902 resultados para Solar cell technology
The primary goal of this work is related to the extension of an analytic electro-optical model. It will be used to describe single-junction crystalline silicon solar cells and a silicon/perovskite tandem solar cell in the presence of light-trapping in order to calculate efficiency limits for such a device. In particular, our tandem system is composed by crystalline silicon and a perovskite structure material: metilammoniumleadtriiodide (MALI). Perovskite are among the most convenient materials for photovoltaics thanks to their reduced cost and increasing efficiencies. Solar cell efficiencies of devices using these materials increased from 3.8% in 2009 to a certified 20.1% in 2014 making this the fastest-advancing solar technology to date. Moreover, texturization increases the amount of light which can be absorbed through an active layer. Using Green’s formalism it is possible to calculate the photogeneration rate of a single-layer structure with Lambertian light trapping analytically. In this work we go further: we study the optical coupling between the two cells in our tandem system in order to calculate the photogeneration rate of the whole structure. We also model the electronic part of such a device by considering the perovskite top cell as an ideal diode and solving the drift-diffusion equation with appropriate boundary conditions for the silicon bottom cell. We have a four terminal structure, so our tandem system is totally unconstrained. Then we calculate the efficiency limits of our tandem including several recombination mechanisms such as Auger, SRH and surface recombination. We focus also on the dependence of the results on the band gap of the perovskite and we calculare an optimal band gap to optimize the tandem efficiency. The whole work has been continuously supported by a numerical validation of out analytic model against Silvaco ATLAS which solves drift-diffusion equations using a finite elements method. Our goal is to develop a simpler and cheaper, but accurate model to study such devices.
As wafer-based solar cells become thinner, light-trapping textures for absorption enhancement will gain in importance. In this work, crystalline silicon wafers were textured with wavelength-scale diffraction grating surface textures by nanoimprint lithography using interference lithography as a mastering technology. This technique allows fine-tailored nanostructures to be realized on large areas with high throughput. Solar cell precursors were fabricated, with the surface textures on the rear side, for optical absorption measurements. Large absorption enhancements are observed in the wavelength range in which the silicon wafer absorbs weakly. It is shown experimentally that bi-periodic crossed gratings perform better than uni-periodic linear gratings. Optical simulations have been made of the fabricated structures, allowing the total absorption to be decomposed into useful absorption in the silicon and parasitic absorption in the rear reflector. Using the calculated silicon absorption, promising absorbed photocurrent density enhancements have been calculated for solar cells employing the nano-textures. Finally, first results are presented of a passivation layer deposition technique that planarizes the rear reflector for the purpose of reducing the parasitic absorption.
Implementation of a high-efficiency quantum dot intermediate-band solar cell (QD-IBSC) must accompany a sufficient photocurrent generation via IB states. The demonstration of a QD-IBSC is presently undergoing two stages. The first is to develop a technology to fabricate high-density QD stacks or a superlattice of low defect density placed within the active region of a p-i-n SC, and the second is to realize half-filled IB states to maximize the photocurrent generation by two-step absorption of sub-bandgap photons. For this, we have investigated the effect of light concentration on the characteristics of QDSCs comprised of multi-layer stacks of self-organized InAs/GaNAs QDs grown with and without impurity doping in molecular beam epitaxy.
Photovoltaic (PV) solar energy has been growing during the last decade an explosive rate. Last year (2011) the solar cell production amounted to more than 37 GW. It is the energy technology most installed nowadays. The power generated by the 37 GW is similar to the one generated by about 7 nuclear units of 1 GW each. The solar industry is already a huge industry dominated by Asian countries led by China. It is not anymore a promise. It is just a reality.
