615 resultados para T-RFLP
用6种限制性内切酶对洱海的四种鲤鱼--洱海鲤(C. barbatus)、春鲤(C. longipectoralis)、大眼鲤(C. megalophthalmus)和杞麓鲤(C. carpio chila),其中前三种为洱海特有,进行了线粒体DNA(mtDNA)的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)分析,构建了它们的mtDNA限制性内切酶图谱。结果表明,这四种鲤鱼在种内和种间均缺乏mtDNA RFLP。这种现象在鱼类种间的mtDNA的RFLP研究中是罕见的。分析这一现象的原因,可能在于这些物种是同域形成物种,并且其分化时间还相当短。
采用RFLP技术,对四川白鹅和朗德鹅及其杂交后代进行了线粒体DNA(mtDNA)多态分析。在所使用的19种限制性内切酶中,有4个酶(Eco RV、HaeII、HincII和KpnI)检测出多态,共获得两种mtDNA单倍型,四川白鹅和以四川白鹅为母本杂交后代的mtDNA为I型,朗德鹅的mtDNA为II型。以上结果为中国鹅和欧洲鹅存在两种不同起源学说提供了分子遗传学的证据。
采用蛋白电泳和线粒体DNA RFLP分析方法,研究了浙江七个地方品种猪及浙江野猪的遗传多样性状况。从分析的30个遗传座位、99个地方品种个体中发现MDH,PEPB,6PGD,AK,ADA,PHI六个座位具有多态性,其中AK,MDH多态座位在家猪中首次发现。浙江地方猪种的亲缘关系很近。在mtDNA RFLP水平,25种限制性内切酶在27个地方品种个体及3个野猪个体中共检出30种限制性态型,可归结成三种单倍型。各单倍型间平均遗传距离(P)为0.005,群体平均多态度(#pi#))为0.000 8,处于遗传多样性贫乏范围。
Ten restriction endonucleases were used to investigate the mitochondrial DNA restriction fragment length polymorphism (mtDNA RFLP) of 11 native cattle breeds and one cultivated cattle breed in South China. Twenty-three restriction morphs were detected, which can be sorted into five haplotypes, A phylogenetic tree of the haplotypes was constructed by using the 'upgma' method. Our study showed that haplotype I and II are identical to the zebu (Bos indicus) and taurine (Bos taurus) haplotypes, respectively. Zebu and taurine were the two major origins of cattle populations in South China, and the zebu probably had more influence on the native cattle population than taurine did. Haplotype III is identical to haplotype I of yak (Bos grunniens), which was only detected in the Diqing cattle breed. Haplotype IV was detected for the first time. This haplotype, found only in Dehong cattle, might be from an independent domestication event, probably from another Bos indicus population. Divergence of haplotypes I and IV occurred about 268,000-535 000 years ago, much earlier than the 10,000-year history of cattle husbandry. Our results also suggest a secondary introgression of mtDNA from yak to Diqing cattle.
To study the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms in a total of 232 individuals from five ethnic populations (Daur, n=45; Ewenki, n=47; Korean, n=48; Mongolian, n=48; Oroqen, n=44) in northern China, we analyzed the control region sequences and typed for a number of characteristic mutations in coding regions (especially the region 14576-16047), by direct sequencing or restriction-fragment-length-polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. With the exception of 14 individuals belonging to the European-specific haplogroups R2, H, J, and T, the mtDNAs considered could be assigned into the East Asian-specific haplogroups described recently. The polymorphisms in cytochrome b sequence were found to be very informative for defining or supporting the haplogroups status of East Asian mtDNAs in addition to the reported regions 10171-10659 and 14055-14590 in our previous study. The haplogroup distribution frequencies varied in the five ethnic populations, but in general they all harbored a large amount of north-prevalent haplogroups, such as D, G, C, and Z, and thus were in agreement with their ethnohistory of northern origin. The two populations (Ewenki and Oroqen) with small population census also show concordant features in their matrilineal genetic structures, with lower genetic diversities observed.
