971 resultados para Sorghum Brachypodum


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Berseem clover and oats were incorporated into a corncorn- oat/berseem clover rotation in 1994 and 1995. Two cuttings of oat-berseem clover hay were harvested during the summer before forage was allowed to stockpile for winter grazing. In 1995, a brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass hybrid was seeded into a field adjacent to a corn field. After corn grain harvest in 1994 and 1995, Charolais x Angus x Simmental cows in midgestation were allotted to replicated fields containing corn crop residues with no complementary forages at 2.5 acres/cow, or corn crop residues and stockpiled berseem clover (2:1) at 2.5 acres/cow to simultaneously graze, or to a drylot. In 1995, cows were allotted to fields containing corn crop residues and brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass (7:3) at 2.5 acres/cow. Berseem clover had greater concentrations of digestible organic matter and crude protein than corn crop residues at the initiation of grazing, but had a more rapid decrease in digestible organic matter concentration than corn crop residues. Brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass forage also had a higher initial concentration of digestible organic matter, but an equal rate of decrease in digestible organic matter concentration to corn crop residues in ungrazed areas of the field. Cows grazing berseem clover with corn crop residues had greater body condition score increases during the first half of the grazing season than cows grazing corn crop residues without complementary forages. Cows grazing corn crop residues without complementary forages required 2,786 and 1,412 less lb hay per cow than cows maintained in a drylot in 1994 and 1995. In 1994, simultaneous grazing of berseem clover with corn crop residues did not reduce hay feeding more than feeding corn crop residues alone. However, in 1995, grazing berseem clover or brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass with corn crop residues reduced the amount of hay required to maintain cows by 358 and 376 lb hay per cow compared with grazing corn crop residues without complementary forage.


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Berseem clover and oats were incorporated into a corn-oat/berseem clover rotation in 1994-1996. Two cuttings of oat-berseem clover hay were harvested during the summer before forage was stockpiled for winter grazing. In 1995, brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass hybrid was seeded into a field adjacent to a corn field. This was repeated in 1996 with a standard sorghum x sudangrass hybrid. After corn harvest in 1994–1996, Charolais x Angus x Simmental cows and heifers in midgestation were allotted to corn crop residue, corn crop residue-berseem clover, and corn crop residue-sorghum x sudangrass fields at 2.5 acres/cow, or to a drylot. Berseem clover had greater concentration of digestible organic matter and crude protein than corn crop residues. Corn crop residue digestible organic matter concentration was lower than berseem clover and the brown midrib sorghum x sudangrass, but was higher than that of the standard sorghum x sudangrass hybrid in 1996. Cows grazing corn crop residues without complementary forages required an average of 2,374 less lb. hay per cow than cows maintained in a drylot in 1994-1996. In 1994 and 1996, simultaneous grazing of berseem clover with corn crop residues did not reduce hay feeding more than feeding corn crop residues alone, yet did significantly reduce the amount of hay needed in 1995 to maintain cows by 358 and 376 lb. hay per cow compared with grazing corn crop residues without complementary forage.


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Von Dr. Walter Busse


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Podredumbre del tallo y la raíz del sorgo causada por Fusarium verticillioides en España


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La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el rendimiento y riesgo que presenta la cartera de fincas productoras de sorgo, en los estados Portuguesa y Barinas (Venezuela), adscritas al Programa de Extensión Agrícola Italven S. A. (PEAISA). La muestra fue conformada por 39 fincas localizadas en tres municipios del estado Portuguesa y 72 fincas ubicadas en siete municipios del estado Barinas. En todas se produjo sorgo, a la salida de lluvias, durante 2006. Se consideraron las variables estado, municipio, área cosechada, híbridos cultivados, rendimiento y coeficiente de variación (riesgo). Se empleó distribución de frecuencias de la superficie cosechada de sorgo por finca para medir la concentración de la cartera y se realizaron comparaciones de promedio de rendimiento con las pruebas de t de student y de Tukey, además se utilizó la curva normal para determinar probabilidades de rendimiento. Entre los resultados más importantes destacan: 1) La cartera del PEAISA, conformada por fincas pequeñas y medianas, no presenta riesgo de concentración en un determinado segmento de tamaño, pero la producción total está concentrada (81,2%) en el estado Barinas, 2) Aunque se ubicó en la media nacional, se logró un mayor rendimiento promedio/ha de sorgo en el estado Barinas en comparación con Portuguesa, con riesgo de explotación similar en ambos estados, 3) El híbrido de sorgo Tecsen 120 igualó al Chaguarama VII, pero superó en rendimiento al Himeca 101, híbrido que pudiera ser descartado de la cartera por su bajo rendimiento y mayor riesgo de explotación. Esta información se analizó adicionalmente con una matriz denominada productividad-riesgo, que fue un desarrollo original de este trabajo.


