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Evolving RNA interference (RNAi) platforms are providing opportunities to probe gene function in parasitic helminths using reverse genetics. Although relatively robust methods for the application of RNAi in parasitic flatworms have been established, reports of successful RNAi are confined to three genera and there are no known reports of the application of RNAi to the class Cestoda. Here we report the successful application of RNAi to a cestode. Our target species was the common ruminant tapeworm, Moniezia expansa which can significantly impact the health/productivity of cattle, sheep and goats. Initial efforts aimed to silence the neuronally expressed neuropeptide F gene (Me-npf-1), which encodes one of the most abundant neuropeptides in flatworms and a homologue of vertebrate neuropeptide Y (NPY). Double stranded (ds)RNAs, delivered by electroporation and soaking (4-8 h), failed to trigger consistent Me-npf-1 transcript knock-down in adult worms; small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) were also ineffective. Identical approaches resulted in significant and consistent transcript knock-down of actin transcript (71 +/- 4%) following soaking in Me-act-1 dsRNA. Similar successes were seen with hydrophobic lipid-binding protein (Me-lbp-1), with a dsRNA inducing significant target transcript reduction (72 +/- 5%). To confirm the validity of the observed transcript knock-downs we further investigated Me-act-1 RNAi worms for associated changes in protein levels, morphology and phenotype. Me-act-1 RNAi worms displayed significant reductions in both filamentous actin immunostaining (62 +/- 3%) and the amount of actin detected in Western blots (54 +/- 13%). Morphologically, Me-act-1 RNAi worms displayed profound tegumental disruption/blebbing. Further, muscle tension recordings from Me-act-1 RNAi worms revealed a significant reduction in both the number of worms contracting in response to praziquantel (20 +/- 12%) and in their contractile ability. These data demonstrate, to our knowledge for the first time, a functional RNAi pathway in a cestode and show that the robust knock-down of abundant gene transcripts is achievable using long dsRNAs following short exposure times. (C) 2009 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Spatial mobility, workers and jobs: perspectives from the Northern Ireland experience,Regional Studies. How best to address local concentrations of worklessness is a key question for labour market, economic developmentand social inclusion policy. Historically, initiatives in Northern Ireland have focused on moving ‘jobs to workers’, butin changed political circumstances there is now greater emphasis on encouraging the movement of ‘workers to jobs’. A review of the Northern Ireland experience in the context of broader consideration of the geography and socio-institutional structure of local labour markets sheds light on the difficulties and successes in implementing both approaches. It is concluded that both have a role to play because labour market space is simultaneously ‘segmented’ and ‘seamless


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In the financially precarious period which followed the partition of Ireland (1922) the Northern Irish playwright George Shiels kept The Abbey Theatre, Dublin, open for business with a series of ‘box-office’ successes. Literary Dublin was not so appreciative of his work as the Abbey audiences dubbing his popular dramaturgy mere ‘kitchen comedy’. However, recent analysts of Irish theatre are beginning to recognise that Shiels used popular theatre methods to illuminate and interrogate instances of social injustice both north and south of the Irish border. In doing so, such commentators have set up a hierarchy between the playwright’s early ‘inferior’ comedies and his later ‘superior’ works of Irish Realism. This article rejects this binary by suggesting that in this early work Shiels’s intent is equally socially critical and that in the plays Paul Twyning, Professor Tim and The Retrievers he is actively engaging with the farcical tradition in order to expose the marginalisation of the landless classes in Ireland in the post-colonial jurisdictions.


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It is a legitimate assertion that the common ground of work of worth in architecture, whether theoretical or built comes from a firmly held position on the part of the author. In addition to delivery key competencies architectural education should act to support the formation of such a position in the student, or to make students aware of the possibility of holding such a position.

It is with this in mind perhaps that intensive unit-based diploma and masters structures are increasingly becoming the standard structure for for schools of architecture across the UK. The strengths of such a structure are most evident when the school, either by virtue of financial strength or geographic location is able to attract a diverse range of contrasting positions to bear in the formation of these units. In effect the offering to the student is a short, intensive immersion into a clear line of thought based on the position of those running the unit. Research is channeled by those running the unit to the work of the students. A single cohort of students therefore is able to observe and understand a wide range of ways of thinking about the subject whether or not they are participants in a unit or not. It is axiomatic that where this structure is applied in the absence of these resources the result can be less helpful, individual units are differentiated not to reflect the interests of those running the unit but for the sake of difference as its own end.

In structuring the M.Arch programme in Queens University Belfast the reality of our somewhat peripheral location was placed at the forefront of our considerations. A single 4 semester studio is offered. The first three semesters are carefully structured to offer a range of directed and self directed projects to the students. By interrogation of these projects, and work undertaken at undergraduate level the aim is to assist the students to identify a personal position on architecture, which is then developed in the thesis in semester four. Research and design outputs are emergent from the interest of the student body, cultivated by staff who have the time over the four semesters to get to know all aspects of a students interests.

