999 resultados para Spectroscopic Observations


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Raman spectroscopy has enabled insights into the molecular structure of the richelsdorfite Ca2Cu5Sb[Cl|(OH)6|(AsO4)4]·6H2O. This mineral is based upon the incorporation of arsenate or phosphate with chloride anion into the structure and as a consequence the spectra reflect the bands attributable to these anions, namely arsenate or phosphate and chloride. The richelsdorfite Raman spectrum reflects the spectrum of the arsenate anion and consists of ν1 at 849, ν2 at 344 cm−1, ν3 at 835 and ν4 at 546 and 498 cm−1. A band at 268 cm−1 is attributed to CuO stretching vibration. Low wavenumber bands at 185 and 144 cm−1 may be assigned to CuCl TO/LO optic vibrations.


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The mineral delvauxite CaFe3+4(PO4,SO4)2(OH)8•4-6H2O has been characterised by Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The mineral is associated with the minerals diadochite and destinezite. Delvauxite appears to vary in crystallinity from amorphous to semi-crystalline. The mineral is often X-ray non-diffracting. The minerals are found in soils and may be described as ‘colloidal’ minerals. Vibrational spectroscopy enables determination of the molecular structure of delvauxite. Bands are assigned to phosphate and sulphate stretching and bending modes. Two symmetric stretching modes for both the phosphate and sulphate symmetric stretching modes support the concept of non-equivalent phosphate and sulphate units in the mineral structure. Multiple water bending and stretching modes imply that non-equivalent water molecules in the structure exist with different hydrogen bond strengths.


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This case study involved a detailed analysis of the changes in beliefs and teaching practices of teachers who adopted the Primary Connections program as a professional development initiative. When implementing an inquiry-based learning model, teachers observed that their students learnt more when they intervened less. By scaffolding open-ended nquiries they achieved more diverse, complex and thorough learning outcomes than previously achieved with teacher-led discussions or demonstrations. Initially, student autonomy presented erceived threats to teachers, including possible selection of topics outside the teachers’ science knowledge. In practice, when such issues arose, resolving them became a stimulating part of the earning for both teachers and students. The teachers’ observation of enhanced student learning became a powerful motivator for change in their beliefs and practices. Implications for developers of PD programs are (1) the importance of modeling student-devised inquiries, and (2) recognising the role of successful classroom implementation in facilitating change.


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Near infrared (NIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy have been applied to halotrichites of the formula MgAl2(SO4)4∙22H2O, MnAl2(SO4)4∙22H2O and ZnAl2(SO4)4∙22H2O. Comparison of the halotrichites in different spectral regions has shown that the incorporation of a divalent transition metal into the halotrichite structure causes a shift in OH stretching band positions to lower wavenumbers. Therefore, an increase in hydrogen bonded water is observed for divalent cations with a larger molecular mass. XRD has confirmed the formation of halotrichite for all three samples and characteristic peaks of halotrichite have been identified at 18.5 and 24.5° 2θ, along with a group of six peaks between 5 and 15° 2θ. It has been observed that Mg-Al and Mn-Al halotrichite are very similar in structure, while Zn-Al showed several differences particularly in the NIR spectra. This work has shown that halotrichite structures can be synthesised and characterised by infrared and NIR spectroscopy.


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The thermal behavior and decomposition of kaolinite-potassium acetate intercalation complex was investigated through a combination of thermogravimetric analysis and infrared emission spectroscopy. Three main changes were observed at 48, 280, 323 and 460 °C which were attributed to (a) the loss of adsorbed water (b) loss of the water coordinated to acetate ion in the layer of kaolinite (c) loss of potassium acetate in the complex and (d) water through dehydroxylation. It is proposed that the KAc intercalation complex is stability except heating at above 300 °C. The infrared emission spectra clearly show the decomposition and dehydroxylation of the kaolinite intercalation complex when the temperature is raised. The dehydration of the intercalation complex is followed by the loss of intensity of the stretching vibration bands at region 3600-3200 cm-1. Dehydroxylation is followed by the decrease in intensity in the bands between 3695 and 3620 cm-1. Dehydration is completed by 400 °C and partial dehydroxylation by 650 °C. The inner hydroxyl group remained until around 700 °C.


