955 resultados para Software CAD 3D para vestuário


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Se busca generar una discusión sobre el proceso de diseño y sistematización de una experiencia de aula en la cual se integra el Ambiente de Geometría Dinámica (AGD) Cabri 3D en el aprendizaje de la transformación de rotación en el espacio. En nuestra propuesta, encontramos investigaciones importantes en didáctica de las matemáticas que han puesto en evidencia las dificultades que los estudiantes presentan comúnmente en la exploración de propiedades de los objetos geométricos en el espacio, e incluso la representación de los mismos en él. Por lo cual, la comunicación se apoya en una aproximación instrumental que busca dar cuenta del papel mediador de Cabri 3D como un instrumento construido por el sujeto en el contexto de aprendizaje de la geometría. La propuesta se basa en el diseño de una situación didáctica en la que se integra el AGD Cabri 3D; hemos introducido una categoría que caracteriza el objeto matemático a movilizar en la secuencia de situaciones didácticas, esta categoría es la transformación de rotación en el espacio. La primera caracterización debe darse desde el reconocimiento de la Geometría transformacional como una alternativa para que los estudiantes construyan conocimiento del espacio a partir de la exploración y actuación sobre el mismo, así en la propuesta de la secuencia didáctica se tomara en consideración que la transformación de rotación posibilita la exploración de aspectos complejos tales como el sentido, la magnitud angular y la invarianza de propiedades. Esta última (la invarianza de propiedades) es uno de los aspectos más importante que se deberán distinguir en el diseño de la secuencia didáctica; en la composición de rotaciones por ejemplo, se reconoce como importante que los estudiantes tengan la capacidad de poder determinar cuáles objetos geométricos, puestos en juego en la transformación, conservan sus propiedades, así como poder determinar dentro de la rotación qué se conserva invariante. La segunda caracterización es el reconocimiento de la visualización como medio para que el estudiante interprete la información gráfica de conceptos matemáticos que se le presentan, con el fin de resolver un problema y realizar conjeturas acerca de la noción matemática que está trabajando. La pregunta central para animar la discusión en torno a nuestra comunicación es la siguiente: ¿Cómo influye el uso de Cabri 3D en el estudio del espacio y la exploración de la noción de transformación de rotación en el espacio?, ¿En la organización de la clase y los dispositivos que se deben implementar en la misma?


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The last few years have seen a substantial increase in the geometric complexity for 3D flow simulation. In this paper we describe the challenges in generating computation grids for 3D aerospace configuations and demonstrate the progress made to eventually achieve a push button technology for CAD to visualized flow. Special emphasis is given to the interfacing from the grid generator to the flow solver by semi-automatic generation of boundary conditions during the grid generation process. In this regard, once a grid has been generated, push button technology of most commercial flow solvers has been achieved. This will be demonstrated by the ad hoc simulation for the Hopper configuration.


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A project within a computing department at the University of Greenwich, has been carried out to identify whether podcasting can be used to help understanding and learning of a subject (3D Animation). We know that the benefits of podcasting in education (HE) can be justified, [1]; [2]; [3]; [4]; [5]; [6] and that some success has been proven, but this paper aims to report the results of a term-long project that provided podcast materials for students to help support their learning using Xserve and Podcast Producer technology. Findings in a previous study [6] identified podcasting as a way to diversify learning and provde a more personalised learning experience for students, as well as being able to provide access to a greater mix of learning styles [7]. Finally this paper aims to present the method of capture and distribution, the methodologies of the study, analysis of results, and conclusions that relate to podcasting and enhanced supported learning.


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The process of making replicas of heritage has traditionally been developed by public agencies, corporations and museums and is not commonly used in schools. Currently there are technologies that allow creating cheap replicas. The new 3D reconstruction software, based on photographs and low cost 3D printers allow to make replicas at a cost much lower than traditional. This article describes the process of creating replicas of the sculpture Goslar Warrior of artist Henry Moore, located in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. To make this process, first, a digital model have been created using Autodesk Recap 360, Autodesk 123D Catch and Autodesk Meshmixer MarkerBot MakerWare applications. Physical replication, has been reproduced in polylactic acid (PLA) by MakerBot Replicator 2 3D printer. In addition, a cost analysis using, in one hand, the printer mentioned, and in the other hand, 3D printing services both online and local, is included. Finally, there has been a specific action with 141 students and 12 high school teachers, who filled a questionnary about the use of sculptural replicas in education.


