986 resultados para Spanish Republic II, 1931-1939
Neste presente trabalho os autores criam uma nova espécie para o subgênero Plagioporus (Plagioporus) Stafford, 1904, P. (P.) dollfusi sp. n. fica no grupo "b" da distribuição de travassos & cols. (1966), mais se aproximando de P. (P.) multilobatus Travassos & cols. 1966, distinguindo-se principalmente por possuir o limite anterior dos vitelinos na zona acetabular, poro genital bifurcal, bolsa do cirro alcançando a zona acetabular e ovos menores. Apresentam como novas ocorrências Enenterum pimelopteri Nagaty 1942 e Pseudopecoelus priacanthi (Mac Callum, 1921) manter, 1947. Apresentam ainda Garrupa sp. como novo hospedeiro de Pseudopecoelus priacanthi. Referem a presença de Hysterolecitha elongata manter, 1931, Bucephalus varicus manter, 1940, Metadena spectanda travassos, Freitas & Bührnheim, 1967 e uma fêmea jovem de Echinorhynchideae Southwell & Macfie, 1925 (Acanthocephala).
There is a widespread consensus in the literature that, as consequence of the demographic transition, the current Spanish pension system will become unsustainable in the next decades. In this article we evaluate the sustainability of the contributory pensions' sub-system, taking into account the demographic projections by the Spanish Statistical Office (INE). A baseline scenario is projected as well as several reforms are simulated, focusing on: (i) selective immigration policy, (ii) changes in the way of setting the pensions and (iii) increase of the legal age of retirement up to 68. The main results are the following. The current system would not incur deficits until 2018, from then deficits will begin to be accumulated. The expenditure in pensions practically would double (from 8.3 % in 2005 to 17.2 % in 2050). A selective immigration policy -towards foreign young people- would help, but does not solve the long-term sustainability of the current system. A policy that combines a pensions' growth at a pace lower than productivity growth and extends the legal age of retirement up to 68 would give solvency to the system beyond 2029
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L'objectiu d'aquest treball és aclarir, fins on sigui possible, quines van ser les reaccions de quatre escriptors catalans en esclatar el conflicte, Pere Calders, Avel·lí Artís-Gener (
Ireland's International Education Strategy 2010 - 2015: Investing in Global Relationships Summary Report - Spanish. Provided by the Department of Education and Skills, Ireland.
Background. Urotensin II (UII) is a potent vasoconstrictor peptide, which signals through a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) known as GPR14 or urotensin receptor (UTR). UII exerts a broad spectrum of actions in several systems such as vascular cell, heart muscle or pancreas, where it inhibits insulin release. Objective. Given the reported role of UII in insulin secretion, we have performed a genetic association analysis of the UTS2 gene and flanking regions with biochemical parameters related to insulin resistance (fasting glucose, glucose 2 hours after a glucose overload, fasting insulin and insulin resistance estimated as HOMA). Results and Conclusions. We have identified several polymorphisms associated with the analysed clinical traits, not only at the UTS2 gene, but also in thePER3 gene, located upstream from UTS2. Our results are compatible with a role for UII in glucose homeostasis and diabetes although we cannot rule out the possibility that PER3 gene may underlie the reported associations.
Background: Partner violence against women is a major public health problem. Although there are currently a number of validated screening and diagnostic tools that can be used to evaluate this type of violence, such tools are not available in Spain. The aim of this study is to analyze the validity and reliability of the Spanish version of the Index of Spouse Abuse (ISA). Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2005 in two health centers in Granada, Spain, in 390 women between 18 and 70 years old. Analyses of the factorial structure, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and construct validity were conducted. Cutoff points for each subscale were also defined. For the construct validity analysis, the SF-36 perceived general health dimension, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale and the Goldberg 12-item General Health Questionnaire were included. Results: The psychometric analysis shows that the instrument has good internal consistency, reproducibility, and construct validity. Conclusions: The scale is useful for the analysis of partner violence against women in both a research setting and a healthcare setting
BACKGROUND The etiology of Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn's Disease (CD), considered together as Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD), involves environmental and genetic factors. Although some genes are already known, the genetics underlying these diseases is complex and new candidates are continuously emerging. The CD209 gene is located in a region linked previously to IBD and a CD209 functional polymorphism (rs4804803) has been associated to other inflammatory conditions. Our aim was to study the potential involvement of this CD209 variant in IBD susceptibility. METHODS We performed a case-control study with 515 CD patients, 497 UC patients and 731 healthy controls, all of them white Spaniards. Samples were typed for the CD209 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs4804803 by TaqMan technology. Frequency comparisons were performed using chi2 tests. RESULTS No association between CD209 and UC or CD was observed initially. However, stratification of UC patients by HLA-DR3 status, a strong protective allele, showed that carriage of the CD209_G allele could increase susceptibility in the subgroup of HLA-DR3-positive individuals (p = 0.03 OR = 1.77 95% CI 1.04-3.02, vs. controls). CONCLUSION A functional variant in the CD209 gene, rs4804803, does not seem to be influencing Crohn's disease susceptibility. However, it could be involved in the etiology or pathology of Ulcerative Colitis in HLA-DR3-positive individuals but further studies are necessary.
