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The aim of this study was to investigate the morphology and localisation of calcium hydroxide- and mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA)-induced hard tissue barriers after pulpotomy in dogs' teeth. Pulpotomies were performed on maxillary and mandibular premolars of five dogs. The teeth were assigned into three groups according to the pulp-capping agent used. The pulpal wounds were capped with calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)(2) - control), MTA or ProRoot MTA, and the cavities were restored with amalgam. After a 90-day follow-up period, the dogs were euthanised and the teeth were examined under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). An image-processing and analysis software was used to delimit the perimeters of the root canal area and the hard tissue barrier to determine the percentage of root canal obliteration. SEM data were used to assess the morphology, localisation and extension of the reparative hard tissue barriers. ProRoot MTA was statistically different from MTA and Ca(OH)(2) (P < 0.05) regarding tissue barrier morphology. Localisation data showed that ProRoot MTA was significantly different from Ca(OH)(2) (P < 0.05) and similar to MTA (P > 0.01; P > 0.05). No statistically significant difference (P > 0.01; P > 0.05) was observed between MTA and Ca(OH)(2). A larger number of complete (centroperipheral) hard tissue barriers with predominance of dentinal tubules was observed to the ProRoot MTA when compared with the Ca(OH)(2) group.
The purpose of this study was to describe a new technique by using Adobe Photoshop CS (San Jose, CA) image-analysis software to evaluate the radiographic changes of chronic periapical lesions after root canal treatment by digital subtraction radiography. Thirteen upper anterior human teeth with pulp necrosis and radiographic image of chronic periapical lesion were endodontically treated and radiographed 0, 2, 4, and 6 months after root canal treatment by using a film holder. The radiographic films were automatically developed and digitized. The radiographic images taken 0, 2, 4, and 6 months after root canal therapy were submitted to digital subtraction in pairs (0 and 2 months, 2 and 4 months, and 4 and 6 months) choosing image, calculation, subtract, and new document tools from Adobe Photoshop CS image-analysis software toolbar. The resulting images showed areas of periapical healing in all cases. According to this methodology, the healing or expansion of periapical lesions can be evaluated by means of digital subtraction radiography by using Adobe Photoshop CS software.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of five root canal filling materials (AH Plus, Intrafill, Roeko Seal, Epiphany, and EndoRez). Following the International Organization of Standardization 687612001, five circular specimens (10 X 1 mm) were made from each material. After the material set, radiographs were made using occlusal film and a graduated aluminum step-wedge varying in thickness from 2 to 16 mm. The dental X-ray unit (GE1000) was set at 50 Kvp, 10 mA, 18 pulses/second, and distance of 33.5 cm. The radiographs were digitized, and the radiopacity was compared with the aluminum step-wedge, using WIXWIN-2000 software (Gendex). Data (mm Al) were analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey tests. AH Plus and Epiphany were the most radiopaque materials (9.8 and 8.8 mm Al, respectively), followed by EndoRez (7.2 mm Al). Roeko Seal and Intrafill presented the lowest radiopacity values (5.7 and 6.1 mm Al, respectively). Although the materials evaluated demonstrated different radiopacities, all had values above the minimum recommended by the international Organization of Standardization.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of 5 root-end filling materials (white MTA-Angelus, grey MTA-Angelus, IRM, Super EBA and Sealer 26). Five specimens (10 mm diameter X 1 mm thickness) were made from each material and radiographed next to an aluminum stepwedge varying in thickness from 2 to 16 mm. Radiographs were digitized and the radiopacity of the materials was compared to that of the aluminum stepwedge using VIXWIN 2000 software in millimeters of aluminum ( mm Al). Data were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. Radiopacity values varied from 3 mm Al to 5.9 mm Al. Sealer 26 and IRM presented the highest radiopacity values (p<0.05), while white/grey MTA and Super EBA presented the lowest radiopacity values (p<0.05). The tested root- end filling materials presented different radiopacities, white/grey MTA and Super EBA being the least radiopaque materials.
