941 resultados para Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR)


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Continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) is a repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation protocol that can inhibithumanmotor cortex (M1) excitability and impair movement for ≤1 h. While offering valuable insights into brain function and potential therapeutic benefits, these neuroplastic effects are highly variable between individuals. The source of this variability, and the electrophysiological mechanisms underlying the inhibitory after-effects, are largely unknown. In this regard, oscillatory activity at beta frequency (15-35 Hz) is of particular interest as it is elevated in motor disorders such as Parkinson's disease and modulated during the generation of movements. Here, we used a source-level magnetoencephalography approach to investigate the hypothesis that the presence of neuroplastic effects following cTBS is associated with concurrent changes in oscillatory M1 beta activity. M1 cortices were localized with a synthetic aperture magnetometry beamforming analysis of visually cued index finger movements. Virtual electrode analysis was used to reconstruct the spontaneous and movement-related oscillatory activity in bilateral M1 cortices, before and from 10 to 45 min after cTBS. We demonstrate that 40 s of cTBS applied over left M1 reduced corticospinal excitability in the right index finger of 8/16 participants. In these responder participants only, cTBS increased the power of the spontaneous beta oscillations in stimulated M1 and delayed reaction times in the contralateral index finger. No further changes were observed in the latency or power of movement-related beta oscillations. These data provide insights into the electrophysiological mechanisms underlying cTBS-mediated impairment of motor function and demonstrate the association between spontaneous oscillatory beta activity in M1 and the inhibition of motor function. © 2013 the authors.


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Nesta tese apresenta-se uma nova técnica para solucionar a problemática da estimação de velocidade de embarcações em Radar de Abertura Sintética (SAR). A solução proposta combina duas técnicas já publicadas introduzindo como inovação, a Transformada de Radon. Esta transformada vai permitir estimar a posição do rasto que a embarcação gera à medida que se vai deslocando. Com a posição do objecto calculada é então possível estimar a sua distância ao rasto e assim a velocidade em range. Esta estimativa é limitada pelo Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) utilizado na missão SAR. Para a velocidade em azimute é usada uma técnica de Multilook que vai executar uma correlação cruzada entre dois look’s consecutivos. Esta operação permite estimar o desvio que um alvo sofreu de um look para outro. Medindo a frequência central de cada look utilizado é possível estimar a velocidade em azimute.


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This paper presents a novel moving target indicator which is selective with respect to a direction of interest. Preliminary results indicate that the obtained selectivity may have high interest in civil traffic monitoring using single channel SAR data.


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Este estudo apresenta uma abordagem metodológica baseada em imagens de radar e nos critérios de tonalidade, tamanho e forma geométrica para identificar prováveis pistas de pouso não-homologadas na Amazônia. Os seguintes procedimentos foram conduzidos: georreferenciamento da imagem do sensor SAR-R99B do município paraense de Itaituba, adquirida na banda L, polarização HH e resolução espacial de três metros; subtração do ruído speckle com filtro mediana; classificação com a técnica não-supervisionada ISODATA; vetorização da classe indicativa dos alvos de interesse; e cálculo e seleção automática dos alvos de interesse por critérios de índice de circularidade e de tortuosidade. Foram identificados dez alvos, dos quais dois foram considerados como prováveis pistas de pouso pelos referidos índices.


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Utilizando-se dados do sensor aerotransportado SAR R99, adquiridos na banda L (1,28 GHz) em amplitude e com quatro polarizações (HH, VV, HV e VH), avaliou-se a distinção de fitofisionomias de floresta de várzea existentes nas Reservas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Amanã e Mamirauá e áreas adjacentes, com a aplicação do algoritmo Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM) de classificação polarimétrica pontual/contextual. Os resultados mostraram que o uso das distribuições multivariadas em amplitude, conjuntamente com uma banda de textura, produziu classificações de qualidade superior àquelas obtidas com dados polarimétricos uni/bivariados. Esta abordagem permitiu a obtenção de um índice Kappa de 0,8963, discriminando as três classes vegetacionais de interesse, comprovando assim o potencial dos dados do SAR R99 e do algoritmo ICM no mapeamento de florestas de várzea da Amazônia.


