867 resultados para Telemedicina, Body Area Network, Tecnologie Wireless, Standard di comunicazione, Sensori
In questa tesi ci si pone l'obiettivo di sviluppare sistemi distribuiti composti da device mobile che si scambiano informazioni tramite comunicazioni opportunistiche wireless peer-to-peer. Vengono inizialmente analizzate le principali tecnologie di comunicazione wireless adatte allo scopo, soffermandosi sulle reti Wifi ad hoc, delle quali vengono studiate le performance in sistemi di larga scala tramite il simulatore di reti ns-3. Successivamente viene esposto lo sviluppo di componenti software, basati su Akka Stream, per la costruzione di campi computazionali tramite comunicazioni opportunistiche tra device Android, effettuate tramite reti Wifi ad hoc.
Many studies have attempted to identify the different cognitive components of body representation (BR). Due to methodological issues, the data reported in these studies are often confusing. Here we summarize the fMRI data from previous studies and explore the possibility of a neural segregation between BR supporting actions (body-schema, BS) or not (non-oriented-to-action-body-representation, NA). We performed a general activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of 59 fMRI experiments and two individual meta-analyses to identify the neural substrates of different BR. Body processing involves a wide network of areas in occipital, parietal, frontal and temporal lobes. NA selectively activates the somatosensory primary cortex and the supramarginal gyrus. BS involves the primary motor area and the right extrastriate body area. Our data suggest that motor information and recognition of body parts are fundamental to build BS. Instead, sensory information and processing of the egocentric perspective are more important for NA. In conclusion, our results strongly support the idea that different and segregated neural substrates are involved in body representations orient or not to actions.
Nella società odierna, le telecomunicazioni costituiscono un’esigenza fondamentale della vita quotidiana. Difatti, il mercato della ICT (Information and Communications Technology) è in costante espansione, e viene accompagnato da un rapido sviluppo di nuove tecnologie. In particolare, si assiste a un sempre più rilevante ruolo svolto dalle comunicazioni ottiche, ovvero sfruttanti la luce: in questo contesto, il quale comprende diversi rami ingegneristici, si stanno progressivamente affermando nuove forme di comunicazione basate sulla luce visibile, la cosiddetta Visible Light Communication (VLC). Con questa Tesi ci si propone di implementare con Simulink e stateflow di Matlab il livello MAC (Medium Access Control), basato sullo standard IEEE 802.15.7 per le VLC e valutarne le prestazioni. Prescinde da questa Tesi la parte di implementazione su scheda stessa che è lasciata per sviluppi futuri. Nel capitolo uno si introducono le VLC e si discutono i principali scenari attuali dove possono diffondersi. Nel capitolo 2, si mostrano le principali linee guida afferenti agli standard che sono risultate necessarie per sviluppare lo strato MAC. Nei capitoli 3 e 4 si mostra come il layer sviluppato possa essere utilizzato in due principali situazioni: nel capitolo 3 è descritta la realizzazione di una comunicazione punto-punto, ovvero con un trasmettitore e un ricevitore; nel capitolo 4 è descritta l’implementazione di una rete di nodi, ambito in cui il livello MAC risulta indispensabile. Per ognuna delle situazioni si illustrano scelte e caratteristiche dei sistemi simulati e i risultati ottenuti, cercando di coprire diverse eventualità che intercorrono, più in generale, nella gestione e implementazione di sistemi di telecomunicazione wireless.
Questo elaborato presenta il progetto di una interfaccia per l'aggiunta di sensori inerziali ad un nodo di una WSN (Wireless Sensor Network) �finalizzato al monitoraggio delle frane. Analizzando i vantaggi che avrebbe portato l'utilizzo di ulteriori sensori, si �e cercato di fornire un valido approccio di progettazione; in particolare l'idea �e quella di integrarli con un giroscopio ed un accelerometro aventi applicazioni in altri settori. Con questo particolare utilizzo, essi possono portare ad un miglior monitoraggio riuscendo a rilevare i movimenti in modo dettagliato ed a riconoscere i falsi allarmi. Nell'approccio che si intende suggerire verranno sfruttate schede per la prototipazione rapida, user-friendly e con costi decisamente accessibili, adatte alla sperimentazione elettronica e per lo sviluppo di nuovi dispositivi. Attraverso l'utilizzo di ambienti di sviluppo appositamente creati, si sono simulate le comunicazioni tra nodo e scheda di sensori, mettendo in evidenza i vantaggi ottenuti. Buona parte del progetto ha riguardato la programmazione in linguaggio C/C++, con una particolare attenzione al risparmio energetico.
