959 resultados para Structural stability.


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The purpose of this research project is to study an innovative method for the stability assessment of structural steel systems, namely the Modified Direct Analysis Method (MDM). This method is intended to simplify an existing design method, the Direct Analysis Method (DM), by assuming a sophisticated second-order elastic structural analysis will be employed that can account for member and system instability, and thereby allow the design process to be reduced to confirming the capacity of member cross-sections. This last check can be easily completed by substituting an effective length of KL = 0 into existing member design equations. This simplification will be particularly useful for structural systems in which it is not clear how to define the member slenderness L/r when the laterally unbraced length L is not apparent, such as arches and the compression chord of an unbraced truss. To study the feasibility and accuracy of this new method, a set of 12 benchmark steel structural systems previously designed and analyzed by former Bucknell graduate student Jose Martinez-Garcia and a single column were modeled and analyzed using the nonlinear structural analysis software MASTAN2. A series of Matlab-based programs were prepared by the author to provide the code checking requirements for investigating the MDM. By comparing MDM and DM results against the more advanced distributed plasticity analysis results, it is concluded that the stability of structural systems can be adequately assessed in most cases using MDM, and that MDM often appears to be a more accurate but less conservative method in assessing stability.


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The South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) manages and operates numerous water control structures that are subject to scour. In an effort to reduce scour downstream of these gated structures, laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the effect of active air-injection downstream of the terminal structure of a gated spillway on the depth of the scour hole. A literature review involving similar research revealed significant variables such as the ratio of headwater-to-tailwater depths, the diffuser angle, sediment uniformity, and the ratio of air-to-water volumetric discharge values. The experimental design was based on the analysis of several of these non-dimensional parameters. Bed scouring at stilling basins downstream of gated spillways has been identified as posing a serious risk to the spillway’s structural stability. Although this type of scour has been studied in the past, it continues to represent a real threat to water control structures and requires additional attention. A hydraulic scour channel comprised of a head tank, flow straightening section, gated spillway, stilling basin, scour section, sediment trap, and tail-tank was used to further this analysis. Experiments were performed in a laboratory channel consisting of a 1:30 scale model of the SFWMD S65E spillway structure. To ascertain the feasibility of air injection for scour reduction a proof-of-concept study was performed. Experiments were conducted without air entrainment and with high, medium, and low air entrainment rates for high and low headwater conditions. For the cases with no air entrainment it was found that there was excessive scour downstream of the structure due to a downward roller formed upon exiting the downstream sill of the stilling basin. When air was introduced vertically just downstream of, and at the same level as, the stilling basin sill, it was found that air entrainment does reduce scour depth by up to 58% depending on the air flow rate, but shifts the deepest scour location to the sides of the channel bed instead of the center. Various hydraulic flow conditions were tested without air injection to verify which scenario caused more scour. That scenario, uncontrolled free, in which water does not contact the gate and the water elevation in the stilling basin is lower than the spillway crest, would be used for the remainder of experiments testing air injection. Various air flow rates, diffuser elevations, air hole diameters, air hole spacings, diffuser angles and widths were tested in over 120 experiments. Optimal parameters include air injection at a rate that results in a water-to-air ratio of 0.28, air holes 1.016mm in diameter the entire width of the stilling basin, and a vertically orientated injection pattern. Detailed flow measurements were collected for one case using air injection and one without. An identical flow scenario was used for each experiment, namely that of a high flow rate and upstream headwater depth and a low tailwater depth. Equilibrium bed scour and velocity measurements were taken using an Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter at nearly 3000 points. Velocity data was used to construct a vector plot in order to identify which flow components contribute to the scour hole. Additionally, turbulence parameters were calculated in an effort to help understand why air-injection reduced bed scour. Turbulence intensities, normalized mean flow, normalized kinetic energy, and anisotropy of turbulence plots were constructed. A clear trend emerged that showed air-injection reduces turbulence near the bed and therefore reduces scour potential.


