988 resultados para Tectonic geomorphology


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An overview of geologic constraints on the age and extent of the Great Falls tectonic zone, a northeast-trending set of faults identified in west-central Montana.


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The outermost layer of the Earth is broken into tectonic plates whose motions cause earthquakes and volcanism. Much of what we know about the structure of these plates comes from studying the Earth's surface. Seismic waves recorded by the EarthScope Transportable Array, however, show us the internal structure of plates down to 200 km deep and help us understand the relationship between deep structure and the Earth's surface. EarthScope images for the western United States hint at the presence of the mid-depth discontinuities. To better understand these features, Dr. Lekic relates them to the geologic history of the west.


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[1] Two millimeter-sized hydrothermal monazites from an open fissure (cleft) that developed late during a dextral transpressional deformation event in the Aar Massif, Switzerland, have been investigated using electron microprobe and ion probe. The monazites are characterized by high Th/U ratios typical of other hydrothermal monazites. Deformation events in the area have been subdivided into three phases: (D1) main thrusting including formation of a new schistosity, (D2) dextral transpression, and (D3) local crenulation including development of a new schistosity. The two younger deformational structures are related to a subvertically oriented intermediate stress axis, which is characteristic for strike slip deformation. The inferred stress environment is consistent with observed kinematics and the opening of such clefts. Therefore, the investigated monazite-bearing cleft formed at the end of D2 and/or D3, and during dextral movements along NNW dipping planes. Interaction of cleft-filling hydrothermal fluid with wall rock results in rare earth element (REE) mineral formation and alteration of the wall rock. The main newly formed REE minerals are Y-Si, Y-Nb-Ti minerals, and monazite. Despite these mineralogical changes, the bulk chemistry of the system remains constant and thus these mineralogical changes require redistribution of elements via a fluid over short distances (centimeter). Low-grade alteration enables local redistribution of REE, related to the stability of the accessory phases. This allows high precision isotope dating of cleft monazite. 232Th/208Pb ages are not affected by excess Pb and yield growth domain ages between 8.03 ± 0.22 and 6.25 ± 0.60 Ma. Monazite crystallization in brittle structures is coeval or younger than 8 Ma zircon fission track data and hence occurred below 280°C.


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The presence of hundreds of rectangular and oriented lakes is one of the most striking characteristics of the Llanos de Moxos (LM) landscape in the Bolivian Amazon. Oriented lakes also occur in the Arctic coastal plains of Russia, Alaska and Canada and along the Atlantic Coastal Plain from northeast Florida to southeast New Jersey and along the coast of northeast Brazil. Many different mechanisms have been proposed for their formation. In the LM, Plafker's (1964) tectonic model, in which subsidence results from the propagation of bedrock faults through the foreland sediments, is the most accepted. However, this model has not been verified. Here, we present new results from stratigraphic transects across the borders of three rectangular and oriented lakes in the LM. A paleosol buried under mid-Holocene sediments is used as a stratigraphic marker to assess the vertical displacement of sediments on both sides of the alleged faults. Our results show that there is no vertical displacement and, therefore, that Plafker's model can be ruled out. We suggest that, among all the proposed mechanisms behind lake formation, the combined action of wind and waves is the most likely. The evidence from the LM provides new hints for the formation of oriented lakes worldwide.


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There are different views about the amount and timing of surface uplift in the Transantarctic Mountains and the geophysical mechanisms involved. Our new interpretation of the landscape evolution and tectonic history of the Dry Valleys area of the Transantarctic Mountains is based on geomorphic mapping of an area of 10,000 km(2). The landforms are dated mainly by their association with volcanic ashes and glaciomarine deposits and this permits a reconstruction of the stages and timing of landscape evolution. Following a lowering of base level about 55 m.y. ago, there was a phase of rapid denudation associated with planation and escarpment retreat, probably under semiarid conditions. Eventually, downcutting by rivers, aided in places by glaciers, graded valleys to near present sea level. The main valleys were flooded by the sea in the Miocene during a phase of subsidence before experiencing a final stage of modest upwarping near the coast. There has been remarkably little landform change under the stable, cold, polar conditions of the last 15 m.y. It is difficult to explain the Sirius Group deposits, which occur at high elevations in the area, if they are Pliocene in age. Overall, denudation may have removed a wedge of rock with a thickness of over 4 km at the coast declining to 1 km at a point 75 km inland, which is in good agreement with the results of existing apatite fission track analyses. It is suggested that denudation reflects the differences in base level caused by high elevation at the time of extension due to underplating and the subsequent role of thermal uplift and flexural isostasy. Most crustal uplift (2-4 km) is inferred to have occurred in the early Cenozoic with 400 m of subsidence in the Miocene followed by 300 m of uplift in the Pliocene.


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In the Bolivian Amazon several paleochannel generations are preserved. Their wide spectrum of morphologies clearly provides crucial information on the type and magnitude of geomorphic and hydrological changes within the drainage network of the Andean foreland. Therefore, in this study we mapped geomorphological characteristics of paleochannels, and applied radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence dating. Seven paleochannel generations are identified. Significant changes in sinuosity, channel widths and river pattern are observed for the successive paleochannel generations. Our results clearly reflect at least three different geomorphic and hydrological periods in the evolution of the fluvial system since the late Pleistocene. Changes in discharge and sediment load may be controlled by combinations of two interrelated mechanisms: (i) spatial changes and re-organizations of the drainage network in the upper catchment, and/or (ii) climate changes with their associated local to catchment-scale modifications in vegetation cover, and changes in discharge, inundation frequencies and magnitudes, which have likely affected the evolution of the fluvial system in the Llanos de Moxos. In summary, our study has revealed the enormous potential which geomorphic mapping and analysis combined with luminescence based chronologies hold for the reconstruction of the late Pleistocene to recent fluvial system in a large portion of Amazonia.


