994 resultados para Soil mechanics.


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A central goal in unsaturated soil mechanics research is to create a smooth transition between traditional soil mechanics approaches and an approach that is applicable to unsaturated soils. Undrained shear strength and the liquidity index of reconstituted or remoulded saturated soils are consistently correlated, which has been demonstrated by many studies. In the liquidity index range from 1 (at w(l)) to 0 (at w(p)), the shear strength ranges from approximately 2 kPa to 200 kPa. Similarly, for compacted soil, the shear strength at the plastic limit ranges from 150 kPa to 250 kPa. When compacted at their optimum water content, most soils have a suction that ranges from 20 kPa to 500 kPa; however, in the field, compacted materials are subjected to drying and wetting, which affect their initial suction and as a consequence their shear strength. Unconfined shear tests were performed on five compacted tropical soils and kaolin. Specimens were tested in the as-compacted condition, and also after undergoing drying or wetting. The test results and data from prior literature were examined, taking into account the roles of void ratio, suction, and relative water content. An interpretation of the phenomena that are involved in the development of the undrained shear strength of unsaturated soils in the contexts of soil water retention and Atterberg limits is presented, providing a practical view of the behaviour of compacted soil based on the concept of unsaturated soil. Finally, an empirical correlation is presented that relates the unsaturated state of compacted soils to the unconfined shear strength.


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This paper presents laboratory and in situ studies carried out on a 200 000 m(3) large clayey silt compacted embankment. Laboratory studies carried out on undeformed block samples included index tests, strength tests and water retention curves using the filter paper technique. Grain size analyses with and without a deflocculating agent clearly showed the existence of grain clusters, which appear to be naturally formed. Field instrumentation installed at depths from 0.25 m to 1.0 m included tensiometers, equitensiometers, time domain reflectometry and geothermometers. Pluviometer data from a nearby weather station are also used to analyse the field data. The ranges of water content and suction values were measured, both of which correlated well with the pluviometer data. The water retention curves including laboratory and field data showed a bimodal shape, consistent with the presence of microand macropores shown in the grain size analysis.


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Slope failure occurs in many areas throughout the world and it becomes an important problem when it interferes with human activity, in which disasters provoke loss of life and property damage. In this research we investigate the slope failure through the centrifuge modeling, where a reduced-scale model, N times smaller than the full-scale (prototype), is used whereas the acceleration is increased by N times (compared with the gravity acceleration) to preserve the stress and the strain behavior. The aims of this research “Centrifuge modeling of sandy slopes” are in extreme synthesis: 1) test the reliability of the centrifuge modeling as a tool to investigate the behavior of a sandy slope failure; 2) understand how the failure mechanism is affected by changing the slope angle and obtain useful information for the design. In order to achieve this scope we arranged the work as follows: Chapter one: centrifuge modeling of slope failure. In this chapter we provide a general view about the context in which we are working on. Basically we explain what is a slope failure, how it happens and which are the tools available to investigate this phenomenon. Afterwards we introduce the technology used to study this topic, that is the geotechnical centrifuge. Chapter two: testing apparatus. In the first section of this chapter we describe all the procedures and facilities used to perform a test in the centrifuge. Then we explain the characteristics of the soil (Nevada sand), like the dry unit weight, water content, relative density, and its strength parameters (c,φ), which have been calculated in laboratory through the triaxial test. Chapter three: centrifuge tests. In this part of the document are presented all the results from the tests done in centrifuge. When we talk about results we refer to the acceleration at failure for each model tested and its failure surface. In our case study we tested models with the same soil and geometric characteristics but different angles. The angles tested in this research were: 60°, 75° and 90°. Chapter four: slope stability analysis. We introduce the features and the concept of the software: ReSSA (2.0). This software allows us to calculate the theoretical failure surfaces of the prototypes. Then we show in this section the comparisons between the experimental failure surfaces of the prototype, traced in the laboratory, and the one calculated by the software. Chapter five: conclusion. The conclusion of the research presents the results obtained in relation to the two main aims, mentioned above.