This study aimed at evaluating the thermal performance of a modular ceiling system for poultry houses. The reduced- and distorted-scale prototypes used ceiling modules made of reforested wood and were covered with recycled long-life package tiles. The following parameters were measured for 21 days: tile internal surface temperature (ST), globe temperature and humidity index (WBGT), and radiant heat load (RHL). Measurements were made at times of highest heat load (11:00 am, 13:00 pm, and 03:00 pm). Collected data were analyzed by R statistics software. Means were compared by multiple comparison test (Tukey) and linear regression was performed, both at 5% significance level. The results showed that the prototype with the ceiling was more efficient to reduce internal tile surface temperature; however, this was not sufficient to provide a comfortable environment for broilers during the growout. Therefore, other techniques to provide proper cooling are required in addition to the ceiling.
Statement of problem. There are few studies on titanium casting shrinkage, and phosphate-bonded investments for titanium casting have not produced appropriate marginal fit.Purpose. The purpose of this study was to determine the thermal shrinkage of titanium and the setting and thermal expansion of 3 phosphate-bonded investments.Material and methods. The thermal shrinkage between the melting temperature and room temperature was calculated using a titanium thermal expansion coefficient. The thermal and setting expansion were measured for 3 phosphate bonded investments: Rematitan Plus (RP) specific for titanium, Rema Exakt (RE), and Castorit Super C (CA), using different special liquid concentrations (100%, 75%, and 50%). Setting expansion was measured for cylindrical specimens 50 mm long x 8 mm in diameter with a transducer. The heating and cooling curves were obtained with a dilatometer (DIL 402 PC). The total expansion curve was drawn using software, and temperatures to obtain expansion equivalent to titanium casting shrinkage were determined (n=5). In addition, the total expansion of the control group (RP at 430 degrees C) was measured, as well as the temperatures at which the other groups achieved equivalent total expansion (n=5). Data were analyzed by 1-way ANOVA and the Tukey HSD test (alpha=.05).Results. Titanium casting shrinkage was estimated as 1.55%. RP did not achieve this expansion. RE achieved expansion of 1.55% only with a special liquid concentration of 100% at 594 degrees C. CA with all special liquid concentrations attained this expansion (351 degrees C to 572 degrees C). Total expansion of the control group was 0.86%, and the other groups reached that expansion within the range of 70 degrees C to 360 degrees C.Conclusions. Only RE and CA demonstrated sufficient expansion to compensate for titanium casting shrinkage. All groups reached total expansion equivalent to that of the control group at significantly lower temperatures.
In this paper was evaluated, using the software ANSYS, the stiffness (El) of the log-concrete composite beams, of section T, with connectors formed by bonded-in steel rods, type CA-50, disposed in X, with application of cyclical load. The stiffness of the system was evaluated through the simulation of bending tests, considered 1/2 beam, with cyclical shipment varying among 40 % and 5 % of the strength of the connection with the load relationship R=0,125, for a total of 10 load cycles applied. The numeric results show a good agreement with experimental tests.
The rectus femoris was analysed in 10 volunteers during knee flexion and extension with the feet in normal, plantar flexion and dorsal flexion positions. Hewlett-Packard surface electrodes, an electromyographic signal amplifier, a computer equipped with an A/D conversion plaque (Model CAD 10/26), software specially designed to record and analyse the signals, Horizontal Leg Press, and electrogoniometers were used. The rectus femoris muscle showed strong potentials at the beginning of knee extension. In the simultaneous bendings of the knee and hip the activity was strong toward the end of the movement. The rectus femoris showed a similar activity both in the upper and lower platforms. As for foot positions, the rectus femoris showed the smallest potentials with the foot in plantar flexion and the largest ones with the foot in dorsal flexion.