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RNA editing and cytoplasmic male sterility are two important phenomena in higher plant mitochondria. To determine whether correlations might exist between the two, RNA editing in different tissues of Sorghum bicolor was compared employing reverse transcription–PCR and subsequent sequence analysis. In etiolated shoots, RNA editing of transcripts of plant mitochondrial atp6, atp9, nad3, nad4, and rps12 genes was identical among fertile or cytoplasmic male sterile plants. We then established a protocol for mitochondrial RNA isolation from plant anthers and pollen to include in these studies. Whereas RNA editing of atp9, nad3, nad4, and rps12 transcripts in anthers was similar to etiolated shoots, mitochondrial atp6 RNA editing was strongly reduced in anthers of the A3Tx398 male sterile line of S. bicolor. atp6 transcripts of wheat and selected plastid transcripts in S. bicolor showed normal RNA editing, indicating that loss of atp6 RNA editing is specific for cytoplasmic male sterility S. bicolor mitochondria. Restoration of fertility in F1 and F2 lines correlated with an increase in RNA editing of atp6 transcripts. Our data suggest that loss of atp6 RNA editing contributes to or causes cytoplasmic male sterility in S. bicolor. Further analysis of the mechanism of cell type-specific loss of atp6 RNA editing activity may advance our understanding of the mechanism of RNA editing.


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Accumulation of red phlobaphene pigments in sorghum grain pericarp is under the control of the Y gene. A mutable allele of Y, designated as y-cs (y-candystripe), produces a variegated pericarp phenotype. Using probes from the maize p1 gene that cross-hybridize with the sorghum Y gene, we isolated the y-cs allele containing a large insertion element. Our results show that the Y gene is a member of the MYB-transcription factor family. The insertion element, named Candystripe1 (Cs1), is present in the second intron of the Y gene and shares features of the CACTA superfamily of transposons. Cs1 is 23,018 bp in size and is bordered by 20-bp terminal inverted repeat sequences. It generated a 3-bp target site duplication upon insertion within the Y gene and excised from y-cs, leaving a 2-bp footprint in two cases analyzed. Reinsertion of the excised copy of Cs1 was identified by Southern hybridization in the genome of each of seven red pericarp revertant lines tested. Cs1 is the first active transposable element isolated from sorghum. Our analysis suggests that Cs1-homologous sequences are present in low copy number in sorghum and other grasses, including sudangrass, maize, rice, teosinte, and sugarcane. The low copy number and high transposition frequency of Cs1 imply that this transposon could prove to be an efficient gene isolation tool in sorghum.


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Comparative genetic maps of Papuan Saccharum officinarum L. (2n = 80) and S. robustum (2n = 80) were constructed by using single-dose DNA markers (SDMs). SDM-framework maps of S. officinarum and S. robustum were compared with genetic maps of sorghum and maize by way of anchor restriction fragment length polymorphism probes. The resulting comparisons showed striking colinearity between the sorghum and Saccharum genomes. There were no differences in marker order between S. officinarum and sorghum. Furthermore, there were no alterations in SDM order between S. officinarum and S. robustum. The S. officinarum and S. robustum maps also were compared with the map of the polysomic octoploid S. spontaneum ‘SES 208’ (2n = 64, x = 8), thus permitting relations to homology groups (“chromosomes”) of S. spontaneum to be studied. Investigation of transmission genetics in S. officinarum and S. robustum confirmed preliminary results that showed incomplete polysomy in these species. Because of incomplete polysomy, multiple-dose markers could not be mapped for lack of a genetic model for their segregation. To coalesce S. officinarum and S. robustum linkage groups into homology groups (composed of homologous pairing partners), they were compared with sorghum (2n = 20), which functioned as a synthetic diploid. Groupings suggested by comparative mapping were found to be highly concordant with groupings based on highly polymorphic restriction fragment length polymorphism probes detecting multiple SDMs. The resulting comparative maps serve as bridges to allow information from one Andropogoneae to be used by another, for breeding, ecology, evolution, and molecular biology.