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Serpentinite seamounts in the Mariana forearc have been explained as diapirs rising from the Benioff zone. This hypothesis predicts that the serpentinites should have low strengths as well as low densities relative to the surrounding rocks. Drilling during Leg 125 showed that the materials forming Conical Seamount in the Mariana forearc and Torishima Forearc Seamount in the Izu-Bonin forearc are water-charged serpentinite muds of density <2 g/cm**3. Wykeham-Farrance torsion-vane tests showed that they are plastic solids with a rheology that bears many similarities to the idealized Cam clay soil model and is well described by critical-state soil mechanics. The serpentinite muds have ultimate strengths of 1.3 to 273.7 kPa and yield strengths of approximately 1.0 to 50 kPa. These muds thus are orders of magnitude weaker than salt and are, in fact, comparable in density and strength to common deep-sea clay muds. Such weak and low-density materials easily become diapiric. Serpentinite muds from the summit of Conical Seamount are weaker and more ductile than those on its flanks or on Torishima Forearc Seamount. Moreover, the summit muds do not contain the pronounced pure- and simple-shear fabrics that characterize those on the seamount flanks. The seamounts are morphologically similar to shield volcanoes, and anastomosing serpentinite debris flows descending from their summits are similar in map view to pahoehoe flows. These morphologic features, together with the physical properties of the muds and their similarities to other oceanic muds and the geochemistry of the entrained waters, suggest that many forearc serpentinite seamounts are gigantic (10-20 km wide, 1.5-2.0 km high) mud volcanoes that formed by the eruption of highly liquid serpentinite muds. Torishima Forearc Seamount, which is blanketed by more ìnormalî pelagic/volcaniclastic sediment, has probably been inactive since the Miocene. Conical Seamount, which seems to consist entirely of serpentinite mud and is venting fresh water of unusual chemistry from its summit, is presently active. Muds from the flanks of Conical Seamount are stronger and more brittle than those from the summit site, and muds from Torishima Forearc Seamount are stronger yet; this suggests that the serpentinite debris flows are compacted and dewatered as they mature. The shear fabrics probably result from downslope creep and flow, but may also be inherited.