采用mtDNA RFLP技术, 探讨了银额果蝇自然群体中的mtDNA多态性及其与银额果蝇起源、扩 散的关系。图4表3参9(梁嘉)
运用限制性内切酶对银额果蝇自然群体进行了mtDNA的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)分析。 发现银额果蝇自然群体中存在极为丰富的mtDNA多态性, 从82个单雌系中, 共检测到34种限 制性类型。对这一现象的效应和成因进行了探讨。图3表7参19
用16种限制性内切酶对150个样本进行了mtDNA的限制性片段长度多态性(RFLP)分析。共检测到31种限制性格局, 其中Hae Ⅱ-13型、EcoRV-3型和PstⅠ-型3种限制性格局 为新报道。综合这些限制性格局, 共得出28种mtDNA类型。运用UPG法和简约法分析了各mtDNA类型之间、各人群之间的聚类关系。结果表明: 水族人群的mtDNA变异度较大; 汉族和苗族的亲缘关系最近, 布依族和水族有着较远的亲缘关系。图4表4参28
The technique of mtDNA restriction fragments length polymorphism (RFLP) was used to survey the population structure of D. albomicans. Remarkable mtDNA polymorphism has been observed in D. albomicans populations. A total of 34 nucleomorphs were detected from 82 isofemale lines assayed by only 8 restriction enzymes. The cause and the effect of this phenomenon were discussed. As a result, it is suggested that a mechanism which maintains mtDNA diversity exists in this fly, and that the high intra-populational polymorphism could numerically conceal the extent of differentiation between populations. In addition, on the base of restriction maps, it was found that the mtDNA molecule of D. albomicans might be impacted by the selection pressure during its evolution process both on the nucleotide composition and on the functional regions.
Bream (Abramis brava orientalis) is one of Cyprindae the Caspian Sea and its basin which has a special ecological, biological and economical role. Stock of this fish in the Caspian Sea has reduced during several years for different reason the over fishing, different industrial, agriculture, urban pollution and destroy of the spawning habitat. So that fishery company decided to recover the stock of this fish by the way of artificial reproduction of a Bream couple hunted from south coast of the Caspian Sea (Iran) and setting the fingerling to the rivers and inflow wetlands of the Caspian Sea.This activity has due to 20 tons Bream annual fishing in the Iranian South coast of the Caspian Sea (Gilan province coast and Anzali wetland), The artificial reproduction has decreased Bream population diversity of Caspian sea and Anzali wetland.So it has been declined to improve Braem population diversity by the entrance of Azerbijan republic Bream and encounter to the Caspian sea Bream. Meanwhile there is Bream in the Aras Dam Lake which had been forgotten by the Fishery Company of Iran .For this reason specifications morphometric, meristic and inter species Molecular Genetic have been surveyed in Anzali wetland,Southern coast of Caspian Sea ,Aras Darn Lake and Azerbijan republic during 2003-2005. According to the research on specifications of Morphometric and Meristic of Anzali wetland(120 species),Southern coast of Caspian Sea(90 species), Aras Dam Lake(110 species) and Azerbijan Republic(125 species)has Morphometric and Meristic differences. So that average weight and total length of Anzali wetland Bream respectively was 167 g and 23/76 cm, 102 g and 27/62 cm in Caspian Sea , 461 g and 3 5/38 cm in Aras Darn Lake and 3 4189 g and 15/21 cm in Azerbijan republic (We forced to use 1 year Bream of artificial reproduction in Iran). Also variation coefficient average Morphometric, Morphometric specification Ration and meristic in Anzali wetland Bream was 17/45, 21/56 and 4/63, in Caspian Sea bream 22/58, 15/27 and 3124, in Aras Dam lake Lake 17145. 