947 resultados para Small-intestine
Two experiments were conducted to evaluate cassava root peel (CRP) as diet component for fattening pigs. In the first experiment, ten male pigs were used to investigate the nutrient digestibility and the nutritive value of CRP as replacement for maize in the diet at 0 %, 30 %, 40 %, 50 % and 60 %, while supplementing free amino acids (fAA). During two experimental periods, faeces were quantitatively collected and analysed for chemical composition. In the second experiment, 40 pigs received the same diets as in Experiment 1, and daily feed intake and weekly weight changes were recorded. Four pigs per diet were slaughtered at 70 kg body weight to evaluate carcass traits. Digestibility of dry and organic matter, crude protein, acid detergent fibre and gross energy were depressed (p<0.05) at 60 % CRP; digestible energy content (MJ kg^(−1) DM) was 15.4 at 0 % CRP and 12.7 at 60 % CRP. In the second experiment, CRP inclusion had only a small impact on feed intake, weight gain and feed conversion ratio (p>0.05) as well as on the length of the small intestine and the Longissimus dorsi muscle area. The missing correlation of daily weight gain and feed-to-gain ratio up to a CRP inclusion of 40 % indicates that negative effects of CRP on pig growth can be avoided by respecting upper feeding limits. Hence, a combined use of CRP and fAA can reduce feeding costs for small-scale pig farmers in countries where this crop-by product is available in large amounts.
La obesidad es un problema de salud global siendo la cirugía bariatrica el mejor tratamiento demostrado. El Bypass gástrico (BGYR) es el método más utilizado que combina restricción y malabsorcion; sin embargo los procedimientos restrictivos se han popularizado recientemente. La Gastro-gastroplastia produce restricción gástrica reversible por medio de un pouch gástrico con anastomosis gastrogástrica y propusimos su evaluación Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo no randomizado que evaluó archivos de pacientes con GG y BGYR laparoscópicos entre febrero de 2008 y Abril de 2011 Resultados: 289 pacientes identificados: 180 GG y 109 BGYR de los cuales 138 cumplieron criterios de inclusión, 77 (55.8%) GG y 61 (44,2%) BGYR, 18 (13%) hombres y 120 (87%) mujeres. Para GG la mediana del peso inicial fue 97,15 (± 17,3) kg, IMC inicial de 39,35 (± 3,38) kg/m2 y exceso de peso de 37,1 (±11,9). La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 34,8 (±3,58) kg/m2, 30,81 (±3,81) kg/m2, 29,58 (±4,25) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 30,9 (±14,2) %, 61,88 (±18,27) %, 68,4 (±19,64) % respectivamente. Para BGYR la mediana del peso inicial fue 108,1 (± 25,4) kg, IMC inicial 44,4 (± 8,1) y exceso de peso de 48,4 (±15,2) %. La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 39 (±7,5) kg/m2, 33,31 (±4,9) kg/m2, 30,9 (±4,8) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 25,9 (±12,9) %, 61,87 (±18,62) %, 71,41 (±21,09) % respectivamente. Seguimiento a un año Conclusiones: La gastro-gastroplastia se plantea como técnica restrictiva, reversible, con resultados óptimos en reducción de peso y alternativa quirúrgica en pacientes con obesidad. Son necesarios estudios a mayor plazo para demostrar mantenimiento de cambios en el tiempo
La obesidad es un problema de salud global siendo la cirugía bariatrica el mejor tratamiento demostrado. El Bypass Gástrico (BGYR) es el método más utilizado que combina restricción y malabsorcion; sin embargo los procedimientos restrictivos se han popularizado recientemente. La Gastro-gastroplastia produce restricción gástrica reversible por medio de un pouch gástrico con anastomosis gastrogástrica y propusimos su evaluación Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo no randomizado que evaluó archivos de pacientes con GG y BGYR laparoscópicos entre Febrero de 2008 y Abril de 2011 Resultados: 289 pacientes identificados: 180 GG y 109 BGYR de los cuales 138 cumplieron criterios de inclusión, 77 (55.8%) GG y 61 (44,2%) BGYR, 18 (13%) hombres y 120 (87%) mujeres. Para GG la mediana del peso inicial fue 97,15 (± 17,3) kg, IMC inicial de 39,35 (± 3,38) kg/m2 y exceso de peso de 37,1 (±11,9). La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 34,8 (±3,58) kg/m2, 30,81 (±3,81) kg/m2, 29,58 (±4,25) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 30,9 (±14,2) %, 61,88 (±18,27) %, 68,4 (±19,64) % respectivamente. Para BGYR la mediana del peso inicial fue 108,1 (± 25,4) kg, IMC inicial 44,4 (± 8,1) y exceso de peso de 48,4 (±15,2) %. La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 39 (±7,5) kg/m2, 33,31 (±4,9) kg/m2, 30,9 (±4,8) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 25,9 (±12,9) %, 61,87 (±18,62) %, 71,41 (±21,09) % respectivamente. Seguimiento a un año. Conclusiones: La gastro-gastroplastia se plantea como técnica restrictiva, reversible, con resultados óptimos en reducción de peso y alternativa quirúrgica en pacientes con obesidad. Son necesarios estudios a mayor plazo para demostrar mantenimiento de cambios en el tiempo.