La tesi si incentra sullo studio del simulatore Network Simulator 3 per la simulazione di reti LTE. Si inizia con l'introduzione allo standard LTE, definendone le tecnologie utilizzate e le innovazioni apportate alle reti di comunicazione. Si introduce, quindi, il simulatore ns-3 e ci si sofferma sulle funzionalità utilizzate. Si prosegue con la presentazione e la valutazione di simulazioni del sistema LTE in scenari con uno o due eNodeB e uno o due utenti mobili per verificare il funzionamento del simulatore e del sistema LTE in termini di throughput, ritardi e di funzionalità di handover. Infine, si presentano simulazioni della rete LTE nello scenario di Bologna tramite l'utilizzo del route mobility model per la generazione di traffico realistico. I risultati mostrano il throughput medio percepito da ciascun utente in funzione della copertura effettuata e suggeriscono potenziali sviluppi futuri in termini di copertura e sviluppo di rete.
Abstract - Mobile devices in the near future will need to collaborate to fulfill their function. Collaboration will be done by communication. We use a real world example of robotic soccer to come up with the necessary structures required for robotic communication. A review of related work is done and it is found no examples come close to providing a RANET. The robotic ad hoc network (RANET) we suggest uses existing structures pulled from the areas of wireless networks, peer to peer and software life-cycle management. Gaps are found in the existing structures so we describe how to extend some structures to satisfy the design. The RANET design supports robot cooperation by exchanging messages, discovering needed skills that other robots on the network may possess and the transfer of these skills. The network is built on top of a Bluetooth wireless network and uses JXTA to communicate and transfer skills. OSGi bundles form the skills that can be transferred. To test the nal design a reference implementation is done. Deficiencies in some third party software is found, specifically JXTA and JamVM and GNU Classpath. Lastly we look at how to fix the deciencies by porting the JXTA C implementation to the target robotic platform and potentially eliminating the TCP/IP layer, using UDP instead of TCP or using an adaptive TCP/IP stack. We also propose a future areas of investigation; how to seed the configuration for the Personal area network (PAN) Bluetooth protocol extension so a Bluetooth TCP/IP link is more quickly formed and using the STP to allow multi-hop messaging and transfer of skills.
The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of mine automation applications, developed at the Queensland Centre for Advanced Technology (QCAT), which make use of IEEE 802.11b wireless local area networks (WLANs). The paper has been prepared for a 2002 conference entitled "Creating the Virtual Enterprise - Leveraging wireless technology within existing business models for corporate advantage". Descriptions of the WLAN components have been omitted here as such details are presented in the accompanying papers. The structure of the paper is as follows. Application overviews are provided in Sections 2 to 7. Some pertinent strengths and weaknesses are summarised in Section 8. Please refer to http://www.mining-automation.com/ or contact the authors for further information.