Per a la burgesia agrària catalana la primera meitat del segle XX va significar l'era dels atacs a la propietat. La qüestió de la distribució de la propietat i la necessitat de reformar-la va convertir-se, durant la II República, en l'eix del debat polític i en una causa fonamental de la polarització experimentada per la societat catalana. L'agreujament dels conflictes socials del món rural i el posterior inici d'un procés de reforma agrària varen afectar fortament els interessos i els drets adquirits de la classe propietària, i aquesta va respondre de manera contundent. Malgrat l'aparent unitat de la dreta en la defensa de la distribució de la propietat vigent aleshores, no podem passar per alt l'existència de propostes d'actuació de caràcter prou divergent en el si d'aquest bloc político-social. En aquest sentit la figura i l'obra publicistica de Pelai Negre i Pastell (1895-1984) adquireix un valor peculiar en tant que el seu discurs, tot i vetllar per la salvaguarda d'aquests drets també proposa una línia transformació progressiva i conservadora coneguda com a Acció Social Agrària
End-stage renal diseases (ESRD) are becoming more frequent in HIV-infected patients. In Europe there is little information about HIV-infected patients on dialysis. A cross-sectional multicenter survey in 328 Spanish dialysis units was conducted in 2006. Information from 14,876 patients in dialysis was obtained (81.6% of the Spanish dialysis population). Eighty-one were HIV infected (0.54%; 95% CI, 0.43-0.67), 60 were on hemodialysis, and 21 were on peritoneal dialysis. The mean (range) age was 45 (28-73) years. Seventy-two percent were men and 33% were former drug users. The mean (range) time of HIV infection was 11 (1-27) years and time on dialysis was 4.6 (0.4-25) years. ESRD was due to glomerulonephritis (36%) and diabetes (15%). HIV-associated nephropathy was not reported. Eighty-five percent were on HAART, 76.5% had a CD4 T cell count above 200 cells, and 73% had undetectable viral load. Thirty-nine percent of patients met criteria for inclusion on the renal transplant (RT) waiting list but only 12% were included. Sixty-one percent had HCV coinfection. HCV-coinfected patients had a longer history of HIV, more previous AIDS events, parenteral transmission as the most common risk factor for acquiring HIV infection, and less access to the RT waiting list (p < 0.05). The prevalence of HIV infection in Spanish dialysis units in 2006 was 0.54% HCV coinfection was very frequent (61%) and the percentage of patients included on the Spanish RT waiting list was low (12%).
Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of dietary intake of commercial hydrolyzed collagen (Gelatine Royal ®) on bone remodeling in pre-pubertal children. Methods: A randomized double-blind study was carried out in 60 children (9.42 ± 1.31 years) divided into three groups according to the amount of partially hydrolyzed collagen taken daily for 4 months: placebo (G-I, n = 18), collagen (G-II, n = 20) and collagen + calcium (G-III, n = 22) groups. Analyses of the following biochemical markers were carried out: total and bone alkaline phosphatase (tALP and bALP), osteocalcin, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP), type I collagen carboxy terminal telopeptide, lipids, calcium, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), thyroid-stimulating hormone, free thyroxin and intact parathormone. Results: There was a significantly greater increase in serum IGF-1 in G-III than in G II (p < 0.01) or G-I (p < 0.05) during the study period, and a significantly greater increase in plasma tALP in G-III than in G-I (p < 0.05). Serum bALP behavior significantly (p < 0.05) differed between G-II (increase) and G-I (decrease). Plasma TRAP behavior significantly differed between G-II and G-I (p < 0.01) and between G-III and G-II (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Daily dietary intake of hydrolyzed collagen seems to have a potential role in enhancing bone remodeling at key stages of growth and development.