En el campo de la regeneración de piel, la ingeniería de tejidos busca superar las limitaciones asociadas con el uso de autoinjertos inmediatos, dado que la elección de una región donante en el paciente, constituye un riesgo para el mismo, además de ser insuficiente cuando la lesión es extensa. Se ha comprobado que el empleo de la submucosa del intestino delgado de cerdo (SIS) (por la sigla en inglés small intestinal submucosa), por su especial composición, como biomaterial de relleno para tratar lesiones, disminuye el dolor y la inflamación desde su primera aplicación y favorece la movilidad temprana de la región lesionada. Con el fin de determinar la utilidad de SIS, como sustituto epidérmico, en el presente estudio se desarrolló un protocolo para el cultivo primario de queratinocitos humanos, provenientes de prepucios infantiles, sobre una matriz de SIS como soporte. Se evaluó el potencial de adherencia y la capacidad de proliferación de queratinocitos sobre este sustrato.
Introducción: La evaluación de injertos vasculares de submucosa de intestino delgado para la regeneración de vasos sanguíneos ha producido una permeabilidad variable (0-100%) que ha sido concurrente con la variabilidad en las técnicas de fabricación. Metodología: Investigamos los efectos de fabricación en permeabilidad y regeneración en un diseño experimental de 22factorial que combino: 1) preservación (P) o remoción (R) de la capa estratum compactum del intestino, y 2) deshidratada (D) o hidratada (H), dentro de cuatro grupos de estudio (PD, RD, PH, RH). Los injertos fueron implantados en las Arterias Carótidas de porcinos (ID 4.5mm, N=4, 7d). Permeabilidad, trombogenicidad, reacción inflamatoria, vascularización, infiltración de fibroblastos, perfil de polarización de macrófagos y fuerza tensil biaxial fueron evaluadas. Resultados: Todos los injertos PD permanecieron permeables (4/4), pero tuvieron escasa vascularización e infiltración de fibroblastos. El grupo RD permaneció permeable (4/4), presentó una extensa vascularización e infiltración de fibroblastos, y el mayor número del fenotipo de macrófagos (M2) asociado a regeneración. El grupo RH presentó menor permeabilidad (3/4), una extensa vascularización e infiltración de fibroblastos, y un perfil dominante de M2. El grupo PH presentó el menor grado de permeabilidad, y a pesar de mayor infiltración celular que PD, exhibió un fenotipo de macrófagos dominante adverso. La elasticidad de los injertos R evolucionó de una manera similar a las Carótidas nativas (particularmente RD, mientras que los injertos P mantuvieron su rigidez inicial. Discusión: Concluimos que los parámetros de fabricación afectan drásticamente los resultados, siendo los injertos RD los que arrojaron mejores resultados.