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Contaminated soil reuse was investigated, with higher profusion, throughout the early 90’s, coinciding with the 1991 Gulf War, when efforts to amend large crude oil releases began in geotechnical assessment of contaminated soils. Isolated works referring to geotechnical testing with hydrocarbon ground contaminants are described in the state-of-the-art, which have been extended to other type of contaminated soil references. Contaminated soils by light non-aquous phase liquids (LNAPL) bearing capacity reduction has been previously investigated from a forensic point of view. To date, all the research works have been published based on the assumption of constant contaminant saturation for the entire soil mass. In contrast, the actual LNAPLs distribution plumes exhibit complex flow patterns which are subject to physical and chemical changes with time and distance travelled from the release source. This aspect has been considered along the present text. A typical Madrid arkosic soil formation is commonly known as Miga sand. Geotechnical tests have been carried out, with Miga sand specimens, in incremental series of LNAPL concentrations in order to observe the soil engineering properties variation due to a contamination increase. Results are discussed in relation with previous studies and as a matter of fact, soil mechanics parameters change in the presence of LNAPL, showing different tendencies according to each test and depending on the LNAPL content, as well as to the specimen’s initially planned relative density, dense or loose. Geotechnical practical implications are also commented on and analyzed. Variation on geotechnical properties may occur only within the external contour of contamination distribution plume. This scope has motivated the author to develop a physical model based on transparent soil technology. The model aims to reproduce the distribution of LNAPL into the ground due to an accidental release from a storage facility. Preliminary results indicate that the model is a potentially complementary tool for hydrogeological applications, site-characterization and remediation treatment testing within the framework of soil pollution events. A description of the test setup of an innovative three dimensional physical model for the flow of two or more phases, in porous media, is presented herein, along with a summary of the advantages, limitations and future applications for modeling with transparent material. En los primeros años de la década de los años 90, del siglo pasado, coincidiendo con la Guerra del Golfo en 1991, se investigó intensamente sobre la reutilización de suelos afectados por grandes volúmenes de vertidos de crudo, fomentándose la evaluación geotécnica de los suelos contaminados. Se describen, en el estado del arte de esta tésis, una serie de trabajos aislados en relación con la caracterización geotécnica de suelos contaminados con hidrocarburos, descripción ampliada mediante referencias relacionadas con otros tipos de contaminación de suelos. Existen estudios previos de patología de cimentaciones que analizan la reducción de la capacidad portante de suelos contaminados por hidrocarburos líquidos ligeros en fase no acuosa (acrónimo en inglés: LNAPL de “Liquid Non-Aquous Phase Liquid”). A fecha de redacción de la tesis, todas las publicaciones anteriores estaban basadas en la consideración de una saturación del contaminante constante en toda la extensión del terreno de cimentación. La distribución real de las plumas de contaminante muestra, por el contrario, complejas trayectorias de flujo que están sujetas a cambios físico-químicos en función del tiempo y la distancia recorrida desde su origen de vertido. Éste aspecto ha sido considerado y tratado en el presente texto. La arena de Miga es una formación geológica típica de Madrid. En el ámbito de esta tesis se han desarrollado ensayos geotécnicos con series de muestras de arena de Miga contaminadas con distintas concentraciones de LNAPL con el objeto de estimar la variación de sus propiedades geotécnicas debido a un incremento de contaminación. Se ha realizado una evaluación de resultados de los ensayos en comparación con otros estudios previamente analizados, resultando que las propiedades mecánicas del suelo, efectivamente, varían en función del contenido de LNAPL y de la densidad relativa con la que se prepare la muestra, densa o floja. Se analizan y comentan las implicaciones de carácter práctico que supone la mencionada variación de propiedades geotécnicas. El autor ha desarrollado un modelo físico basado en la tecnología de suelos transparentes, considerando que las variaciones de propiedades geotécnicas únicamente deben producirse en el ámbito interior del contorno de la pluma contaminante. El objeto del modelo es el de reproducir la distribución de un LNAPL en un terreno dado, causada por el vertido accidental de una instalación de almecenamiento de combustible. Los resultados preliminares indican que el modelo podría emplearse como una herramienta complementaria para el estudio de eventos contaminantes, permitiendo el desarrollo de aplicaciones de carácter hidrogeológico, caracterización de suelos contaminados y experimentación de tratamientos de remediación. Como aportación de carácter innovadora, se presenta y describe un modelo físico tridimensional de flujo de dos o más fases a través de un medio poroso transparente, analizándose sus ventajas e inconvenientes así como sus limitaciones y futuras aplicaciones.