BACKGROUND Combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) has produced significant changes in mortality of HIV-infected persons. Our objective was to estimate mortality rates, standardized mortality ratios and excess mortality rates of cohorts of the AIDS Research Network (RIS) (CoRIS-MD and CoRIS) compared to the general population. METHODS We analysed data of CoRIS-MD and CoRIS cohorts from 1997 to 2010. We calculated: (i) all-cause mortality rates, (ii) standardized mortality ratio (SMR) and (iii) excess mortality rates for both cohort for 100 person-years (py) of follow-up, comparing all-cause mortality with that of the general population of similar age and gender. RESULTS Between 1997 and 2010, 8,214 HIV positive subjects were included, 2,453 (29.9%) in CoRIS-MD and 5,761 (70.1%) in CoRIS and 294 deaths were registered. All-cause mortality rate was 1.02 (95% CI 0.91-1.15) per 100 py, SMR was 6.8 (95% CI 5.9-7.9) and excess mortality rate was 0.8 (95% CI 0.7-0.9) per 100 py. Mortality was higher in patients with AIDS, hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infection, and those from CoRIS-MD cohort (1997-2003). CONCLUSION Mortality among HIV-positive persons remains higher than that of the general population of similar age and sex, with significant differences depending on the history of AIDS or HCV coinfection.
BACKGROUND Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is an inherited neurodevelopmental condition characterised by behavioural, learning disabilities, physical and neurological symptoms. In addition, an important degree of comorbidity with autism is also present. Considered a rare disorder affecting both genders, it first becomes apparent during childhood with displays of language delay and behavioural symptoms.Main aim: To show whether the combination of 10 mg/kg/day of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and 10 mg/kg/day of α-tocopherol (vitamin E) reduces FXS symptoms among male patients ages 6 to 18 years compared to placebo treatment, as measured on the standardized rating scales at baseline, and after 12 and 24 weeks of treatment.Secondary aims: To assess the safety of the treatment. To describe behavioural and cognitive changes revealed by the Developmental Behaviour Checklist Short Form (DBC-P24) and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised. To describe metabolic changes revealed by blood analysis. To measure treatment impact at home and in an academic environment. METHODS/DESIGN A phase II randomized, double-blind pilot clinical trial. SCOPE male children and adolescents diagnosed with FXS, in accordance with a standardized molecular biology test, who met all the inclusion criteria and none of the exclusion criteria. INSTRUMENTATION clinical data, blood analysis, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised, Conners parent and teacher rating scale scores and the DBC-P24 results will be obtained at the baseline (t0). Follow up examinations will take place at 12 weeks (t1) and 24 weeks (t2) of treatment. DISCUSSION A limited number of clinical trials have been carried out on children with FXS, but more are necessary as current treatment possibilities are insufficient and often provoke side effects. In the present study, we sought to overcome possible methodological problems by conducting a phase II pilot study in order to calculate the relevant statistical parameters and determine the safety of the proposed treatment. The results will provide evidence to improve hyperactivity control and reduce behavioural and learning problems using ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and α-tocopherol (vitamin E). The study protocol was approved by the Regional Government Committee for Clinical Trials in Andalusia and the Spanish agency for drugs and health products. TRIAL REGISTRATION ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT01329770 (29 March 2011).
In this second article of a series of three, we will discuss using the Metaplan technique on controversial issues of health outcomes in economic evaluation of health care interventions. The four-discussion areas focus on: choice of health outcomes measures, where any outcome measure is superior to another; extrapolation and transferability of health outcomes measures, which should not be assumed the results of an EEIS of one country to another without making certain adjustments; appropriate instruments to measure quality of life in Spain, where the EQ-5D was indicated as convenient due to its widespread international use; and, indirect comparisons, where the combination of both comparisons, direct and indirect, it would be advisable if the test for indirect estimates is consistent and has been validated. Finally, research lines to try to overcome the identified discrepancies were identified in each of these areas, some of those are: doing studies of correlation between scores of specific and generic instruments measuring quality of life; update or create a database of economic evaluations in Spain; estimating utilities for the Spanish population by existing generic and specific instruments; or, establish a common way to show the results of a meta-analysis network.
BACKGROUND Mental and body weight disorders are among the major global health challenges, and their comorbidity may play an important role in treatment and prevention of both pathologies. A growing number of studies have examined the relationship between psychiatric status and body weight, but our knowledge is still limited. OBJECTIVE The present study aims to investigate the cross-sectional relationships of psychiatric status and body mass index (BMI) in Málaga, a Mediterranean city in the South of Spain. MATERIALS AND METHODS A total of 563 participants were recruited from those who came to his primary care physician, using a systematic random sampling, non-proportional stratified by BMI categories. Structured clinical interviews were used to assess current Axes-I and II mental disorders according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR). BMI was calculated as weight (Kg) divided by square of height in meters (m2). Logistic regression was used to investigate the association between BMI and the presence of any mental disorder. BMI was introduced in the models using restricted cubic splines. RESULTS We found that high BMI values were directly associated with mood and adjustment disorders, and low BMI values were directly associated with avoidant and dependent personality disorders (PDs). We observed an inverse relationship between low BMI values and cluster A PDs. There were not significant relationships between anxiety or substance-related disorders and BMI. CONCLUSION Psychiatric status and BMI are related in a Mediterranean Spanish population. A multidisciplinary approach to both pathologies becomes increasingly more necessary.