977 resultados para Standards, moderation, assessment, teacher judgement, criteria


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Solar heating systems have the potential to be an efficient renewable energy technology, provided they are sized correctly. Sizing a solar thermal system for domestic applications does not warrant the cost of a simulation. As a result simplified sizing procedures are required. The size of a system depends on a number of variables including the efficiency of the collector itself, the hot water demand and the solar radiation at a given location. Domestic Hot Water (DHW) demand varies with time and is assessed using a multi-parameter detailed model. Secondly, the national energy evaluation methodologies are evaluated from the perspective of solar thermal system sizing. Based on the assessment of the standards, limitations in the evaluation method for solar thermal systems are outlined and an adapted method, specific to the sizing of solar thermal systems, is proposed. The methodology is presented for two common dwelling scenarios. Results from this showed that it is difficult to achieve a high solar fraction given practical sizes of system infrastructure (storage tanks) for standard domestic properties. However, solar thermal systems can significantly offset energy loads due associated DHW consumption, particularly when sized appropriately. The presented methodology is valuable for simple solar system design and also for the quick comparison of salient criteria.


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Este estudo baseou-se na análise dos mecanismos de transferência de elementos potencialmente tóxicos (PTE’s) entre o solo, a solução do solo e as plantas como forma de realizar uma avaliação mais eficaz do risco em áreas agrícolas. Foram aplicados conceitos recentemente desenvolvidos para a avaliação da reactividade biogeoquímica de contaminantes no solo e da sua partição sólido:solução recorrendo-se a modelos empíricos (tipo Freundlich). Estes modelos permitiram analisar a transferência de PTE’s ao longo da cadeia alimentar e avaliar o impacto da contaminação do solo na qualidade da alimentação animal (forragens) e Humana (vegetais e carne) em Portugal. Os modelos empíricos de transferência solo-planta de PTE’s foram utilizadas para obter limites críticos para estes elementos em solos agrícolas em Portugal, a partir dos seus limites legais nos alimentos para animais e teores máximos nos géneros alimentícios. Simultaneamente, modelos de exposição Humana a contaminantes do solo, desenvolvidos noutros países da UE foram analisados e foi proposto um modelo de exposição para Portugal. Este trabalho é uma contribuição para o desenvolvimento de critérios de qualidade de solos para áreas agrícolas em Portugal, tendo em vista a protecção da saúde animal e Humana. Contribuiu também para o desenvolvimento de uma estratégia de harmonização de políticas de protecção do solo (nomeadamente no que diz respeito aos problemas de contaminação) na União Europeia.


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A evolução acelerada da tecnologia, com um grande impacto em quase todos os segmentos da humanidade, coloca o homem perante novos desafios, com vários graus de complexidade. Cada dia que passa, estes desafios exigem novas competências e estratégias que devem ser adequadas a cada contexto. A dinâmica das tecnologias de comunicação e informação impulsionaram a evolução do ensino a distância (EaD), o que de certo modo tem exigido grandemente às instituições provedoras do EaD em geral e, em particular, às provedoras do EaD on-line novas formas de gestão, e novas formas de ensinar, fazer aprender os seus estudantes e avaliar as suas aprendizagens. No sentido de contribuir para a evolução e melhoramento do processo de avaliação das aprendizagens on-line, desenvolveu-se um estudo sobre o tema avaliação das aprendizagens on-line como elemento potenciador da interação em EaD. O desenvolvimento do tema foi orientado por um referencial teórico e contextual e concretizou-se, na sua vertente empírica, num estudo de caso exploratório. Este estudo desenvolveu-se em duas fases. Fase I: de caracterização de conceções e “práticas” vigentes de avaliação das aprendizagens on-line no Curso de licenciatura de Gestão de Negócios (LGN) da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM) de Moçambique; Fase II: de conceção, implementação e avaliação de uma proposta alternativa de avaliação das aprendizagens on-line no Curso de LGN. Para a consecução do estudo empírico concorreram um conjunto de procedimentos metodológicos que envolveu diversas técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados. Na fase I recorreu-se à entrevista a seis atores do Curso de LGN (3 professores, 3 assessores pedagógicos e 3 estudantes) e à análise documental (documentos relativos à conceção do Curso e outros relativos à sua implementação). Na fase II recorreu-se à observação participante, a um questionário respondido pelos estudantes participantes, a um relatório elaborado pelo professor colaborador na implementação da proposta por nós concebido, e a documentos retirados da plataforma usada no Curso de LGN, a plataforma Aulanet, nomeadamente quanto às interações dos estudantes em fóruns e chats. Os dados recolhidos foram sujeitos a análises quantitativas e qualitativas.Dos resultados obtidos na Fase I realça-se a necessidade sentida pelos entrevistados de se mudarem práticas de avaliação on-line, nomeadamente de forma a potenciar a interação e interatividade e permitir que a classificação nos módulos não fosse apenas resultado de um exame final. Dos resultados obtidos na Fase II enfatiza-se a apreciação globalmente positiva da nova metodologia de avaliação das aprendizagens on-line, quer pelos estudantes, quer pelo professor participante. Foram identificados como pontos fortes: o aumento das interações na plataforma, em particular nos fóruns e chats; as interações geraram uma dinâmica na evolução dos estudantes no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento das suas competências no seu sucesso académico; a avaliação, por explicitar os critérios e indicadores, tornou-se mais transparente e orientadora do trabalho dos estudantes e do professor. Porém foram identificados alguns pontos menos fortes, nomeadamente: a sobrecarga de trabalho do professor e a não adesão total dos estudantes à metodologia proposta. Dada a natureza exploratória do estudo sugere-se a sua continuidade, através do envolvimento de outros professores e estudantes.


