618 resultados para Sponges, Dysidea Herbacea (porifera)
Haavan jyväiskudoksen muodostuminen – Hydroksiapatiittipinnoi-tetun selluloosasienen vaikutus solujen erilaistumiseen paranemisprosessin aikana Etsittäessä uusia luun bioyhteensopivia täytemateriaaleja selluloosasieni päällystettiin luun koostumusta muistuttavalla runsaasti piitä sisältävällä hydroksiapatiittikerroksella. Vastoin odotuksia hydroksiapatiittipinnoitettu selluloosa ei parantanut luun kasvua, vaan päinvastoin ylläpiti tulehdusta ja sidekudossolujen hakeutumista vamma-alueelle. Ihon alle implantoituna sama sienimateriaali edisti merkittävästi haavan verekkään jyväiskudoksen kasvua. Tämän löydöksen perusteella hydroksiapatiittipinnoitetun selluloosasienen vaikutusta haavan soluihin paranemisprosessin aikana tutkittiin tarkemmin ja havaittiin, että tulehdussolujen lisäksi sieniin kertyi tavallista enemmän sekä hematopoieettisia että mesenkymaalisia kantasoluja. Hematopoieettiset kantasolut sijaitsevat luuytimessä lähellä luun sisäpintaa. Luun hydroksiapatiitista vapautuu kalsiumioneja luun jatkuvan fysiologisen uudismuodostuksen ja hajottamisen yhteydessä. Kantasolut etsiytyvät luuytimeen kalsiumia aistivien reseptorien välityksellä. Koska luun pintakerrosta muistuttavasta hydroksiapatiittipinnoitteesta vapautuu kalsiumia, tämän ajateltiin toimivan selityksenä sille, että hematopoieettiset kantasolut hakeutuvat runsaslukuisesti juuri hydroksiapatiittipinnoitettuihin selluloosasieniin. Tämän hypoteesin mukaisesti hydroksiapatiittipinnoitettujen selluloosapalkkien läheisyydestä löydettiin suuria määriä kalsiumreseptoreja sisältäviä soluja. Jatkotutkimuksissa todettiin lisäksi, että hematopoieettiset kantasolut pystyivät sienissä erilaistumaan hemoglobiinia tuottaviksi soluiksi. Havaittujen punasolulinjan merkkiaineiden perusteella näyttäisikin siltä, että haavan paranemiskudoksessa tapahtuu paranemisen aikana ekstramedullaarista erytropoieesia. Nämä soluja ohjaavat vaikutukset saattavat olla hyödyllisiä vaikeasti paranevien haavojen hoidossa.
Despite being unusual, retained foreign bodies after surgical procedures is a matter of great concern for surgeons. The main purpose of this article is to describe five cases of intestinal obstruction due to intraluminal surgical sponges. The average time between the first operation and the intestinal obstruction was eight months. All patients referred abdominal pain and change of intestinal habit prior to the intestinal obstruction. In two cases bowel perforation was also observed, in addition to the intestinal obstruction. Four patients had no postoperative complications. One patient died due to an intra-abdominal abscess and sepsis.
A frutose é utilizada atualmente como adoçante para diabéticos, sendo produzida comercialmente por hidrólise do amido, sob um processo de alto custo que envolve três etapas enzimáticas usando alfa-amilase, amiloglicosidase e glicose isomerase. Uma alternativa para a produção de concentrados de frutose é a hidrólise enzimática da inulina, polímero de frutose encontrado em Asteráceas, incluindo espécies nativas do cerrado. Nesse caso, através de uma única etapa enzimática obtêm-se concentrados com até 95% de frutose. Embora baixos níveis desse açúcar possam ser metabolizados na ausência de insulina, seu efeito sobre a redução do nível de glicose plasmática ainda não está completamente esclarecido. No presente trabalho foi avaliada a ação da frutose produzida por hidrólise da inulina de Vernonia herbacea (Asteraceae) por inulinases de Penicillium janczewskii no nível de glicose plasmática de ratos diabéticos. Dentre os animais diabéticos tratados não foi verificada mortalidade, havendo redução de 46% em média (p<1% no teste de Tukey) dos níveis de glicose plasmática quando comparados aos controles. A considerável produção de inulina em V. herbacea, a alta atividade inulinásica de P. janczewskii e a ausência de mortalidade dos animais tratados demonstram que a frutose obtida por essa via pode ser uma alternativa viável para a produção comercial desse açúcar.
