998 resultados para Sulphur directive
Sulfide petrography plus whole rock contents and isotope ratios of sulfur were measured in a 1.5 km section of oceanic gabbros in order to understand the geochemistry of sulfur cycling during low-temperature seawater alteration of the lower oceanic crust, and to test whether microbial effects may be present. Most samples have low SO4/Sum S values (<= 0.15), have retained igneous globules of pyrrhotite ± chalcopyrite ± pentlandite, and host secondary aggregates of pyrrhotite and pyrite laths in smectite ± iron-oxyhydroxide ± magnetite ± calcite pseudomorphs of olivine and clinopyroxene. Compared to fresh gabbro containing 100-1800 ppm sulfur our data indicate an overall addition of sulfide to the lower crust. Selection of samples altered only at temperatures <= 110 °C constrains microbial sulfate reduction as the only viable mechanism for the observed sulfide addition, which may have been enabled by the production of H2 from oxidation of associated olivine and pyroxene. The wide range in d34Ssulfide values (-1.5 to + 16.3 per mil) and variable additions of sulfide are explained by variable epsilon sulfate-sulfide under open system pathways, with a possible progression into closed system pathways. Some samples underwent oxidation related to seawater penetration along permeable fault horizons and have lost sulfur, have high SO4/Sum S (>= 0.46) and variable d34Ssulfide (0.7 to 16.9 per mil). Negative d34Ssulfate-d34Ssulfide values for the majority of samples indicate kinetic isotope fractionation during oxidation of sulfide minerals. Depth trends in sulfide-sulfur contents and sulfide mineral assemblages indicate a late-stage downward penetration of seawater into the lower 1 km of Hole 735B. Our results show that under appropriate temperature conditions, a subsurface biosphere can persist in the lower oceanic crust and alter its geochemistry.
Porewaters in site 680 Peru Margin sediments contain dissolved sulfide over a depth of approximately 70 m which, at a sedimentation rate of 0.005 cm/yr, gives a sediment exposure time to dissolved sulfide of about 1.4 Myr. Reactions with dissolved sulfide cause the site 680 sediments to show a progressive decrease in a poorly-reactive silicate iron fraction, defined as the difference between iron extracted by dithionite (FeD) at room temperature and that extracted by boiling concentrated HCl (FeH), normalised to the total iron content (FeT). Straight line plots are obtained for ln[(FeH - FeD)/FeT] against time of burial, from which a first order rate constant of 0.29 1/Myr (equivalent to a half-life of 2.4 Myr) can be derived for the sulfidation of this silicate iron. Comparable half-lives are also found for the same poorly-reactive iron fraction in the nearby site 681 and 684 sediments. This silicate Fe fraction comprises 0.8-1.0% Fe, only 30-60% of which reacts even with 1.5-3 million years exposure to dissolved sulfide. Diagenetic models based on porewater concentrations of sulfate and sulfide, and solid phase iron contents, at site 680 are consistent in indicating that this poorly-reactive iron fraction is only sulfidized on a million year time scale. Silicate iron not extracted by HCl can be regarded as unreactive towards dissolved sulfide on the time scales encountered in marine sediments.
Here we present results of the first comprehensive study of sulphur compounds and methane in the oligotrophic tropical West Pacific Ocean. The concentrations of dimethylsuphide (DMS), dimethylsulphoniopropionate (DMSP), dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO), and methane (CH4), as well as various phytoplankton marker pigments in the surface ocean were measured along a north-south transit from Japan to Australia in October 2009. DMS (0.9 nmol/l), dissolved DMSP (DMSPd, 1.6 nmol/l) and particulate DMSP (DMSPp, 2 nmol/l) concentrations were generally low, while dissolved DMSO (DMSOd, 4.4 nmol/l) and particulate DMSO (DMSOp, 11.5 nmol/l) concentrations were comparably enhanced. Positive correlations were found between DMSO and DMSP as well as DMSP and DMSO with chlorophyll a, which suggests a similar source for both compounds. Similar phytoplankton groups were identified as being important for the DMSO and DMSP pool, thus, the same algae taxa might produce both DMSP and DMSO. In contrast, phytoplankton seemed to play only a minor role for the DMS distribution in the western Pacific Ocean. The observed DMSPp : DMSOp ratios were very low and seem to be characteristic of oligotrophic tropical waters representing the extreme endpoint of the global DMSPp : DMSOp ratio vs. SST relationship. It is most likely that nutrient limitation and oxidative stress in the tropical West Pacific Ocean triggered enhanced DMSO production leading to an accumulation of DMSO in the sea surface. Positive correlations between DMSPd and CH4, as well as between DMSO (particulate and total) and CH4, were found along the transit. We conclude that both DMSP and DMSO serve as substrates for methanogenic bacteria in the western Pacific Ocean.