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Single-molecule force spectroscopy (SMFS) provides detailed insight into the mechanical (un)folding pathways and structural stability of membrane proteins. So far, SMFS could only be applied to membrane proteins embedded in native or synthetic membranes adsorbed to solid supports. This adsorption causes experimental limitations and raises the question to what extent the support influences the results obtained by SMFS. Therefore, we introduce here SMFS from native purple membrane freely spanning across nanopores. We show that correct analysis of the SMFS data requires extending the worm-like chain model, which describes the mechanical stretching of a polypeptide, by the cubic extension model, which describes the bending of a purple membrane exposed to mechanical stress. This new experimental and theoretical approach allows to characterize the stepwise (un)folding of the membrane protein bacteriorhodopsin and to assign the stability of single and grouped secondary structures. The (un)folding and stability of bacteriorhodopsin shows no significant difference between freely spanning and directly supported purple membranes. Importantly, the novel experimental SMFS setup opens an avenue to characterize any protein from freely spanning cellular or synthetic membranes.


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El proceso de "agriculturización" se define como el uso creciente y continuo de tierras para cultivos agrícolas en lugar de usos ganaderos o mixtos. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el efecto de diez años de agricultura continua bajo siembra directa (SD) y labranza convencional (LC) con diferente historia previa, sobre propiedades físicas y bioquímicas en la capa arable de un Paleudol Petrocálcico. En un ensayo de larga duración y en una situación no disturbada (parque) se evaluaron densidad aparente (DAP), resistencia a la penetración (RP), estabilidad estructural (EE) y carbono orgánico total, particulado (COP) y, asociado a la fracción mineral (COA). La DAP no difirió entre labranzas ni entre historias, ni tampoco entre los tratamientos y el parque. La RP fue mayor bajo SD respecto de LC. La SD presentó mayor EE en comparación con LC y en el parque esta fue mayor respecto de los tratamientos. El contenido de COP fue superior en la condición no disturbada y no hubo diferencias debidas a historia previa o a labranzas. Luego de diez años de implementada la SD, no se observaron mejoras significativas respecto de LC. La agricultura continua, independientemente del sistema de labranza empleado, originó compactación y pérdida de EE.


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La cuantificación de la reducción de las propiedades resistentes y de la sección de un elemento estructural en situación de incendio es fundamental de cara a garantizar la estabilidad estructural en situación de incendio. Existen investigaciones que tratan de determinar la variación de las propiedades térmicas y mecánicas de la madera sometida a cargas térmicas, y la reducción de sección transversal de un elemento estructural de madera. La normativa europea en materia de construcción con madera, el Eurocódigo 5, propone unas simplificaciones para determinar la sección residual de un elemento estructural de madera en situación de incendio. Los objetivos de este trabajo comprenden una revisión de algunos trabajos realizados en el campo de la variación en función de la temperatura de las propiedades térmicas de la madera (calor específico, densidad y conductividad térmica), y la construcción con los distintos valores propuestos de varios modelos de elementos finitos que se someterán a cargas térmicas definidas por la curva ISO 834-1. Los resultados se compararán con un modelo construido con los valores que el Eurocódigo propone y con un ensayo experimental. Como resultado final, se propone finalmente un modelo de elementos finitos que emule el comportamiento del ensayo experimental. The quantification of the decrease of strength properties and section of a structural element in a fire situation is critical in order to guarantee the structural stability in such a fire event. There are some researches in literature trying to find the variation of thermal and mechanical properties of wood subjected to thermal loads, and the decrease of cross section of a wooden structural element. The European legislation on timber construction, Eurocode 5, proposes a simplification to determine the residual section of a wooden structural element in a fire situation. This paper objectives consist in a review of some researches in the field of variations, depending on the temperature, of the thermal properties of wood (specific heat, density and thermal conductivity); and in the construction of a few finite element models of timber structural elements affected by thermal loads according to ISO 834-1. The results were compared with a model based in Eurocode 5 and with an experimental test. As final result, at last, we propose a finite element model that simulates the behavior of the experimental tested element.