Le premier volet de ce travail portera sur l’expérience acquise lors d’un stage d’étude à Tokyo, au Japon, dans le groupe de recherche du Pr. Makoto Fujita, une sommité d’envergure internationale dans le domaine de l’auto-assemblage. En continuité avec les plus récents travaux du Pr. Fujita, des systèmes poreux auto-assemblés présentant des cavités fonctionnalisées ont été développés dans le but d’encapsuler des acides gras afin d’en déterminer la structure cristalline. Ces éponges ont été caractérisées par des techniques courantes telles que la spectroscopie à résonance magnétique nucléaire 1H, 13C{1H} et Cosy, la spectrométrie de masse, l’analyse élémentaire, la microscopie optique infrarouge ainsi que la diffraction des rayons X. Une autre approche employée pour obtenir de meilleures propriétés spectroscopiques fut la synthèse de dendrimères métalliques de génération 0. Un nouveau ligand de type 1,3,5-triazine a été synthétisé par une réaction typique de cyclisation de nitrile en présence catalytique d’hydrure de sodium. Des espèces mono-, bis- et trinucléaire de Ru(II) furent synthétisés ainsi que deux espèces hétérométalliques de Ru(II)/Pt(II) et de Ru(II)/Os(II). Tous les complexes obtenus furent caractérisés par spectroscopie à résonance magnétique nucléaire (1H, 13C{1H} et Cosy) à l’état liquide, par spectroscopie de masse à haute résolution et par analyse élémentaire. La génération de dihydrogène à partir de l’espèce hétérométallique a été étudiée. Les propriétés optiques et électroniques ont été analysées par spectroscopie UV-Vis, par analyse de la luminescence, du temps de vie de luminescence, par des analyses de rendement quantique ainsi que par des analyses de voltampérométrie cyclique à balayage. Finalement, dans le but d’améliorer les propriétés spectroscopiques d’absorption de complexes métalliques, nous avons synthétisé une série de polymères homo- et hétérométalliques, intégrant des ligands de type bis(2,2’:6,2’’-terpyridine). Les complexes générés furent caractérisés par diverses techniques tel que la spectroscopie à résonance magnétique nucléaire (1H, 13C{1H} et Cosy) à l’état liquide, par spectroscopie de masse à haute résolution ainsi que par analyse élémentaire. Les propriétés optiques et électroniques ont été analysées par spectroscopie UV-Vis, par analyse de la luminescence, du temps de vie de luminescence, par des analyses de rendement quantique ainsi que par des analyses de voltampérométrie cyclique à balayage.
Pro-inflammatory and angiogenic activities of VEGF and angiopoietins in murine sponge/Matrigel model
La dérégulation de la formation et l'intégrité des vaisseaux sanguins peut conduire à un état pathologique tel qu’observé dans de nombreuses maladies ischémiques telles que: la croissance de tumeur solide, l’arthrite rhumatoïde, le psoriasis, les rétinopathies et l'athérosclérose. Par conséquent, la possibilité de moduler l'angiogenèse régionale chez les patients souffrant d'ischémie est cliniquement pertinente. Un élément clé dans l'induction de l'angiogenèse pathologique est une inflammation qui précède et accompagne la formation des nouveaux vaisseaux. Ce phénomène est démontré par l'augmentation de la perméabilité vasculaire et le recrutement de monocytes/ macrophages et cellules polynucléaires (neutrophiles). En collaboration avec d'autres groupes, nous avons montré que différents facteurs de croissance tels que le facteur de croissance endothélial vasculaire et les angiopoïétines peuvent non seulement promouvoir l'angiogenèse mais aussi induire diverses étapes connexes au processus de la réaction inflammatoire, y compris la synthèse et la libération des médiateurs inflammatoires et la migration des neutrophiles. Les objectifs de notre étude étaient d'adresser si le vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) et les angiopoïétines (Ang1 et Ang2) sont capables de promouvoir la formation des nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins au fil du temps et d'identifier la présence de différentes cellules inflammatoires dans ce processus. Des éponges d'alcool polyvinylique stérilisées et imbibées de Matrigel appauvri en facteur de croissance (contenant PBS, VEGF, Ang1 ou Ang2 (200 ng/200 μl)) ont été insérées sous la peau de souris C57/Bl6 anesthésiées. Les éponges ont ensuite été retirées aux jours 4, 7, 14 ou 21 après la procédure pour des analyses histologiques, immunohistologiques et cytométriques. La formation des nouveaux vaisseaux a été validée par la coloration au Trichrome de Masson et des analyses histologiques et immunohistologiques contre les cellules endothéliales (anti-CD31). De plus, la maturation des vaisseaux a été démontrée par la coloration séquentielle contre les cellules endothéliales (anti-CD31) et musculaires lisses (anti-alpha-actine). Nous avons effectué la même procédure pour caractériser le recrutement de neutrophiles (anti-MPO), et de macrophages (anti-F4/80). Afin de mieux délimiter la présence de différents sous-ensembles de leucocytes recrutés dans les éponges, nous avons utilisé une technique de cytométrie en flux sur des préparations de cellules isolées à partir de ces éponges. Nous avons observé que le VEGF et les angiopoïétines favorisent le recrutement de cellules endothéliales et la formation de nouveaux vaisseaux plus rapidement qu’en présence de PBS. Une fois formé au jour 7, ces nouveaux vaisseaux restent stables en nombre, et ne subissent pas une réorganisation importante de leur surface. Ces vaisseaux maturent grâce au recrutement et au recouvrement par les cellules musculaires lisses des néovaisseaux. En outre, le microenvironnement angiogénique est composé de cellules inflammatoires, principalement de neutrophiles, macrophages et quelques cellules de type B et T. Donc, le VEGF, l’Ang1 et l’Ang2 induisent séparément la formation et la stabilisation de nouveaux vaisseaux sanguins, ainsi que le recrutement de cellules inflammatoires avec des puissances différentes et une action temps-dépendante dans un modèle d’éponge/Matrigel.
Coral Reefs are marine, biogenic, wave resistant carbonate structures, formed of the skeletal remains of hermatypic, or reef building organisms. The main reef builders are calcifying Rhodophytes, molluscs, sponges, polychaetes and Cnidarians. Among them, scleractinian corals and hydrocorallians are by far the most important contributors to the formation of reefs. Coral reefs cover approximately 600 thousand square kilometers of the earth's surface (Crossland fl a_1., 1991) which is about 2x106 square kilometres of tropical oceans.
As esponjas marinhas são organismos ubíquos possuindo muitas características que lhes conferem um elevado potencial como organismos bioindicadores. Dado que se reveste de enorme importância e premência o estabelecimento de um grande número de organismos que possam actuar como bioindicadores de exposição a poluentes, neste trabalho investigamos a presença do biomarcador acetilcolenesterase nas esponjas marinhas Spongia officianalis e Spongia agaricina. Os exemplos foram recolhidos em locais pré-seleccionados ao longo da costa oeste portuguesa em locais considerados não sujeitos a poluição. Escolheram-se também alguns pontos de amostragem onde pode ocorrer alguma actividade antropogénica. Para o estudo foi usado um método padrão de detecção da actividade de acetilcolinesterase - a produção do ião 5-tio-2-nitrobenzoato. Estabeleceu-se a presença de acetilcolinesterase nestas espécies e validou-se o método em termos de repetibilidade e reprodutibilidade para estes organismos. Foi também possível determinar o intervalo normal de valores de actividade específica de AChE para as espécies em estudo [0,000; 1,270] mU of AChE/mg of proteina para S. officinallis e [0,000; 1,439] mU of AChE/mg de proteina para S. agaricina.