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Los terremotos constituyen una de las más importantes fuentes productoras de cargas dinámicas que actúan sobre las estructuras y sus cimentaciones. Cuando se produce un terremoto la energía liberada genera movimientos del terreno en forma de ondas sísmicas que pueden provocar asientos en las cimentaciones de los edificios, empujes sobre los muros de contención, vuelco de las estructuras y el suelo puede licuar perdiendo su capacidad de soporte. Los efectos de los terremotos en estructuras constituyen unos de los aspectos que involucran por su condición de interacción sueloestructura, disciplinas diversas como el Análisis Estructural, la Mecánica de Suelo y la Ingeniería Sísmica. Uno de los aspectos que han sido poco estudiados en el cálculo de estructuras sometidas a la acciones de los terremotos son los efectos del comportamiento no lineal del suelo y de los movimientos que pueden producirse bajo la acción de cargas sísmicas, tales como posibles despegues y deslizamientos. En esta Tesis se estudian primero los empujes sísmicos y posibles deslizamientos de muros de contención y se comparan las predicciones de distintos tipos de cálculos: métodos pseudo-estáticos como el de Mononobe-Okabe (1929) con la contribución de Whitman-Liao (1985), y formulaciones analíticas como la desarrollada por Veletsos y Younan (1994). En segundo lugar se estudia el efecto del comportamiento no lineal del terreno en las rigideces de una losa de cimentación superficial y circular, como la correspondiente a la chimenea de una Central Térmica o al edificio del reactor de una Central Nuclear, considerando su variación con frecuencia y con el nivel de cargas. Finalmente se estudian los posibles deslizamientos y separación de las losas de estas dos estructuras bajo la acción de terremotos, siguiendo la formulación propuesta por Wolf (1988). Para estos estudios se han desarrollado una serie de programas específicos (MUROSIS, VELETSOS, INTESES y SEPARSE) cuyos listados y detalles se incluyen en los Apéndices. En el capítulo 6 se incluyen las conclusiones resultantes de estos estudios y recomendaciones para futuras investigaciones. ABSTRACT Earthquakes constitute one of the most important sources of dynamic loads that acting on structures and foundations. When an earthquake occurs the liberated energy generates seismic waves that can give rise to structural vibrations, settlements of the foundations of buildings, pressures on retaining walls, and possible sliding, uplifting or even overturning of structures. The soil can also liquefy losing its capacity of support The study of the effects of earthquakes on structures involve the use of diverse disciplines such as Structural Analysis, Soil Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering. Some aspects that have been the subject of limited research in relation to the behavior of structures subjected to earthquakes are the effects of nonlinear soil behavior and geometric nonlinearities such as sliding and uplifting of foundations. This Thesis starts with the study of the seismic pressures and potential displacements of retaining walls comparing the predictions of two types of formulations and assessing their range of applicability and limitations: pseudo-static methods as proposed by Mononobe-Okabe (1929), with the contribution of Whitman-Liao (1985), and analytical formulations as the one developed by Veletsos and Younan (1994) for rigid walls. The Thesis deals next with the effects of nonlinear soil behavior on the dynamic stiffness of circular mat foundations like the chimney of a Thermal Power Station or the reactor building of a Nuclear Power Plant, as a function of frequency and level of forces. Finally the seismic response of these two structures accounting for the potential sliding and uplifting of the foundation under a given earthquake are studied, following an approach suggested by Wolf (1988). In order to carry out these studies a number of special purposes computer programs were developed (MUROSIS, VELETSOS, INTESES and SEPARSE). The listing and details of these programs are included in the appendices. The conclusions derived from these studies and recommendations for future work are presented in Chapter 6.


