233 resultados para TPD


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A series of iron containing zeolites with varying Si/Al ratios (11.5-140) and low iron content (similar to 0.9 wt.% Fe) have been synthesised by solid-state ion exchange with commercially available zeolites and tested, for the first time, in the oxidative dehydrogenation of propane (ODHP) with N2O. The samples were characterised by XRD, N-2-Adsorption, NH3-TPD and DR-UV-vis spectroscopy. The acidity of the Fe-ZSM-5 can be controlled by high temperature and steam treatments and Si/Al ratio. The selectivity and yield of propene were found to be the highest over Fe-ZSM-5 with low Al contents and reduced acidity. The initial propene yield over Fe-ZSM-5 was significantly higher than that of Fe-SiO2 since the presence of weak and/or medium acid sites together with oligonuclear iron species and iron oxides on the ZSM-5 are found to enhance the N2O activation. The coking of Fe-ZSM-5 catalysts could also be controlled by reduction of the surface acidity of ZSM-5 and by the use of O-2 in addition to N2O as the oxidant. Fe-ZSM-5 zeolites prepared with solid-state method have been shown to have comparable activity and better stability towards coking compared with Fe-ZSM-5 zeolites prepared by liquid ion exchange and hydrothermal synthesis methods. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 commercial catalyst for methanol synthesis from syngas was investigated under operational conditions. HERFD XAS and EXAFS data were recorded under different reaction gas mixtures, temperatures, and pressures. Activation of the catalyst precursor occurred via a Cu+ intermediate. The active catalyst predominantly consists of metallic Cu and ZnO. Methanol production only starts when all accessible Cu is reduced. The structure of the active catalyst did not change with temperature or pressure even though the methanol yield changed strongly. Formation of a carbon-containing layer on top of the catalyst surface was detected by TPD, which was correlated with a several-hour induction period in the methanol production after the catalyst reduction.


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A commercially available coconut-shell-derived active carbon was oxidized with nitric acid, and both the original and oxidized active carbons were treated with ammonia at 1073 K to incorporate nitrogen functional groups into the carbon. An active carbon with very high nitrogen content (similar to9.4 wt % daf) was also prepared from a nitrogen-rich precursor, polyacrylonitrile (PAN). These nitrogen-rich carbons had points of zero charge (pH(pzc)) similar to H-type active carbons. X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) were used to characterize the nitrogen functional groups in the carbons. The nitrogen functional groups present on the carbon surface were pyridinic, pyrrolic (or indolic), and pyridonic structures. The adsorption of transition metal cations Cd2+, Ni2+, and Cu2+ from aqueous solution on the suite of active carbons showed that adsorption was markedly higher for carbons with nitrogen functional groups present on the surface than for carbons with similar pH(pzc) values. In contrast, the adsorption characteristics of Ca2+ from aqueous solution were similar for all the carbons studied. Flow microcalorimetry (FMC) studies showed that the enthalpies of adsorption of Cd2+(aq) on the active carbons with high nitrogen contents were much higher than for nitric acid oxidized carbons studied previously, which also had enhanced adsorption characteristics for metal ion species. The enthalpies of adsorption of Cu2+ were similar to those obtained for Cd2+ for specific active carbons. The nitrogen functional groups in the carbons act as surface coordination sites for the adsorption of transition metal ions from aqueous solution. The adsorption characteristics of these carbons are compared with those of oxidized carbons.


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XPS, TPD and HREEL results indicate that molecular pyrrole is a fragile adsorbate on clean Pd{111}. At 200 K and for low coverages, the molecule remains intact and adopts an almost flat-lying geometry. With increasing coverage, pyrrole molecules tilt away from the surface and undergo N-H bond cleavage to form strongly tilted pyrrolyl (C4H4N) species. In addition, a weakly bound, strongly tilted form of molecular pyrrole is observed at coverages approaching saturation. Heating pyrrole monolayers results in desorption of similar to 15% of the overlayer as molecular pyrrole and N-a+ C4H4Na recombination with formation of hat-lying pyrrole molecules. This strongly bound species undergoes decomposition to adsorbed CN, CHx and H, leading ultimately to desorption of HCN and H-2. The implications of these results for the production of pyrrole by a heterogeneously catalysed route are discussed.