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This paper presents an approach which enables new parameters to be added to a CAD model for optimization purposes. It aims to remove a common roadblock to CAD based optimization, where the parameterization of the model does not offer the shape sufficient flexibility for a truly optimized shape to be created. A technique has been developed which uses adjoint based sensitivity maps to predict
the sensitivity of performance to the addition to a model of four different feature types, allowing the feature providing the greatest benefit to be selected. The optimum position to add the feature is also discussed. It is anticipated that the approach could be used to iteratively add features to a model, providing greater flexibility to the shape of the model, and allowing the newly-added parameters to be used as design variables in a subsequent shape optimization.


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Utilising cameras as a means to survey the surrounding environment is becoming increasingly popular in a number of different research areas and applications. Central to using camera sensors as input to a vision system, is the need to be able to manipulate and process the information captured in these images. One such application, is the use of cameras to monitor the quality of airport landing lighting at aerodromes where a camera is placed inside an aircraft and used to record images of the lighting pattern during the landing phase of a flight. The images are processed to determine a performance metric. This requires the development of custom software for the localisation and identification of luminaires within the image data. However, because of the necessity to keep airport operations functioning as efficiently as possible, it is difficult to collect enough image data to develop, test and validate any developed software. In this paper, we present a technique to model a virtual landing lighting pattern. A mathematical model is postulated which represents the glide path of the aircraft including random deviations from the expected path. A morphological method has been developed to localise and track the luminaires under different operating conditions. © 2011 IEEE.


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The effect of preparation design and the physical properties of the interface lute on the restored machined ceramic crown-tooth complex are poorly understood. The aim of this work was to determine, by means of three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA) the effect of the tooth preparation design and the elastic modulus of the cement on the stress state of the cemented machined ceramic crown-tooth complex. The three-dimensional structure of human premolar teeth, restored with adhesively cemented machined ceramic crowns, was digitized with a micro-CT scanner. An accurate, high resolution, digital replica model of a restored tooth was created. Two preparation designs, with different occlusal morphologies, were modeled with cements of 3 different elastic moduli. Interactive medical image processing software (mimics and professional CAD modeling software) was used to create sophisticated digital models that included the supporting structures; periodontal ligament and alveolar bone. The generated models were imported into an FEA software program (hypermesh version 10.0, Altair Engineering Inc.) with all degrees of freedom constrained at the outer surface of the supporting cortical bone of the crown-tooth complex. Five different elastic moduli values were given to the adhesive cement interface 1.8 GPa, 4 GPa, 8 GPa, 18.3 GPa and 40 GPa; the four lower values are representative of currently used cementing lutes and 40 GPa is set as an extreme high value. The stress distribution under simulated applied loads was determined. The preparation design demonstrated an effect on the stress state of the restored tooth system. The cement elastic modulus affected the stress state in the cement and dentin structures but not in the crown, the pulp, the periodontal ligament or the cancellous and cortical bone. The results of this study suggest that both the choice of the preparation design and the cement elastic modulus can affect the stress state within the restored crown-tooth complex.


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Drilling of Ti6Al4V is investigated experimentally and numerically. A 3D finite element model developed based on Lagrangian approach using commercial finite element software ABAQUS/explicit. 3D complex drill geometry is included in the model. The drilling process simulations are performed at the combinations of three cutting speed and four feed rates. The effects of cutting parameters on the induced thrust force and torque are predicted by the developed model. For validation purpose, experimental trials have been performed in similar condition to the simulations. The forces and torques measured during experiment are compared to the results of the finite element analysis. The agreement of the experimental results for force and torque values with the FE results is very good. Moreover, surface roughness of the holes was measured for mapping of machining. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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This paper aims to describe the development of a 3D breast photography service managed by the Medical Illustration Department, in the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Northern Ireland. Dedicated 3D breast photography equipment was installed in Medical Illustration for 18 months. Women were referred for a variety of indications including pre- and post-surgical assessment. A dedicated 3D breast photography protocol was developed locally and this requires further refinement to allow reproducibility in other centres. There are image/data artefacts associated with this technology and special techniques are required to reduce these. Specialist software is necessary for clinicians and scientists to use 3D breast photography data in surgical planning and measurement of surgical outcome.