We know little about the genomic events that led to the advent of a multicellular grade of organization in animals, one of the most dramatic transitions in evolution. Metazoan multicellularity is correlated with the evolution of embryogenesis, which presumably was underpinned by a gene regulatory network reliant on the differential activation of signaling pathways and transcription factors. Many transcription factor genes that play critical roles in bilaterian development largely appear to have evolved before the divergence of cnidarian and bilaterian lineages. In contrast, sponges seem to have a more limited suite of transcription factors, suggesting that the developmental regulatory gene repertoire changed markedly during early metazoan evolution. Using whole- genome information from the sponge Amphimedon queenslandica, a range of eumetazoans, and the choanoflagellate Monosiga brevicollis, we investigate the genesis and expansion of homeobox, Sox, T- box, and Fox transcription factor genes. Comparative analyses reveal that novel transcription factor domains ( such as Paired, POU, and T- box) arose very early in metazoan evolution, prior to the separation of extant metazoan phyla but after the divergence of choanoflagellate and metazoan lineages. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that transcription factor classes then gradually expanded at the base of Metazoa before the bilaterian radiation, with each class following a different evolutionary trajectory. Based on the limited number of transcription factors in the Amphimedon genome, we infer that the genome of the metazoan last common ancestor included fewer gene members in each class than are present in extant eumetazoans. Transcription factor orthologues present in sponge, cnidarian, and bilaterian genomes may represent part of the core metazoan regulatory network underlying the origin of animal development and multicellularity.
Submarine cliffs are typically crowded with sessile organisms, most of which are ultimately exported downwards. Here we report a 24 month study of benthic fauna dropping from such cliffs at sites of differing cliff angle and flow rates at Lough Hyne Marine Nature Reserve, Co. Cork, Ireland. The magnitude of 'fall out' material collected in capture nets was highly seasonal and composed of sessile and mobile elements. Sponges, ascidians, cnidarians, polychaetes, bryozoans and barnacles dominated the sessile forms. The remainder (mobile fauna) were scavengers and predators such as asteroid echinoderms, gastropod molluscs and malacostracan crustaceans. These were probably migrants targeting fallen sessile organisms. 'Fall out' material (including mobile forms) increased between May and August in both years. This increase in 'fall out' material was correlated with wrasse abundance at the cliffs (with a one month lag period). The activities of the wrasse on the cliffs (feeding, nest building and territory defence) were considered responsible for the majority of 'fall out' material, with natural mortality and the activity of other large mobile organisms (e.g. crustaceans) also being triplicated. Current flow rate and cliff profile were important in amount of 'fall out' material collected. In low current situations export of fallen material was vertical, while both horizontal and vertical export was associated with moderate to high current environments. Higher 'fall out' was associated with overhanging than vertical cliff surfaces. The 'fall out' of marine organisms in low current situations is likely to provide ail important source of nutrition in close proximity to the cliff, in an otherwise impoverished soft sediment habitat. However, in high current areas material will be exported some distance from the source, with final settlement again occurring in soft sediment habitats (as current speed decreases).