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Este proyecto tiene como objetivo diseñar un nuevo receptor SAR biestático para el sistema SABRINA (SAR Bistatic fixed Receiver for INterferometric Applications) caracterizando el sistema que ya existía. El nuevo dispositivo deberá cumplir con las características y requisitos del escenario teniendo en cuenta la potencia recibida y el ruido de cuantificación de la tarjeta digitalizadora. Con este fin se introducen previamente conocimientos de teoría RADAR y SAR. Además, se deberá compactar al máximo el sistema para conseguir un receptor autocontenido que facilite su traslado. Para tal fin se ha incorporado a la caja del receptor un sintetizador programable que actúa de oscilador local de las cadenas de recepción y una fuente de alimentación que provee la tensión a todos los componentes activos del dispositivo. Por otra parte el proyecto ilustra las diferentes campañas de experimentos que se han realizado durante el periodo de trabajo.


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Em virtude da crescente demanda mundial por alimentos, um monitoramento eficaz e em larga escala da umidade do solo constitui fator de grande importância para a previsão de safras. Este trabalho teve por objetivo apresentar uma técnica para o cálculo do teor de água no solo, utilizando modelos preditivos de umidade do solo, baseados em dados de radar de abertura sintética (SAR). Foram utilizados dados do SAR a bordo do JERS-1 ("Japanese Earth Resources Satellite") e dois modelos empíricos. O primeiro relaciona o coeficiente de retroespalhamento com a permissividade complexa (modelo de Dubois), e o segundo relaciona a permissividade complexa com o teor de água do solo e algumas de suas características físico-hídricas, tais como percentagem de areia e argila (modelo de Hallikainen). Inicialmente, os dados do SAR/JERS-1 foram calibrados e, por meio do modelo de Dubois, foram calculados os valores de permissividade complexa. Para tanto, foi necessário inserir níveis estimados de rugosidade do solo. A partir destes resultados, utilizou-se o modelo de Hallikainen para calcular a umidade volumétrica. A análise geral dos resultados indica que a técnica de estimação de umidade do solo a partir de imagens de radar de abertura sintética, utilizada neste estudo, mostrou-se física e matematicamente exeqüível. No entanto, apresentou uma precisão moderada, não sendo ainda recomendada para o uso operacional no mapeamento de umidade do solo. A análise dos resultados revelou também que a precisão dos dados é bastante influenciada pela precisão dos valores de rugosidade introduzidos.


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This letter discusses the detection and correction ofresidual motion errors that appear in airborne synthetic apertureradar (SAR) interferograms due to the lack of precision in the navigationsystem. As it is shown, the effect of this lack of precision istwofold: azimuth registration errors and phase azimuth undulations.Up to now, the correction of the former was carried out byestimating the registration error and interpolating, while the latterwas based on the estimation of the phase azimuth undulations tocompensate the phase of the computed interferogram. In this letter,a new correction method is proposed, which avoids the interpolationstep and corrects at the same time the azimuth phase undulations.Additionally, the spectral diversity technique, used to estimateregistration errors, is critically analyzed. Airborne L-bandrepeat-pass interferometric data of the German Aerospace Center(DLR) experimental airborne SAR is used to validate the method


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Time-lapse geophysical measurements are widely used to monitor the movement of water and solutes through the subsurface. Yet commonly used deterministic least squares inversions typically suffer from relatively poor mass recovery, spread overestimation, and limited ability to appropriately estimate nonlinear model uncertainty. We describe herein a novel inversion methodology designed to reconstruct the three-dimensional distribution of a tracer anomaly from geophysical data and provide consistent uncertainty estimates using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation. Posterior sampling is made tractable by using a lower-dimensional model space related both to the Legendre moments of the plume and to predefined morphological constraints. Benchmark results using cross-hole ground-penetrating radar travel times measurements during two synthetic water tracer application experiments involving increasingly complex plume geometries show that the proposed method not only conserves mass but also provides better estimates of plume morphology and posterior model uncertainty than deterministic inversion results.