As the acceptance and popularity of wireless networking technologies has proliferated, the security of the IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network (WLAN) has advanced in leaps and bounds. From tenuous beginnings, where the only safe way to deploy a WLAN was to assume it was hostile and employ higherlayer information security controls, to the current state of the art, all manner of improvements have been conceived and many implemented. This work investigates some of the remaining issues surrounding IEEE 802.11 WLAN operation. While the inherent issues in WLAN deployments and the problems of the original Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) provisions are well known and widely documented, there still exist a number of unresolved security issues. These include the security of management and control frames and the data link layer protocols themselves. This research introduces a novel proposal to enhance security at the link layer of IEEE 802.11 WLANs and then conducts detailed theoretical and empirical investigation and analysis of the eects of such proposals. This thesis �rst de�nes the state of the art in WLAN technology and deployment, including an overview of the current and emerging standards, the various threats, numerous vulnerabilities and current exploits. The IEEE 802.11i MAC security enhancements are discussed in detail, along with the likely outcomes of the IEEE 802.11 Task Group W1, looking into protected management frames. The problems of the remaining unprotected management frames, the unprotected control frames and the unprotected link layer headers are reviewed and a solution is hypothesised, to encrypt the entire MAC Protocol Data Unit (MPDU), including the MAC headers, not just the MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) commonly performed by existing protocols. The proposal is not just to encrypt a copy of the headers while still using cleartext addresses to deliver the frame, as used by some existing protocols to support the integrity and authenticity of the headers, but to pass the entire MPDU only as ciphertext to also support the con�dentiality of the frame header information. This necessitates the decryption of every received frame using every available key before a station can determine if it is the intended recipient. As such, this raises serious concerns as to the viability of any such proposal due to the likely impact on throughput and scalability. The bulk of the research investigates the impacts of such proposals on the current WLAN protocols. Some possible variations to the proposal are also provided to enhance both utility and speed. The viability this proposal with respect to the eect on network throughput is then tested using a well known and respected network simulation tool, along with a number of analysis tools developed speci�cally for the data generated here. The simulator's operation is �rst validated against recognised test outputs, before a comprehensive set of control data is established, and then the proposal is tested and and compared against the controls. This detailed analysis of the various simulations should be of bene�t to other researchers who need to validate simulation results. The analysis of these tests indicate areas of immediate improvement and so the protocols are adjusted and a further series of experiments conducted. These �nal results are again analysed in detail and �nal appraisals provided.
A trend in design and implementation of modern industrial automation systems is to integrate computing, communication and control into a unified framework at different levels of machine/factory operations and information processing. These distributed control systems are referred to as networked control systems (NCSs). They are composed of sensors, actuators, and controllers interconnected over communication networks. As most of communication networks are not designed for NCS applications, the communication requirements of NCSs may be not satisfied. For example, traditional control systems require the data to be accurate, timely and lossless. However, because of random transmission delays and packet losses, the control performance of a control system may be badly deteriorated, and the control system rendered unstable. The main challenge of NCS design is to both maintain and improve stable control performance of an NCS. To achieve this, communication and control methodologies have to be designed. In recent decades, Ethernet and 802.11 networks have been introduced in control networks and have even replaced traditional fieldbus productions in some real-time control applications, because of their high bandwidth and good interoperability. As Ethernet and 802.11 networks are not designed for distributed control applications, two aspects of NCS research need to be addressed to make these communication networks suitable for control systems in industrial environments. From the perspective of networking, communication protocols need to be designed to satisfy communication requirements for NCSs such as real-time communication and high-precision clock consistency requirements. From the perspective of control, methods to compensate for network-induced delays and packet losses are important for NCS design. To make Ethernet-based and 802.11 networks suitable for distributed control applications, this thesis develops a high-precision relative clock synchronisation protocol and an analytical model for analysing the real-time performance of 802.11 networks, and designs a new predictive compensation method. Firstly, a hybrid NCS simulation environment based on the NS-2 simulator is designed and implemented. Secondly, a high-precision relative clock synchronization protocol is designed and implemented. Thirdly, transmission delays in 802.11 networks for soft-real-time control applications are modeled by use of a Markov chain model in which real-time Quality-of- Service parameters are analysed under a periodic traffic pattern. By using a Markov chain model, we can accurately model the tradeoff between real-time performance and throughput performance. Furthermore, a cross-layer optimisation scheme, featuring application-layer flow rate adaptation, is designed to achieve the tradeoff between certain real-time and throughput performance characteristics in a typical NCS scenario with wireless local area network. Fourthly, as a co-design approach for both a network and a controller, a new predictive compensation method for variable delay and packet loss in NCSs is designed, where simultaneous end-to-end delays and packet losses during packet transmissions from sensors to actuators is tackled. The effectiveness of the proposed predictive compensation approach is demonstrated using our hybrid NCS simulation environment.
