980 resultados para Structural traps (Petroleum geology)
Peer reviewed
Euan Macrae was funded by a NERC Open CASE PhD award (NE/F013728/1) with Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. as the industry partner. We thank the 763 geoscientists for their participation, and in particular, the reference experts who gave their time freely to the project. Marian Scott (University of Glasgow, UK) is thanked for assisting with the statistical analysis. Four reviewers are thanked for their constructive comments which improved the manuscript.
Acknowledgements This research was supported by NERC grants (NE/L001764/1, NE/M010953/1). We are grateful to J. Still and A. Sandison for technical support and to the gypsum mines and C. Brolley for access and sampling. Critical comments from Cristiana Ciobanu, Eric Gloaguen and Georges Calas are gratefully acknowledged. The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare
Quantification of a distributive fluvial system; the Salt Wash DFS of the Morrison Formation, SW USA
Peer reviewed
We dedicate this paper to the memory of Prof. Andres Perez Estaún, who was a great and committed scientist, wonderful colleague and even better friend. The datasets in this work have been funded by Fundación Ciudad de la Energía (Spanish Government, www.ciuden.es) and by the European Union through the “European Energy Programme 15 for Recovery” and the Compostilla OXYCFB300 project. Dr. Juan Alcalde is currently funded by NERC grant NE/M007251/1. Simon Campbell and Samuel Cheyney are acknowledged for thoughtful comments on gravity inversion
Funded by Natural Environment Research Council PRECIP and PATAGON
Acknowledgements We would like to gratefully acknowledge the data provided by SEPA, Iain Malcolm. Mark Speed, Susan Waldron and many MSS staff helped with sample collection and lab analysis. We thank the European Research Council (project GA 335910 VEWA) for funding and are grateful for the constructive comments provided by three anonymous reviewers.
Non peer reviewed
Peer reviewed
Acknowledgements and Funding The authors are extremely grateful for the receipt of NERC award NE/ D005043/1, which funded the initial Boltysh impact crater study. R. Spicer and J. Leake are thanked for interesting discussions. C. Wellman, W. Gosling and M. Donovan are thanked for constructively critical reviews of the paper. Scientific editing by Quentin Crowley
Date of Acceptance: 06/05/2015 We thank the FORCE Consortium for funding this research, Rob Butler and Walter Wheeler for quality control on the global basin classification, and David MacDonald for reviewing an earlier draft of this manuscript. We also thank Gary Weissmann, Andrew Miall, Raymond Ingersoll, John Holbrook, Stephen Flint, and editor Ellen Thomas for their constructive reviews.