917 resultados para Source to sinks


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The core-level energy shifts observed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) have been used to determine the band bending at Si(111) surfaces terminated with Si-Br, Si-H, and Si-CH3 groups, respectively. The surface termination influenced the band bending, with the Si 2p3/2 binding energy affected more by the surface chemistry than by the dopant type. The highest binding energies were measured on Si(111)-Br (whose Fermi level was positioned near the conduction band at the surface), followed by Si(111)-H, followed by Si(111)-CH3 (whose Fermi level was positioned near mid-gap at the surface). Si(111)-CH3 surfaces exposed to Br2(g) yielded the lowest binding energies, with the Fermi level positioned between mid-gap and the valence band. The Fermi level position of Br2(g)-exposed Si(111)-CH3 was consistent with the presence of negatively charged bromine-containing ions on such surfaces. The binding energies of all of the species detected on the surface (C, O, Br) shifted with the band bending, illustrating the importance of isolating the effects of band bending when measuring chemical shifts on semiconductor surfaces. The influence of band bending was confirmed by surface photovoltage (SPV) measurements, which showed that the core levels shifted toward their flat-band values upon illumination. Where applicable, the contribution from the X-ray source to the SPV was isolated and quantified. Work functions were measured by ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS), allowing for calculation of the sign and magnitude of the surface dipole in such systems. The values of the surface dipoles were in good agreement with previous measurements as well as with electronegativity considerations. The binding energies of the adventitious carbon signals were affected by band bending as well as by the surface dipole. A model of band bending in which charged surface states are located exterior to the surface dipole is consistent with the XPS and UPS behavior of the chemically functionalized Si(111) surfaces investigated herein.


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A major survey of the River Endrick was carried out in 1959-60. This survey was repeated three decades later in 1989-90 and comparisons were made of the fauna at the two times of sampling. During both surveys, photographs were taken of all the sampling sites and the objective of the present paper is to compare some of these photographs and discuss the value of photography in studies of river ecology. The sites used for photographic comparison were not chosen originally for that purpose but as appropriate places on the river from source to mouth to study its ecology. The pairs of photos now available have proved of interest and value and some lessons have been learned in relation to the selection of sites for any future photographic studies. Ideally photos should be taken in more than one season of the year as much of the river can be obscured by riparian trees and shrubs during the vegetative season. The exact position from which each photograph is taken is also a major factor to be considered.


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Neste estudo, procuramos avaliar a composição e abundância de espécies de anfíbios e répteis em uma paisagem fragmentada de Mata Atlântica, no município de Cachoeiras de Macacu, Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Amostramos a herpetofauna da região na área contínua de floresta da Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu (REGUA), em 12 fragmentos do entorno com tamanhos e graus de isolamento diferentes, e áreas de pasto (matriz). Utilizamos para amostragem destes animais as metodologias de buscas ativas visuais e armadilhas de interceptação e queda, além de encontros ocasionais. No total foram registradas 55 espécies de anfíbios anuros pertencentes a 12 famílias e entre os répteis foram registradas 26 espécies, sendo uma espécie de anfisbena, uma de jacaré, nove de lagartos e 15 de serpentes. Para os anfíbios, houve uma dominância de espécies da família Hylidae, que representaram mais da metade do total de espécies encontradas no estudo. Já entre os répteis, houve uma predominância de espécies de serpentes da família Dipsadidae. Considerando apenas os registros feitos pelas metodologias empregadas, a área contínua de floresta da REGUA possui uma riqueza de espécies de anfíbios (N = 30) e de lagartos (N = 4) menor do que o conjunto de fragmentos (N = 36 e N = 8), mas superior ao que foi encontrado na matriz (N = 25 e N = 1). Entretanto, para os anfíbios, mais de um terço das espécies (N = 11) que ocorreu na mata contínua não ocorreu nos fragmentos ou na matriz, o que sugere que estas espécies podem ser mais sensíveis a alterações do hábitat. A maior riqueza de espécies encontrada no conjunto de fragmentos pode ser parcialmente explicada pelo fato de muitas espécies tanto de anfíbios quanto de lagartos que são típicas de áreas abertas, terem sua ocorrência favorecida neste tipo de condição de ambiente relativamente menos fechado dos fragmentos. Quando avaliamos o efeito de métricas da paisagem, observamos diferentes respostas entre os anfíbios e os lagartos. Enquanto para os anfíbios houve uma tendência de fragmentos mais distantes terem uma menor riqueza de espécies e de modos reprodutivos associados a estas espécies, para os lagartos a área dos fragmentos parece ser uma importante variável na estruturação das comunidades. Entretanto, por particularidades das características fisiológicas e ecológicas de anfíbios e lagartos, é possível que outros fatores expliquem a distribuição diferenciada das espécies. De forma geral, as áreas de matriz amostradas pareceram ser hostis a espécies florestais tanto de anfíbios quanto de lagartos. Além disso, para anfíbios, a presença de ambientes reprodutivos pode ser fator crucial para a ocorrência de algumas espécies. De forma similar ao encontrado em outros estudos, para a manutenção da diversidade de anfíbios e lagartos na paisagem fragmentada tratada neste estudo é necessário preservar o grande bloco florestal e aumentar a conectividade deste com os fragmentos, o que poderia permitir a área contínua servir de área-fonte de dispersores para os remanescentes florestais.