1.5/27 and 3/57 and Azerbaijan republic Bream 22/29, 19/66 and 4/22. Also Bream of these four regions in general status had Morphometric significant differences based on One Way ANOVA Analysis. Meanwhile Anzali wetland Bream with Caspian Sea Bream from 41 Morphometric surveyed factors in 33 factors, with Aras Darn Lake Bream in 41 factors, with Azerbkjan republic Bream in 41 factors,Caspian Sea Bream with Aras Darn Lake Bream in 36 factors,with Azerbijan republic B ream in 40 factors and A ras Dam L ake Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 38 factors had significant statistical differences. These four regions Bream had differences according to the Morphomertric specification ration based on One Way ANOVA Analysis. Also Anzali wetland Bream was surveyed with Caspian Sea Bream from 37 factors i n 27 factors, Anzali wetland Bream with Aras Dam 1ake in 37 factors Anzali wetland Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 32 factors,Caspian sea bream with Arsa Dam Lake Bream in 26 factors, Caspian Sea Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 29 factors and Aras Dam Lake Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 34 factor had significant statistical differences. Based on Meristic factor of four regions bream in 16 surveyed factors in 10 factors had meaningful differences according to the One Way ANOVA Analysis. While Anzali wetland Bream was surveyed with Caspian Sea Bream from in 3 factors,Anzali wetland Bream with Aras Dam lake in 8 factors,Anzali wetland Bream with Azerbijan republic B ream in 6 factors,Caspian Sea bream with Arsa Dam Lake Bream in 6 factors,Caspian sea Bream with Azerbijan republic Bream in 3 factors and Aras Dam Lake Bream with Azerijan republic Bream in 8 factor had significant statistical differences.Meanwihle based on Factor Analysis and Discriminant Breams had differences. Also according to the resrarchs Anzali wetland Bream in 0+ age group till 5+ (6 age groups),Caspian Sea bream in 1+ - 5+(5 age groups),Aras Darn Lake Bream in 1+ - 7+ (7 age groups) and Azerbijan republic Bream for Morphometric and Meristic studies in 1+age group and for molecular Genetic reaserch were in 8+and 9+ age groups. According to the research 4 ecosystems Bream in status of same age, Aras lake Bream were bigger according to weight and length.Also in this research genetic diversity between four population was researched by PCR-RFLP technic on a piece of mitochondrion genome with the length of 3500bp contain of tRNA-leu,tRNA-glu,ND5/6,Cytb. Between 17 used enzyme. 4 enzyme, Dral, Bc11, Haefll and Banff showed diversity in totally 6 composite haplotype was detected. Maximum nucleotide diversity by the value% 0/58 in Azerbijan republic Bream by all haplotype. Aras darn Lake Bream had 2 haplotype and nucleotide diversity of %0/35.Anzali wetland and Caspian Sea Bream had no diversity. Statistical analysis by the usage of Monte Carlo with 1000 repeat showed significant differences between Azerbaijan Bream and other Bream(P<0/0001) but there was no significant difference between 3 regions Bream(P>0/5).
利用RAPD、PCR、RFLP、分子杂交等分子生物学 技术研究生物的遗传变异、遗传多态、分子进化等,必 须以DNA作为模板,目前所见有关DNA提取纯化的 报道均用活体或冰冻蜜蜂,这给样品采集、保存带来不 便。本实验以采自云南不同地区以及马来西亚的蜜蜂 乙醇(75%)浸泡标本为材料,参照王文(1994年)的蛋 白酶K提取法并加以改进,对DNA进行提取纯化。
采用RAPD和PCR RFLP技术 ,分析了长江中游两个中国胭脂鱼群体的遗传结构。 50个随机引物进行RAPD分析 ,有 3个引物显示了多态 ,宜昌、金口群体内个体之间的遗传相似度分别为 0 .92 74、0 .931 3 ,群体之间遗传相似度为 0 .90 0 0。 1 2个限制性内切酶分析了两群体线粒体DNAND - 5/ 6基因的限制性片段长度多态性 ,仅内切酶Ncil的酶切图谱显示了多态 ,基因型间的核苷酸序列歧化距离为 0 .2 35 % ,核苷酸多样性为 0 .0 0 4。分析表明 ,长江中游
在回顾纤毛虫分子系统发育学产生发展历史的基础上 ,介绍了随后 2 0年中RFLP、RAPD和DNA序列分析等分子生物学技术作为该学科的主要研究方法在种群遗传多样性与进化、种上阶元系统发育学两方面取得的研究成果和近期研究进展 ,最后在探讨纤毛虫分子系统发育学存在的一些问题和解决方法的同时 ,预测了纤毛虫分子系统发育学今后将极大地推动真核生物的起源与进化、内共生等重要生物进化问题的研究。
比较我国沿海不同海域对虾白斑综合征杆状病毒三个分离株 :即唐海分离株 (渤海湾 ) ,宁波分离株 (东海 ) ,深圳分离株 (南海 )的同源性。三个WSSV分离株基因组的限制性内切酶 (SacI ,HindIII,PstI)酶切多态 (RFLP)以及病毒结构蛋白图谱完全一致 ,证实造成我国从南至北对虾爆发性流行病的对虾白斑杆状病毒为同一种病毒。利用高保真Taq酶 ,分别以报道的日本对虾杆状病毒 (RV -PJ =PRDV) ,斑节对虾白斑综合征杆状病毒 (WSBV =PmNOBIII)基因组核酸片段特异性