This paper will lay out this structure and some of the projects run within it. Now having delivered two graduating years the successes and challenges of the system will be laid out by reference to several case studies of individual student experiences of the structure.


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Natural ecosystems are increasingly exposed to multiple anthropogenic stressors, including land-use change, deforestation, agricultural intensification, and urbanisation, all of which have led to widespread habitat fragmentation, which is also likely to be amplified further by predicted climate change. The potential interactive effects of these different stressors cannot be determined by studying each in isolation, although such synergies have been largely ignored in ecological field studies to date. Here, we use a model system of naturally fragmented islands in a braided river network, which is exposed to periodic inundation, to investigate the interactive effects of habitat isolation and flood disturbance. Food web structure was similar across the islands during periods of hydrological stability, but several key properties were altered in the aftermath of flood disturbance, based on distance of the islands from the regional source pool of species: taxon richness and mean food chain length declined with habitat isolation after flooding, while the proportion of basal species increased. Greater species turnover through time reflected the slower process of re-colonisation on the more distant islands following disturbance. Increased variability of several food web properties over a 1-year period highlighted the reduced temporal stability of isolated habitat fragments. Many of these effects reflected the differential successes of predator and prey species at re-colonising the islands: even though larger, more mobile consumers may reach the more distant islands first, they cannot establish populations until the lower trophic levels have successfully reassembled. These results highlight the susceptibility of fragmented ecosystems to environmental perturbations. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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In the last five years the forces of organised right-wing extremism have made electoral advances across many states in contemporary Europe. Germany has not been immune and the extreme right party, the National Democratic Party of Germany won its first seat in the European Parliament since 1989. The recent successes of the extreme right pose issues for European society about tolerance and immigration policy, but this scene has also been associated with an upsurge in racially motivated political violence and acts of right-wing terrorism. Much of this violence is perpetrated by small neo-Nazi styled groups. This paper looks at the most notorious and recent of such groups to emerge in Germany, the National Socialist Underground. The paper explores the origins and personalities behind this terror cell, provides derails of its criminal activities and murder spree, and questions why it took so long for the authorities to identify the NSU.


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Despite tremendous successes of GPCR crystallography, the receptors with available structures represent only a small fraction of human GPCRs. An important role of the modeling community is to maximize structural insights for the remaining receptors and complexes. The community-wide GPCR Dock assessment was established to stimulate and monitor the progress in molecular modeling and ligand docking for GPCRs. The four targets in the present third assessment round presented new and diverse challenges for modelers, including prediction of allosteric ligand interaction and activation states in 5-hydroxytryptamine receptors 1B and 2B, and modeling by extremely distant homology for smoothened receptor. Forty-four modeling groups participated in the assessment. State-of-the-art modeling approaches achieved close-to-experimental accuracy for small rigid orthosteric ligands and models built by close homology, and they correctly predicted protein fold for distant homology targets. Predictions of long loops and GPCR activation states remain unsolved problems.


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The aim of this chapter is to present a contextual and empirical account of men as fathers in Ireland along with an analysis of recent, relevant developments in policies and laws. Much of parenting of a child occurs in the home. Consequently, how couples inhabit the home greatly influences how their children experience childhood and, in many ways, the story of fatherhood in Ireland is the product of the on-going changes in the domestic sphere. Whether men are driving these changes, embracing or resisting them will provide the substance of much of this chapter. Section one presents basic demographic figures and trends based on census data to answer the questions: who are the fathers, what type of families do the live in and how involved are they in childcare? Section two presents recent research on contemporary fatherhood, both international and, where possible, national. Section three explores the policies and legal measures that affect fathers, their duties and their rights in the home and at work. Section four will discuss the historical legacy of fatherhood that is particular to Ireland. The final section will draw together these threads and ask what might be the future of fatherhood in Ireland, its challenges and possible successes.


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Nematode neuropeptide systems comprise an exceptionally complex array of similar to 250 peptidic signaling molecules that operate within a structurally simple nervous system of similar to 300 neurons. A relatively complete picture of the neuropeptide complement is available for Caenorhabditis elegans, with 30 flp, 38 ins and 43 nlp genes having been documented; accumulating evidence indicates similar complexity in parasitic nematodes from clades I, III, IV and V. In contrast, the picture for parasitic platyhelminths is less clear, with the limited peptide sequence data available providing concrete evidence for only FMRFamide-like peptide (FLP) and neuropeptide F (NPF) signaling systems, each of which only comprises one or two peptides. With the completion of the Schmidtea meditteranea and Schistosoma mansoni genome projects and expressed sequence tag datasets for other flatworm parasites becoming available, the time is ripe for a detailed reanalysis of neuropeptide signaling in flatworms. Although the actual neuropeptides provide limited obvious value as targets for chemotherapeutic-based control strategies, they do highlight the signaling systems present in these helminths and provide tools for the discovery of more amenable targets such as neuropeptide receptors or neuropeptide processing enzymes. Also, they offer opportunities to evaluate the potential of their associated signaling pathways as targets through RNA interference (RNAi)-based, target validation strategies. Currently, within both helminth phyla, the flp signaling systems appear to merit further investigation as they are intrinsically linked with motor function, a proven target for successful anti-parasitics; it is clear that some nematode NLPs also play a role in motor function and could have similar appeal. At this time, it is unclear if flatworm NPF and nematode INS peptides operate in pathways that have utility for parasite control. Clearly, RNAi-based validation could be a starting point for scoring potential target pathways within neuropeptide signaling for parasiticide discovery programs. Also, recent successes in the application of in planta-based RNAi control strategies for plant parasitic nematodes reveal a strategy whereby neuropeptide encoding genes could become targets for parasite control. The possibility of developing these approaches for the control of animal and human parasites is intriguing, but will require significant advances in the delivery of RNAi-triggers.