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In volcanic islands, the rainfall regime and its torrential nature, together with the steep slopes and the soil types present are considered to be some of the main factors affecting forest hydrology and soil conservation. In such environments, rain regime is generally irregular and characterized by short and intense rainfalls, which could cause destructive flows at times, followed by long periods of rain absence. The volcanic nature of these islands have as a direct resultant steep slopes which influences the runoff volume and speed, as well as the amount of topsoil susceptible to be detached and transported downstream. The soil type also affects the susceptibility to erosion processes. Andisols are the most typical soil on volcanic islands. Their particularities derive their mineral constituents, called short-range-order products, which provide these soils with an increased structural stability, which in turn reduces their susceptibility to erosion. However, the land use changes and the environmental factors such as rain regime and steep slopes may be determinant factor in destabilizing these soils and ultimately a cause for soil erosion and runoffs, which become a threat to the population downstream. Green barriers have been traditionally used to prevent or reduce these processes, also to enhance the dew effect and the fog water collection, and as a firebreak which acts as a barrier to slow or stop the progress of a wildfire. Wooded species present and subsequently their performance have a major influence on their effectiveness. The use of this natural erosion and fire control methods on volcanic islands is discussed in this paper.


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An investigation was undertaken consisting of a state-of-the-art and comparative analysis of currently available methods for calculating the structural stability of wave walls in sloping breakwaters. A total of six design schemes are addressed. The conditions under which the formulations and ranges of validity are explicitly indicated by their authors, are given. The lack of definition in parameters to be used and aspects not taken into account in their investigations are discussed and the results of this analysis are given in a final table.


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Esta tesis se enmarca en el ámbito de la Historia de la Construcción, se estudia la Catedral de Ávila desde un punto de vista técnico, necesario para completar la visión que de esta catedral se tenía. La interpretación de la documentación de archivo, que se encontraba dispersa e inconexa, ha permitido realizar una cronología revisada y completa de las campañas constructivas para el conjunto de la Catedral, desde el siglo XI al XXI. Mediante el análisis de los Contratos de Obra e Informes, se ha puesto de relieve conocimientos de técnicas constructivas medievales. Se plantean dos hipótesis para el orden en el proceso constructivo. En la zona del Cimorro, en relación con la supresión de la tribuna, colocación de los arbotantes y construcción de la fortificación y triple almenado. En el cuerpo de las naves, referida a la posible existencia de una tribuna, colocación del sistema de contrarresto que vemos actualmente y misión del arco entibo del coro. Se ha analizado la estabilidad estructural de la Catedral bajo el marco teórico del Análisis Límite para Estructuras de Fábrica, utilizando la restitución gráfica procedente del levantamiento topográfico realizado. Estos análisis han servido como comprobación de las hipótesis planteadas, por realizarse tanto para la situación actual como para las diferentes campañas constructivas propuestas. Se ha comprobado la validez de las reglas geométricas tradicionales para el análisis de la estructuras de fábrica en los elementos principales de la estructura gótica. Esta tesis incrementa el conocimiento de la historia mecánica del edificio interpretando el funcionamiento mecánico de sus arbotantes, proyectados de forma atípica, y la colocación de los arcos entibo y codales para conseguir la estabilidad del conjunto. La tesis cuenta con un anexo que recopila una extensa documentación gráfica: planimetría, iconografía y fotografía histórica; la trascripción inédita del Contrato de obra para la Capilla de San Segundo y un anexo de cálculo de la zona del Cimorro y del Cuerpo de Naves. This thesis aims to the field of Construction History. The Cathedral of Ávila is studied from a technical point of view, which was necessary to complete the existing knowledge about this Cathedral. The interpretation of archive documentation, which was disperse and unconnected before this work, has allowed the proposal of a revised and complete chronology of the diverse building stages of the Cathedral, dating from the XI century to the XXI century. The analysis of work contracts and of reports has revealed knowledge of medieval construction techniques. Two hypotheses are presented about the order in the construction process. The first hypothesis concerning the destruction of the tribune, the placing of the flying buttress and the building of the fortification and triple system of battlement in the area of the “Cimorro”. The second hypothesis regarding the naves: the possible existence of a tribune, the placing of the system of counterthrust, which can currently be seen, and the function of the “entibo” arch in the choir. The Structural Stability of the Cathedral has been analysed within the theoretical Framework of Limit Analysis to Masonry Structure, by using of the drawing proceeding from our lifting topographical. These analyses have proven the presented hypotheses, since they have been applied to the current situation as well as to the several building stage proposed in the chronology. The validity of the traditional geometric rules for the analysis of the masonry structure in the core elements of Gothic structures has been verified. This thesis increases the knowledge of the mechanical history of the building by interpreting the mechanical working of the flying buttress in an atypical arrangement and the placing of the “entibo” arch and “codal” arch in order to obtain the stability of the monument. The thesis incorporates supplementary material which can be categorized in three groups: 1) extensive graphic documentation (planning, iconography and history photography); 2) the hitherto unknown transcription of the “CONTRATO DE OBRA PARA LA CAPILLA DE SAN SEGUNDO”; 3) an appendix of Analysis of Calculation for the “Cimorro” and the naves.