Introducción: La obstrucción intestinal es una patología de alta prevalencia e impacto en los servicios de cirugía general a nivel mundial. El manejo de esta entidad puede ser médico o quirúrgico. Cuando se requiere intervención quirúrgica, se busca evitar el desarrollo de isquemia intestinal y resecciones intestinales; durante el postoperatorio, pueden existir complicaciones. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar los factores asociados al desarrollo de complicaciones post operatorias en un grupo de pacientes con obstrucción intestinal mecánica llevados a manejo quirúrgico. Metodología: Estudio analítico tipo casos y controles en un grupo de pacientes con diagnóstico de obstrucción intestinal mecánica llevados a manejo quirúrgico de su patología. Los casos corresponden a los pacientes con complicaciones postoperatorias y los controles aquellos que no presentaron complicaciones. Se identificaron factores asociados a complicación post operatoria mediante modelos estadísticos bivariados y multivariados de regresión logística para factores como edad, sexo, antecedente quirúrgico, presentación clínica, paraclínica y diagnóstico postoperatorio de malignidad, entre otras. Resultados: Se identificaron un total de 138 pacientes (54 casos y 129 controles). Los rangos de edad entre 55-66 años y mayor de 66 años fueron asociados con complicaciones postoperatorias (OR 3,87 IC95% 1,58-9,50 y OR 3,62 IC95% 1,45-9,08 respectivamente). El déficit de base inferior a 5 mEq/litro se relaciona con complicaciones postoperatorias (OR 2,64 IC95% 1.33-5,25) Otras pruebas de laboratorio, características radiológicas, hallazgos de malignidad en el postoperatorio y la evolución de los pacientes no fueron asociados con complicaciones. Conclusiones: Las disminución de las complicaciones durante el manejo quirúrgico de obstrucción intestinal mecánica continúa siendo un reto para la cirugía general. Factores no modificables como edad avanzada y modificables como el equilibrio ácido base deben ser tenidos en cuenta dada su correlación en el desarrollo de complicaciones postoperatorias.
Live bacterial vaccines have great promise both as vaccines against enteric pathogens and as heterologous antigen vectors against diverse diseases. Ideally, room temperature stable dry formulations of live bacterial vaccines will allow oral vaccination without cold-chain storage or injections. Attenuated Salmonella can cross the intestinal wall and deliver replicating antigen plus innate immune activation signals directly to the intestinal immune tissues, however the ingested bacteria must survive firstly gastric acid and secondly the antimicrobial defences of the small intestine. We found that the way in which cells are grown prior to formulation markedly affects sensitivity to acid and bile. Using a previously published stable storage formulation that maintained over 10% viability after 56 days storage at room temperature, we found dried samples of an attenuated S. typhimurium vaccine lost acid and bile resistance compared to the same bacteria taken from fresh culture. The stable formulation utilised osmotic preconditioning in defined medium plus elevated salt concentration to induce intracellular trehalose accumulation before drying. Dried bacteria grown in rich media without osmotic preconditioning showed more resistance to bile, but less stability during storage, suggesting a trade-off between bile resistance and stability. Further optimization is needed to produce the ultimate room-temperature stable oral live bacterial vaccine formulation.
The effects of specific nutrients on secretion and plasma concentrations of gut peptides (glucagon-like peptide-1((7-36)) amide (GLP-1), glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP), and cholecystokinin-8 (CCK)) differ across species, but are not reported for cattle. Our objective was to determine acute (hours) and chronic (1 week) effects of increased abomasal supply of protein, carbohydrate, or fat to the small intestine on dry matter intake (DMI) and plasma concentrations of GLP-1, GIP, CCK, and insulin. Four mid-lactation Holstein cows were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square design experiment. Treatments were 7-day abomasal infusions of water, soybean oil (500 g/d), corn starch (1100 g/d), or casein (800 g/d). Jugular vein plasma was obtained over 7 h at the end of the first and last day of infusions. Oil infusion decreased DMI on day 7, but total metabolizable energy (ME) supply (diet plus infusate) did not differ from water infusion. Casein and starch infusion had no effect on feed DMI; thus, ME supply increased. Decreased DMI on day 7 of oil infusion was accompanied by increased plasma GLP-1 concentration, but decreased plasma CCK concentration. Increased plasma GIP concentration was associated with increased ME supply on day 7 of casein and starch infusion. Casein infusion tended to increase plasma CCK concentration on both days of sampling, and increased plasma GLP-1 and insulin concentration on day 1 of infusion. The present data indicate a sustained elevation of plasma concentration of GLP-1, but not CCK, may contribute to the reduced DMI observed in dairy cows provided supplemental fat. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Milk solids yield in modern dairy cows has increased linearly over the last 50 years, stressing the need for maximal dietary energy intake to allow genetic potential for milk energy yield to be realized with minimal negative effects on health and reproduction. Feeding supplemental starch is a common approach for increasing the energy density of the ration and supplying carbon for meeting the substantial glucose requirement of the higher yielding cow. In this regard, it is a long held belief that feeding starch in forms that increase digestion in the small intestine and glucose absorption will benefit the cow in terms of energetic efficiency and production response, but data supporting this dogma are equivocal. This review will consider the impact of supplemental starch and site of starch digestion on metabolic and production responses of lactating dairy cows, including effects on feed intake, milk yield and composition, nutrient partitioning, the capacity of the small intestine for starch digestion, and nutrient absorption and metabolism by the splanchnic tissues (the portal-drained viscera and liver). Whilst there appears to be considerable capacity for starch digestion and glucose absorption in the lactating dairy cow, numerous strategic studies implementing postruminal starch or glucose infusions have observed increases in milk yield, but decreased milk fat concentration such that there is little effect on milk energy yield, even in early lactation. Measurements of energy balance confirm that the majority of the supplemental energy arising from postruminal starch digestion is used with high efficiency to support body adipose and protein retention, even in early lactation. These responses may be mediated by changes in insulin status, and be beneficial to the cow in terms of reproductive success and well-being. However, shifting starch digestion from the rumen impacts the nitrogen economy of the cow as well by shifting the microbial protein gained from starch digestion from potentially absorbable protein to endogenous faecal loss.