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Ya en el informe acerca del estado de la tecnología en la excavación profunda y en la construcción de túneles en terreno duro presentado en la 7ª Conferencia en Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería de la Cimentación, Peck (1969) introdujo los tres temas a ser tenidos en cuenta para el diseño de túneles en terrenos blandos: o Estabilidad de la cavidad durante la construcción, con particular atención a la estabilidad del frente del túnel; o Evaluación de los movimientos del terreno inducidos por la construcción del túnel y de la incidencia de los trabajos subterráneos a poca profundidad sobre los asentamientos en superficie; o Diseño del sistema de sostenimiento del túnel a instalar para asegurar la estabilidad de la estructura a corto y largo plazo. Esta Tesis se centra en los problemas señalados en el segundo de los puntos, analizando distintas soluciones habitualmente proyectadas para reducir los movimientos inducidos por la excavación de los túneles. El objeto de la Tesis es el análisis de la influencia de distintos diseños de paraguas de micropilotes, pantalla de micropilotes, paraguas de jet grouting y pantallas de jet grouting en los asientos en superficie durante la ejecución de túneles ejecutados a poca profundidad, con objeto de buscar el diseño que optimice los medios empleados para una determinada reducción de asientos. Para ello se establecen unas premisas para los proyectistas con objeto de conocer a priori cuales son los tratamientos más eficientes (de los propuestos en la Tesis) para la reducción de asientos en superficie cuando se ha de proyectar un túnel, de tal manera que pueda tener datos cualitativos y algunos cuantitativos sobre los diseños más óptimos, utilizando para ello un programa de elementos finitos de última generación que permite realizara la simulación tensodeformación del terreno mediante el modelo de suelo con endurecimiento (Hardening Soil Small model), que es una variante elastoplástica del modelo hiperbólico, similar al Hardening Soil Model. Además, este modelo incorpora una relación entre deformación y el modulo de rigidez, simulando el diferente comportamiento del suelo para pequeñas deformaciones (por ejemplo vibraciones con deformaciones por debajo de 10-5 y grandes deformaciones (deformaciones > 10-3). Para la realización de la Tesis se han elegido cinco secciones de túnel, dos correspondiente a secciones tipo de túnel ejecutado con tuneladora y tres secciones ejecutados mediante convencionales (dos correspondientes a secciones que han utilizado el método Belga y una que ha utilizado el NATM). Para conseguir los objetivos marcados, primeramente se ha analizado mediante una correlación entre modelos tridimensionales y bidimensionales el valor de relajación usado en estos últimos, y ver su variación al cambio de parámetros como la sección del túnel, la cobertera, el procedimiento constructivo, longitud de pase (métodos convencionales) o presión del frente (tuneladora) y las características geotécnicas de los materiales donde se ejecuta el túnel. Posteriormente se ha analizado que diseño de pantalla de protección tiene mejor eficacia respecto a la reducción de asientos, variando distintos parámetros de las características de la misma, como son el empotramiento, el tipo de micropilotes o pilote, la influencia del arriostramiento de las pantallas de protección en cabeza, la inclinación de la pantalla, la separación de la pantalla al eje del túnel y la disposición en doble fila de la pantalla de pantalla proyectada. Para finalizar el estudio de la efectividad de pantalla de protección para la reducción de asiento, se estudiará la influencia de la sobrecarga cercanas (simulación de edificios) tiene en la efectividad de la pantalla proyectada (desde el punto de vista de reducción de movimientos en superficie). Con objeto de poder comparar la efectividad de la pantalla de micropilotes respecto a la ejecución de un paraguas de micropilotes se ha analizado distintos diseños de paraguas, comparando el movimiento obtenido con el obtenido para el caso de pantalla de micropilotes, comparando ambos resultados con los medidos en obras ya ejecutadas. En otro apartado se ha realizado una comparación entre tratamientos similar, comparándolos en este caso con un paraguas de jet grouting y pantallas de jet grouting. Los resultados obtenidos se han con valores de asientos medidos en distintas obras ya ejecutadas y cuyas secciones se corresponden a los empleados en los modelos numéricos. Since the report on the state of technology in deep excavation and tunnelling in hard ground presented at the 7th Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Peck (1969) introduced the three issues to be taken into account for the design of tunnels in soft ground: o Cavity Stability during construction, with particular attention to the stability of the tunnel face; o Evaluation of ground movements induced by tunnelling and the effect of shallow underground workings on surface settlement; o Design of the tunnel support system to be installed to ensure short and long term stability of the structure. This thesis focuses on the issues identified in the second point, usually analysing different solutions designed to reduce the movements induced by tunnelling. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the influence of different micropile forepole umbrellas, micropile walls, jet grouting umbrellas and jet grouting wall designs on surface settlements during near surface tunnelling in order to use the most optimal technique to achieve a determined reduction in settlement. This will establish some criteria for designers to know a priori which methods are most effective (of those proposed in the thesis) to reduce surface settlements in tunnel design, so that it is possible to have qualitative and some quantitative data on the optimal designs, using the latest finite element modelling software that allows simulation of the ground’s infinitesimal strain behaviour using the Hardening Soil Small Model, which is a variation on the elasto-plastic hyperbolic model, similar to Hardening Soil model. In addition, this model incorporates a relationship between strain and the rigidity modulus, simulating different soil behaviour for small deformations (eg deformation vibrations below 10-5 and large deformations (deformations > 10-3). For the purpose of this thesis five tunnel sections have been chosen, two sections corresponding to TBM tunnels and three sections undertaken by conventional means (two sections corresponding to the Belgian method and one corresponding to the NATM). To achieve the objectives outlined, a correlation analysis of the relaxation values used in the 2D and 3D models was undertaken to verify them against parameters such as the tunnel cross-section, the depth of the tunnel, the construction method, the length of step (conventional method) or face pressure (TBM) and the geotechnical characteristics of the ground where the tunnel is constructed. Following this, the diaphragm wall design with the greatest efficiency regarding settlement reduction was analysed, varying parameters such as the toe depth, type of micropiles or piles, the influence of bracing of the head protection diaphragm walls, the inclination of the diaphragm wall, the separation between the diaphragm wall and the tunnel axis and the double diaphragm wall design arrangement. In order to complete the study into the effectiveness of protective diaphragm walls ofn the reduction of settlements, the influence of nearby imposed loads (simulating buildings) on the effectiveness of the designed diaphragm walls (from the point of view of reducing surface movements) will be studied. In order to compare the effectiveness of micropile diaphragm walls regarding the installation of micropile forepole umbrellas, different designs of these forepole umbrellas have been analysed comparing the movement obtained with that obtained for micropiled diaphragm walls, comparing both results with those measured from similar completed projects. In another section, a comparison between similar treatments has been completed, comparing the treatments with a forepole umbrella by jet grouting and jet grouting walls. The results obtained compared with settlement values measured in various projects already completed and whose sections correspond to those used in the numerical models.