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The lack of materials able to withstand the severe radiation conditions (high thermal loads and atomistic damage) expected in fusion reactors is the actual bottle neck for fusion to become a reality. The main requisite for plasma facing materials (PFM) is to have excellent structural stability since severe cracking or mass loss would hamper their protection role which turns out to be unacceptable. Additional practical requirements for plasma facing materials are among others: (i) high thermal shock resistance, (ii) high thermal conductivity (iii) high melting point (iv) low physical and chemical sputtering, and (v) low tritium retention.


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The derivative nonlinear Schrodinger DNLS equation, describing propagation of circularly polarized Alfven waves of finite amplitude in a cold plasma, is truncated to explore the coherent, weakly nonlinear, cubic coupling of three waves near resonance, one wave being linearly unstable and the other waves damped. In a reduced three-wave model equal dampings of daughter waves, three-dimensional flow for two wave amplitudes and one relative phase, no matter how small the growth rate of the unstable wave there exists a parametric domain with the flow exhibiting chaotic relaxation oscillations that are absent for zero growth rate. This hard transition in phase-space behavior occurs for left-hand LH polarized waves, paralleling the known fact that only LH time-harmonic solutions of the DNLS equation are modulationally unstable, with damping less than about unstable wave frequency 2/4 x ion cyclotron frequency. The structural stability of the transition was explored by going into a fully 3-wave model different dampings of daughter waves,four-dimensional flow; both models differ in significant phase-space features but keep common features essential for the transition.


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The wavelet transform and Lipschitz exponent perform well in detecting signal singularity.With the bridge crack damage modeled as rotational springs based on fracture mechanics, the deflection time history of the beam under the moving load is determined with a numerical method. The continuous wavelet transformation (CWT) is applied to the deflection of the beam to identify the location of the damage, and the Lipschitz exponent is used to evaluate the damage degree. The influence of different damage degrees,multiple damage, different sensor locations, load velocity and load magnitude are studied.Besides, the feasibility of this method is verified by a model experiment.


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The proprotein convertases are a family of at least seven calcium-dependent endoproteases that process a wide variety of precursor proteins in the secretory pathway. All members of this family possess an N-terminal proregion, a subtilisin-like catalytic module, and an additional downstream well-conserved region of ≈150 amino acid residues, the P domain, which is not found in any other subtilase. The pro and catalytic domains cannot be expressed in the absence of the P domains; their thermodynamic instability may be attributable to the presence of large numbers of negatively charged Glu and Asp side chains in the substrate binding region for recognition of multibasic residue cleavage sites. Based on secondary structure predictions, we here propose that the P domains consist of 8-stranded β-barrels with well-organized inner hydrophobic cores, and therefore are independently folded components of the proprotein convertases. We hypothesize further that the P domains are integrated through strong hydrophobic interactions with the catalytic domains, conferring structural stability and regulating the properties and activity of the convertases. A molecular model of these interdomain interactions is proposed in this report.