The objectives were to measure the effects of transition and supplemental barley or rumen-protected protein on visceral tissue mass in dairy cows and the effects of transition and barley on rumen volume and liquid turnover. Cows were individually fed a grass silage-based gestation ration to meet energy and protein requirements for body weight stasis beginning 6 wk before expected calving. A corn silage-based lactation ration was individually fed ad libitum after calving. In the visceral mass study, 36 cows were randomly assigned to one of 3 dietary treatments: basal ration or basal ration plus either 800 g dry matter (DM) of barley meal per day or 750 g DM of rumen-protected soybean protein per day. Cows were slaughtered at 21 and 7 d before expected calving date or at 10 and 22 d postpartum. Visceral mass and rumen papillae characteristics were measured. Diets had little effect on visceral mass. The mass of the reticulo-rumen, small intestine, large intestine, and liver was, or tended to be, greater at 22 d postpartum but not at 10 d postpartum before DM intake had increased. Rumen papillae mass increased at 10 d postpartum, perhaps in response to increased concentrates. Mesenteric fat decreased after calving, reflecting body fat mobilization. Ten rumen-cannulated cows were fed the basal gestation ration alone or supplemented with 880 g of barley meal DM. Rumen volumes and liquid dilution rates were measured at 17 and 8 d before calving and at 10, 20, and 31 d postpartum. Feeding barley had no effects. After calving, rumen DM volume and liquid dilution rate increased, but liquid volume did not increase. Changes in gastrointestinal and liver mass during transition were apparently a consequence of changes in DM intake and nutrient supply and not initiation of lactation per se.
The extensive development of the ruminant forestomach sets apart their N economy from that of nonruminants in a number of respects. Extensive pregastric fermentation alters the profile of protein reaching the small intestine, largely through the transformation of nitrogenous compounds into microbial protein. This process is fueled primarily by carbohydrate fermentation and includes extensive recycling of N between the body and gut lumen pools. Nitrogen recycling occurs via blood and gut lumen exchanges of urea and NH3, as well as endogenous gut and secretory N entry into the gut lumen, and the subsequent digestion and absorption of microbial and endogenous protein. Factors controlling urea transfer to the gut from blood, including the contributions of urea transporters, remain equivocal. Ammonia produced by microbial degradation of urea and dietary and endogenous AA is utilized by microbial fermentation or absorbed and primarily converted to urea. Therefore, microbial growth and carbohydrate fermentation affect the extent of NH3 absorption and urea N recycling and excretion. The extensive recycling of N to the rumen represents an evolutionary advantage of the ruminant in terms of absorbable protein supply during periods of dietary protein deficiency, or asynchronous carbohydrate and protein supply, but incurs a cost of greater N intakes, especially in terms of excess N excretion. Efforts to improve the efficiency of N utilization in ruminants by synchronizing fermentable energy and N availability have generally met with limited success with regards to production responses. In contrast, imposing asynchrony through oscillating dietary protein concentration, or infrequent supplementation, surprisingly has not negatively affected production responses unless the frequency of supplementation is less than once every 3 d. In some cases, oscillation of dietary protein concentration has improved N retention compared with animals fed an equal amount of dietary protein on a daily basis. This may reflect benefits of Orn cycle adaptations and sustained recycling of urea to the gut. The microbial symbiosis of the ruminant is inherently adaptable to asynchronous N and energy supply. Recycling of urea to the gut buffers the effect of irregular dietary N supply such that intuitive benefits of rumen synchrony in terms of the efficiency of N utilization are typically not observed in practice.