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the thermoplasticity of three commercial brands of gutta-percha (Tanari, Dentsply 0.06, and Roeko), and of the TC system. Materials and Methods: Standardized specimens were fabricated from the materials to be evaluated. Specimens were placed in water at 70°C for 60 seconds. Following that, they were positioned between two glass slabs and each set was compressed by a 5kg weight. Images of the specimens before and after compression were digitized and analyzed by the Image Tool software. The flow capacity of each material was confirmed by the difference between the initial and final areas of each sample. Results: The resulting data were analyzed by ANOVA. The TC system presented the greatest thermoplasticity values (p<0.05). Among the gutta-percha cones, the Roeko brand showed higher thermoplasticity than the others (p<0.05). Conclusion: The gutta-percha from TC system present good thermoplasticity capacity.
It was evaluated movements of lower limb in the double pulley system equipment on ten male volunteers during contraction of gastrocnemius (caput laterale ) and gluteus maximus muscles in the following movements: 1) hip extension with extended knee and erect trunk, 2) hip extension with flexed knee and erect trunk, 3) hip extension with flexed knee and erect trunk, 3) hip extension with extended knee and inclined trunk, 5) hip abduction along the midline, 7) hip abduction with extension beyond the midline, 8) adduction with hip flexion beyond the midline, 8) adduction with hip flexion beyond the midline, and 9) adduction with hip extension beyond the midline. Myoelectric signals were taken up by Lec Tec surface electrodes connected to a 6-channel Lynx electromyographic signal amplifier coupled with a computer equipped with a model CAD 10/26 analogue digital conversion board and with a specific software for signal recording and analysis. We observed weak gastrocnemius muscle activity for all movements studied. In the case of gluteus maximus, the most important potentials were observed for movement 2, while for the remaining movements the actions were of reasonable intensity. Compared to gluteus, gastrocnemius was less required for all movements.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the radiopacity of root canal sealers containing calcium hydroxide and MTA (Acroseal, Sealer 26, Sealapex, Endo CPM Sealer, Epiphany and Intrafill). Five disc-shaped specimens (10 x 1 mm) were fabricated from each material, according to the ISO 6876/2001 standard. After setting of the materials, radiographs were taken using occlusal film and a graduated aluminum stepwedge varying from 2 to 16 mm in thickness. The dental X-ray unit (GE1000) was set at 50 kVp, 10 mA, 18 pulses/s and distance of 33.5 cm. The radiographs were digitized and the radiopacity compared to that of the aluminum stepwedge using VIXWIN-2000 software (Gendex). The data (mmAl) were analyzed statistically by ANOVA and Tukey's test at the 5% significance level. Epiphany and Intrafill presented the highest radiopacity values (8.3 mmAl and 7.5 mmAl respectively, p < 0.05) followed by Sealer 26 (6.3 mmAl), Sealapex (6.1 mmAl) and Endo CPM Sealer (6 mmAl). Acroseal was the least radiopaque material (4 mmAl, p < 0.05). In conclusion, the calcium hydroxide- and MTA-containing root canal sealers had different radiopacities. However, all materials presented radiopacity values above the minimum recommended by the ISO standard. © 2009 Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontológica.
The treatment of Class II adult individuals with mandibular deficiency has been the combination of orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery. Therefore, a study was conducted in which cephalometric analysis was used to evaluate the influence of dentoalveolar decompensation in Class II patients submitted to orthodontic and surgical treatment for mandibular advancement, by bilateral osteotomy of the mandibular ramus. A sample of 15 leukoderma adult female patients were selected and three cephalometric radiographs of each patient, taken before the orthodontic treatment, before surgery and after at least 6 months postoperatively, were analyzed in a total of 45 roentgenograms. The tracings were made by the manual method and the points were digitalized using software. The results showed that values of SNB increased from 75.6 to 78.6°. The measures BNP and PGNP were reduced from -12.7 to -7.7 mm and -12.7 to -6.6 mm, respectively. For ANB there was a reduction of 3.23° (from 8.1° to 4.9°). Likewise, the values of AOBO were diminished by 6.3 mm (from 7.6 to 1.3 mm), and in the values of OJ there was a reduction of 5.7 mm (from 9 to 3.3 mm). It was concluded that the pre-surgical orthodontic treatment promoted minimal and variable dental and skeletal changes in the final result. The surgical treatment caused significant skeletal changes, especially in the measurements related to the mandible (SNB, BNP, PGNP and SNPM) or indirectly to it (ANB, AOBO and OJ).