El objetivo de la tesis es investigar los beneficios que el atrapamiento de la luz mediante fenómenos difractivos puede suponer para las células solares de silicio cristalino y las de banda intermedia. Ambos tipos de células adolecen de una insuficiente absorción de fotones en alguna región del espectro solar. Las células solares de banda intermedia son teóricamente capaces de alcanzar eficiencias mucho mayores que los dispositivos convencionales (con una sola banda energética prohibida), pero los prototipos actuales se resienten de una absorción muy débil de los fotones con energías menores que la banda prohibida. Del mismo modo, las células solares de silicio cristalino absorben débilmente en el infrarrojo cercano debido al carácter indirecto de su banda prohibida. Se ha prestado mucha atención a este problema durante las últimas décadas, de modo que todas las células solares de silicio cristalino comerciales incorporan alguna forma de atrapamiento de luz. Por razones de economía, en la industria se persigue el uso de obleas cada vez más delgadas, con lo que el atrapamiento de la luz adquiere más importancia. Por tanto aumenta el interés en las estructuras difractivas, ya que podrían suponer una mejora sobre el estado del arte. Se comienza desarrollando un método de cálculo con el que simular células solares equipadas con redes de difracción. En este método, la red de difracción se analiza en el ámbito de la óptica física, mediante análisis riguroso con ondas acopladas (rigorous coupled wave analysis), y el sustrato de la célula solar, ópticamente grueso, se analiza en los términos de la óptica geométrica. El método se ha implementado en ordenador y se ha visto que es eficiente y da resultados en buen acuerdo con métodos diferentes descritos por otros autores. Utilizando el formalismo matricial así derivado, se calcula el límite teórico superior para el aumento de la absorción en células solares mediante el uso de redes de difracción. Este límite se compara con el llamado límite lambertiano del atrapamiento de la luz y con el límite absoluto en sustratos gruesos. Se encuentra que las redes biperiódicas (con geometría hexagonal o rectangular) pueden producir un atrapamiento mucho mejor que las redes uniperiódicas. El límite superior depende mucho del periodo de la red. Para periodos grandes, las redes son en teoría capaces de alcanzar el máximo atrapamiento, pero sólo si las eficiencias de difracción tienen una forma peculiar que parece inalcanzable con las herramientas actuales de diseño. Para periodos similares a la longitud de onda de la luz incidente, las redes de difracción pueden proporcionar atrapamiento por debajo del máximo teórico pero por encima del límite Lambertiano, sin imponer requisitos irrealizables a la forma de las eficiencias de difracción y en un margen de longitudes de onda razonablemente amplio. El método de cálculo desarrollado se usa también para diseñar y optimizar redes de difracción para el atrapamiento de la luz en células solares. La red propuesta consiste en un red hexagonal de pozos cilíndricos excavados en la cara posterior del sustrato absorbente de la célula solar. La red se encapsula en una capa dieléctrica y se cubre con un espejo posterior. Se simula esta estructura para una célula solar de silicio y para una de banda intermedia y puntos cuánticos. Numéricamente, se determinan los valores óptimos del periodo de la red y de la profundidad y las dimensiones laterales de los pozos para ambos tipos de células. Los valores se explican utilizando conceptos físicos sencillos, lo que nos permite extraer conclusiones generales que se pueden aplicar a células de otras tecnologías. Las texturas con redes de difracción se fabrican en sustratos de silicio cristalino mediante litografía por nanoimpresión y ataque con iones reactivos. De los cálculos precedentes, se conoce el periodo óptimo de la red que se toma como una constante de diseño. Los sustratos se procesan para obtener estructuras precursoras de células solares sobre las que se realizan medidas ópticas. Las medidas de reflexión en función de la longitud de onda confirman que las redes cuadradas biperiódicas consiguen mejor atrapamiento que las uniperiódicas. Las estructuras fabricadas se simulan con la herramienta de cálculo descrita en los párrafos precedentes y se obtiene un buen acuerdo entre la medida y los resultados de la simulación. Ésta revela que una fracción significativa de los fotones incidentes son absorbidos en el reflector posterior de aluminio, y por tanto desaprovechados, y que este efecto empeora por la rugosidad del espejo. Se desarrolla un método alternativo para crear la capa dieléctrica que consigue que el reflector se deposite sobre una superficie plana, encontrándose que en las muestras preparadas de esta manera la absorción parásita en el espejo es menor. La siguiente tarea descrita en la tesis es el estudio de la absorción de fotones en puntos cuánticos semiconductores. Con la aproximación de masa efectiva, se calculan los niveles de energía de los estados confinados en puntos cuánticos de InAs/GaAs. Se emplea un método de una y de cuatro bandas para el cálculo de la función de onda de electrones y huecos, respectivamente; en