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Electrochemically modified ethylene oxidation over a PI film supported on the Na+ ion conductor beta '' alumina has been studied over a range of conditions encompassing both promotion and poisoning, The system exhibits reversible behavior, and the data are interpreted in terms of (i) Na-enhanced oxygen chemisorption and (ii) poisoning of the surface by accumulation of Na compounds. At low Na coverages the first effect results in increased competitive adsorption of oxygen at the expense of ethylene, resulting in an increased rate, At very negative catalyst potentials (high Na coverage) both effects operate to poison the system: the increased strength of the Pt-O bond and coverage of the catalytic surface by compounds of Na strongly suppress the rate, Kinetic and spectroscopic results for ethylene oxidation over a Pt(111)-Na model catalyst shed light on important aspects of the electrochemically controlled system, Low levels of Na promote the reaction and high levels poison it, mirroring the behavior observed under electrochemical control and strongly suggesting that sodium pumped from the solid electrolyte is the key species, XP and Auger spectra show that under reaction conditions, the sodium exists as a surface carbonate. Post-reaction TPD spectra and the use of (CO)-C-13 demonstrate that CO is formed as a stable reaction intermediate, The observed activation energy (56 +/- 3 kJ/mol) is similar to that measured for CO oxidation under comparable conditions, suggesting that the rate limiting step is CO oxidation. (C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.


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Acetylene coupling to benzene on the Pd(lll) surface is greatly enhanced by the presence of catalytically inert Au atoms. LEED and Auger spectroscopy show that progressive annealing of Au overlayers on Pd(lll) leads to the formation of a series of random surface alloys with continuously varying composition. Cyclization activity is a strong function of surface composition-the most efficient catalyst corresponds to a surface of composition similar to 85% Pd. CO TPD and HREELS data show that acetylene cyclization activity is not correlated with the availability of singleton Pd atoms, nor just with the presence of 3-fold pure Pd sites-the preferred chemisorption site for C2H2 on Pd{111}. The data can be quantitatively rationalized in terms of a simple model in which catalytic activity is dominated by Pd6Au and Pd-7 surface ensembles, allowance being made for the known degree to which pure Pd{111} decomposes the reactant and product molecules.


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The surface modification of a mechanochemically prepared Ag/Al O catalyst compared with catalysts prepared by standard wet impregnated methods has been probed using two-dimensional T -T NMR correlations, HO temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and DRIFTS. The catalysts were examined for the selective catalytic reduction of NO using n-octane in the presence and absence of H. Higher activities were observed for the ball milled catalysts irrespective of whether H was added. This higher activity is thought to be related to the increased affinity of the catalyst surface towards the hydrocarbon relative to water, following mechanochemical preparation, resulting in higher concentrations of the hydrocarbon and lower concentrations of water at the surface. DRIFTS experiments demonstrated that surface isocyanate was formed significantly quicker and had a higher surface concentration in the case of the ball milled catalyst which has been correlated with the stronger interaction of the n-octane with the surface. This increased interaction may also be the cause of the reduced activation barrier measured for this catalyst compared with the wet impregnated system. The decreased interaction of water with the surface on ball milling is thought to reduce the effect of site blocking whilst still providing a sufficiently high surface concentration of water to enable effective hydrolysis of the isocyanate to form ammonia and, thereafter, N. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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The icy surfaces of dust grains in the Interstellar Medium and those of comets, satellites and Kuiper Belt Objects are continuously exposed tophoton and charged particle irradiation. These energetic particles maysputter and induce chemical changes in the ices and the underlyingsurfaces.In the present work 258 nm thick O2 and H2O ices were deposited at 10 K with the thickness measured by a laser interferometer method. Asimple model fit to the reflected laser intensity as measured by aphotodiode detector enabled the refractive index of the ices to bedetermined. The ices were then irradiated with various singly and doublycharged ions such as He+, 13C+, N+, O+ , Ar+, 13C2+, N2+ and O2+ at 4keV. The decrease in ice thickness as a function of ion dose wasmonitored by a laser interferometer and the model used to determine thesputtering yield as shown in Figure 1.In the case of O2 ice thesputtering yields increased with increasing ion mass in good agreementwith a model calculation [Fama, J, Shi, R.A Baragiola, Surface Sci.,602, 156 (2007)]. In the case of O2 ice, O2+ has a significant lowersputtering yield when compared to O+. The sputtering yields for O2 icewere found to be at least 9 times larger compared to those for H2O ice.For H2O ice the sputter yields for C, N and O ions were found todecrease with increasing mass. Doubly charged C, N and O ions which werefound to have the same sputtering yield as the singly charged ionswithin the experimental errors. A preliminary TPD study was carried outusing a QMS to detect the desorbed species from water ice afterirradiation by 6 × 10^15 ions of 13C+ and 13C2+. The formation of13CO and 13CO2 was observed with the yield of 13CO almost of a factor of100 larger than of 13CO2. This is in contrast to our earlier work whereonly CO¬2 was observed.