This release of the Catalogue of Life contains contributions from 132 databases with information on 1,352,112 species, 114,069 infraspecific taxa and also includes 928,147 synonyms and 408,689 common names covering the following groups: Viruses • Viruses and Subviral agents from ICTV_MSL UPDATED! Bacteria and Archaea from BIOS Chromista • Chromistan fungi from Species Fungorum Protozoa • Major groups from ITIS Regional, • Ciliates from CilCat, • Polycystines from WoRMS Polycystina UPDATED!, • Protozoan fungi from Species Fungorum and Trichomycetes database • Slime moulds from Nomen.eumycetozoa.com Fungi • Various taxa in whole or in part from CABI Bioservices databases (Species Fungorum, Phyllachorales, Rhytismatales, Saccharomycetes and Zygomycetes databases) and from three other databases covering Xylariaceae, Glomeromycota, Trichomycetes, Dothideomycetes • Lichens from LIAS UPDATED! Plantae (Plants) • Mosses from MOST • Liverworts and hornworts from ELPT • Conifers from Conifer Database • Cycads and 6 flowering plant families from IOPI-GPC, and 99 families from WCSP • Plus individual flowering plants families from AnnonBase, Brassicaceae, ChenoBase, Droseraceae Database, EbenaBase, GCC UPDATED!, ILDIS UPDATED!, LecyPages, LHD, MELnet UPDATED!, RJB Geranium, Solanaceae Source, Umbellifers. Animalia (Animals) • Marine groups from URMO, ITIS Global, Hexacorals, ETI WBD (Euphausiacea), WoRMS: WoRMS Asteroidea UPDATED!, WoRMS Bochusacea UPDATED!, WoRMS Brachiopoda UPDATED!, WoRMS Brachypoda UPDATED!, WoRMS Brachyura UPDATED!, WoRMS Bryozoa UPDATED!, WoRMS Cestoda NEW!, WoRMS Chaetognatha UPDATED!, WoRMS Cumacea UPDATED!, WoRMS Echinoidea UPDATED!, WoRMS Gastrotricha NEW!, WoRMS Gnathostomulida NEW!, WoRMS Holothuroidea UPDATED!, WoRMS Hydrozoa UPDATED!, WoRMS Isopoda UPDATED!, WoRMS Leptostraca UPDATED!, WoRMS Monogenea NEW!, WoRMS Mystacocarida UPDATED!, WoRMS Myxozoa NEW!, WoRMS Nemertea UPDATED!, WoRMS Oligochaeta UPDATED!, WoRMS Ophiuroidea UPDATED!, WoRMS Phoronida UPDATED!, WoRMS Placozoa NEW!, WoRMS Polychaeta UPDATED!, WoRMS Polycystina UPDATED!, WoRMS Porifera UPDATED!, WoRMS Priapulida NEW!, WoRMS Proseriata and Kalyptorhynchia UPDATED!, WoRMS Remipedia UPDATED!, WoRMS Scaphopoda UPDATED!, WoRMS Tanaidacea UPDATED!, WoRMS Tantulocarida UPDATED!, WoRMS Thermosbaenacea UPDATED!, WoRMS Trematoda NEW!, WoRMS Xenoturbellida UPDATED! • Rotifers, mayflies, freshwater hairworms, planarians from FADA databases: FADA Rotifera UPDATED!, FADA Ephemeroptera NEW!, FADA Nematomorpha NEW! & FADA Turbellaria NEW! • Entoprocts, water bears from ITIS Global • Spiders, scorpions, ticks & mites from SpidCat via ITIS UPDATED!, SalticidDB , ITIS Global, TicksBase, SpmWeb BdelloideaBase UPDATED! & Mites GSDs: OlogamasidBase, PhytoseiidBase, RhodacaridBase & TenuipalpidBase • Diplopods, centipedes, pauropods and symphylans from SysMyr UPDATED! & ChiloBase • Dragonflies and damselflies from Odonata database • Stoneflies from PlecopteraSF UPDATED! • Cockroaches from BlattodeaSF UPDATED! • Praying mantids from MantodeaSF UPDATED! • Stick and leaf insects from PhasmidaSF UPDATED! • Grasshoppers, locusts, katydids and crickets from OrthopteraSF UPDATED! • Webspinners from EmbiopteraSF UPDATED! • Bark & parasitic lices from PsocodeaSF NEW! • Some groups of true bugs from ScaleNet, FLOW, COOL, Psyllist, AphidSF UPDATED! , MBB, 3i Cicadellinae, 3i Typhlocybinae, MOWD & CoreoideaSF NEW!• Twisted-wing parasites from Strepsiptera Database UPDATED! • Lacewings, antlions, owlflies, fishflies, dobsonflies & snakeflies from LDL Neuropterida • Some beetle groups from the Scarabs UPDATED!, TITAN, WTaxa & ITIS Global • Fleas from Parhost • Flies, mosquitoes, bots, midges and gnats from Systema Dipterorum, CCW & CIPA • Butterflies and moths from LepIndex UPDATED!, GloBIS (GART) UPDATED!, Tineidae NHM, World Gracillariidae • Bees & wasps from ITIS Bees, Taxapad Ichneumonoidea, UCD, ZOBODAT Vespoidea & HymIS Rhopalosomatidae NEW!• Molluscs from WoRMS Mollusca NEW!, FADA Bivalvia NEW!, MolluscaFW NEW! & AFD (Pulmonata) • Fishes from FishBase UPDATED! • Reptiles from TIGR Reptiles • Amphibians, birds and mammals from ITIS Global PLUS additional species of many groups from ITIS Regional, NZIB and CoL China NEW!