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The endosperm of a sorghum mutant cultivar, with high in vitro uncooked and cooked protein digestibilities, was examined by transmission electron microscopy and α-, β-, and γ-kafirins (storage proteins) were localized within its protein bodies. Transmission electron microscopy micrographs revealed that these protein bodies had a unique microstructure related to high protein digestibility. They were irregular in shape and had numerous invaginations, often reaching to the central area of the protein body. Protein bodies from normal cultivars, such as P721N studied here, with much lower uncooked and cooked digestibilities are spherical and contain no invaginations. Immunocytochemistry results showed that the relative location of α- and β-kafirins within the protein bodies of the highly digestible genotype were similar to the normal cultivar, P721N. γ-Kafirin, however, was concentrated in dark-staining regions at the base of the folds instead of at the protein body periphery, as is typical of normal cultivars. The resulting easy accessibility of digestive enzymes to α-kafirin, the major storage protein, in addition to the increased surface area of the protein bodies of the highly digestible cultivar appear to account for its high in vitro protein digestibility.


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Mutant sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) deficient in functional phytochrome B exhibits reduced photoperiodic sensitivity and constitutively expresses a shade-avoidance phenotype. Under relatively bright, high red:far-red light, ethylene production by seedlings of wild-type and phytochrome B-mutant cultivars progresses through cycles in a circadian rhythm; however, the phytochrome B mutant produces ethylene peaks with approximately 10 times the amplitude of the wild type. Time-course northern blots show that the mutant's abundance of the 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) oxidase mRNA SbACO2 is cyclic and is commensurate with ethylene production, and that ACC oxidase activity follows the same pattern. Both SbACO2 abundance and ACC oxidase activity in the wild-type plant are very low under this regimen. ACC levels in the two cultivars did not demonstrate fluctuations coincident with the ethylene produced. Simulated shading caused the wild-type plant to mimic the phenotype of the mutant and to produce high amplitude rhythms of ethylene evolution. The circadian feature of the ethylene cycle is conditionally present in the mutant and absent in the wild-type plant under simulated shading. SbACO2 abundance in both cultivars demonstrates a high-amplitude diurnal cycle under these conditions; however, ACC oxidase activity, although elevated, does not exhibit a clear rhythm correlated with ethylene production. ACC levels in both cultivars show fluctuations corresponding to the ethylene rhythm previously observed. It appears that at least two separate mechanisms may be involved in generating high-amplitude ethylene rhythms in sorghum, one in response to the loss of phytochrome B function and another in response to shading.


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Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) accumulates the anthocyanin cyanidin 3-dimalonyl glucoside in etiolated mesocotyls in response to light. Inoculation with the nonpathogenic fungus Cochliobolus heterostrophus drastically reduced the light-induced accumulation of anthocyanin by repressing the transcription of the anthocyanin biosynthesis genes encoding flavanone 3-hydroxylase, dihydroflavonol 4-reductase, and anthocyanidin synthase. In contrast to these repression effects, fungal inoculation resulted in the synthesis of the four known 3-deoxyanthocyanidin phytoalexins and a corresponding activation of genes encoding the key branch-point enzymes in the phenylpropanoid pathway, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and chalcone synthase. In addition, a gene encoding the pathogenesis-related protein PR-10 was strongly induced in response to inoculation. The accumulation of phytoalexins leveled off by 48 h after inoculation and was accompanied by a more rapid increase in the rate of anthocyanin accumulation. The results suggest that the plant represses less essential metabolic activities such as anthocyanin synthesis as a means of compensating for the immediate biochemical and physiological needs for the defense response.


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Many major weeds rely upon vegetative dispersal by rhizomes and seed dispersal by "shattering" of the mature inflorescence. We report molecular analysis of these traits in a cross between cultivated and wild species of Sorghum that are the probable progenitors of the major weed "johnsongrass." By restriction fragment length polymorphism mapping, variation in the number of rhizomes producing above-ground shoots was associated with three quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Variation in regrowth (ratooning) after overwintering was associated with QTLs accounting for additional rhizomatous growth and with QTLs influencing tillering. Vegetative buds that become rhizomes are similar to those that become tillers--one QTL appears to influence the number of such vegetative buds available, and additional independent genes determine whether individual buds differentiate into tillers or rhizomes. DNA markers described herein facilitate cloning of genes associated with weediness, comparative study of rhizomatousness in other Poaceae, and assessment of gene flow between cultivated and weedy sorghums--a risk that constrains improvement of sorghum through biotechnology. Cloning of "weediness" genes may create opportunities for plant growth regulation, in suppressing propagation of weeds and enhancing productivity of major forage, turf, and "ratoon" crops.


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Includes bibliographical references.