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In this paper, we demonstrated a dual-wavelength competitive output in Nd:Y3SC1.5Al3.5O12 ceramic disk laser. Different dual-wavelength output behaviors for Nd:YSAG and Nd:YAG ceramic disk laser were investigated and discussed. By applying the energy transfer model, we suggested the reasonable explanation for this new phenomenon as the disordered replacing of Al3+ ions by Sc3+ ions. The main advantage of the dual-wavelength ceramic laser is the possibility to serve as the seed source to generate Terahertz radiation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The River Tawd is a tributary of the River Douglas catchment. The Tawd is approximately 8km in length from its source, to the south of Skelmersdale, to its confluence with the River Douglas at Snipe Hall farm. The aim of this study was to determine whether the water quality of the River Tawd had improved sufficiently to allow a mixed coarse fish population to establish itself on the river after the stocking of juvenile Roach (Rutilus rutilus), Dace (Leucisus leucisus) and Chub (Leucisus cephalus) in 1997. This report will consider the survival of the stocked fish. If the stocking was successful, other potential stocking sites will be recommended for future stocking with a view to developing the River Tawd fishery.


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Em 1988, a Assembleia Constituinte, no rastro do processo de redemocratização do país, finalmente apontava para a transformação das políticas sociais no Brasil, cujo resultado foi lavrado na Carta Magna. A partir desse momento, os brasileiros obtiveram o direito de cidadania como estatuto fundamental de nacionalidade, e o direito à saúde como princípio de cidadania. Neste sentido, o setor saúde foi pioneiro nas práticas das políticas sociais no Brasil. A adoção de seus princípios doutrinários e operacionais por lei destacando-se aqui a integralidade significou a afirmação do direito à saúde como caminho de supressão da estrutura fragmentada de organização dos serviços de saúde no Brasil. Integralidade emerge como eixo de organização da defesa do direito à saúde, a partir das propostas de mudanças das práticas no cotidiano dos serviços. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as relações existentes entre os usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), a partir dos Conselhos de Saúde, e o Ministério Público (MP) desenvolvida no município de Porto Alegre, no estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no que concerne à utilização de dispositivos institucionais e jurídico legais no cumprimento do direito à saúde. O foco deste estudo esteve voltado para a experiência desenvolvida entre os anos de 2000 e 2004, no município de Porto Alegre. Historicamente, os Conselhos de Saúde naquele estado têm desempenhado papel de destaque na formulação e acompanhamento das políticas públicas de saúde. O avanço desses conselhos permitiu-lhes desenvolver novas estratégias na luta pela garantia do direito à saúde, e o MP vem sendo importante parceiro nessa disputa. Nesse cenário, pudemos observar a utilização, cada vez mais freqüente, do princípio da integralidade como recurso legal na discussão encaminhada pelos usuários junto ao MP, no intuito de garantir o direito à saúde. O princípio da integralidade tem sido utilizado como proposta de transformação da própria lógica da gestão de oferta de serviços. O MP tem propiciado uma interlocução cada vez maior entre a gestão dos serviços e os conselhos de saúde, a fim de encontrar melhores saídas para os principais problemas de saúde do município. Esse espaço de diálogo criado pelo MP constitui avanço substancial na compreensão das formas de solução de conflitos, fundando um novo campo de práticas de aprimoramento do Estado democrático. A atuação conjunta do MP com os Conselhos de Saúde tem levado a instituir novas formas e mecanismos de negociação e pactuação entre as diferentes esferas dos poderes públicos e sua relação com a sociedade, no que diz respeito à institucionalização de uma gramática civil de direito à saúde.