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The evaluation of neutral pressures in soil mechanics problems is a fundamental step to evaluate deformations in soils. In this paper, we present some results obtained by using the boundary element method for plane problems, describing the undrained situation as well as the consolidation problem.


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The dynamic behaviour of saturated sands has been studied from different perspectives. However, most experimental research on this field does not take into account the shear stress conditions existing prior to the application of dynamic loads; i.e., a null initial static shear stress (τo = 0) is assumed. The main objective of this work is to report on the influence that static shear stresses (τo) have on the behaviour of saturated sands under cyclic shear loads. This article presents the results and analysis of part of a wider experimental programme involving 30 monotonic and 26 cyclic simple shear tests for different combinations of static shear stress (τo) and cyclic shear stress (τc) (all undrained), besides identification and classification tests. The tested samples have been taken from the area of the North Entrance Mouth at the Port of Barcelona (Spain).


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The General Reporter presents the papers from the Authors, along with some personal contributions on the subjects discussed. Embankments are classified by their use. Different kinds of slope failure and remedial measures are dealt with, as well as investigations for material characterisation and selection.


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The analysis of deformation in soils is of paramount importance in geotechnical engineering. For a long time the complex behaviour of natural deposits defied the ingenuity of engineers. The time has come that, with the aid of computers, numerical methods will allow the solution of every problem if the material law can be specified with a certain accuracy. Boundary Techniques (B.E.) have recently exploded in a splendid flowering of methods and applications that compare advantegeously with other well-established procedures like the finite element method (F.E.). Its application to soil mechanics problems (Brebbia 1981) has started and will grow in the future. This paper tries to present a simple formulation to a classical problem. In fact, there is already a large amount of application of B.E. to diffusion problems (Rizzo et al, Shaw, Chang et al, Combescure et al, Wrobel et al, Roures et al, Onishi et al) and very recently the first specific application to consolidation problems has been published by Bnishi et al. Here we develop an alternative formulation to that presented in the last reference. Fundamentally the idea is to introduce a finite difference discretization in the time domain in order to use the fundamental solution of a Helmholtz type equation governing the neutral pressure distribution. Although this procedure seems to have been unappreciated in the previous technical literature it is nevertheless effective and straightforward to implement. Indeed for the special problem in study it is perfectly suited, because a step by step interaction between the elastic and flow problems is needed. It allows also the introduction of non-linear elastic properties and time dependent conditions very easily as will be shown and compares well with performances of other approaches.


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Embankments constructed on hillsides can have serious problems of stability, generally created by the action of water com-bined with the inclination of the hillside. In order to increase the stability or correct problems of instability already present, there are various methods that can be used: surface and deep drainage, reinforcements with anchored beams, medium and large diameter piles, etc. Standing out among these systems (for its versatility) is the use of micropiles which ?sew? the embankment to a non-unstable area of the hillside. This paper presents research undertaken by means of a finite element code for studying the effect and stress of the micropiles, comparing the results with real measurements taken in the south of Spain.


