interpretive approaches.


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En aquest article, s’hi presenta el procés d’elaboració, la metodologia, les reflexions i les conclusions del Llibre Blanc de l’Eurodistricte Català Transfronterer elaborat per la Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière (MOT) i la Universitat de Girona (UdG). L’estudi té per objectiu acompanyar la definició i l’emergència d’un projecte de territori transfronterer basat en la realitat d’un àmbit territorial compartit entre el departament dels Pirineus Orientals i les comarques de la província de Girona. El contingut del Llibre Blanc es divideix en tres parts: un diagnòstic transfronterer complet, l’anàlisi dels reptes d’aquest territori i les opcions de governança del territori transfronterer. Després de descriure el context territorial, la metodologia i les conclusions de l’estudi, s’hi fa un breu repàs de quin és l’estat del procés en l’actualitat