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The Conserved Key Amino Acid Positions DataBase (CKAAPs DB) provides access to an analysis of structurally similar proteins with dissimilar sequences where key residues within a common fold are identified. The derivation and significance of CKAAPs starting from pairwise structure alignments is described fully in Reddy et al. [Reddy,B.V.B., Li,W.W., Shindyalov,I.N. and Bourne,P.E. (2000) Proteins, in press]. The CKAAPs identified from this theoretical analysis are provided to experimentalists and theoreticians for potential use in protein engineering and modeling. It has been suggested that CKAAPs may be crucial features for protein folding, structural stability and function. Over 170 substructures, as defined by the Combinatorial Extension (CE) database, which are found in approximately 3000 representative polypeptide chains have been analyzed and are available in the CKAAPs DB. CKAAPs DB also provides CKAAPs of the representative set of proteins derived from the CE and FSSP databases. Thus the database contains over 5000 representative poly­peptide chains, covering all known structures in the PDB. A web interface to a relational database permits fast retrieval of structure-sequence alignments, CKAAPs and associated statistics. Users may query by PDB ID, protein name, function and Enzyme Classification number. Users may also submit protein alignments of their own to obtain CKAAPs. An interface to display CKAAPs on each structure from a web browser is also being implemented. CKAAPs DB is maintained by the San Diego Supercomputer Center and accessible at the URL http://ckaaps.sdsc.edu.


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Although many polar residues are directly involved in transmembrane protein functions, the extent to which they contribute to more general structural features is still unclear. Previous studies have demonstrated that asparagine residues can drive transmembrane helix association through interhelical hydrogen bonding [Choma, C., Gratkowski, H., Lear, J. D. & DeGrado, W. F. (2000) Nat. Struct. Biol. 7, 161–166; and Zhou, F. X., Cocco, M. J., Russ, W. P., Brunger, A. T. & Engelman, D. M. (2000) Nat. Struct. Biol. 7, 154–160]. We have studied the ability of other polar residues to promote helix association in detergent micelles and in biological membranes. Our results show that polyleucine sequences with Asn, Asp, Gln, Glu, and His, residues capable of being simultaneously hydrogen bond donors and acceptors, form homo- or heterooligomers. In contrast, polyleucine sequences with Ser, Thr, and Tyr do not associate more than the polyleucine sequence alone. The results therefore provide experimental evidence that interactions between polar residues in the helices of transmembrane proteins may serve to provide structural stability and oligomerization specificity. Furthermore, such interactions can allow structural flexibility required for the function of some membrane proteins.


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With advances in drug research, the use of biological therapeutics is becoming a reality. Unfortunately, methods for processing and delivering these fragile macromolecules often limit their therapeutic potential. For this dissertation, we explore the aerosolization of macromolecules by way of electrohydrodynamic atomization (EHDA) and how this method can be used to process and deliver therapeutics. EHDA employs a high voltage to break a column of liquid into drops. It was unknown if or how the residual charge left of the resulting droplets would affect lung cells. An in vitro experiment was conducted to spray aerosolized DNA, by way of EHDA, onto human derived lungs cells to test for immunogenic and toxic effects. The lung cells displayed no immunogenic or toxic response to the DNA or high voltage. Previous researchers have used EHDA to aerosolize proteins with mixed results. This work sets forth a simplified thermodynamic theory and provides recommendations to pharmaceutical companies on how to design more stable protein formulations for aerosol processing or delivery. Finally, a new method of producing liposomes was created. It constructs the liposome one layer at a time. The inside of the liposome is sprayed by EHDA, with the lipid and drug in solution together. As the sprayed monolayer passes through a pool containing a solution of lipid in water, the second part of the bilayer attaches to the inner layer creating a complete bilayer liposome.