992 resultados para Small bowel obstruction


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Despite the use of laparoscopy in abdominal trauma for several decades, it was only after the advent of video chip camera that an explosion of interest ocurred, giving rise to possibilities and perspectives not only in diagnosis but also in therapeutics. In trauma, its use has been gradually defined and experience has shown the benefits of the method in early diagnosis of visceral injuries as well as avoiding unnecessary laparotomies. Trauma laparoscopy is a safe method, can reduce negative and nontherapeutic laparotomies. The worrisome failure of laparoscopy to detect gastrintestinal injuries, specially small bowel lesions can be avoided with a mandatory and apropriated "run bowel" exploration. We believe that in hemodinamically stable patients, video laparoscopy is safely indicated in some situations in trauma, such as evaluation of diaphragmatic injuries in thoraco abdominal stab wounds and tangential gunshot wounds of anterior abdominal wall.


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Lumbar hernia is defined as an abdominal passage through the posterior abdominal wall. Approximately 250 to 300 cases have been described in the literature, being quite infrequent. Untreated lumbar hernia may result in severe complications. The authors report a case of a 60 year old male patient presenting a large bowel obstruction and perfuration secundary to incarceration of descending colon within a lumbar hernia. This was diagnosed by clinical history and computed tomography. The patient was successfully treated surgically.


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Diffuse intestinal pneumatosis appears as gaseous cysts in the intestinal wall in the submucosal layer or, more frequently, sub-serous layer. It affects more the jejunum than the ileum, can be diffuse and may extend into the colon. It's diagnosis is established during a small bowel transit examination, necropsy examination or during surgical exploration of the peritoneal cavity.


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Acute colonic pseudo-obstruction or Ogilvie’s Syndrome is characterized by signs and symptoms of large bowel obstruction without evidence of mechanical cause. The authors report two cases of patients with acute obstructive abdomen who were previously submitted to clinical treatment with no sucess. Later on one of them was submitted to laparoscopic cecostomy and the other to colonoscopic cecostomy The results showed that only the interventionist methods were successful.


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The authors describe a case of a 60-year-old male with a history of a mass and pain at the right inguinal and epigastric areas. He also reported symptoms of bowel obstruction. Physical examination revealed a mass at right inguinal area, which was not reducible or pulsatile. Surgical findings included hernial sac contents with loop of ileum with signs of ischemia and a Meckel's diverticulum. Histopathological examination showed herniation of the Meckel diverticulum -Littré hernia. The article discusses the history and the incidence of this rare form of hernia.


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Surgery is the most effective way of treating a locally advanced colorectal carcinoma and an extended en bloc resection is necessary to achieve the best overall survival rate. In this rare case, a multi-visceral resection was performed along with the entire lower left limb and left iliac bone for a sigmoid carcinoma. The T4N0M0 (B3) tumor involved the left iliac vessels, left pelvic wall, small bowel and both rectus muscles, besides presenting with a skin fistula. A Hartmann colostomy was also performed. Chemotheraphy was interrupted because of toxicity. The patient is free of disease after 38 months. There are very few cases that describe an extended hemipelvectomy as part of a colorectal carcinoma treatment.


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Cecal volvulus is an uncommon cause of acute bowel obstruction in adults. The mechanism is torsion of the enlarged, poorly-fixed or hypermobile cecum. Patients with this condition may display highly variable clinical presentations, ranging from intermittent, self-limiting abdominal discomfort to acute abdominal pain associated with intestinal strangulation and sepsis. The treatment needs to be individualized for each case, but surgical management is required in almost every case. In the presence of gangrene or perforation of the cecum, resection and primary ileocolic anastomosis is recommended. However, in non-complicated cases detorsion and cecopexy are adequate. The authors report one case of cecal volvulus in a 55-year-old women treated with cecopexy that complicated with septic jaundice.