el último caso se utiliza un hamiltoniano empírico. La regla de oro de Fermi permite obtener la intensidad de las transiciones ópticas entre los estados confinados. Se investiga el efecto de las dimensiones del punto cuántico en los niveles de energía y la intensidad de las transiciones y se obtiene que, al disminuir la anchura del punto cuántico respecto a su valor en los prototipos actuales, se puede conseguir una transición más intensa entre el nivel intermedio fundamental y la banda de conducción. Tomando como datos de partida los niveles de energía y las intensidades de las transiciones calculados como se ha explicado, se desarrolla un modelo de equilibrio o balance detallado realista para células solares de puntos cuánticos. Con el modelo se calculan las diferentes corrientes debidas a transiciones ópticas entre los numerosos niveles intermedios y las bandas de conducción y de valencia bajo ciertas condiciones. Se distingue de modelos de equilibrio detallado previos, usados para calcular límites de eficiencia, en que se adoptan suposiciones realistas sobre la absorción de fotones para cada transición. Con este modelo se reproducen datos publicados de eficiencias cuánticas experimentales a diferentes temperaturas con un acuerdo muy bueno. Se muestra que el conocido fenómeno del escape térmico de los puntos cuánticos es de naturaleza fotónica; se debe a los fotones térmicos, que inducen transiciones entre los estados excitados que se encuentran escalonados en energía entre el estado intermedio fundamental y la banda de conducción. En el capítulo final, este modelo realista de equilibrio detallado se combina con el método de simulación de redes de difracción para predecir el efecto que tendría incorporar una red de difracción en una célula solar de banda intermedia y puntos cuánticos. Se ha de optimizar cuidadosamente el periodo de la red para equilibrar el aumento de las diferentes transiciones intermedias, que tienen lugar en serie. Debido a que la absorción en los puntos cuánticos es extremadamente débil, se deduce que el atrapamiento de la luz, por sí solo, no es suficiente para conseguir corrientes apreciables a partir de fotones con energía menor que la banda prohibida en las células con puntos cuánticos. Se requiere una combinación del atrapamiento de la luz con un incremento de la densidad de puntos cuánticos. En el límite radiativo y sin atrapamiento de la luz, se necesitaría que el número de puntos cuánticos de una célula solar se multiplicara por 1000 para superar la eficiencia de una célula de referencia con una sola banda prohibida. En cambio, una célula con red de difracción precisaría un incremento del número de puntos en un factor 10 a 100, dependiendo del nivel de la absorción parásita en el reflector posterior. Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the benefits that diffractive light trapping can offer to quantum dot intermediate band solar cells and crystalline silicon solar cells. Both solar cell technologies suffer from incomplete photon absorption in some part of the solar spectrum. Quantum dot intermediate band solar cells are theoretically capable of achieving much higher efficiencies than conventional single-gap devices. Present prototypes suffer from extremely weak absorption of subbandgap photons in the quantum dots. This problem has received little attention so far, yet it is a serious barrier to the technology approaching its theoretical efficiency limit. Crystalline silicon solar cells absorb weakly in the near infrared due to their indirect bandgap. This problem has received much attention over recent decades, and all commercial crystalline silicon solar cells employ some form of light trapping. With the industry moving toward thinner and thinner wafers, light trapping is becoming of greater importance and diffractive structures may offer an improvement over the state-of-the-art. We begin by constructing a computational method with which to simulate solar cells equipped with diffraction grating textures. The method employs a wave-optical treatment of the diffraction grating, via rigorous coupled wave analysis, with a geometric-optical treatment of the thick solar cell bulk. These are combined using a steady-state matrix formalism. The method has been implemented computationally, and is found to be efficient and to give results in good agreement with alternative methods from other authors. The theoretical upper limit to absorption enhancement in solar cells using diffractions gratings is calculated using the matrix formalism derived in the previous task. This limit is compared to the so-called Lambertian limit for light trapping with isotropic scatterers, and to the absolute upper limit to light trapping in bulk absorbers. It is found that bi-periodic gratings (square or hexagonal geometry) are capable of offering much better light trapping than uni-periodic line gratings. The upper limit depends strongly on the grating period. For large periods, diffraction gratings are theoretically able to offer light trapping at the absolute upper limit, but only if the scattering efficiencies have a particular form, which is deemed to be beyond present design capabilities. For periods similar