The aim of this paper was to compare the dentin-pulp complex response to cavity preparation in human teeth using ultrasonic chemical vapor deposition (CVD) diamond tip and high-speed diamond bur. Class V buccal cavities were randomly prepared in 40 premolars from 14 patients aged 11 to 15 years. The cutting time was recorded and the cavities had the axial walls protected with gutta-percha and were filled with glass ionomer cement. The teeth were extracted at intervals of 0, 5, 10 and 20 days, and were decalcified, sectioned and stained by Hematoxylin & Eosin, Masson's Trichrome and Brown & Brenn techniques. The inflammatory response and cell disorganization were blindly evaluated by two examiners. The remaining dentin thickness (RDT) was measured by a linear scale using computer software. Statistical analysis by one-way ANOVA showed no statistically significant difference (P≤0.05) among the cavities prepared with either type of instrument, with mean RDT of 1132.50 mm. Cutting time and the pulp-dentin complex responses were analyzed statistically by Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn tests (P≤0.05). The ultrasonic CVD diamond tip took 5 times longer to prepare the cavities and there were no typical inflammatory pulp responses in cavities prepared with either type of cutting instrument, only mild to moderate cell disorganization was present. Even taking longer to cut the dental substrate, the ultrasonic CVD diamond tip produced similar pulp response compared to the conventional high-speed diamond bur.
Palatal rugoscopy, or palatoscopy, is the process by which human identification can be obtained by inspecting the transverse palatal rugae inside the mouth. Aim: This study evaluated a digital method for human identification using palatoscopy, by comparing photographs of the palate against the images of cast models of the maxilla photographed with and without highlighting of the palatal rugae. Methods: Condensation silicone impressions were made from the upper arches of 30 adult subjects of both genders and their palates were then photographed. The first impression was made with heavy silicone, the second impression with light silicone, and then the models were cast in improved type IV dental stone. The casts were photographed, the palatal rugae of each one were highlighted with a pencil, and then the models were photographed again. Using a free image-editing software, the digital photographs were overlapped over the images of the palatal rugae of the models with and without highlighting of the palatal rugae, in order to identify the pairs. Results: The result of overlapping the digital photographs with the images of the models without highlighted palatal rugae resulted in 90% positive identification. For the overlapping of the digital photographs with the images of models with highlighted palatal rugae, there was 100% positive identification. Conclusions: The digital method evaluated in this study was proven effective for human identification.
Purpose: The use of different light sources as an adjunct to in-office bleaching has been questioned. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the color changes of teeth after application of bleaching techniques with different products, with and without activation by a LED-laser system. Methods: Twenty-four bovine teeth surfaces were submitted to three bleaching techniques with two commercially available 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching agents (n=8). The specimens were immersed in red wine for 48 h at 37°C and submitted to the bleaching techniques. Color changes were measured before and after staining as well as immediately after and 24 h after the bleaching treatments, with two different methods of color evaluation, software ScanWhite V1.1 and intra-oral spectrophotometer (Vita Easyshade). Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: The statistical analysis showed that there was no statistically significant difference at 5% of significance level between the different groups, independently of the evaluation time, evaluation methods or the use of LED-laser systems. Conclusion: The results suggested that the use of light in the bleaching techniques did not influence the color changes. Copyright: © 2011 Roberto et al.