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Leyendo distintos artículos en la Revista de Obras Públicas (Jiménez Salas, 1945) uno recuerda a las grandes figuras como Coulomb (1773), Poncelet (1840), Rankine (1856), Culmann (1866), Mohr (1871), Boussinesq (1876) y otros muchos, que construyeron la base de un conocimiento que poco a poco irían facilitando la complicada tarea que suponía la construcción. Pero sus avances eran aproximaciones que presentaban notables diferencias frente al comportamiento de la naturaleza. Esas discrepancias con la naturaleza llegó un momento que se hicieron demasiado patentes. Importantes asientos en la construcción de los modernos edificios, rotura de presas de materiales sueltos y grandes corrimientos de tierras, por ejemplo durante la construcción del canal de Panamá, llevaron a la Sociedad Americana de Ingenieros Civiles (ASCE) a crear un comité que analizase las prácticas de la construcción de la época. Hechos similares se producían en Europa, por ejemplo en desmontes para ferrocarriles, que en el caso de Suecia supusieron unas cuantiosas perdidas materiales y humanas. El ingeniero austriaco-americano Karl Terzaghi (1883) había podido comprobar, en su práctica profesional, la carencia de conocimientos para afrontar muchos de los retos que la naturaleza ofrecía. Inicialmente buscó la respuesta en la geología pero encontró que ésta carecía de la definición necesaria para la práctica de la ingeniería, por lo que se lanzó a una denodada tarea investigadora basada en el método experimental. Comenzó en 1917 con escasos medios, pero pronto llegó a desarrollar algunos ensayos que le permitieron establecer los primeros conceptos de una nueva ciencia, la Mecánica de Suelos. Ciencia que ve la luz en 1925 con la publicación de su libro Erdbaumechanik auf bodenphysikalischer Grundlage. Rápidamente otras figuras empezaron a hacer sus contribuciones científicas y de divulgación, como es el caso del ingeniero austriaco-americano Arthur Casagrande (1902), cuya iniciativa de organizar el primer Congreso Internacional de Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería de Cimentaciones proporcionó el altavoz que necesitaba esa nueva ciencia para su difusión. Al mismo tiempo, más figuras internacionales se fueron uniendo a este período de grandes avances e innovadores puntos de vista. Figuras como Alec Skempton (1914) en el Reino Unido, Ralph Peck (1912) en los Estados Unidos o Laurits Bjerrum (1918) en Noruega sobresalieron entre los grandes de la época. Esta tesis investiga las vidas de estos geotécnicos, artífices de múltiples avances científicos de la nueva ciencia denominada Mecánica de Suelos. Todas estas grandes figuras de la geotecnia fueron presidentes, en distintos periodos, de la Sociedad Internacional de Mecánica de Suelos e Ingeniería de Cimentaciones. Se deja constancia de ello en las biografías que han sido elaboradas a partir de fuentes de variada procedencia y de los datos cruzados encontrados sobre estos extraordinarios geotécnicos. Así, las biografías de Terzaghi, Casagrande, Skempton, Peck y Bjerrum contribuyen no solo a su conocimiento individual sino que constituyen conjuntamente un punto de vista privilegiado para la comprensión de los acontecimientos vividos por la Mecánica de Suelos en el segundo tercio del siglo XX, extendiéndose en algunos casos hasta los albores del siglo XXI. Las aportaciones científicas de estos geotécnicos encuentran también su lugar en la parte técnica de esta tesis, en la que sus contribuciones individuales iniciales que configuran los distintos capítulos conservan sus puntos de vista originales, lo que permite tener una visión de los principios de la Mecánica de Suelos desde su mismo origen. On reading several articles in the journal, Revista de Obras Públicas (Jiménez Salas, 1945), one recalls such leading figures as Coulomb (1773), Poncelet (1840), Rankine (1856), Culmann (1866), Mohr (1871) and Boussinesq (1876) among many others, who created the basis of scientific knowledge that would make the complicated task of construction progressively easier. However, their advances were approximations which suffered considerable discrepancies when faced with the behaviour of the forces of nature. There came a time when such discrepancies became all too evident. Substantial soil settlements when constructing modern buildings, embankment dam failures and grave landslides, during the construction of the Panama Canal for example, led the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) to form a committee in order to analyse construction practices of the time. Similar incidents had taken place in Europe, for example with railway slides, which in the case of Sweden, had resulted in heavy losses in both materials and human lives. During the practice of his career, the Austrian-American engineer Karl Terzaghi (1883) had encountered the many challenges posed by the forces of nature and the lack of knowledge at his disposal with which to overcome them. Terzaghi first sought a solution in geology only to discover that this lacked the necessary accuracy for the practice of engineering. He therefore threw himself into tireless research based on the experimental method. He began in 1917 on limited means but soon managed to develop several tests, which would allow him to establish the basic fundamentals of a new science; Soil Mechanics, a science which first saw the light of day on the publication of Terzaghi’s book, Erdbaumechanik auf bodenphysikalischer Grundlage. Other figures were quick to make their own scientific contributions. Such was the case of Austrian-American engineer, Arthur Casagrande (1902), whose initiative to organize the first International Congress of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering provided the springboard that this science needed. At the same time, other international figures were becoming involved in this period of great advances and innovative concepts. Figures including the likes of Alec Skempton (1914) in the United Kingdom, Ralph Peck (1912) in the United States, and Laurits Bjerrum (1918) in Norway stood out amongst the greatest of their time. This thesis investigates the lives of these geotechnical engineers to whom we are indebted for a great many scientific advances in this new science known as Soil Mechanics. Moreover, each of these eminent figures held the presidency of the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, record of which can be found in their biographies, drawn from diverse sources, and by crosschecking and referencing all the available information on these extraordinary geotechnical engineers. Thus, the biographies of Terzaghi, Casagrande, Skempton, Peck and Bjerrum not only serve to provide knowledge on the individual, but moreover, as a collective, they present us with an exceptional insight into the important developments which took place in Soil Mechanics in the second third of the 20th century, and indeed, in some cases, up to the dawn of the 21st. The scientific contributions of these geotechnical engineers also find their place in the technical part of this thesis in which the initial individual contributions which make up several chapters retain their original approaches allowing us a view of the principles of Soil Mechanics from its very beginnings.