to the incident wavelength, diffraction gratings can offer light trapping below the absolute limit but above the Lambertian limit without placing unrealistic demands on the exact form of the scattering efficiencies. This is possible for a reasonably broad wavelength range. The computational method is used to design and optimise diffraction gratings for light trapping in solar cells. The proposed diffraction grating consists of a hexagonal lattice of cylindrical wells etched into the rear of the bulk solar cell absorber. This is encapsulated in a dielectric buffer layer, and capped with a rear reflector. Simulations are made of this grating profile applied to a crystalline silicon solar cell and to a quantum dot intermediate band solar cell. The grating period, well depth, and lateral well dimensions are optimised numerically for both solar cell types. This yields the optimum parameters to be used in fabrication of grating equipped solar cells. The optimum parameters are explained using simple physical concepts, allowing us to make more general statements that can be applied to other solar cell technologies. Diffraction grating textures are fabricated on crystalline silicon substrates using nano-imprint lithography and reactive ion etching. The optimum grating period from the previous task has been used as a design parameter. The substrates have been processed into solar cell precursors for optical measurements. Reflection spectroscopy measurements confirm that bi-periodic square gratings offer better absorption enhancement than uni-periodic line gratings. The fabricated structures have been simulated with the previously developed computation tool, with good agreement between measurement and simulation results. The simulations reveal that a significant amount of the incident photons are absorbed parasitically in the rear reflector, and that this is exacerbated by the non-planarity of the rear reflector. An alternative method of depositing the dielectric buffer layer was developed, which leaves a planar surface onto which the reflector is deposited. It was found that samples prepared in this way suffered less from parasitic reflector absorption. The next task described in the thesis is the study of photon absorption in semiconductor quantum dots. The bound-state energy levels of in InAs/GaAs quantum dots is calculated using the effective mass approximation. A one- and four- band method is applied to the calculation of electron and hole wavefunctions respectively, with an empirical Hamiltonian being employed in the latter case. The strength of optical transitions between the bound states is calculated using the Fermi golden rule. The effect of the quantum dot dimensions on the energy levels and transition strengths is investigated. It is found that a strong direct transition between the ground intermediate state and the conduction band can be promoted by decreasing the quantum dot width from its value in present prototypes. This has the added benefit of reducing the ladder of excited states between the ground state and the conduction band, which may help to reduce thermal escape of electrons from quantum dots: an undesirable phenomenon from the point of view of the open circuit voltage of an intermediate band solar cell. A realistic detailed balance model is developed for quantum dot solar cells, which uses as input the energy levels and transition strengths calculated in the previous task. The model calculates the transition currents between the many intermediate levels and the valence and conduction bands under a given set of conditions. It is distinct from previous idealised detailed balance models, which are used to calculate limiting efficiencies, since it makes realistic assumptions about photon absorption by each transition. The model is used to reproduce published experimental quantum efficiency results at different temperatures, with quite good agreement. The much-studied phenomenon of thermal escape from quantum dots is found to be photonic; it is due to thermal photons, which induce transitions between the ladder of excited states between the ground intermediate state and the conduction band. In the final chapter, the realistic detailed balance model is combined with the diffraction grating simulation method to predict the effect of incorporating a diffraction grating into a quantum dot intermediate band solar cell. Careful optimisation of the grating period is made to balance the enhancement given to the different intermediate transitions, which occur in series. Due to the extremely weak absorption in the quantum dots, it is found that light trapping alone is not sufficient to achieve high subbandgap currents in quantum dot solar cells. Instead, a combination of light trapping and increased quantum dot density is required. Within the radiative limit, a quantum dot solar cell with no light trapping requires a 1000 fold increase in the number of quantum dots to supersede the efficiency of a single-gap reference cell. A quantum dot solar cell equipped with a diffraction grating requires between a 10 and 100 fold increase in the number of quantum dots, depending on the level of parasitic absorption in the rear reflector.