Seventy-nine interstitial water samples from six sites (Ocean Drilling Program Sites 1119-1124) from the southwestern Pacific Ocean have been analyzed for stable isotopes of dissolved sulfate (34S), along with major and minor ions. Sulfate from the interstitial fluids (34S values between +20.7 and +57.5 vs. the Vienna-Canyon Diablo troilite standard) was enriched in 34S with respect to modern seawater (34S +20.6), indicating that differing amounts of microbial sulfate reduction took place at all investigated sites. Microbial sulfate reduction was found at all sites, the intensity depending on the availability of organic matter, which is controlled by paleosedimentation conditions (e.g., sedimentation rate and presence of turbidites). In addition, total reduced inorganic sulfur (essentially pyrite) as a product of microbial sulfate reduction was quantified in selected sediments from Site 1119.
Sulfide mineralogy and the contents and isotope compositions of sulfur were analyzed in a complete oceanic volcanic section from IODP Hole 1256D in the eastern Pacific, in order to investigate the role of microbes and their effect on the sulfur budget in altered upper oceanic crust. Basalts in the 800 m thick volcanic section are affected by a pervasive low-temperature background alteration and have mean sulfur contents of 530 ppm, reflecting loss of sulfur relative to fresh glass through degassing during eruption and alteration by seawater. Alteration halos along fractures average 155 ppm sulfur and are more oxidized, have high SO4/Sum S ratios (0.43), and lost sulfur through oxidation by seawater compared to host rocks. Although sulfur was lost locally, sulfur was subsequently gained through fixation of seawater-derived sulfur in secondary pyrite and marcasite in veins and in concentrations at the boundary between alteration halos and host rocks. Negative d34S[sulfide-S] values (down to -30 per mil) and low temperatures of alteration (down to ~40 °C) point to microbial reduction of seawater sulfate as the process resulting in local additions of sulfide-S. Mass balance calculations indicate that 15-20% of the sulfur in the volcanic section is microbially derived, with the bulk altered volcanic section containing 940 ppm S, and with d34S shifted to -6.0 per mil from the mantle value (0 per mil). The bulk volcanic section may have gained or lost sulfur overall. The annual flux of microbial sulfur into oceanic basement based on Hole 1256D is 3-4 * 10**10 mol S/yr, within an order of magnitude of the riverine sulfate source and the sedimentary pyrite sink. Results indicate a flux of bacterially derived sulfur that is fixed in upper ocean basement of 7-8 * 10**-8 mol/cm**-2/yr1 over 15 m.y. This is comparable to that in open ocean sediment sites, but is one to two orders of magnitude less than for ocean margin sediments. The global annual subduction of sulfur in altered oceanic basalt lavas based on Hole 1256D is 1.5-2.0 * 10**11 mol/yr, comparable to the subduction of sulfide in sediments, and could contribute to sediment-like sulfur isotope heterogeneities in the mantle.
The book is devoted to study of diagenetic changes of organic matter and mineral part of sediments and interstitial waters of the Pacific Ocean due to physical-chemical and microbiological processes. Microbiological studies deal with different groups of bacteria. Regularities of quantitative distribution and the role of microorganisms in geochemical processes are under consideration. Geochemical studies highlight redox processes of the early stages of sediment diagenesis, alterations of interstitial waters, regularities of variations in chemical composition of iron-manganese nodules.