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A number of geophysical methods, such as ground-penetrating radar (GPR), have the potential to provide valuable information on hydrological properties in the unsaturated zone. In particular, the stochastic inversion of such data within a coupled geophysical-hydrological framework may allow for the effective estimation of vadose zone hydraulic parameters and their corresponding uncertainties. A critical issue in stochastic inversion is choosing prior parameter probability distributions from which potential model configurations are drawn and tested against observed data. A well chosen prior should reflect as honestly as possible the initial state of knowledge regarding the parameters and be neither overly specific nor too conservative. In a Bayesian context, combining the prior with available data yields a posterior state of knowledge about the parameters, which can then be used statistically for predictions and risk assessment. Here we investigate the influence of prior information regarding the van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) parameters, which describe vadose zone hydraulic properties, on the stochastic inversion of crosshole GPR data collected under steady state, natural-loading conditions. We do this using a Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) inversion approach, considering first noninformative uniform prior distributions and then more informative priors derived from soil property databases. For the informative priors, we further explore the effect of including information regarding parameter correlation. Analysis of both synthetic and field data indicates that the geophysical data alone contain valuable information regarding the VGM parameters. However, significantly better results are obtained when we combine these data with a realistic, informative prior.


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The ground-penetrating radar (GPR) geophysical method has the potential to provide valuable information on the hydraulic properties of the vadose zone because of its strong sensitivity to soil water content. In particular, recent evidence has suggested that the stochastic inversion of crosshole GPR traveltime data can allow for a significant reduction in uncertainty regarding subsurface van Genuchten-Mualem (VGM) parameters. Much of the previous work on the stochastic estimation of VGM parameters from crosshole GPR data has considered the case of steady-state infiltration conditions, which represent only a small fraction of practically relevant scenarios. We explored in detail the dynamic infiltration case, specifically examining to what extent time-lapse crosshole GPR traveltimes, measured during a forced infiltration experiment at the Arreneas field site in Denmark, could help to quantify VGM parameters and their uncertainties in a layered medium, as well as the corresponding soil hydraulic properties. We used a Bayesian Markov-chain-Monte-Carlo inversion approach. We first explored the advantages and limitations of this approach with regard to a realistic synthetic example before applying it to field measurements. In our analysis, we also considered different degrees of prior information. Our findings indicate that the stochastic inversion of the time-lapse GPR data does indeed allow for a substantial refinement in the inferred posterior VGM parameter distributions compared with the corresponding priors, which in turn significantly improves knowledge of soil hydraulic properties. Overall, the results obtained clearly demonstrate the value of the information contained in time-lapse GPR data for characterizing vadose zone dynamics.


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Since the times preceding the Second World War the subject of aircraft tracking has been a core interest to both military and non-military aviation. During subsequent years both technology and configuration of the radars allowed the users to deploy it in numerous fields, such as over-the-horizon radar, ballistic missile early warning systems or forward scatter fences. The latter one was arranged in a bistatic configuration. The bistatic radar has continuously re-emerged over the last eighty years for its intriguing capabilities and challenging configuration and formulation. The bistatic radar arrangement is used as the basis of all the analyzes presented in this work. The aircraft tracking method of VHF Doppler-only information, developed in the first part of this study, is solely based on Doppler frequency readings in relation to time instances of their appearance. The corresponding inverse problem is solved by utilising a multistatic radar scenario with two receivers and one transmitter and using their frequency readings as a base for aircraft trajectory estimation. The quality of the resulting trajectory is then compared with ground-truth information based on ADS-B data. The second part of the study deals with the developement of a method for instantaneous Doppler curve extraction from within a VHF time-frequency representation of the transmitted signal, with a three receivers and one transmitter configuration, based on a priori knowledge of the probability density function of the first order derivative of the Doppler shift, and on a system of blocks for identifying, classifying and predicting the Doppler signal. The extraction capabilities of this set-up are tested with a recorded TV signal and simulated synthetic spectrograms. Further analyzes are devoted to more comprehensive testing of the capabilities of the extraction method. Besides testing the method, the classification of aircraft is performed on the extracted Bistatic Radar Cross Section profiles and the correlation between them for different types of aircraft. In order to properly estimate the profiles, the ADS-B aircraft location information is adjusted based on extracted Doppler frequency and then used for Bistatic Radar Cross Section estimation. The classification is based on seven types of aircraft grouped by their size into three classes.