An attractive but challenging technology for high efficiency solar energy conversion is the intermediate band solar cell (IBSC), whose theoretical efficiency limit is 63%, yet which has so far failed to yield high efficiencies in practice. The most advanced IBSC technology is that based on quantum dots (QDs): the QD-IBSC. In this paper, k·p calculations of photon absorption in the QDs are combined with a multi-level detailed balance model. The model has been used to reproduce the measured quantum efficiency of a real QD-IBSC and its temperature dependence. This allows the analysis of individual sub-bandgap transition currents, which has as yet not been possible experimentally, yielding a deeper understanding of the failure of current QD-IBSCs. Based on the agreement with experimental data, the model is believed to be realistic enough to evaluate future QD-IBSC proposals.
ABSTRACT Evaluating the reliability, warranty period, and power degradation of high concentration solar cells is crucial to introducing this new technology to the market. The reliability of high concentration GaAs solar cells, as measured in temperature accelerated life tests, is described in this paper. GaAs cells were tested under high thermal accelerated conditions that emulated operation under 700 or 1050 suns over a period exceeding 10 000 h. Progressive power degradation was observed, although no catastrophic failures occurred. An Arrhenius activation energy of 1.02 eV was determined from these tests. The solar cell reliability [R(t)] under working conditions of 65°C was evaluated for different failure limits (1–10% power loss). From this reliability function, the mean time to failure and the warranty time were evaluated. Solar cell temperature appeared to be the primary determinant of reliability and warranty period, with concentration being the secondary determinant. A 30-year warranty for these 1 mm2-sized GaAs cells (manufactured according to a light emitting diode-like approach) may be offered for both cell concentrations (700 and 1050 suns) if the solar cell is operated at a working temperature of 65°C.
El trabajo que ha dado lugar a esta Tesis Doctoral se enmarca en la invesitagación en células solares de banda intermedia (IBSCs, por sus siglas en inglés). Se trata de un nuevo concepto de célula solar que ofrece la posibilidad de alcanzar altas eficiencias de conversión fotovoltaica. Hasta ahora, se han demostrado de manera experimental los fundamentos de operación de las IBSCs; sin embargo, esto tan sólo has sido posible en condicines de baja temperatura. El concepto de banda intermedia (IB, por sus siglas en inglés) exige que haya desacoplamiento térmico entre la IB y las bandas de valencia y conducción (VB and CB, respectivamente, por sus siglas en inglés). Los materiales de IB actuales presentan un acoplamiento térmico demasiado fuerte entre la IB y una de las otras dos bandas, lo cual impide el correcto funcionamiento de las IBSCs a temperatura ambiente. En el caso particular de las IBSCs fabricadas con puntos cuánticos (QDs, por sus siglas en inglés) de InAs/GaAs - a día de hoy, la tecnología de IBSC más estudiada - , se produce un rápido intercambio de portadores entre la IB y la CB, por dos motivos: (1) una banda prohibida estrecha (< 0.2 eV) entre la IB y la CB, E^, y (2) la existencia de niveles electrónicos entre ellas. El motivo (1) implica, a su vez, que la máxima eficiencia alcanzable en estos dispositivos es inferior al límite teórico de la IBSC ideal, en la cual E^ = 0.71 eV. En este contexto, nuestro trabajo se centra en el estudio de IBSCs de alto gap (o banda prohibida) fabricadsas con QDs, o lo que es lo mismo, QD-IBSCs de alto gap. Hemos fabricado e investigado experimentalmente los primeros prototipos de QD-IBSC en los que se utiliza AlGaAs o InGaP para albergar QDs de InAs. En ellos demostramos une distribución de gaps mejorada con respecto al caso de InAs/GaAs. En concreto, hemos medido valores de E^ mayores que 0.4 eV. En los prototipos de InAs/AlGaAs, este incremento de E^ viene acompaado de un incremento, en más de 100 meV, de la energía de activación del escape térmico. Además, nuestros dispositivos de InAs/AlGaAs demuestran conversión a la alza de tensión; es decir, la producción de una tensión de circuito abierto mayor que la energía de los fotones (dividida por la carga del electrón) de un haz monocromático incidente, así como la preservación del voltaje a temperaura ambiente bajo iluminación de luz blanca concentrada. Asimismo, analizamos el potencial para detección infrarroja de los materiales de IB. Presentamos un nuevo concepto de fotodetector de infrarrojos, basado en la IB, que hemos llamado: fotodetector de infrarrojos activado ópticamente (OTIP, por sus siglas en inglés). Nuestro novedoso dispositivo se basa en un nuevo pricipio físico que permite que la detección de luz infrarroja sea conmutable (ON y OFF) mediante iluminación externa. Hemos fabricado un OTIP basado en QDs de InAs/AlGaAs con el que demostramos fotodetección, bajo incidencia normal, en el rango 2-6/xm, activada ópticamente por un diodoe emisor de luz de 590 nm. El estudio teórico del mecanismo de detección asistido por la IB en el OTIP nos lleva a poner en cuestión la asunción de quasi-niveles de Fermi planos en la zona de carga del espacio de una célula solar. Apoyados por simuaciones a nivel de dispositivo, demostramos y explicamos por qué esta asunción no es válida en condiciones de corto-circuito e iluminación. También llevamos a cabo estudios experimentales en QD-IBSCs de InAs/AlGaAs con la finalidad de ampliar el conocimiento sobre algunos aspectos de estos dispositivos que no han sido tratados aun. En particular, analizamos el impacto que tiene el uso de capas de disminución de campo (FDLs, por sus siglas en inglés), demostrando su eficiencia para evitar el escape por túnel de portadores desde el QD al material anfitrión. Analizamos la relación existente entre el escape por túnel y la preservación del voltaje, y proponemos las medidas de eficiencia cuántica en función de la tensión como una herramienta útil para evaluar la limitación del voltaje relacionada con el túnel en QD-IBSCs. Además, realizamos medidas de luminiscencia en función de la temperatura en muestras de InAs/GaAs y verificamos que los resltados obtenidos están en coherencia con la separación de los quasi-niveles de Fermi de la IB y la CB a baja temperatura. Con objeto de contribuir a la capacidad de fabricación y caracterización del Instituto de Energía Solar de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (IES-UPM), hemos participado en la instalación y puesta en marcha de un reactor de epitaxia de haz molecular (MBE, por sus siglas en inglés) y el desarrollo de un equipo de caracterización de foto y electroluminiscencia. Utilizando dicho reactor MBE, hemos crecido, y posteriormente caracterizado, la primera QD-IBSC enteramente fabricada en el IES-UPM. ABSTRACT The constituent work of this Thesis is framed in the research on intermediate band solar cells (IBSCs). This concept offers the possibility of achieving devices with high photovoltaic-conversion efficiency. Up to now, the fundamentals of operation of IBSCs have been demonstrated experimentally; however, this has only been possible at low temperatures. The intermediate band (IB) concept demands thermal decoupling between the IB and the valence and conduction bands. Stateof- the-art IB materials exhibit a too strong thermal coupling between the IB and one of the other two bands, which prevents the proper operation of IBSCs at room temperature. In the particular case of InAs/GaAs quantum-dot (QD) IBSCs - as of today, the most widely studied IBSC technology - , there exist fast thermal carrier exchange between the IB and the conduction band (CB), for two reasons: (1) a narrow (< 0.2 eV) energy gap between the IB and the CB, EL, and (2) the existence of multiple electronic levels between them. Reason (1) also implies that maximum achievable efficiency is below the theoretical limit for the ideal IBSC, in which EL = 0.71 eV. In this context, our work focuses on the study of wide-bandgap QD-IBSCs. We have fabricated and experimentally investigated the first QD-IBSC prototypes in which AlGaAs or InGaP is the host material for the InAs QDs. We demonstrate an improved bandgap distribution, compared to the InAs/GaAs case, in our wide-bandgap devices. In particular, we have measured values of EL higher than 0.4 eV. In the case of the AlGaAs prototypes, the increase in EL comes with an increase of more than 100 meV of the activation energy of the thermal carrier escape. In addition, in our InAs/AlGaAs devices, we demonstrate voltage up-conversion; i. e., the production of an open-circuit voltage larger than the photon energy (divided by the electron charge) of the incident monochromatic beam, and the achievement of voltage preservation at room temperature under concentrated white-light illumination. We also analyze the potential of an IB material for infrared detection. We present a IB-based new concept of infrared photodetector that we have called the optically triggered infrared photodetector (OTIP). Our novel device is based on a new physical principle that allows the detection of infrared light to be switched ON and OFF by means of an external light. We have fabricated an OTIP based on InAs/AlGaAs QDs with