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The term "complicated" diverticulitis is reserved for inflamed diverticular disease complicated by bleeding, abscess, peritonitis, fistula or bowel obstruction. Hemorrhage is best treated by angioembolization (interventional radiology). Treatment of infected diverticulitis has evolved enormously thanks to: 1) laparoscopic colonic resection followed or not (Hartmann's procedure) by restoration of intestinal continuity, 2) simple laparoscopic lavage (for peritonitis +/- resection). Diverticulitis (inflammation) may be treated with antibiotics alone, anti-inflammatory drugs, combined with bed rest and hygienic measures. Diverticular abscesses (Hinchey Grades I, II) may be initially treated by antibiotics alone and/or percutaneous drainage, depending on the size of the abscess. Generalized purulent peritonitis (Hinchey III) may be treated by the classic Hartmann procedure, or exteriorization of the perforation as a stoma, primary resection with or without anastomosis, with or without diversion, and last, simple laparoscopic lavage, usually even without drainage. Feculent peritonitis (Hinchey IV), a traditional indication for Hartmann's procedure, may also benefit from primary resection followed by anastomosis, with or without diversion, and even laparoscopic lavage. Acute obstruction (nearby inflammation, or adhesions, pseudotumoral formation, chronic strictures) and fistula are most often treated by resection, ideally laparoscopic. Minimal invasive therapeutic algorithms that, combined with less strict indications for radical surgery before a definite recurrence pattern is established, has definitely lead to fewer resections and/or stomas, reducing their attendant morbidity and mortality, improved post-interventional quality of life, and less costly therapeutic policies.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the natural healing of the rat diaphragm that suffered an extensive right penetrating injury.METHODS: Animals were submitted to an extensive penetrating injury in right diaphragm. The sample consisted of 40 animals. The variables studied were initial weight, weight 21 days after surgery; healing of the diaphragm, non-healing of the diaphragm, and herniated abdominal contents into the chest.RESULTS: Ten animals were used as controls for weight and 30 animals were operated. Two animals died during the experiment, so 28 animals formed the operated group; healing of the diaphragm occurred in 15 animals (54%), 11 other animals showed diaphragmatic hernia (39%) and in two we observed only diaphragmatic injury without hernia (7%). Among the herniated organs, the liver was found in 100% of animals, followed by the omentum in 77%, small bowel in 62%, colon in 46%, stomach in 31% and spleen in 15%. The control group and the diaphragmatic healing subgroup showed increased weight since the beginning of the study and the 21 days after surgery (p <0.001). The unhealed group showed no change in weight (p = 0.228).CONCLUSION: there is a predominance of spontaneous healing in the right diaphragm; animals in which there was no healing of the diaphragm did not gain weight, and the liver was the organ present in 100% the diaphragmatic surface in all rats with healed diaphragm or not.


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OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the impact of the new technology of multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in improving the accuracy and early diagnosis of BSBI.METHODS: patients with blunt small bowel injuries (BSBI) grade> I were identified retrospectively and their CT scans reviewed by an experienced radiologist. Clinical and tomographic findings were analyzed and patients grouped as "pre-MDCT" and "post-MDCT", according to the time of implementation of a 64-slice MDCT.RESULTS: of the 26 patients with BSBI 16 had CT scans. Motor vehicle collision (62.5%) was the most frequent mechanism of injury. In the pre-MDCT period, five of the 13 patients (38.5%) had abdominal CT, and in the post-MDCT, 11 of 13 patients (84.6%) had the exam. During pre-MDCT, all CT scans were abnormal with findings of pneumoperitoneum (60%), free fluid (40%) and bowel wall enhancement (20%). In the post-MDCT group, all exams but one were abnormal and the most frequent findings were free fluid (90.9%), bowel wall enhancement (72.7%), and pneumoperitoneum (54.5%). However, the rate of delayed laparotomy did not change. The mortality rate in both groups were similar, with 20% during pre-MDCT and 18.2% during post-MDCT.CONCLUSION: the use of MDCT in abdominal trauma in our service has increased the sensibility of the diagnosis, but has had no impact on outcome so far.