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Investigators at the Cooperative Oxford Laboratory (COL) diagnose and study crustaceans, mollusks, finfish, and a variety of other marine and estuarine invertebrates to assess animal health. This edition updates the Histological Techniques for Marine Bivalve Mollusks manual by Howard and Smith (1983) with additional chapters on molluscan and crustacean techniques. The new edition is intended to serve as a guide for histological processing of shellfish, principally bivalve mollusks and crustaceans. Basically, the techniques included are applicable for histopathological preparation of all marine animals, recognizing however that initial necropsy is unique to each species. Photographs and illustrations are provided for instruction on necropsy of different species to simplify the processing of tissues. Several of the procedures described are adaptations developed by the COL staff. They represent techniques based on principles established for the histopathologic study of mammalian and other vertebrate tissues, but modified for marine and aquatic invertebrates. Although the manual attempts to provide adequate information on techniques, it is also intended to serve as a useful reference source to those interested in the pathology of marine animals. General references and recommended reading listed in the back of the manual will provide histological information on species not addressed in the text.


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锥形繁殖体是具有吸湿芒和锐利尖端的一种繁殖体类型。芒的吸湿运动促使锥形繁殖体穿透土壤,而存在于繁殖体上的短硬刚毛阻止它在芒再次打开螺旋时从土壤中退出。通过这个过程,种子被埋藏到一定深度,称之为种子(繁殖体)的打钻作用,这是锥形繁殖体最主要的功能。锥形繁殖体的结构和功能代表了繁殖体在生活史各个阶段的适应,可能是植物在群落内占优势的原因之一。针茅属植物是具有锥形繁殖体的植物中较大的一类,常常被看作是识别地带性植被的优势种。小针茅分布于荒漠草原,克氏针茅和大针茅分别分布于典型草原较干和较湿的区域。沿着环境梯度的变化这些植物呈现明显的生态替代。因此,我们以小针茅、克氏针茅和大针茅为研究对象,从种子打钻、种子埋藏、种子生理特征出发研究针茅属植物的繁殖体特征对地带性分布的适应。结果表明: 小针茅的实生苗主要由当年种子产生,克氏针茅和大针茅在当年的冷秋季节和第二年的春季均能够产生实生苗。根据土壤种子库分类,三种针茅均具有瞬时种子库,所不同的是小针茅具有I型种子库的特征,克氏针茅和大针茅具有II型种子库的特征。针茅属植物通过芒的吸湿运动将繁殖体埋入土壤,这个过程可以造成种子损伤,但大部分只是引起基盘的脱落,而这不影响萌发,受到严重损伤的种子仅占种子库很小的一部分。 繁殖体吸湿芒的损伤程度和繁殖体的入土角度都影响繁殖体的埋藏。当芒被过度损伤以致不能提供杠杆作用时繁殖体不能埋藏。而繁殖体入土角度和埋藏深度之间存在显著的负相关关系。繁殖体的埋藏能力并不总是与土壤条件有关,大针茅和克氏针茅的繁殖体埋藏与土壤类型有关,而小针茅的埋藏主要与环境的湿度条件有关。 种子埋藏深度通过减少实生苗出现率和推迟实生苗的出现时间来影响实生苗的出现。埋藏深度与实生苗的出现率呈显著负相关,与实生苗出现时间呈显著的正相关关系。棕钙土内种子埋藏深度对实生苗出现的影响比在栗钙土内的影响更明显。不同针茅物种具有不同的最适埋藏深度范围,小针茅的最适埋藏深度更浅而范围也更窄,这与它出现的环境有关。因此,繁殖体的形态和生理特征都体现了不同针茅繁殖体对环境条件的进化适应,可以从有性更新的角度解释针茅属植物的地带性分布和生态替代的原因。 放牧是羊草草原的主要利用方式。放牧引起的植被变化影响水分的可用性,而反过来植物所获取的水分来源也可以影响物种的分布。通过测定内蒙古羊草草原群落放牧和不放牧区内主要植物种和土壤的氢同位素值来研究植物 的水分来源,确定放牧对植物使用水分来源的影响,调查放牧前后植物的水分来源变化和相对生物量变化的关系。 我们发现120 cm深的土壤剖面在统计学上可以分为三层:0-20 cm, 20-50 cm和50-120 cm。低于50 cm土壤层的氢同 位素信号类似于地下水,这部分水分很少受到降雨的影响也不被任何植物所利用。群落内,灌木小叶锦鸡儿主要使 用来自20-50 cm土壤层的水分,除此之外大多数物种则主要使用来自水分含量频繁波动的地下20 cm土壤层内的水分。放牧使群落倾向于利用更浅层的土壤水,对植物的水分来源的影响则直接反映到它们的生物量变化上。此外,植 物水分来源对放牧的响应和生物量对放牧的响应存在显著的相关关系,水分来源受到放牧影响越大的植物对放牧的响应越敏感。因此,我们有可能能够通过植物对水分来源的利用来估计物种在放牧演替中的丰富度分布。