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There has been little assessment of the role the MDGs have had in progressing international development. There has been a 41 per cent reduction in the under-5 mortality rate worldwide from 1990 to 2011 and an acceleration in the rate of reduction since 2000. This paper explores why this has occurred and results for all developing countries indicate that it is not due to more healthcare or public health interventions but is driven by a coincidental burst of economic growth. Although the MDGs are considered to have played an important part in securing progress against poverty, hunger and disease there is very little evidence to back this viewpoint up. A thorough analysis of the successes and failures of the MDGs is therefore necessary before embarking on a new round of global goals.


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This article uses feminist scholarship to investigate ‘the elderly mystique’ – which contends that the potential of old age is masked by a set of false beliefs about ageing (i.e. ageism) which permeate social, economic and political life (Cohen, 1988).
The article presents a theoretical model which explores the extent to which institutionalised ageism shapes the trajectory of life after 60. The hypothesis under-pinning the model is simple: The challenge for ageing societies is not the average age of a given population but, rather, how age is used to structure economic, social and political life. An inter-disciplinary framework is used to examine how biological facts about ageing are used to segregate older from younger people, giving older people the status of “other”; economically through retirement, politically through assumptions about ‘the grey vote’ and socially through ageist stereotyping in the media and through denial and ridicule of the sexuality of older people. Each domain is informed by the achievements of feminist theory and research on sexism and how its successes and failures can inform critical investigations of ageism.
The paper recognises the role of ageism in de-politicising the lived experience of ageing. The paper concludes that feminist scholarship, particularly work by feminists in their seventies, eighties and nineties has much to offer in terms of re-framing gerontology as an emancipatory project for current and future cohorts of older people.


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Even before the Russian air force launched its first strikes over Syria, there was already a Russian presence on the battleground. These were not the spetsnaz, Kremlin’s special forces, but war correspondents from the leading Russian media outlets. This was as clear a sign as any that the Russia’s priority has shifted from Ukraine, where these reporters spent most of the past 18 months, to Syria.

There is, however, no unanimity on Russia’s latest escalation in Syria. As Russian state TV stations report successes of Russia’s high-precision weapons projecting an image of a high-tech Russian military equal to the US, doubts persist about the latest adventure in the Middle East.


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The OpenPMU project is a platform for the development of Synchrophasor measurement technology, Phasor Measurement Units (PMU), in an open source manner. The project has now been operating for a number of years and has seen increased adoption at Universities and interest from electrical utilities. The OpenPMU device has recently been tested against the IEEE C37.118 standard and shown to operate within the specification. This paper discusses the OpenPMU project from the perspective of the past two years of experience and evaluates successes and opportunities for improvements in both the OpenPMU device and the philosophy of the design.


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O nosso trabalho analisa os aspetos de motivação e gestão dos recursos humanos dos Institutos Médios Técnicos de Luanda no quadro da Reforma Educativa Angolana. Com esta temática efetuou-se a discrição dos fatores de motivação, dos procedimentos de gestão das atividades para o êxito na formação, a partir das ações dos recursos humanos. Este trabalho visa investigar as formas de motivação e do processo de gestão dos recursos humanos e também analisar os mecanismos de gestão adotados, para o desenvolvimento da educação em Angola. Temos como questão de partida a análise dos aspetos ligados à forma de motivação e gestão, isto é, saber se os funcionários estão realmente motivados para a realização das tarefas e que fatores da gestão são usados na realização dos objetivo A amostra de 10 diretores permitiu obter uma percentagem representativa, sendo os resultados satisfatórios pelo valor científico, analisados de forma quantitativa e qualitativa das entrevistas com os intervenientes; ### ABSTRACT: Our work examines the aspects of motivation and human resource management of Technical Institutes Mid Luanda as part of educational reform. With this issue we performed the discretion of motivating factors, the procedures for managing the activities for the successes in education, from the actions of human resources. . This study aims to investigate the forms of motivation and the process of human resources management. Also consider management mechanisms adopted for the development of education. We as a starting point the analysis of aspects related to the form of motivation and management, ie, whether the employees are really motivated to perform the tasks and management factors that are used in achieving the goal The sample is 10 officers, yielded representative percentage, and the satisfactory results of scientific value, analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively through interviews with stakeholders.