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Naturally occurring ices lie on both interstellar dust grains and on celestial objects, such as those in the outer Solar system. These ices are continuously subjected to irradiation by ions from the solar wind and/or cosmic rays, which modify their surfaces. As a result, new molecular species may form which can be sputtered off into space or planetary atmospheres. We determined the experimental values of sputtering yields for irradiation of oxygen ice at 10 K by singly (He+, C+, N+, O+ and Ar+) and doubly (C2 +, N2 + and O2 +) charged ions with 4 keV kinetic energy. In these laboratory experiments, oxygen ice was deposited and irradiated by ions in an ultra high vacuum chamber at low temperature to simulate the environment of space. The number of molecules removed by sputtering was observed by measurement of the ice thickness using laser interferometry. Preliminary mass spectra were taken of sputtered species and of molecules formed in the ice by temperature programmed desorption (TPD). We find that the experimental sputtering yields increase approximately linearly with the projectile ion mass (or momentum squared) for all ions studied. No difference was found between the sputtering yields for singly and doubly charged ions of the same atom within the experimental uncertainty, as expected for a process dominated by momentum transfer. The experimental sputter yields are in good agreement with values calculated using a theoretical model except in the case of oxygen ions. Preliminary studies have shown molecular oxygen as the dominant species sputtered and TPD measurements indicate ozone formation.


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Os grandes desafios colocados à educação têm vindo a dar centralidade à formação dos professores. O presente estudo pretende ser uma contribuição para o desenvolvimento profissional de professores (DPP) de ciências na sociedade atual. Trata-se de uma investigação em supervisão da formação, mais especificamente, na supervisão da formação de professores em didática das ciências. Insere-se na formação contínua e reflete preocupações que se prendem com saberes profissionais dos professores de ciências num contexto da educação em geociências no ensino secundário. Foi concebido, implementado e avaliado um programa de formação (PF), integrado num percurso de desenvolvimento profissional, que contemplou uma abordagem multidisciplinar de natureza ciência-tecnologia-sociedade (CTS). Valorizaram-se os ambientes exteriores à sala de aula (AESA), bem como a avaliação do seu impacte no DPP, no final do PF e, também, no final do ano letivo seguinte. O estudo integrou três fases: aprofundamento do quadro teórico que contextualiza a investigação (Fase I); conceção, implementação e avaliação do PF (Fase II); elaboração de linhas orientadoras para o DPP de ciências e redação do trabalho final (Fase III). Na Fase I foi aprofundado o quadro teórico que enquadrou e sustentou o estudo realizado, fundamentando as opções tomadas nas fases subsequentes. Foram relevadas temáticas como o conhecimento profissional e o desenvolvimento profissional docente, a formação contínua e a supervisão da formação, a educação em geociências e o seu contributo para a formação científica do cidadão numa perspetiva CTS. A avaliação das aprendizagens, de uma forma especial em AESA, bem como as dificuldades inerentes ao nível da sua integração curricular foi abordada. Na Fase II, foi concebido um PF, sustentado em indicadores da investigação, que assentou numa matriz multidisciplinar, de natureza CTS, o qual valorizou os AESA. Na modalidade de oficina de formação, o PF decorreu ao longo do ano letivo 2010/2011, teve a duração de cinquenta horas presenciais - em ambientes de aprendizagem diversos - e cinquenta não presenciais e foi frequentado por dezasseis professores do grupo 520, pertencentes a dez escolas diferentes. Na primeira sessão, foi administrado um questionário aos professores para diagnosticar as suas conceções sobre o ensino das ciências desenvolvido numa matriz CTS e em AESA. Os indicadores obtidos mostram que a maior parte dos professores não desenvolve atividades daquela natureza e que as realizadas são pouco exigentes do ponto de vista cognitivo. Foi igualmente reconhecido que a implementação deste tipo de atividades necessita de conhecimentos de outras áreas do saber e de materiais de apoio, e, ainda, que a formação inicial é insuficiente. Esta fase terminou com a avaliação das perceções sobre o impacte do programa de formação no DPP e na melhoria das práticas de formação contínua de professores de ciências. Os indicadores obtidos revelam que o percurso formativo contribuiu para: − o desenvolvimento do conhecimento profissional dos participantes, ao nível dos saberes associados à exploração, transformação e utilização dos recursos geológicos e das implicações sociais e ambientais associadas e, também, do conhecimento didático acerca do ensino das ciências nos contextos aqui considerados, bem como da avaliação das aprendizagens; − a construção de materiais didáticos específicos, que os professores reconhecem que promovem a aprendizagem contextualizada, a integração de saberes, o desenvolvimento de competências (conceptuais, procedimentais e atitudinais), a avaliação das aprendizagens integrada, permitindo, ainda, atingir os objetivos educacionais previstos no programa da disciplina e motivar os alunos para a aprendizagem da geologia; − a modificação de algumas práticas pedagógicas, ao nível da utilização curricular da perspetiva CTS nos ambientes aqui estudados, com destaque para a respetiva avaliação dos alunos; − o desenvolvimento de capacidades necessárias ao trabalho colaborativo e da capacidade reflexiva dos professores participantes; − a identificação de potencialidades no PF implementado, ao nível da organização, da metodologia e da supervisão da formação. Na Fase III, as conclusões obtidas levaram à apresentação de linhas orientadoras para o DPP de ciências, ao nível da formação contínua de professores, da supervisão da formação e do ensino e aprendizagem das ciências. Considera-se que as propostas referidas, ao alterarem as práticas vigentes, podem contribuir para aproximar a prática letiva dos professores de ciências da investigação em didática e, assim, para a melhoria da qualidade das aprendizagens dos alunos.