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Prior to introduction of non-native fish species into Lakes Victor i a, Kyoga and Nabugabo, the three lakes suppor ted diverse fish fauna representing 13 families consisting of six cichlid genera and fifteen non-cichlid genera. There were about 50 non-cichlid species and over 300 cichlids consisting of mainly haplochromines (Graham 1929, worthington 1929, Greenwood 1960). Many of the species were commercially and scientifically important and provided a rich variety of protein source to choose from. Following introduction of the Nile perch and several tilapiines species, most of the native species were drastically reduced and some have apparently disappeared. The few remaining species appear to be restricted in distribution due to the presence of the Nile perch. They are mainly confined to refugia such as marginal macrophytes, rocky outcrops and small satellite lakes which are separated from the areas of introduction by swamps


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Our group recently reproduced the water-assisted growth method, so-called "SuperGrowth", of millimeter-thick single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) forests by using C2H4/H2/H2O/Ar reactant gas and Fe/Al2O3, catalyst. In this current work, a parametric study was carried out on both reaction and catalyst conditions. Results revealed that a thin Fe catalyst layer (about 0.5 nm) yielded rapid growth of SWNTs only when supported on Al2O3, and that Al2O3 support enhanced the activity of Fe, Co, and Ni catalysts. The growth window for the rapid SWNT growth was narrow, however. Optimum amount of added H2O increased the SWNT growth rate but further addition of H2O degraded both the SWNT growth rate and quality. Addition of H2 was also essential for rapid SWNT growth, but again, further addition decreased both the SWNT growth rate and quality. Because Al2O3 catalyzes hydrocarbon reforming, Al2O3 support possibly enhances the SWNT growth rate by supplying the carbon source to the catalyst nanoparticles. The origin of the narrow window for rapid SWNT growth is also discussed.