which we demonstrate normal incidence photodetection in the 2-6 /xm range optically triggered by a 590 nm light-emitting diode. The theoretical study of the IB-assisted detection mechanism in the OTIP leads us to questioning the assumption of flat quasi-Fermi levels in the space-charge region of a solar cell. Based on device simulations, we prove and explain why this assumption is not valid under short-circuit and illumination conditions. We perform new experimental studies on InAs/GaAs QD-IBSC prototypes in order to gain knowledge on yet unexplored aspects of the performance of these devices. Specifically, we analyze the impact of the use of field-damping layers, and demonstrate this technique to be efficient for avoiding tunnel carrier escape from the QDs to the host material. We analyze the relationship between tunnel escape and voltage preservation, and propose voltage-dependent quantum efficiency measurements as an useful technique for assessing the tunneling-related limitation to the voltage preservation of QD-IBSC prototypes. Moreover, we perform temperature-dependent luminescence studies on InAs/GaAs samples and verify that the results are consistent with a split of the quasi-Fermi levels for the CB and the IB at low temperature. In order to contribute to the fabrication and characterization capabilities of the Solar Energy Institute of the Universidad Polite´cnica de Madrid (IES-UPM), we have participated in the installation and start-up of an molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) reactor and the development of a photo and electroluminescence characterization set-up. Using the MBE reactor, we have manufactured and characterized the first QD-IBSC fully fabricated at the IES-UPM.
The intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) has drawn the attention of the scientific community as a means to achieve high-efficiency solar cells. Complete IBSC devices have been manufactured using quantum dots, highly mismatched alloys, or bulk materials with deep-level impurities. Characterization of these devices has led, among other experimental results, to the demonstration of the two operating principles of an IBSC: the production of the photocurrent from the absorption of two below bandgap energy photons and the preservation of the output voltage of the solar cell. This study offers a thorough compilation of the most relevant reported results for the variety of technologies investigated and provides the reader with an updated record of IBSC experimental achievements. A table condensing the reported experimental results is presented, which provides information at a glance about achievements, as well as pending results, for every studied technology.
Polymer solar cells are promising in that they are inexpensive to produce, and due to their mechanical flexibility have the potential for use in applications not possible for more traditional types of solar cells. The performance of polymer solar cells depends strongly on the distribution of electron donor and acceptor material in the active layer. Understanding the connection between morphology and performance as well as how to control the morphology, is therefore of great importance. Furthermore, improving the lifetime of polymer solar cells has become at least as important as improving the efficiency. In this thesis, the relation between morphology and solar cell performance is studied, and the material stability for blend films of the thiophene-quinoxaline copolymer TQ1 and the fullerene derivatives PCBM and PC70BM. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning transmission X-ray microscopy (STXM) are used to investigate the lateral morphology, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) to measure the vertical morphology and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy to determine the surface composition. Lateral phase-separated domains are observed whose size is correlated to the solar cell performance, while the observed TQ1 surface enrichment does not affect the performance. Changes to the unoccupied molecular orbitals as a result of illumination in ambient air are observed by NEXAFS spectroscopy for PCBM, but not for TQ1. The NEXAFS spectrum of PCBM in a blend with TQ1 changes more than that of pristine PCBM. Solar cells in which the active layer has been illuminated in air prior to the deposition of the top electrode exhibit greatly reduced electrical performance. The valence band and absorption spectrum of TQ1 is affected by illumination in air, but the effects are not large enough to account for losses in solar cell performance, which are mainly attributed to PCBM degradation at the active layer surface.
