972 resultados para Streaming,lwIP,Linux,ZedBoard,OpenCV,pthread,UDP,TCP,Petalinux
Extractability and recovery of cellulose from cell walls influences many industrial processes and also the utilisation of biomass for energy purposes. The utility of genetic manipulation of lignin has proven potential for optimising such processes and is also advantageous for the environment. Hemicelluloses, particularly secondary wall xylans, also influence the extractability of cellulose. UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase produces UDP-xylose, the precursor for xylans and the effect of its down-regulation on cell wall structure and cellulose extractability in transgenic tobacco has been investigated. Since there are a number of potential UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase genes, a 490 bp sequence of high similarity between members of the family, was chosen for general alteration of the expression of the gene family. Sense and antisense transgenic lines were analysed for enzyme activity using a modified and optimised electrophoretic assay, for enzyme levels by western blotting and for secondary cell wall composition. Some of the down-regulated antisense plants showed high glucose to xylose ratios in xylem walls due to less xylose-containing polymers, while arabinose and uronic acid contents, which could also have been affected by any change in UDP-xylose provision, were unchanged. The overall morphology and stem lignin content of the modified lines remained little changed compared with wild-type. However, there were some changes in vascular organisation and reduction of xylans in the secondary walls was confirmed by immunocytochemistry. Pulping analysis showed a decreased pulp yield and a higher Kappa number in some lines compared with controls, indicating that they were less delignified, although the level of residual alkali was reduced. Such traits probably indicate that lignin was less available for removal in a reduced background of xylans. However, the viscosity was higher in most antisense lines, meaning that the cellulose was less broken-down during the pulping process. This is one of the first studies of a directed manipulation of hemicellulose content on cellulose extractability and shows both positive and negative outcomes.
Extractability and recovery of cellulose from cell walls influences many industrial processes and also the utilisation of biomass for energy purposes. The utility of genetic manipulation of lignin has proven potential for optimising such processes and is also advantageous for the environment. Hemicelluloses, particularly secondary wall xylans, also influence the extractability of cellulose. UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase produces UDP-xylose, the precursor for xylans and the effect of its down-regulation on cell wall structure and cellulose extractability in transgenic tobacco has been investigated. Since there are a number of potential UDP-glucuronate decarboxylase genes, a 490 bp sequence of high similarity between members of the family, was chosen for general alteration of the expression of the gene family. Sense and antisense transgenic lines were analysed for enzyme activity using a modified and optimised electrophoretic assay, for enzyme levels by western blotting and for secondary cell wall composition. Some of the down-regulated antisense plants showed high glucose to xylose ratios in xylem walls due to less xylose-containing polymers, while arabinose and uronic acid contents, which could also have been affected by any change in UDP-xylose provision, were unchanged. The overall morphology and stem lignin content of the modified lines remained little changed compared with wild-type. However, there were some changes in vascular organisation and reduction of xylans in the secondary walls was confirmed by immunocytochemistry. Pulping analysis showed a decreased pulp yield and a higher Kappa number in some lines compared with controls, indicating that they were less delignified, although the level of residual alkali was reduced. Such traits probably indicate that lignin was less available for removal in a reduced background of xylans. However, the viscosity was higher in most antisense lines, meaning that the cellulose was less broken-down during the pulping process. This is one of the first studies of a directed manipulation of hemicellulose content on cellulose extractability and shows both positive and negative outcomes.
Advances in hardware and software technologies allow to capture streaming data. The area of Data Stream Mining (DSM) is concerned with the analysis of these vast amounts of data as it is generated in real-time. Data stream classification is one of the most important DSM techniques allowing to classify previously unseen data instances. Different to traditional classifiers for static data, data stream classifiers need to adapt to concept changes (concept drift) in the stream in real-time in order to reflect the most recent concept in the data as accurately as possible. A recent addition to the data stream classifier toolbox is eRules which induces and updates a set of expressive rules that can easily be interpreted by humans. However, like most rule-based data stream classifiers, eRules exhibits a poor computational performance when confronted with continuous attributes. In this work, we propose an approach to deal with continuous data effectively and accurately in rule-based classifiers by using the Gaussian distribution as heuristic for building rule terms on continuous attributes. We show on the example of eRules that incorporating our method for continuous attributes indeed speeds up the real-time rule induction process while maintaining a similar level of accuracy compared with the original eRules classifier. We termed this new version of eRules with our approach G-eRules.