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This paper describes the behaviour of bulk superconductors when subjected to a varying magnetic field. A magnetic model is described together with experimental results which explain and describe the behaviour of superconducting bulks when subjected to varying magnetic fields. We demonstrate how the behaviour is dependent on the magnitude and period of the perturbations in the fields. The model which we use has been implemented using the Comsol™pde solver. It is a fully integrated model which uses a variable heat source to regulate the magnetic circuit and thereby to achieve flux pumping. Comsol™is used for post solution visualization and the model is presented alongside experimental results which support and confirm the conclusions from the model. © 2012 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Blooms of cyanobacteria, or blue-greens, are known to produce chemicals, such as microcystins, which can be toxic to aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Although previous studies have examined the fate of microcystins in freshwater lakes, primary elimination pathways and factors affecting degradation and loss have not been fully explained. The goal of the present study was to explore sources of algal toxins and investigate the distribution and biodegradation of microcystins in water and sediment through laboratory and field analyses. Water and sediment samples were collected monthly from several locations in Lake Taihu from February 2005 to January 2006. Samples were analyzed for the presence of microcystin. Water and sediment were also used in laboratory studies to determine microcystin degradation rates by spiking environmental samples with known concentrations of the chemical and observing concentration changes over time. Some water samples were found to efficiently degrade microcystins. Microcystin concentrations dropped faster in water collected immediately above lake sediment (overlying water). Degradation in sediments was higher than in water. Based on spatial distribution analyses of microcystin in Lake Taihu, higher concentrations (relative to water concentrations) of the chemical were found in lake sediments. These data suggest that sediments play a critical role in microcystin degradation in aquatic systems. The relatively low levels of microcystins found in the environment are most likely due to bacterial biodegradation. Sediments play a crucial role as a source (to the water column) of bio-degrading bacteria and as a carbon-rich environment for bacteria to proliferate and metabolize microcystin and other biogenic toxins produced by cyanobacteria. These, and other, data provide important information that may be applied to management strategies for improvement of water quality in lakes, reservoirs and other water bodies. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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VSR4 links use graded index multimode fibers (GIMMFs) as the transmission medium with operation wavelength 850nm. For cost reasons, VCSEL has been selected as the optical source to VSR4. The minimum bandwidth specification for 62.5um GIMMF in VSR4 is only 400 MHz(.)km for over-filled-launch (OFL) condition. The distance of 300 meters is limited over transmission rates of 1.25Gbit/s on the basis of this specification. In order to overcome the OFL bandwidth limit by selective excitation of a limited number of modes, conditioned launch technique is investigated. In this paper, based on a comprehensive dispersion theory of GIMMF, a model is built to simulate the transmission of optical signal in GIMMFs and a comparison between OFL and conditioned launch is analyzed. The result can be the guidelines for the best choice of techniques for various LAN and interconnect systems also.


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A polarization-maintaining (PM) fiber Mach-Zehnder (MZ) interferometer has been established to measure the EO effect of very thin film materials with optical anisotropy. Unlike a common MZ interferometer,all the components are connected via polarization-maintaining fibers. At the same time, a polarized DFB laser with a maximum power output of 10mW is adopted as the light source to induce a large extinction ratio. Here, we take it to determine the electro-optical coefficients of a very thin superlattice structure with GaAs, KTP, and GaN as comparative samples. The measured EO coefficients show good comparability with the others.


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Uranium ion beams were produced from electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion sources by sputtering method this year at the Institute of Modern Physics. At first, we chose the Lanzhou ECR No. 3 ion source to implement the production experiment of U ion beams. Finally, 11 e mu A of U28+, 5 e mu A of U32+, and 1.5 e mu A of U35+ were obtained. A U26+ ion beam produced by the LECR2 ion source was accelerated successfully by the cyclotron. This means that the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) has accomplished the acceleration of the ion beam of the heaviest element according to the designed parameters. The Lanzhou ECR ion source No. 2 (LECR2), which was built in 1997, has served the HIRFL for eight years and needed to be upgraded to provide more intense high charge state ion beams for HIRFL cooling storage ring. We started the upgrading project of LECR2 last year, and the modified design just has been finished. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.