Renewable energy technologies have long-term economic and environmental advantages over fossil fuels, and solar power is the most abundant renewable resource, supplying 120 PW over earth’s surface. In recent years the cost of photovoltaic modules has reached grid parity in many areas of the world, including much of the USA. A combination of economic and environmental factors has encouraged the adoption of solar technology and led to an annual growth rate in photovoltaic capacity of 76% in the US between 2010 and 2014. Despite the enormous growth of the solar energy industry, commercial unit efficiencies are still far below their theoretical limits. A push for thinner cells may reduce device cost and could potentially increase device performance. Fabricating thinner cells reduces bulk recombination, but at the cost of absorbing less light. This tradeoff generally benefits thinner devices due to reduced recombination. The effect continues up to a maximum efficiency where the benefit of reduced recombination is overwhelmed by the suppressed absorption. Light trapping allows the solar cell to circumvent this limitation and realize further performance gains (as well as continue cost reduction) from decreasing the device thickness. This thesis presents several advances in experimental characterization, theoretical modeling, and device applications for light trapping in thin-film solar cells. We begin by introducing light trapping strategies and discuss theoretical limits of light trapping in solar cells. This is followed by an overview of the equipment developed for light trapping characterization. Next we discuss our recent work measuring internal light scattering and a new model of scattering to predict the effects of dielectric nanoparticle back scatterers on thin-film device absorption. The new model is extended and generalized to arbitrary stacks of stratified media containing scattering structures. Finally, we investigate an application of these techniques using polymer dispersed liquid crystals to produce switchable solar windows. We show that these devices have the potential for self-powering.
In situ near-IR transmittance measurements have been used to characterize the density of trapped electrons in dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs). Measurements have been made under a range experimental conditions including during open circuit photovoltage decay and during recording of the IV characteristic. The optical cross section of electrons at 940 nm was determined by relating the IR absorbance to the density of trapped electrons measured by charge extraction. The value, σn = 5.4 × 10-18 cm2, was used to compare the trapped electron densities in illuminated DSCs under open and short circuit conditions in order to quantify the difference in the quasi Fermi level, nEF. It was found that nEF for the cells studied was 250 meV over wide range of illuminat on intensities. IR transmittance measurements have also been used to quantify shifts in conduction band energy associated with dye adsorption.
Two series of novel ruthenium bipyridyl dyes incorporating sulfur-donor bidentate ligands with general formula \[Ru(R-bpy)2C2N2S2] and \[Ru(R-bpy)2(S2COEt)]\[NO3] (where R =H, CO2Et, CO2H; C2N2S2 = cyanodithioimidocarbonate and S2COEt = ethyl xanthogenate) have been synthesized and characterized spectroscopically, electrochemically and computationally. The acid derivatives in both series (C2N2S2 3 and S2COEt 6) were used as a photosensitizer in a dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) and the incident photo-to-current conversion efficiency (IPCE), overall efficiency (_) and kinetics of the dye/TiO2 system were investigated. It was found that 6 gave a higher efficiency cell than 3 despite the latter dye’s more favorable electronic properties, such as greater absorption range, higher molar extinction coefficient and large degree of delocalization of the HOMO. The transient absorption spectroscopy studies revealed that the recombination kinetics of 3 were unexpectedly fast, which was attributed to the terminal CN on the ligand binding to the TiO2, as evidenced by an absorption study of R =H and CO2Et dyes sensitized on TiO2, and hence leading to a lower efficiency DSSC.
A limiting step to roll-to-roll production of dye-sensitized solar cells on metals is TiO2 sintering (10-30 min). Near infrared (NIR) heating is a novel process innovation which directly heats titanium substrates giving rapid binder removal and sintering. NIR heating (for 12.5 s) at varying power gave titanium temperatures of 545, 685 and 817 degrees Celsius yielding cells with efficiencies of 2.9, 2.8 and 2.5%. Identical cells prepared in a conventional oven (1800 s) at 500, 600 and 800 degrees Celsius gave 2.9, 2.6 and 0.2% efficiency. NIR sintering is ultrafast and has a wide process window making it ideal for rapid manufacturing on metals.
Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) is considered to be one of the most promising light absorbing materials for low cost, high efficiency thin film solar cells. Compared to conventional CuIn(S, Se)2 (CIS) and Cu(InGa)(S,Se)2 (CIGS) as well as CdTe light absorber, CZTS is only composed of earth-abundant non-toxic elements, ensuring the price competitiveness of this kind of solar cell in the future PV market. However, the research in this area is very limited compared to CIS and CIGS. Detailed studies of both the material and the device are rare, which significantly restricts the development in this area. This paper reviews the progress in the research field of CZTS, particularly the methods which were employed to prepare CZTS absorber material.