We present two-dimensional stellar and gaseous kinematics of the inner 120 x 250 pc2 of the LINER/Seyfert 1 galaxy M81, from optical spectra obtained with the Gemini Multi-Object Spectrograph (GMOS) integral field spectrograph on the Gemini-North telescope at a spatial resolution of approximate to 10 pc. The stellar velocity field shows circular rotation and, overall, is very similar to the published large-scale velocity field, but deviations are observed close to the minor axis which can be attributed to stellar motions possibly associated with a nuclear bar. The stellar velocity dispersion of the bulge is 162 +/- 15 km s-1, in good agreement with previous measurements and leading to a black hole mass of M(BH) = 5.5+3.6(-2.0) x 107 M(circle dot) based on the M(BH)-Sigma relationship. The gas kinematics is dominated by non-circular motions and the subtraction of the stellar velocity field reveals blueshifts of approximate to-100 km s-1 on the far side of the galaxy and a few redshifts on the near side. These characteristics can be interpreted in terms of streaming towards the centre if the gas is in the plane. On the basis of the observed velocities and geometry of the flow, we estimate a mass inflow rate in ionized gas of approximate to 4.0 x 10-3 M(circle dot) yr-1, which is of the order of the accretion rate necessary to power the LINER nucleus of M81. We have also applied the technique of principal component analysis (PCA) to our data, which reveals the presence of a rotating nuclear gas disc within approximate to 50 pc from the nucleus and a compact outflow, approximately perpendicular to the disc. The PCA combined with the observed gas velocity field shows that the nuclear disc is being fed by gas circulating in the galaxy plane. The presence of the outflow is supported by a compact jet seen in radio observations at a similar orientation, as well as by an enhancement of the [O i]/H alpha line ratio, probably resulting from shock excitation of the circumnuclear gas by the radio jet. With these observations we are thus resolving both the feeding - via the nuclear disc and observed gas inflow, and the feedback - via the outflow, around the low-luminosity active nucleus of M81.
Component-based software engineering has recently emerged as a promising solution to the development of system-level software. Unfortunately, current approaches are limited to specific platforms and domains. This lack of generality is particularly problematic as it prevents knowledge sharing and generally drives development costs up. In the past, we have developed a generic approach to component-based software engineering for system-level software called OpenCom. In this paper, we present OpenComL an instantiation of OpenCom to Linux environments and show how it can be profiled to meet a range of system-level software in Linux environments. For this, we demonstrate its application to constructing a programmable router platform and a middleware for parallel environments.
Sterners Specialfabrik AB tillverkar bland annat mynt- och biljettautomater. För att underlätta felsökning, underhåll, avläsning av statistik med mera på en automat är det lämpligt att detta utförs på en PC över Internet. Det innebär att automaten inte behöver besökas då dessa uppgifter skall utföras. Examensarbetet går ut på att få en PIC mikrokontroller att kommunicera med en användare vid en PC över internet. För detta krävs att en TCP/IP stack implementeras på PICmikrokontrollern. Arbetet ledde till en fungerande demoapplikation som klarar av att kommunicera över TCP/IP. Demoapplikationen innehåller diverse olika funktioner för att demonstrera hur en automat skulle kunna styras och övervakas.
Att kunna gör en effektiv undersökning av det flyktiga minnet är något som blir viktigare ochviktigare i IT-forensiska utredningar. Dels under Linux och Windows baserade PC installationermen också för mobila enheter i form av Android och enheter baserade andra mobila opperativsy-stem.Android använder sig av en modifierad Linux-kärna var modifikationer är för att anpassa kärnantill de speciella krav som gäller för ett mobilt operativsystem. Dessa modifikationer innefattardels meddelandehantering mellan processer men även ändringar till hur internminnet hanteras ochövervakas.Då dessa två kärnor är så pass nära besläktade kan samma grundläggande principer användas föratt dumpa och undersöka minne. Dumpningen sker via en kärn-modul vilket i den här rapportenutgörs av en programvara vid namn LiME vilken kan hantera bägge kärnorna.Analys av minnet kräver att verktygen som används har en förståelse för minneslayouten i fråga.Beroende på vilken metod verktyget använder så kan det även behövas information om olika sym-boler. Verktyget som används i det här examensarbetet heter Volatility och klarar på papperet avatt extrahera all den information som behövs för att kunna göra en korrekt undersökning.Arbetet avsåg att vidareutveckla existerande metoder för analys av det flyktiga minnet på Linux-baserade maskiner (PC) och inbyggda system(Android). Problem uppstod då undersökning avflyktigt minne på Android och satta mål kunde inte uppnås fullt ut. Det visade sig att minnesanalysriktat emot PC-plattformen är både enklare och smidigare än vad det är mot Android.