The human colonic microbiota imparts metabolic versatility on the colon, interacts at many levels in healthy intestinal and systemic metabolism, and plays protective roles in chronic disease and acute infection. Colonic bacterial metabolism is largely dependant on dietary residues from the upper gut. Carbohydrates, resistant to digestion, drive colonic bacterial fermentation and the resulting end products are considered beneficial. Many colonic species ferment proteins but the end products are not always beneficial and include toxic compounds, such as amines and phenols. Most components of a typical Western diet are heat processed. The Maillard reaction, involving food protein and sugar, is a complex network of reactions occurring during thermal processing. The resultant modified protein resists digestion in the small intestine but is available for colonic bacterial fermentation. Little is known about the fate of the modified protein but some Maillard reaction products (MRP) are biologically active by, e.g. altering bacterial population levels within the colon or, upon absorption, interacting with human disease mechanisms by induction of inflammatory responses. This review presents current understanding of the interactions between MRP and intestinal bacteria. Recent scientific advances offering the possibility of elucidating the consequences of microbe-MRP interactions within the gut are discussed.
Soy isoflavones are thought to have a cardioprotective effect that is partly mediated by an inhibitory influence on the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL). However, the aglycone forms investigated in many previous studies do not circulate in appreciable quantities because they are metabolised in the gut and liver. We investigated effects of various isoflavone metabolites, including for the first time the sulphated conjugates formed in the liver and the mucosa of the small intestine, on copper-induced LDL oxidation. The parent aglycones inhibited oxidation, although only 5% as well as quercetin. Metabolism increased or decreased their effectiveness. Equol inhibited 2.65-fold better than its parent compound daidzein and 8-hydroxydaidzein, not previously assessed, was 12.5-fold better than daidzein. However, monosulphated conjugates of genistein, daidzein and equol were much less effective and disulphates completely ineffective. Since almost all isoflavones circulate as conjugates, these data suggest that despite the increased potency produced by some metabolic changes, isoflavones may not be effective antioxidants in vivo unless they are deconjugated again.
Soy isoflavones are thought to have a cardioprotective effect that is partly mediated by an inhibitory influence on the oxidation of low density lipoprotein (LDL). However, the aglycone forms investigated in many previous studies do not circulate in appreciable quantities because they are metabolised in the gut and liver. We investigated effects of various isoflavone metabolites, including for the first time the sulphated conjugates formed in the liver and the mucosa of the small intestine, on copper-induced LDL oxidation. The parent aglycones inhibited oxidation, although only 5% as well as quercetin. Metabolism increased or decreased their effectiveness. Equol inhibited 2.65-fold better than its parent compound daidzein and 8-hydroxydaidzein, not previously assessed, was 12.5-fold better than daidzein. However, monosulphated conjugates of genistein, daidzein and equol were much less effective and disulphates completely ineffective. Since almost all isoflavones circulate as conjugates, these data suggest that despite the increased potency produced by some metabolic changes, isoflavones may not be effective antioxidants in vivo unless they are deconjugated again.
The human colonic microbiota imparts metabolic versatility on the colon, interacts at many levels in healthy intestinal and systemic metabolism, and plays protective roles in chronic disease and acute infection. Colonic bacterial metabolism is largely dependant on dietary residues from the upper gut. Carbohydrates, resistant to digestion, drive colonic bacterial fermentation and the resulting end products are considered beneficial. Many colonic species ferment proteins but the end products are not always beneficial and include toxic compounds, such as amines and phenols. Most components of a typical Western diet are heat processed. The Maillard reaction, involving food protein and sugar, is a complex network of reactions occurring during thermal processing. The resultant modified protein resists digestion in the small intestine but is available for colonic bacterial fermentation. Little is known about the fate of the modified protein but some Maillard reaction products (MRP) are biologically active by, e.g. altering bacterial population levels within the colon or, upon absorption, interacting with human disease mechanisms by induction of inflammatory responses. This review presents current understanding of the interactions between MRP and intestinal bacteria. Recent scientific advances offering the possibility of elucidating the consequences of microbe-MRP interactions within the gut are discussed.