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Teacher commitment has been found to be a critical predictor of teachers’ work performance, absenteeism, retention, burnout and turnover, as well as having an important influence on students’ motivation, achievement, attitudes towards learning and being at school (Firestone (1996). Educational Administration Quarterly, 32(2), 209–235; Graham (1996). Journal of Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, 67(1), 45–47; Louis (1998). School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 9(1), 1–27; Tsui & Cheng (1999). Educational Research and Evaluation, 5(3), 249–268). It is also a necessary ingredient to the successful implementation, adaptation or resistance reform agendas. Surprisingly, however, the relationship between teachers’ motivation, efficacy, job satisfaction and commitment, and between commitment and the quality of their work has not been the subject of extensive research. Some literature presents commitment as a feature of being and behaving as a professional (Helsby, Knight, McCulloch, Saunders, & Warburton (1997). A report to participants on the professional cultures of Teachers Research Project, Lancaster University, January). Others suggest that it fluctuates according to personal, institutional and policy contexts (Louis (1998). School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 9(1), 1–27) and identify different dimensions of commitment which interact and fluctuate (Tyree (1996). Journal of Educational Research, 89(5), 295–304). Others claim that teachers’ commitment tends to decrease progressively over the course of the teaching career (Fraser, Draper, & Taylor (1998). Evaluation and Research in Education, 12 (2), 61–71; Huberman (1993). The lives of teachers. London: Cassell). In this research, experienced teachers in England and Australia were interviewed about their understandings of commitment. The data suggest that commitment may be better understood as a nested phenomena at the centre of which is a set of core, relatively permanent values based upon personal beliefs, images of self, role and identity which are subject to challenge by change which is socio-politically constructed.


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The use of appropriate acceptance criteria in the risk assessment process for occupational accidents is an important issue but often overlooked in the literature, particularly when new risk assessment methods are proposed and discussed. In most cases, there is no information on how or by whom they were defined, or even how companies can adapt them to their own circumstances. Bearing this in mind, this study analysed the problem of the definition of risk acceptance criteria for occupational settings, defining the quantitative acceptance criteria for the specific case study of the Portuguese furniture industrial sector. The key steps to be considered in formulating acceptance criteria were analysed in the literature review. By applying the identified steps, the acceptance criteria for the furniture industrial sector were then defined. The Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) for the injury statistics of the industrial sector was identified as the maximum tolerable risk level. The acceptable threshold was defined by adjusting the CDF to the Occupational, Safety & Health (OSH) practitioners’ risk acceptance judgement. Adjustments of acceptance criteria to the companies’ safety cultures were exemplified by adjusting the Burr distribution parameters. An example of a risk matrix was also used to demonstrate the integration of the defined acceptance criteria into a risk metric. This work has provided substantial contributions to the issue of acceptance criteria for occupational accidents, which may be useful in overcoming the practical difficulties faced by authorities, companies and experts.


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This study examined the impact that collaborative learning had on the assessment and evaluation of writing practices of a group of teachers as they engaged in a community of learners. The study explored the development of teacher knowledge and perceptions as well as the implementation of effective assessment strategies in writing for students in grades 4 to 8 that could be achieved through collaboration. Teachers' perceptions of the value of collaboration were also embedded within the study. Multiple methods of data collection were used to gather rich and descriptive data. Those methods included interviews, observation, and documentation of meetings and of participants' perceptions of their assessment and evaluation practices. Five preexisting themes describing desired outcomes of change were used to analyze the data. These themes included: knowledge, attitude, skill, aspiration, and behaviour. While it was difficult to identify definitively the degree oflearning achieved by the participants, conclusions can be drawn that the participants experienced learning and some change in the areas of knowledge and skill, attitude, aspiration, and behaviour. What was notable was the continued belief on the part of the participants of the value of collaboration as a means of learning.