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo desenvolver e empregar técnicas e estruturas de dados agrupadas visando paralelizar os métodos do subespaço de Krylov, fazendo-se uso de diversas ferramentas e abordagens. A partir dos resultados é feita uma análise comparativa de desemvpenho destas ferramentas e abordagens. As paralelizações aqui desenvolvidas foram projetadas para serem executadas em um arquitetura formada por um agregado de máquinas indepentes e multiprocessadas (Cluster), ou seja , são considerados o paralelismo e intra-nodos. Para auxiliar a programação paralela em clusters foram, e estão sendo, desenvolvidas diferentes ferramentas (bibliotecas) que visam a exploração dos dois níveis de paralelismo existentes neste tipo de arquitetura. Neste trabalho emprega-se diferentes bibliotecas de troca de mensagens e de criação de threads para a exploração do paralelismo inter-nodos e intra-nodos. As bibliotecas adotadas são o DECK e o MPICH e a Pthread. Um dos itens a serem analisados nestes trabalho é acomparação do desempenho obtido com essas bibliotecas.O outro item é a análise da influência no desemepnho quando quando tulizadas múltiplas threads no paralelismo em clusters multiprocessados. Os métodos paralelizados nesse trabalho são o Gradiente Conjugação (GC) e o Resíduo Mínmo Generalizado (GMRES), quepodem ser adotados, respectivamente, para solução de sistemas de equações lineares sintéticos positivos e definidos e não simétricas. Tais sistemas surgem da discretização, por exemplo, dos modelos da hidrodinâmica e do transporte de massa que estão sendo desenvolvidos no GMCPAD. A utilização desses métodos é justificada pelo fato de serem métodos iterativos, o que os torna adequados à solução de sistemas de equações esparsas e de grande porte. Na solução desses sistemas através desses métodos iterativos paralelizados faz-se necessário o particionamento do domínio do problema, o qual deve ser feito visando um bom balanceamento de carga e minimização das fronteiras entre os sub-domínios. A estrutura de dados desenvolvida para os métodos paralelizados nesse trabalho permite que eles sejam adotados para solução de sistemas de equações gerados a partir de qualquer tipo de particionamento, pois o formato de armazenamento de dados adotado supre qualquer tipo de dependência de dados. Além disso, nesse trabalho são adotadas duas estratégias de ordenação para as comunicações, estratégias essas que podem ser importantes quando se considera a portabilidade das paralelizações para máquinas interligadas por redes de interconexão com buffer de tamanho insuficiente para evitar a ocorrência de dealock. Os resultados obtidos nessa dissertação contribuem nos trabalhos do GMCPAD, pois as paralelizações são adotadas em aplicações que estão sendo desenvolvidas no grupo.
Baseado na tecnologia de interligação de redes, este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de conexão de dois sistemas com processamento próprio com o intuito de troca de informações, utilizando a pilha de protocolos TCP/IP. Este sistema será empregado em ambientes de controle industrial, permitindo o envio de informações do servidor de dados para o cliente. Os dados são constituídos de leituras feitas em equipamentos de campo, apresentando ao cliente remoto, medições dos mais diversos tipos. Por outro lado, o cliente poderá enviar comandos aos equipamentos de campo visando o telecontrole. Como ponto de partida para a elaboração do trabalho prático, foi utilizado o ambiente de controle do sistema de potência da companhia energética do estado do Rio Grande do Sul (CEEE). Um microcomputador com um browser acessa, através de uma rede local, os equipamentos controlados, que poderão ser qualquer tipo de equipamento de campo empregado em subestações de energia elétrica, como disjuntores, transformadores ou chaves. Para permitir o acesso remoto de tais equipamentos, foi elaborado um servidor de dados constituído de um controlador de rede do tipo Ethernet e um microcontrolador de aplicação específica que se encarrega do processamento da pilha de protocolos. O controlador Ethernet utilizado é um circuito integrado dedicado comercial, que executa o tratamento dos sinais de nível físico e de enlace de dados conforme o padrão IEEE 802.2. O processador TCP/IP, enfoque principal deste trabalho, foi elaborado através da linguagem de programação C, e a seguir traduzido para o Java, que é o ponto de partida para a ferramenta SASHIMI, de geração da descrição em VHDL do microcontrolador de aplicação específica utilizado. O processador TCP/IP encarrega-se da aquisição de dados do equipamento de campo, do processamento da pilha de protocolos TCP/IP, e do gerenciamento do controlador Ethernet. A partir desta descrição VHDL, foi sintetizado o hardware do microcontrolador em um FPGA, que juntamente com o software aplicativo, também fornecido pela ferramenta utilizada, desempenha o papel de processador TCP/IP para o sistema proposto. Neste ambiente, então, o cliente localizado no centro de operação, acessa através de um browser o equipamento de campo, visando obter suas medições, bem como enviar comandos, destacando o aspecto bidirecional para a troca de dados e a facilidade de conexão de dois sistemas heterogêneos. Este sistema pretende apresentar baixo custo de aquisição e de instalação, facilidade de interconexão local ou remota e transparência ao usuário final.