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Mid-infrared (MIR) and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy have been used to study the molecular structure of halloysite and potassium acetate intercalated halloysite and to determine the structural changes of halloysite through intercalation. The MIR spectra show all fundamental vibrations including the hydroxyl units, basic aluminosilicate framework and water molecules in the structure of halloysite and its intercalation complex. Comparison between halloysite and halloysite-potassium acetate intercalation complex shows almost all bands observed for halloysite are also observed for halloysite-potassium acetate intercalation complex apart from bands observed in the 1700-1300 cm-1 region, but with differences in band intensity. However, NIR, based on MIR spectra, provide sufficient evidence to analyze the structural changes of halloysite through intercalation. There are obvious differences between halloysite and halloysite-potassium acetate intercalation complex in the all spectral ranges. Therefore, the reproducibility of measurement and richness of qualitative information should be simultaneously considered for proper selection of a spectroscopic method for molecular structural analysis.


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Raman spectroscopy has been used to characterise nine hydrotalcites prepared from aluminate and magnesium solutions (magnesium chloride and seawater). The aluminate hydrotalcites are proposed to have the following formula Mg6Al2(OH)16(CO32-).xH2O, Mg6Al2(OH)16(CO32-,SO42-).xH2O, and Mg6Al2(OH)16(SO42-).xH2O. The synthesis of these hydrotalcites using seawater results in the intercalation of sulfate anions into the hydrotalcite interlayer. The spectra have been used to assess the molecular assembly of the cations and anions in the hydrotalcite structures. The spectra have been conveniently subdivided into spectral features based upon the carbonate anion, the hydroxyl units and water units. This investigation has shown the ideal conditions to form hydrotalcite from aluminate solutions is at pH 14 using magnesium chloride. Changes in synthesis conditions resulted in the formation of impurity products aragonite, thenardite, and gypsum.


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The mixed valency (M2+M3+) sulphate minerals, römerite Fe2+Fe23+(SO4)4•14H2O and botryogen Mg2+Fe3+(SO4)2(OH).7H2O have been studied by Raman spectroscopy. The Raman spectra of the two types of crystals proved very similar but not identical. The observation of two symmetric stretching modes confirmed the presence of the two non-equivalent sulphate units in the römerite structure. The observation of multiple bands in the antisymmetric stretching region and in the bending regions proves the symmetry of the sulphate anion is significantly reduced in the römerite structure. The number of Raman bands related to the (SO4)2- symmetric and antisymmetric vibrations support the X-ray single crystal structure conclusion that two symmetrically distinct S6+ are present in the structure of botryogen. Römerite is a mineral of environmental significance as it is commonly found in tailings and dumps.


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Raman spectra of the uranyl titanate mineral brannerite were analysed and related to the mineral structure. A comparison is made with the Raman spectra of uranyl oxyhydroxide hydrates. Observed bands are attributed to the TiO and (UO2)2+ stretching and bending vibrations, U-OH bending vibrations, H2O and (OH)- stretching, bending and libration modes. U-O bond lengths in uranyls and O-H…O bond lengths are calculated from the wavenumbers assigned to the stretching vibrations. Raman bands of brannerite are in harmony with those of the uranyl oxyhydroxides. The mineral brannerite is metamict as is evidenced by the intensity of the UO stretching and bending modes being of lower intensity than expected and with bands that are significantly broader.


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Raman microscopy of two mixite minerals BiCu6(AsO4)3(OH)6.3H2O from Jáchymov and from Smrkovec (both Czech Republic) has been used to study their molecular structure, which is interpreted and the presence of (AsO4)3-, (AsO3OH)2-, (PO4)3- and (PO3OH)2- units, molecular water and hydroxyl ions were inferred. O-H…O hydrogen bond lengths were calculated from the Raman and infrared spectra using Libowitzky’s empirical relation. Small differences in the Raman spectra between both samples were observed and attributed to compositional and hydrogen bonding network differences.


