939 resultados para Street crossing


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INTRODUCTION: In alpine skiing, chronometry analysis is currently the most common tool to assess performance. It is widely used to rank competitors during races, as well as to manage athletes training and to evaluate material. Usually, this measurement is accurately realized using timing cells. Nevertheless, these devices are too complex and expensive to allow chronometry of every gates crossing. On the other side, differential GPS can be used for measuring gate crossing time (Waegli et al). However, this is complex (e.g. recording gate position with GPS) and mainly used in research applications. The aim of the study was to propose a wearable system to time gates crossing during alpine skiing slalom (SL), which is suitable for routine uses. METHODS: The proposed system was composed of a 3D accelerometer (ADXL320®, Analog Device, USA) placed at the sacrum of the athlete, a matrix of force sensors (Flexiforce®, Tekscan, USA) fixed on the right shin guard and a data logger (Physilog®, BioAGM, Switzerland). The sensors were sampled at 500 Hz. The crossing time were calculated in two phases. First, the accelerometer was used to detect the curves by considering the maximum of the mediolateral peak acceleration. Then, the force sensors were used to detect the impacts with the gates by considering maximum force variation. In case of non impact, the detection was realized based on the acceleration and features measured at the other gates. In order to assess the efficiency of the system, two different SL were monitored twice for two world cup level skiers, a male SL expert and a female downhill expert. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The combination of the accelerometer and force sensors allowed to clearly identify the gate crossing times. When comparing the runs of the SL expert and the downhill expert, we noticed that the SL expert was faster. For example for the first SL, the overall difference between the best run of each athlete was of 5.47s. At each gate, the SL expert increased the time difference slower at the beginning (0.27s/gate) than at the end (0.34s/gate). Furthermore, when comparing the runs of the SL expert, a maximum time difference of 20ms at each gate was noticed. This showed high repeatability skills of the SL expert. In opposite, the downhill expert with a maximum difference time of 1s at each gate was clearly less repeatable. Both skiers were not disturbed by the system. CONCLUSION: This study proposed a new wearable system to automatically time gates crossing during alpine skiing slalom combining force and accelerometer sensors. The system was evaluated with two professional world cup skiers and showed a high potential. This system could be extended to time other parameters. REFERENCES Waegli A, Skaloud J (2007). Inside GNSS, Spring, 24-34.


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In a medieval Barcelonan side-street, urine, rubbish, and a bewildering array of graphic imagery splatters the narrowing walls between two major thoroughfares. A contemporary conflict between residents, unknown artists and others is played out using banners, bottles, stickers, posters, stencils, spray paint, and bodily substances. In this shadowed liminality, local and global debates are superimposed upon substructures constructed from disease, prostitution, and the Saint of the Plague. The continuing urban struggle constitutes temporal statements of dirt and purity, violence and humour, dominance and resistance, death and salvation. Like the renovated facades masking the crumbling remains of structures long neglected, the government’s literal whitewashing of the art is a temporal cover-up of a discursive symptom stretching from deeply embedded preconditions. However, from his niche in the angular bend of the alley bearing his name, the statue of St. Rock remains unblinkingly staring, raised above the contestations expressed below.


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Mapping the microstructure properties of the local tissues in the brain is crucial to understand any pathological condition from a biological perspective. Most of the existing techniques to estimate the microstructure of the white matter assume a single axon orientation whereas numerous regions of the brain actually present a fiber-crossing configuration. The purpose of the present study is to extend a recent convex optimization framework to recover microstructure parameters in regions with multiple fibers.


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There is an increasing need to develop improved systems for predicting the safety of xenobiotics. However, to move beyond hazard identification the available concentration of the test compounds needs to be incorporated. In this study cyclosporine A (CsA) was used as a model compound to assess the kinetic profiles in two rodent brain cell cultures after single and repeated exposures. CsA induced-cyclophilin B (Cyp-B) secretion was also determined as CsA-specific pharmacodynamic endpoint. Since CsA is a potent p-glycoprotein substrate, the ability of this compound to cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) was also investigated using an in vitro bovine model with repeated exposures up to 14days. Finally, CsA uptake mechanisms were studied using a parallel artificial membrane assay (PAMPA) in combination with a Caco-2 model. Kinetic results indicate a low intracellular CsA uptake, with no marked bioaccumulation or biotransformation. In addition, only low CsA amounts crossed the BBB. PAMPA and Caco-2 experiments revealed that CsA is mostly trapped to lipophilic compartments and exits the cell apically via active transport. Thus, although CsA is unlikely to enter the brain at cytotoxic concentrations, it may cause alterations in electrical activity and is likely to increase the CNS concentration of other compounds by occupying the BBBs extrusion capacity. Such an integrated testing system, incorporating BBB, brain culture models and kinetics could be applied for assessing neurotoxicity potential of compounds.