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This is a study of the implementation and impact of formative assessment strategies on the motivation and self-efficacy of secondary school mathematics students. An explanatory sequential mixed methods design was implemented where quantitative and qualitative data were collected and analyzed sequentially in 2 different phases. The first phase involved quantitative data from student questionnaires and the second phase involved qualitative data from individual student and teacher interviews. The findings of the study suggest that formative assessment is implemented in practice in diverse ways and is a process where the strategies are interconnected. Teachers experience difficulty in incorporating peer and self-assessment and perceive a need for exemplars. Key factors described as influencing implementation include teaching philosophies, interpretation of ministry documents, teachers’ experiences, leadership in administration and department, teacher collaboration, misconceptions of teachers, and student understanding of formative assessment. Findings suggest that overall, formative assessment positively impacts student motivation and self-efficacy, because feedback is provided which offers encouragement and recognition by highlighting the progress that has been made and what steps need to be taken to improve. However, students are impacted differently with some considerations including how students perceive mistakes and if they fear judgement. Additionally, the impact of formative assessment is influenced by the connection between self-efficacy and motivation, namely how well a student is doing is a source of both concepts.


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Les troubles du spectre autistique (TSA) sont actuellement caractérisés par une triade d'altérations, incluant un dysfonctionnement social, des déficits de communication et des comportements répétitifs. L'intégration simultanée de multiples sens est cruciale dans la vie quotidienne puisqu'elle permet la création d'un percept unifié. De façon similaire, l'allocation d'attention à de multiples stimuli simultanés est critique pour le traitement de l'information environnementale dynamique. Dans l'interaction quotidienne avec l'environnement, le traitement sensoriel et les fonctions attentionnelles sont des composantes de base dans le développement typique (DT). Bien qu'ils ne fassent pas partie des critères diagnostiques actuels, les difficultés dans les fonctions attentionnelles et le traitement sensoriel sont très courants parmi les personnes autistes. Pour cela, la présente thèse évalue ces fonctions dans deux études séparées. La première étude est fondée sur la prémisse que des altérations dans le traitement sensoriel de base pourraient être à l'origine des comportements sensoriels atypiques chez les TSA, tel que proposé par des théories actuelles des TSA. Nous avons conçu une tâche de discrimination de taille intermodale, afin d'investiguer l'intégrité et la trajectoire développementale de l'information visuo-tactile chez les enfants avec un TSA (N = 21, âgés de 6 à18 ans), en comparaison à des enfants à DT, appariés sur l’âge et le QI de performance. Dans une tâche à choix forcé à deux alternatives simultanées, les participants devaient émettre un jugement sur la taille de deux stimuli, basé sur des inputs unisensoriels (visuels ou tactiles) ou multisensoriels (visuo-tactiles). Des seuils différentiels ont évalué la plus petite différence à laquelle les participants ont été capables de faire la discrimination de taille. Les enfants avec un TSA ont montré une performance diminuée et pas d'effet de maturation aussi bien dans les conditions unisensorielles que multisensorielles, comparativement aux participants à DT. Notre première étude étend donc des résultats précédents d'altérations dans le traitement multisensoriel chez les TSA au domaine visuo-tactile. Dans notre deuxième étude, nous avions évalué les capacités de poursuite multiple d’objets dans l’espace (3D-Multiple Object Tracking (3D-MOT)) chez des adultes autistes (N = 15, âgés de 18 à 33 ans), comparés à des participants contrôles appariés sur l'âge et le QI, qui devaient suivre une ou trois cibles en mouvement parmi des distracteurs dans un environnement de réalité virtuelle. Les performances ont été mesurées par des seuils de vitesse, qui évaluent la plus grande vitesse à laquelle des observateurs sont capables de suivre des objets en mouvement. Les individus autistes ont montré des seuils de vitesse réduits dans l'ensemble, peu importe le nombre d'objets à suivre. Ces résultats étendent des résultats antérieurs d'altérations au niveau des mécanismes d'attention en autisme quant à l'allocation simultanée de l'attention envers des endroits multiples. Pris ensemble, les résultats de nos deux études révèlent donc des altérations chez les TSA quant au traitement simultané d'événements multiples, que ce soit dans une modalité ou à travers des modalités, ce qui peut avoir des implications importantes au niveau de la présentation clinique de cette condition.


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The present study was undertaken to make a detailed investigation for_ the assessment of specific impact of commonly used biocides at the lower trophic level of food chain i.e., microalgae by using batch culture techniques in the laboratory. Microalgal representatives from three habitats i.e., fresh water, estuarine and marine were investigated. The different biocides selected are of common use in the agricultural practices. Because of the importance of microalgae as live feed for larval and postlarval stages of different aquatic organisms, the fluctuations in algal populations as a result of biocide treatment will surely affect the food chain. These studies are also of significance in setting the criteria and standards for water quality management by suggesting threshold values of different biocides tested, beyond which they affect the ecosystem adversely. The thesis has been divided into six chapters


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This the coursework specification as a single file including assessment criteria which also appear on the ECS handin page. The collection of associated handouts and links along with the coursework specification can be found at http://www.edshare.soton.ac.uk/6041/


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This paper is studied look at the Teacher’s Assessment of Grammatical Structures (TAGS), Teacher Assessment of Spoken Language (TASL), and Cottage Acquisition Scales for Listening, Language and Speech (CASLLS) criterion-referenced language assessments as well as an inquiry into how teachers of the deaf use the TAGS currently as a teaching tool.