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As culturas do milho e da soja respondem pela maior parte da produção nacional de grãos, predominando o sistema de plantio direto. Para uma semeadura direta de qualidade, o bom aterramento do sulco é indispensável, pois garante um ambiente adequado às sementes. Neste sentido, é importante estimar a mobilização de solo promovida por uma haste sulcadora estreita durante esta operação. O modelo analítico existente visa representar a mobilização do solo no sistema de plantio convencional. Como consequência, há situações em que este não pode se aplicado, como no caso de hastes sulcadoras estreitas utilizadas em semeadoras de plantio direto. Nestas situações, o mecanismo de falha do solo pode se alterar, assumindo um comportamento não modelado na literatura. Essa pesquisa propõe um modelo fuzzy capaz de representar estas situações, aproveitando conhecimento da teoria de mecânica dos solos e da análise de resultados experimentais. No modelo proposto, parte das regras descrevem situações não abrangidas pelo modelo analítico, as quais foram formuladas a partir da estimativa das prováveis áreas de solo mobilizado. O modelo fuzzy foi testado com dados de experimentos conduzidos durante a pesquisa, em duas condições de granulometria de solo (arenoso e argiloso). O modelo proposto reproduziu as tendências observadas nos dados experimentais, mas superestimou os valores de área observados, sendo esse efeito bem mais intenso para os dados do experimento em solo arenoso. A superestimativa ocorreu devido à soma de diversos fatores. Um deles é a diferença entre as leituras experimentais, as quais consideram apenas o solo realmente movimentado, e a premissa do modelo analítico, que considera toda a área de solo incluindo aquela cisalhada, porém não mobilizada. Outro fator foi devido ao efeito do disco de corte da palha, que pré-cisalha o solo à frente da ferramenta. No ensaio em solo arenoso os valores observados de área de solo mobilizado foram menores que os esperados, intensificando o efeito de superestimativa do modelo fuzzy, sendo que este efeito não representa uma deficiência deste modelo.


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A mathematical model for long-term, three-dimensional shoreline evolution is developed. The combined effects of variations of sea level; wave refraction and diffraction; loss of sand by density currents during storms, by rip currents, and by wind; bluff erosion and berm accretion; effects of manmade structures such as long groin or navigational structures; and beach nourishment are all taken into account. A computer program is developed with various subroutines which permit modification as the state-of-the-art progresses. The program is applied to a test case at Holland Harbor, Michigan. (Author).