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The objective of the present study was to assess intestinal permeability in patients with infection caused by Strongyloides stercoralis. Twenty-six patients (16 women and 10 men), mean age 45.9, with a diagnosis of strongyloidiasis were evaluated. For comparison, 25 healthy volunteers (18 women and 7 men), mean age 44.9, without digestive disorders or intestinal parasites served as normal controls. Intestinal permeability was measured on the basis of urinary radioactivity levels during the 24 h following oral administration of chromium-labeled ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (51Cr-EDTA) expressed as percentage of the ingested dose. The urinary excretion of 51Cr-EDTA was significantly reduced in patients with strongyloidiasis compared to controls (1.60 ± 0.74 and 3.10 ± 1.40, respectively, P = 0.0001). Intestinal permeability is diminished in strongyloidiasis. Abnormalities in mucus secretion and intestinal motility and loss of macromolecules could explain the impaired intestinal permeability.


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The present study evaluated the effect of non-absorbable oral polymyxin on the duodenal microflora and clinical outcome of infants with severe infectious diarrhea. Polymyxin was chosen because classic enteropathogenic Escherichia coli was more sensitive to this antibiotic. Twenty-five infants were randomly assigned to a 7-day treatment with oral polymyxin (2.5 mg/kg in 4 daily doses) or placebo. Duodenal and stool cultures were performed before and after the treatment. Five patients were excluded during the study because of introduction of parental antibiotic therapy due to clinical sepsis (N = 3) or rapid clinical improvement (N = 2). In the polymyxin group, small bowel bacterial overgrowth occurred in 61.5% of the cases (8/13) before treatment and in 76.9% (10/13) after treatment. In the placebo group these values were 71.4% (5/7) and 57.1% (4/7), respectively. By the 7th day, clinical cure was observed in 84.6% of the cases (11/13) in the polymyxin group and in 71.4% (5/7) in the placebo group (P = 0.587). Considering all 25 patients included in the study, clinical cure occurred on the 7th day in 12/14 cases (85.7%) in the polymyxin group and 6/11 cases (54.5%) in the placebo group (P = 0.102). Clinical sepsis occurred in 3/11 (27.3%) of the patients in the placebo group and in none (0/14) in the polymyxin group (P = 0.071). Oral polymyxin was not effective in reducing bacterial overgrowth or in improving the clinical outcome of infants hospitalized with severe infectious diarrhea. Taking into account the small sample size, the rate of cure on the 7th day and the rate of clinical sepsis, further studies with greater number of patients are necessary to evaluate these questions.


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La obesidad es un problema de salud global siendo la cirugía bariatrica el mejor tratamiento demostrado. El Bypass gástrico (BGYR) es el método más utilizado que combina restricción y malabsorcion; sin embargo los procedimientos restrictivos se han popularizado recientemente. La Gastro-gastroplastia produce restricción gástrica reversible por medio de un pouch gástrico con anastomosis gastrogástrica y propusimos su evaluación Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo no randomizado que evaluó archivos de pacientes con GG y BGYR laparoscópicos entre febrero de 2008 y Abril de 2011 Resultados: 289 pacientes identificados: 180 GG y 109 BGYR de los cuales 138 cumplieron criterios de inclusión, 77 (55.8%) GG y 61 (44,2%) BGYR, 18 (13%) hombres y 120 (87%) mujeres. Para GG la mediana del peso inicial fue 97,15 (± 17,3) kg, IMC inicial de 39,35 (± 3,38) kg/m2 y exceso de peso de 37,1 (±11,9). La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 34,8 (±3,58) kg/m2, 30,81 (±3,81) kg/m2, 29,58 (±4,25) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 30,9 (±14,2) %, 61,88 (±18,27) %, 68,4 (±19,64) % respectivamente. Para BGYR la mediana del peso inicial fue 108,1 (± 25,4) kg, IMC inicial 44,4 (± 8,1) y exceso de peso de 48,4 (±15,2) %. La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 39 (±7,5) kg/m2, 33,31 (±4,9) kg/m2, 30,9 (±4,8) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 25,9 (±12,9) %, 61,87 (±18,62) %, 71,41 (±21,09) % respectivamente. Seguimiento a un año Conclusiones: La gastro-gastroplastia se plantea como técnica restrictiva, reversible, con resultados óptimos en reducción de peso y alternativa quirúrgica en pacientes con obesidad. Son necesarios estudios a mayor plazo para demostrar mantenimiento de cambios en el tiempo