A new species of Trypanosyllis was found in a collection of polychaetes living on algae, sponges, ascidians and sabelariid reef; at the intertidal zone of a rocky shore, at Praia do Guarau, south-eastern Brazil. Trypanosyllis aurantiacus sp. nov., is characterized by having an orange body in life, with dark red antennae and cirri throughout, falcigers with short, sub-bidentate blades, and parapodia with thick, distally sharp, protruding aciculae, two to three aciculae on each anterior parapodium, two aciculae on midbody segments, single acicula per parapodium on posteriormost chaetigers. Trypanosyllis aurantiacus sp. nov., is compared with the most similar congeners and a redescription of Trypanosyllis zebra, based on Brazilian specimens collected from similar environments at nearby beaches, is given.
Investigation of the bioactive crude extract from the sponge Plakortis angulospiculatus from Brazil led to the isolation of plakortenone (1) as a new polyketide, along with five known polyketides (2-6) previously isolated from other Plakortis sponges. The known polyketides were tested in antileishmanial, antitrypanosomal, antineuroinflammatory, and cytotoxicity assays. The results show that plakortide P (3) is a potent antiparasitic compound, against both Leishmania chagasi and Trypanosona cruzi, and exhibited antineuroinflammatory activity. The known polyketides 2-6 were tested for cytotoxicity against four human cancer cell lines, but displayed only moderate cytotoxic activity.
The fungi Aspergillus sydowii Ce15, Aspergillus sydowii Ce19, Aspergillus sydowii Gc12, Bionectria sp. Ce5, Penicillium miczynskii Gc5, Penicillium raistrickii Ce16 and Trichoderma sp. Gc1, isolated from marine sponges Geodia corticostylifera and Chelonaplysylla erecta, were evaluated for their ability to grow in the presence of DDD pesticide. Increasing concentrations of DDD pesticide, i.e., 5.0 mg (1.56 x 10(-12) mmol), 10.0 mg (3.12 x 10(-2) mmol) and 15.0 mg (4.68 x 10(-2) mmol) in solid and liquid culture media were tested. The fungi Trichoderma sp. Gc1 and Penicillium miczynskii Gc5 were able to grow in the presence of up to 15.0 mg of DDD, suggesting their potential for biodegradation. A 100% degradation of DDD was attained in liquid culture medium when Trichoderma sp. Gc1 was previously cultivated for 5 days and supplemented with 5.0 mg of DDD in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. However, the quantitative analysis showed that DDD was accumulated on mycelium and biodegradation level reached a maximum value of 58% after 14 days.
In order to investigate the chemical profile of 14 specimens of Aplysina spp. marine sponges, we have developed a method based on LC-PDA-MS for the detection of bromotyrosine-derived metabolites. The method enabled the dereplication of three distinct chemotypes of bromotyrosine-derived compounds based on UV absorptions, which were further refined by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry analysis of the brominated quasi-molecular ion clusters. This procedure led to either a single compound assignment, or a maximum of two possible isobaric compounds. The dereplication study indicated that the chemical profile of the 14 specimens of Aplysina spp. analyzed presented practically the same dibromotyrosine-derived compounds. The results obtained suggested a possible biogenetic pathway for the formation of dibromotyrosine-derived compounds of wide occurrence in Verongida sponges.
Four strains of a novel yeast species were isolated from laboratory nests of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens in Brazil. Three strains were found in older sponges and one was in a waste deposit in the ant nests. Sequencing of the D1/D2 region of the large-subunit rRNA gene showed that the novel species, named Sympodiomyces attinorum sp. nov., is phylogenetically related to Sympodiomyces parvus. Unlike Sympodiomyces parvus, Sympodiomyces attinorum can ferment glucose, assimilate methyl alpha-D-glucoside, salicin and citrate, and grow at 37 degreesC, thus enabling these two species to be distinguished. Differentiation from other related species is possible on the basis of other growth characteristics. The type strain of Sympodiomyces attinorum is UNESP-S156(T) (=CBS 9734(T)=NRRL Y-27639(T)).