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Catalysis is an essential technology in manufacturing industries. The investigation based on supported vanadia catalysts and it’s sulfated analogues. Vanadia is a transition metal oxide and is used in oxidation reactions in chemical industry. It is more active and selective catalysts on suitable supports. The work deals with preparation of vanadia incorporated tin oxide and zirconia systems by wet impregnation. Physico-chemical characterization using instrumental techniques like BET etc. The surface acidic properties were determined by the ammonia TPD studies, Perylene absorption studies and Cumene conversion reaction. The catalytic activities of the prepared systems are tested by Friedel-Crafts benzylation of arenes and Bechmann rearrangement of Cyclohexanol oxime. Here the rector reactions are relatively rare. So to test the application of the catalyst systems for the selective oxidation of cyclohexanol to cyclohexanone and finally evaluate the catalytic activity of the systems for the vapour phase oxidative dehydrogenation of Ethylbenzene, which leads to the formation of Industrially important compound ‘styrene’ is another objective of this work


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The pillared montmorillonite has been prepared by exchanging Na+ in the interlayer of montmorillonite with Al hydroxy cation followed by calcination. Pillared clays are also prepared after exchanging Na' ions with Ce, La, Sm-ions and then pillarcd with aluminium oxides, The surface characterisation of the prepared catalysts has been done using XRD and surface area measurements. To probe the acidic property of the system, temperature programmed desorption (TPD) of NH, has been done. Toluene alkylation by benzyl chloride has been carried out for the evaluation of catalytic activity. The most active system is found to be mixed Al/Zr pillarcd montrnorillonite.


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Preparation of simple and mixed ferrospinels of nickel, cobalt and copper and their sulphated analogues by the room temperature coprecipitation method yielded fine particles with high surface areas. Study of the vapour phase decomposition of cyclohexanol at 300 °C over all the ferrospinel systems showed very good conversions yielding cyclohexene by dehydration and/or cyclohexanone by dehydrogenation, as the major products. Sulphation very much enhanced the dehydration activity over all the samples. A good correlation was obtained between the dehydration activities of the simple ferrites and their weak plus medium strength acidities (usually of the Brφnsted type) determined independently by the n-butylamine adsorption and ammonia-TPD methods. Mixed ferrites containing copper showed a general decrease in acidities and a drastic decrease in dehydration activities. There was no general correlation between the basicity parameters obtained by electron donor studies and the ratio of dehydrogenation to dehydration activities. There was a leap in the dehydrogenation activities in the case of all the ferrospinel samples containing copper. Along with the basic properties, the redox properties of copper ion have been invoked to account for this added activity.


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The present work undertakes the preparation and physico-chemical characterisation of iron promoted sulphated zirconia (SZ) with different amounts of iron loading and their application to Friedel-Crafts benzoylation of benzene, toluene and xylene under different experimental conditions, XRD and laser Raman techniques reveal the stabilisation of the tetragonal phase of zirconia and the existence of iron in highly dispersed form as Fe203 on the catalyst surface. The surface acidic properties were determined by ammonia temperature programmed desorption (TPD) and perylene adsorption, The results were supported by the TGA studies after adsorption of pyridine and 2,6-dimethylpyridine (2,6-DMP), Strong Lewis acid sites on the surface, which are evident from TPD and perylene adsorption studies. explain the high catalytic activity of the systems towards benzoylation. The experimental results provide evidence for the truly heterogeneous nature of the reaction. The studies also establish the resistance to deactivation in the metal incorporated sulphated systems.


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The present work attempts a systematic examination of the effect of sulphate content on the physico-chemical properties and catalytic activity of sulphated zirconia and iron promoted sulphated zirconia systems. Sulphate content is estimated by EDX analysis. The amount of sulphate incorporated has been found to influence the surface area, crystal structure and the acid strength distribution. Ammonia TPD and adsorption studies using perylene have enabled the determination of surface acidic properties. The results are supported by the thermodesorption studies using pyridine and 2,6-dimethylpyridine. The catalytic activity towards benzoylation reaction has been correlated with the surface acidity of the systems.