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Hellas basin is a large impact basin situated in the southern highlands of Mars. The north-western part of the basin has the lowest elevation (-7.5 km) on the planet and contains a possibly unique terrain type, which we informally call “banded terrain”. The banded terrain is made up of smooth-looking banded deposits that display signs of viscous behavior and a paucity of superimposed impact craters. In this study, we use newly acquired high spatial resolution images from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) in addition to existing datasets to characterize the geomorphology, the morphometry and the architecture of the banded terrain. The banded terrain is generally confined to the NW edge of the Alpheus Colles plateau. The individual bands are ~3–15 km-long, ~0.3 km-wide and are separated by narrow inter-band depressions, which are ~65 m-wide and ~10 m-deep. The bands display several morphologies that vary from linear to concentric forms. Morphometric analysis reveals that the slopes along a given linear or lobate band ranges from 0.5° to 15° (average~6°), whereas the concentric bands are located on flatter terrain (average slope~2–3°). Crater-size frequency analysis yields an Amazonian-Hesperian boundary crater retention age for the terrain (~3 Gyr), which together, with the presence of very few degraded craters, either implies a recent emplacement, resurfacing, or intense erosion. The apparent sensitivity to local topography and preference for concentrating in localized depressions is compatible with deformation as a viscous fluid. In addition, the bands display clear signs of degradation and slumping at their margins along with a suite of other features that include fractured mounds, polygonal cracks at variable size-scales, and knobby/hummocky textures. Together, these features suggest an ice-rich composition for at least the upper layers of the terrain, which is currently being heavily modified through loss of ice and intense weathering, possibly by wind.


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The geologic structures and metamorphic zonation of the northwestern Indian Himalaya contrast significantly with those in the central and eastern parts of the range, where the high-grade metamorphic rocks of the High Himalayan Crystalline (HHC) thrust southward over the weakly metamorphosed sediments of the Lesser Himalaya along the Main Central Thrust (MCT). Indeed, the hanging wall of the MCT in the NW Himalaya mainly consists of the greenschist facies metasediments of the Chamba zone, whereas HHC high-grade rocks are exposed more internally in the range as a large-scale dome called the Gianbul dome. This Gianbul dome is bounded by two oppositely directed shear zones, the NE-dipping Zanskar Shear Zone (ZSZ) on the northern flank and the SW-dipping Miyar Shear Zone (MSZ) on the southern limb. Current models for the emplacement of the HHC in NW India as a dome structure differ mainly in terms of the roles played by both the ZSZ and the MSZ during the tectonothermal evolution of the HHC. In both the channel flow model and wedge extrusion model, the ZSZ acts as a backstop normal fault along which the high-grade metamorphic rocks of the HHC of Zanskar are exhumed. In contrast, the recently proposed tectonic wedging model argues that the ZSZ and the MSZ correspond to one single detachment system that operates as a subhorizontal backthrust off of the MCT. Thus, the kinematic evolution of the two shear zones, the ZSZ and the MSZ, and their structural, metamorphic and chronological relations appear to be diagnostic features for discriminating the different models. In this paper, structural, metamorphic and geochronological data demonstrate that the MSZ and the ZSZ experienced two distinct kinematic evolutions. As such, the data presented in this paper rule out the hypothesis that the MSZ and the ZSZ constitute one single detachment system, as postulated by the tectonic wedging model. Structural, metamorphic and geochronological data are used to present an alternative tectonic model for the large-scale doming in the NW Indian Himalaya involving early NE-directed tectonics, weakness in the upper crust, reduced erosion at the orogenic front and rapid exhumation along both the ZSZ and the MSZ.


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The Dent Blanche Tectonic System (DBTS) is a composite thrust sheet derived from the previously thinned passive Adriatic continental margin. A kilometric high-strain zone, the Roisan-Cignana Shear Zone (RCSZ) defines the major tectonic boundary within the DBTS and separates it into two subunits, the Dent Blanche s.s. nappe to the northwest and the Mont Mary nappe to the southeast. Within this shear zone, tectonic slices of Mesozoic and pre-Alpine meta-sediments became amalgamated with continental basement rocks of the Adriatic margin. The occurrence of high pressure assemblages along the contact between these tectonic slices indicates that the amalgamation occurred prior to or during the subduction process, at an early stage of the Alpine orogenic cycle. Detailed mapping, petrographic and structural analysis show that the Roisan-Cignana Shear Zone results from several superimposed Alpine structural and metamorphic stages. Subduction of the continental fragments is recorded by blueschist-facies deformation, whereas the Alpine collision is reflected by a greenschist facies overprint associated with the development of large-scale open folds. The postnappe evolution comprises the development of low-angle brittle faults, followed by large-scale folding (Vanzone phase) and finally brittle extensional faults. The RCSZ shows that fragments of continental crust had been torn off the passive continental margin prior to continental collision, thus recording the entire history of the orogenic cycle. The role of preceding Permo-Triassic lithospheric thinning, Jurassic rifting, and ablative subduction processes in controlling the removal of crustal fragments from the reactivated passive continental margin is discussed. Results of this study constrain the temporal sequence of the tectono-metamorphic processes involved in the assembly of the DBTS, but they also show limits on the interpretation. In particular it remains difficult to judge to what extent precollisional rifting at the Adriatic continental margin preconditioned the efficiency of convergent processes, i.e. accretion, subduction, and orogenic exhumation.


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