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Raman spectroscopy has been used to study selected mineral samples of the copiapite group. Copiapite (Fe2+Fe3+(SO4)6(OH)2 · 20H2O) is a secondary mineral formed through the oxidn. of pyrite. Minerals of the copiapite group have the general formula AFe4(SO4)6(OH)2 · 20H2O, where A has a + 2 charge and can be either magnesium, iron, copper, calcium and/or zinc. The formula can also be B2/3Fe4(SO4)6(OH)2 · 20H2O, where B has a + 3 charge and may be either aluminum or iron. For each mineral, two Raman bands are obsd. at around 992 and 1029 cm-1, assigned to the (SO4)2-ν1 sym. stretching mode. The observation of two bands provides evidence for the existence of two non-equiv. sulfate anions in the mineral structure. Three Raman bands at 1112, 1142 and 1161 cm-1 are obsd. in the Raman spectrum of copiapites, indicating a redn. of symmetry of the sulfate anion in the copiapite structure. This redn. in symmetry is supported by multiple bands in the ν2 and ν4(SO4)2- spectral regions.


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Raman spectra of the uranyl titanate mineral euxenite were analyzed and related to the mineral structure. A comparison is made with the Raman spectra of uranyl oxyhydroxide hydrates. The obsd. bands are attributed to the Ti[n.63743]O and (UO2)2+ stretching and bending vibrations, as well as lattice vibrations of rare-earth ions. The Raman bands of euxenite are in harmony with those of the uranyl oxyhydroxides. The mineral euxenite is metamict as is evidenced by the intensity of the U[n.63743]O stretching and bending modes, which are of lower intensity than expected, and with bands that are significantly broader.


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We have successfully synthesized hydrotalcites (HTs) contg. calcium, which are naturally occurring minerals. Insight into the unique structure of HTs has been obtained using a combination of X-ray diffraction (XRD) as well as IR and Raman spectroscopies. Calcium-contg. hydrotalcites (Ca-HTs) of the formula Ca4Al2(CO3)(OH)12·4H2O (2:1 Ca-HT) to Ca8Al2(CO3)(OH)20· 4H2O (4:1 Ca-HT) have been successfully synthesized and characterised by XRD and Raman spectroscopy. XRD has shown that 3:1 calcium HTs have the largest interlayer distance. Raman spectroscopy complemented with selected IR data has been used to characterize the synthesized Ca-HTs. The Raman bands obsd. at around 1086 and 1077 cm-1 were attributed to the ν1 sym. stretching modes of the (CO32-) units of calcite and carbonate intercalated into the HT interlayer. The corresponding ν3 CO32- antisym. stretching modes are found at around 1410 and 1475 cm-1.


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Raman spectroscopy complimented with infrared spectroscopy has been used to characterise the antimonate mineral bindheimite Pb2Sb2O6(O,OH). The mineral is characterised by an intense Raman band at 656 cm-1 assigned to SbO stretching vibrations. Other lower intensity bands at 664, 749 and 814 cm-1 are also assigned to stretching vibrations. This observation suggests the non-equivalence of SbO units in the structure. Low intensity Raman bands at 293, 312 and 328 cm-1 are assigned to the OSbO bending vibrations. Infrared bands at 979, 1008, 1037 and 1058 cm-1 may be assigned to δ OH deformation modes of SbOH units. Infrared bands at 1603 and 1640 cm-1 are assigned to water bending vibrations, suggesting that water is involved in the bindheimite structure. Broad infrared bands centred upon 3250 cm-1 supports this concept. Thus the true formula of bindheimite is questioned and probably should be written as Pb2Sb2O6(O,OH,H2O)


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The seawater neutralisation process is currently used in the Alumina industry to reduce the pH and dissolved metal concentrations in bauxite refinery residues, through the precipitation of Mg, Al, and Ca hydroxide and carbonate minerals. This neutralisation method is very similar to the co-precipitation method used to synthesise hydrotalcite (Mg6Al2(OH)16CO3•4H2O). This study looks at the effect of temperature on the type of precipitates that form from the seawater neutralisation process of Bayer liquor. The Bayer precipitates have been characterised by a variety of techniques, including X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The mineralogical composition of Bayer precipitates largely includes hydrotalcite, hydromagnesite, and calcium carbonate species. XRD determined that Bayer hydrotalcites that are synthesised at 55 °C have a larger interlayer distance, indicating more anions are removed from Bayer liquor. Vibrational spectroscopic techniques have identified an increase in hydrogen bond strength for precipitates formed at 55 °C, suggesting the formation of a more stable Bayer hydrotalcite. Raman spectroscopy identified the intercalation of sulfate and carbonate anions into Bayer hydrotalcites using these synthesis conditions.