968 resultados para Spanish American poetry.


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This paper aims to discuss a project of translating part of the work Muse & Drudge, by the award-winning African-American poet Harryette Mullen, into Brazilian Portuguese, with focus on a single poem. In Muse & Drudge Mullen combines cultural critique with humor, lyricism and punning, which has unfolded the frontiers between cultural and racial identity, and has put into question the opposition between popular and high culture. This work analyzes to which extent the proposed translation produces a new set of intertextual relations that might culminate in “unexpected” meanings. It is a goal to understand how the effects of such “unexpected” meanings reveal the “encounter” between the so-called racial “black/white” dichotomy, predominant in the US culture, and the notion of “miscegenation” and “racial democracy” in Brazil.


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Harryette Mullen is a contemporary African-American poet whose work has been increasingly analyzed and commented upon in American literary circles. Along her poetic career, one can identify the development of a complex relationship with the construction of the (black) female identity. Early in her career such construction involved the affirmation of a safer, if not “truthful” locus that could encompass the meaning of the female existence, which has ultimately come to develop a deconstruction, in her current poetry, of any centrality or essentiality in the search for a an authentic female identity. Translations of her poems will be presented in order to investigate their implication for understanding the fragmented body of the contemporary woman.


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This paper discusses the role of translation in the construction of the identity of African-American literature in Brazil, by considering the relations between the Brazilian sociocultural context, infl uenced by biological and cultural miscegenation, and the particular way that the literary criticism represented by essays and translations of the Brazilian critic Sergio Milliet, published in between the 40’s and 60’s, approaches AfricanAmerican poetry, with special focus on Langston Hughes’ poems. In this paper, differences between Brazilian and American racial contexts are brought into light in regard to the discourses on miscegenation and race. It is discussed the extent to which Sergio Milliet developed a racialized identity for African-American poetry in his essays, which, however, was rebuilt through translation, in his anthology Obras Primas da Poesia Universal, with a less racialized perspective so that African-American aesthetics could sound less dissonant and regional and more inclined towards the principle of universality which characterizes the anthology composed of renowned foreign and Brazilian poets.


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This paper addresses issues regarding my translation of selected poems by Harryette Mullen, a rising African-American contemporary poet, whose dense poetry works on the black oral tradition, the experimentalism of writing, the (African-American) pop music, in addition to delving into issues such as the representation of (black) female sexuality. One of the complex aspects of her poetry is the notion of miscegenation, conceived as an aesthetic argument and as a constitutive condition of the identity of multiracial Americans. This concept establishes a textuality that questions the accessible intelligibility generally expected from black American poetry, insofar as a mosaic of dissonant voices are brought to light in her text, which makes it difficult to categorize. In Brazil, especially among politically engaged Afro-Brazilians, there has been criticism towards the praise of miscegenation, since the latter has been considered to support of the myth of racial democracy. Building on these aspects, we investigate the extent to which it is a challenge to translate her poetry – based on miscegenation and hybridity as aesthetic constructs – especially when taking into account the discursive locus of readers identified with an Afro-Brazilian aesthetic, particularly critical of miscegenation. From the point of view of translation, we evaluate the extent to which her poetry could be read by the predominant cultural discourse in Brazil, inclined to favor miscegenation as an integral concept of national identity, as a seductively experimental poetry. In view of this, one wonders whether this perspective makes hers poetry “less black” for Afro-Brazilian literary standards.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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The White Family Photograph Album Collection consists of 4 volumes of photographs taken by J. S. White of Rock Hill, SC of family members, friends, vacations, Rock Hill, SC, and of Winthrop from 1891-1897. One of the albums includes pictures from J.S. White’s tour of duty in the South Carolina Infantry during the Spanish American War.


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The Marshall Family Papers includes originals and photocopies of two letters written by Fred D. Marshall of Rock Hill. The first is from Camp Thomas in Chickamauga, Georgia and the second was from Camp Cuba Libre in Jacksonville, FL. while he was a soldier during the Spanish American War to his parents, Capt and Mrs. John Wilson Marshall of Rock Hill Also included is a letter by W.W. Byre to Capt. John Wilson Marshall while a missionary in Mexico. Fred D. Marshall served as mayor of Columbia from 1941 to 1946 and W.W. Byre became Dean of Erskine Theological Seminary at Due West, SC.