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Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de Informática, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Ao longo dos últimos anos, os scanners 3D têm tido uma utilização crescente nas mais variadas áreas. Desde a Medicina à Arqueologia, passando pelos vários tipos de indústria, ´e possível identificar aplicações destes sistemas. Essa crescente utilização deve-se, entre vários factores, ao aumento dos recursos computacionais, à simplicidade e `a diversidade das técnicas existentes, e `as vantagens dos scanners 3D comparativamente com outros sistemas. Estas vantagens são evidentes em áreas como a Medicina Forense, onde a fotografia, tradicionalmente utilizada para documentar objectos e provas, reduz a informação adquirida a duas dimensões. Apesar das vantagens associadas aos scanners 3D, um factor negativo é o preço elevado. No âmbito deste trabalho pretendeu-se desenvolver um scanner 3D de luz estruturada económico e eficaz, e um conjunto de algoritmos para o controlo do scanner, para a reconstrução de superfícies de estruturas analisadas, e para a validação dos resultados obtidos. O scanner 3D implementado ´e constituído por uma câmara e por um projector de vídeo ”off-the-shelf”, e por uma plataforma rotativa desenvolvida neste trabalho. A função da plataforma rotativa consiste em automatizar o scanner de modo a diminuir a interação dos utilizadores. Os algoritmos foram desenvolvidos recorrendo a pacotes de software open-source e a ferramentas gratuitas. O scanner 3D foi utilizado para adquirir informação 3D de um crânio, e o algoritmo para reconstrução de superfícies permitiu obter superfícies virtuais do crânio. Através do algoritmo de validação, as superfícies obtidas foram comparadas com uma superfície do mesmo crânio, obtida por tomografia computorizada (TC). O algoritmo de validação forneceu um mapa de distâncias entre regiões correspondentes nas duas superfícies, que permitiu quantificar a qualidade das superfícies obtidas. Com base no trabalho desenvolvido e nos resultados obtidos, é possível afirmar que foi criada uma base funcional para o varrimento de superfícies 3D de estruturas, apta para desenvolvimento futuro, mostrando que é possível obter alternativas aos métodos comerciais usando poucos recursos financeiros.


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Neurological disorders are a major concern in modern societies, with increasing prevalence mainly related with the higher life expectancy. Most of the current available therapeutic options can only control and ameliorate the patients’ symptoms, often be-coming refractory over time. Therapeutic breakthroughs and advances have been hampered by the lack of accurate central nervous system (CNS) models. The develop-ment of these models allows the study of the disease onset/progression mechanisms and the preclinical evaluation of novel therapeutics. This has traditionally relied on genetically engineered animal models that often diverge considerably from the human phenotype (developmentally, anatomically and physiologically) and 2D in vitro cell models, which fail to recapitulate the characteristics of the target tissue (cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions, cell polarity). The in vitro recapitulation of CNS phenotypic and functional features requires the implementation of advanced culture strategies that enable to mimic the in vivo struc-tural and molecular complexity. Models based on differentiation of human neural stem cells (hNSC) in 3D cultures have great potential as complementary tools in preclinical research, bridging the gap between human clinical studies and animal models. This thesis aimed at the development of novel human 3D in vitro CNS models by integrat-ing agitation-based culture systems and a wide array of characterization tools. Neural differentiation of hNSC as 3D neurospheres was explored in Chapter 2. Here, it was demonstrated that human midbrain-derived neural progenitor cells from fetal origin (hmNPC) can generate complex tissue-like structures containing functional dopaminergic neurons, as well as astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Chapter 3 focused on the development of cellular characterization assays for cell aggregates based on light-sheet fluorescence imaging systems, which resulted in increased spatial resolu-tion both for fixed samples or live imaging. The applicability of the developed human 3D cell model for preclinical research was explored in Chapter 4, evaluating the poten-tial of a viral vector candidate for gene therapy. The efficacy and safety of helper-dependent CAV-2 (hd-CAV-2) for gene delivery in human neurons was evaluated, demonstrating increased neuronal tropism, efficient transgene expression and minimal toxicity. The potential of human 3D in vitro CNS models to mimic brain functions was further addressed in Chapter 5. Exploring the use of 13C-labeled substrates and Nucle-ar Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy tools, neural metabolic signatures were evaluated showing lineage-specific metabolic specialization and establishment of neu-ron-astrocytic shuttles upon differentiation. Chapter 6 focused on transferring the knowledge and strategies described in the previous chapters for the implementation of a scalable and robust process for the 3D differentiation of hNSC derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC). Here, software-controlled perfusion stirred-tank bioreactors were used as technological system to sustain cell aggregation and dif-ferentiation. The work developed in this thesis provides practical and versatile new in vitro ap-proaches to model the human brain. Furthermore, the culture strategies described herein can be further extended to other sources of neural phenotypes, including pa-tient-derived hiPSC. The combination of this 3D culture strategy with the implemented characterization methods represents a powerful complementary tool applicable in the drug discovery, toxicology and disease modeling.