For the physical-layer network-coded wireless two-way relaying, it was observed by Koike-Akino et al. that adaptively changing the network coding map used at the relay according to channel conditions greatly reduces the impact of multiple-access interference, which occurs at the relay, and all these network coding maps should satisfy a requirement called exclusive law. We extend this approach to an accumulate-compute-and-forward protocol, which employs two phases: a multiple access (MA) phase consisting of two channel uses with independent messages in each channel use and a broadcast (BC) phase having one channel use. Assuming that the two users transmit points from the same 4-phase-shift keying (PSK) constellation, every such network coding map that satisfies the exclusive law can be represented by a Latin square of side 16, and conversely, this relationship can be used to get the network coding maps satisfying the exclusive law. Two methods of obtaining this network coding map to be used at the relay are discussed. Using the structural properties of the Latin squares for a given set of parameters, the problem of finding all the required maps is reduced to finding a small set of maps for the case. Having obtained all the Latin squares, a criterion is provided to select a Latin square for a given realization of fade state. This criterion turns out to be the same as the one used byMuralidharan et al. for two-stage bidirectional relaying.
For the first time in the open literature we present a full characterization of the performance of receiver diversity for the on-body channels found in body area networks. The study involved three commonly encountered diversity combining schemes: selection combination (SC), maximal ratio combining (MRC) and equal gain combining (EGC). Measurements were conducted for both stationary and mobile user scenarios in an anechoic chamber and open office area environment. Achievable diversity gain for various on-body dual branch diversity receivers, consisting of horizontal and vertical spatially separated antennas, was found to be dependent upon transmitter-receive array separation, user state and level of multipath contribution from the local environment. The maximum diversity gain (6.4 dB) was observed for a horizontal two branch MRC combiner while the transmitter and receiver were on opposite sides of the body, and the user was mobile in the open office area. A novel statistical characterization of the fading experienced in on-body diversity channels is also performed using purposely derived first and second order diversity statistics for combiners operating in Nakagami fading.
The human body is an extremely challenging environment for the operation of wireless communications systems, not least because of the complex antenna-body electromagnetic interaction effects which can occur. This is further compounded by the impact of movement and the propagation characteristics of the local environment which all have an effect upon body centric communications channels. As the successful design of body area networks (BANs) and other types of body centric system is inextricably linked to a thorough understanding of these factors, the aim of this paper is to conduct a survey of the current state of the art in relation to propagation and channel models primarily for BANs but also considering other types of body centric communications. We initially discuss some of the standardization efforts performed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 802.15.6 task group before focusing on the two most popular types of technologies currently being considered for BANs, namely narrowband and Ultrawideband (UWB) communications. For narrowband communications the applicability of a generic path loss model is contended, before presenting some of the scenario specific models which have proven successful. The impacts of human body shadowing and small-scale fading are also presented alongside some of the most recent research into the Doppler and time dependencies of BANs. For UWB BAN communications, we again consider the path loss as well as empirical tap delay line models developed from a number of extensive channel measurement campaigns conducted by research institutions around the world. Ongoing efforts within collaborative projects such as Committee on Science and Technology Action IC1004 are also described. Finally, recent years have also seen significant developments in other areas of body centric communications such as off-body and body-to-body communications. We highlight some of the newest relevant research in these areas as well as discussing some of the advanced topics which are currently being addressed in the field of body centric communications. Key Points Channel models for body centric comms ©2014. The Authors.
This study reports the performance of an Archimedean spiral antenna, which exhibits unidirectional circularly polarized radiation patterns with a peak gain >8 dBic in the lower (2.4–2.485 GHz) and upper (5.15–5.35 and 5.725–5.875 GHz) Wireless local area network frequency bands. The required backlobe suppression and impedance match are obtained by placing a multiresonant high impedance surface (HIS) in close proximity to the radiating aperture. Simulated and measured radiation patterns are shown at the center frequency of all three channels and a comparison of the key performance metrics is made with free space and metal backed antenna arrangements to demonstrate the enhancements which are attributed to the HIS reflector.
The Acoustic Oceanographic Buoy (AOB) Telemetry System has been designed to meet acoustic rapid environmental assessment requirements. It uses a standard institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 802.11 wireless local area network (WLAN) to integrate the air radio network (RaN) and a hydrophone array and acoustic source to integrate the underwater acoustic network (AcN). It offers advantages including local data storage, dedicated signal processing, and global positioning system (GPS) timing and localization. The AOB can also be integrated with other similar systems, due to its WLAN transceivers, to form a flexible network and perform on-line high speed data transmissions. The AOB is a reusable system that requires less maintenance and can also work as a salt-water plug-and-play system at sea as it is designed to operate in free drifting mode. The AOB is also suitable for performing distributed digital signal processing tasks due to its digital signal processor facility.