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Signal processing methods based on the combined use of the continuous wavelet transform (CWT) and zero-crossing technique were applied to the simultaneous spectrophotometric determination of perindopril (PER) and indapamide (IND) in tablets. These signal processing methods do not require any priory separation step. Initially, various wavelet families were tested to identify the optimum signal processing giving the best recovery results. From this procedure, the Haar and Biorthogonal1.5 continuous wavelet transform (HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT, respectively) were found suitable for the analysis of the related compounds. After transformation of the absorbance vectors by using HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT, the CWT-coefficients were drawn as a graph versus wavelength and then the HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT spectra were obtained. Calibration graphs for PER and IND were obtained by measuring the CWT amplitudes at 231.1 and 291.0 nm in the HAAR-CWT spectra and at 228.5 and 246.8 nm in BIOR1.5-CWT spectra, respectively. In order to compare the performance of HAAR-CWT and BIOR1.5-CWT approaches, derivative spectrophotometric (DS) method and HPLC as comparison methods, were applied to the PER-IND samples. In this DS method, first derivative absorbance values at 221.6 for PER and 282.7 nm for IND were used to obtain the calibration graphs. The validation of the CWT and DS signal processing methods was carried out by using the recovery study and standard addition technique. In the following step, these methods were successfully applied to the commercial tablets containing PER and IND compounds and good accuracy and precision were reported for the experimental results obtained by all proposed signal processing methods.


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The use of mentor pollen has enabled successful hybridization between cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, and the wild species M. pohlii Warwa. Killed pollen of a cross compatible type produced by freeze-thawing was mixed with incompatible pollen and the mixes were dusted on stigmas. This treatment resulted in production of seed in 4.9% of the total pollinations, compared to 0% in the case of untreated pollinations. The use of a bridge species, M. neusana Nassar, through the hybrid M. pohlii and M. neusana also proved successful in overcoming interspecific barriers between cassava and M. pohlii.


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Prediction of variety composite means was shown to be feasible without diallel crossing the parental varieties. Thus, the predicted mean for a quantitative trait of a composite is given by: Yk = a1 sigmaVj + a2sigmaTj + a3 - a4, with coefficients a1 = (n - 2k)/k²(n - 2); a2 = 2n(k - 1)/k²(n - 2); a3 = n(k - 1)/k(n - 1)(n - 2); and a4 = n²(k - 1)/k(n - 1)(n - 2); summation is for j = 1 to k, where k is the size of the composite (number of parental varieties of a particular composite) and n is the total number of parent varieties. Vj is the mean of varieties and Tj is the mean of topcrosses (pool of varieties as tester), and and are the respective average values in the whole set. Yield data from a 7 x 7 variety diallel cross were used for the variety means and for the "simulated" topcross means to illustrate the proposed procedure. The proposed prediction procedure was as effective as the prediction based on Yk = - ( -)/k, where and refer to the mean of hybrids (F1) and parental varieties, respectively, in a variety diallel cross. It was also shown in the analysis of variance that the total sum of squares due to treatments (varieties and topcrosses) can be orthogonally partitioned following the reduced model Yjj’ = mu + ½(v j + v j’) + + h j+ h j’, thus making possible an F test for varieties, average heterosis and variety heterosis. Least square estimates of these effects are also given


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Fried foods are widely consumed in Brazil and their quality depends on the oil or fat they are fried. Qualitative (physical chemistry indices) and quantitative measurements (fry-life oil or fat until disposal, oil turnover, type of oil or fat and amount and type of fried foods) and associations were performed. We applied a structured form and collected 60 mL of frying oil or fat in each of the 70 fried food stands of 15 street-fairs in Goiânia, Brazil. All samples were suitable in the quantity of free fat acids (<0.9% oleic acid), one was inadequate to peroxide value (>10 mEq/kg) and 1/3 was unsuitable to polar compounds (<25%). The majority (62%) use temperature up to the allowed (180 ºC). Approximately 250 units of products are fried in at least one day in 42% of the fried food stands. Soybean oil is used in the majority (94%) of fried food stands and the fry-life is of 6 hours (60%) or a day of work/sale. The nonconformity of the content of total polar compounds in fried foods had significant association with frying time and the conformity of acidity had significant relationship with frying time by a chi-square test. All other associations were not significant. A fry-life of oil or fat up to 6 hours can avoid the excess of polar compounds in the frying medium and protect the quality of fred foods.