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La obesidad es un problema de salud global siendo la cirugía bariatrica el mejor tratamiento demostrado. El Bypass Gástrico (BGYR) es el método más utilizado que combina restricción y malabsorcion; sin embargo los procedimientos restrictivos se han popularizado recientemente. La Gastro-gastroplastia produce restricción gástrica reversible por medio de un pouch gástrico con anastomosis gastrogástrica y propusimos su evaluación Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo no randomizado que evaluó archivos de pacientes con GG y BGYR laparoscópicos entre Febrero de 2008 y Abril de 2011 Resultados: 289 pacientes identificados: 180 GG y 109 BGYR de los cuales 138 cumplieron criterios de inclusión, 77 (55.8%) GG y 61 (44,2%) BGYR, 18 (13%) hombres y 120 (87%) mujeres. Para GG la mediana del peso inicial fue 97,15 (± 17,3) kg, IMC inicial de 39,35 (± 3,38) kg/m2 y exceso de peso de 37,1 (±11,9). La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 34,8 (±3,58) kg/m2, 30,81 (±3,81) kg/m2, 29,58 (±4,25) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 30,9 (±14,2) %, 61,88 (±18,27) %, 68,4 (±19,64) % respectivamente. Para BGYR la mediana del peso inicial fue 108,1 (± 25,4) kg, IMC inicial 44,4 (± 8,1) y exceso de peso de 48,4 (±15,2) %. La mediana de IMC a los 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 39 (±7,5) kg/m2, 33,31 (±4,9) kg/m2, 30,9 (±4,8) kg/m2 respectivamente. La mediana de % PEP 1, 6 y 12 meses fue 25,9 (±12,9) %, 61,87 (±18,62) %, 71,41 (±21,09) % respectivamente. Seguimiento a un año. Conclusiones: La gastro-gastroplastia se plantea como técnica restrictiva, reversible, con resultados óptimos en reducción de peso y alternativa quirúrgica en pacientes con obesidad. Son necesarios estudios a mayor plazo para demostrar mantenimiento de cambios en el tiempo.


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Objetivo: proponer un instrumento para el seguimiento de la calidad de la atención de pacientes con patologías quirúrgicas abdominales urgentes. Métodos: se revisaron restropectivamente historias clínicas de pacientes quienes requirieron cirugía general de urgencia (CGU) en agosto de 2013. Se analizaron variables demográficas, factores de riesgo, severidad y desenlace hasta el día 30 postoperatorio. Se incluyeron los indicadores de calidad del National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (NSQIP) y el National Trauma Data Bank, y se adicionaron otros. Resultados: Se intervinieron 231 pacientes de 261 procedimientos de CGU. La edad promedio fue 49 años. Los procedimientos más comunes fueron la colecistectomía laparoscópica (37.2%), la apendicectomía (35.6%), la laparotomía exploratoria (12.6%), el drenaje de colección abdominal (9.1%) y la liberación de adherencias (6.9%). La mortalidad fue de 3.46% (n=8), la morbilidad severa fue de 8.04%. La duración de la hospitalización fue de 6.54 días +/- 5.180 y la de hospitalización en Unidad de Cuidado Intensivo fue de 5.7 días +/- 4.42. La oportunidad de salas de cirugía para la apendicetomía fue de 5 horas para las apendicitis con peritonitis generalizada, y de 8 horas para las apendicitis localizadas, 37 horas para colecistitis, 7.48 horas para colangitis y 2.42 horas para diverticulitis. Conclusiones: Crear de un instrumento para la medición de la calidad de la atención de los pacientes en CGU, es necesario para la autoevaluación institucional y para definir planes de mejoramiento y distribución de los recursos.