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O presente ensaio se propõe a examinar o contexto de publicação dos Poemas negros (1947) de Jorge de Lima, buscando, primeiramente, historiar a formação e a consolidação do cânone da poesia afro-americana para, em seguida, rastrear sua repercussão no cenário literário brasileiro dos anos 1930 e 1940, em particular, na Revista Acadêmica, responsável pela edição do livro de Jorge de Lima. Por fim, o ensaio examina os Poemas negros à luz dessa repercussão, considerando os limites ou as contradições ideológicas de seu projeto poético.


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[ES]El objetivo del presente artículo es demostrar que existe un español internacional (EI) en los medios de comunicación de Hispanoamérica. Para ello, hemos escogido un programa de radio de la norma culta del español Atlántico. Por un lado, analizamos las definiciones que se han realizado del español de los medios de comunicación-lengua especial, Lázaro Carreter, para constatar si coadyuvan a la consolidación del concepto de EI y, por otro lado, realizamos un estudio dialectal con los americanismos léxicos del corpus para verificar hasta qué punto constituyen una isoglosa que impide la inteligibilidad y, por tanto, la no existencia de un EI en los medios de comunicación.


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La tesi è incentrata sui recenti sviluppi della narrativa testimoniale dell’America Latina. Verranno presi in considerazione gli ultimi contributi critici dedicati al rapporto tra finzione e realtà in letteratura, e sarà dato spazio alla costruzione narrativa della realtà e alla nascita del testimonio, come genere a sé, che raccoglie alcune delle principali opere latinoamericane degli ultimi quaranta anni. Nello specifico, l’indagine riguarderà la rappresentazione letteraria della violenza nella narrativa di denuncia di tre autori ispoanoamericani: la novela negra di Enrique Serna, il poliziesco testimoniale di Rodolfo Walsh e la scrittura estrema di Roberto Bolaño. Obiettivo della ricerca è capire in che modo i tre scrittori hanno raccontato le loro verità alternative, provando a salvaguardare la memoria, e quali effetti hanno ottenuto. Verranno analizzate non solo le tematiche affrontate, facendo riferimento quindi al contesto storico, politico e sociale al quale si rifanno, ma saranno illustrate anche le differenti tecniche di costruzione del romanzo, dell’intreccio e della trama, e verrà isolato il ruolo del testimone (diretto o indiretto) e delle fonti, per cogliere le differenze ma anche le similitudini stilistiche e narrative di ognuna delle opere. Più in generale, dimostreremo come e quanto i testi di questi autori costituiscano in realtà una forte critica al sistema imperante e diano voce alle categorie sociali altrimenti emarginate.


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La tesi si occupa di analizzare la produzione narrativa della scrittrice messicana di frontiera Cristina Rivera Garza. In particolare, si pone l'accento sull'uso della strategia dell'intertestualità. A partire dalle fondamentali teorie classiche di Julia Kristeva, Gérard Genette e molti altri, lo scopo è quello di proporre un nuovo modello interpretativo che possa considerare la peculiarità della letteratura ispano-americana e inglobare la particolarità della proposta narrativa della scrittrice in oggetto. Attraverso l'innovativo studio di Roberto González Echevarría, l'obiettivo è quello di analizzare non solo i rapporti che si stabiliscono tra opere che appartengono al sistema della letteratura, ma anche i produttivi rapporti che si stabiliscono fra testi letterari e testi che non appartengono al sistema della letteratura. In particolare si analizza: a) le relazioni tra Storia e narrazione nel romanzo storico messicano tra XX e XXI secolo; b) le relazioni tra cronaca (considerata come genere tout court e come insieme di notizie giornalistiche) e narrazione nel romanzo poliziesco messicano contemporaneo.


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This study describes the style of management of Dr. William Gorgas as he led the public health effort to reduce diseases to a level that permitted the completion of the Panama Canal construction. Initially, Gorgas was skeptical of the mosquito vector theory. He fully accepted this theory after participating in Walter Reed’s massive cleanup of Havana, Cuba during the Spanish American War of 1898. During 1905 to 1914, Gorgas was selected to lead the sanitary effort during the construction of the Panama Canal. The lessons learned from this historical case study provide public health administrators with guidance to effectively lead current and future infectious diseases threats. Understanding styles of management within the context of disease control is essential in tackling epidemics like yellow fever and other infectious diseases. ^