947 resultados para Slleep apnea, obstructive


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La apnea del prematuro es una patología frecuente que se presenta en el 85% de los recién nacidos menores de 34 semanas de edad gestacional y en el 95-100% de los menores de 28 semanas. Con respecto al peso al nacer, se manifiesta en el 92% de los de peso menor a 1250 gramos y en el 50% de los de peso menor a 1500 gramos. Desde 2003, se aprobó en Colombia el uso de citrato de cafeína para la prevención y el tratamiento de la apnea del prematuro, basados en la evidencia. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de interención simple comparando el citrato de cafeína con la aminofilina para la prevención y manejo de la apnea en pretérminos menores de 35 semanas de edad. Resultados: Se incluyeron 118 recién nacidos pretérminos de los cuales 18,6% fueron menores de 28 semanas, 79,7% de 34 semanas y dos 1,7% mayores o iguales a 34,1 semanas. 56 neonatos recibieron citrato de cafeína. De éstos, 33,9% de forma profiláctica y 66,1%, terapéutica; 28 (23,7%) recibieron aminofilina y 34 (28,8%) no recibieron ninguno de los dos medicamentos. El citrato de cafeína mostró menos efectos secundarios comparado con aminofilina (p <0,01). Discusión: El citrato de cafeína, administrado en forma profiláctica o terapéutica, mostró resultados superiores, estadísticamente significativos, en comparación con aminofilina y con los controles sin tratamiento, para la prevención y el tratamiento de la apnea del prematuro, presentando, además, menores efectos secundarios.


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Objetivo: determinar la frecuencia de las diferentes alteraciones respiratorias durante el sueño (ARS) e hipertensión pulmonar (HTP) y establecer la saturación de oxígeno (SpO2) en vigilia, sueño y durante los eventos en niños con Síndrome Down (SD) a la altura de Bogotá (2640m) de acuerdo a grupos de edad e IMC. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se incluyeron todos los niños con SD con sospecha de ARS remitidos a polisonograma (PSG) de octubre de 2011 a enero de 2013 a la Fundación Neumológica Colombina (FNC). Se dividieron en 3 grupos: apnea obstructiva, apnea obstructiva y central, sin apneas. Resultados: 74 niños, el 36,5% mujeres, edad media 4 años. 47,3% presento apnea obstructiva, más frecuente en >2 años, 35,1% apnea obstructiva y central, más frecuente en < 2 años y 17,6 % sin apnea. SpO2 promedio en apnea obstructiva 84,63%, apnea obstructiva y central: 81,8% y sin apnea: 86,85% (p 0,058). 23% presento obesidad, 16% con apnea obstructiva. 53 pacientes tenían ecocardiograma: 28% HTP, 53,3% tuvo apnea obstructiva y 26,7 apnea obstructiva y central, no diferencias significativas. SpO2 promedio en HTP 88,3% vigilia, 86,2% sueño REM, 85,7 % sueño no REM, no diferencia significativa comparada con pacientes sin HTP. Conclusiones: Las ARS son frecuentes en los niños con SD, La desaturación está presente en los niños con SD independiente del tipo de apnea. A todos los niños SD se les debe practicar un PSG en el primer año de vida.


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La importancia del sueño y las patologías relacionadas con el mismo son ampliamente reconocidas en el campo de la medicina y la neurología, sin embargo la mayoría de neurólogos dedican muy poco tiempo al estudio de estas entidades y muy raramente durante la valoración de los pacientes se indaga acerca de la presencia de trastornos relacionados con el sueño. Esto es sorprendente si tenemos en cuenta que pasamos casi un tercio de la vida durmiendo, además de la alta incidencia de trastornos de sueño en la población general. A continuación revisaremos los principales trastornos del sueño, su diagnóstico y tratamiento.


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Objetivo: determinar parámetros biométricos para evaluación y diagnóstico de pacientes con SAHOS por medio de Cefalometría Tridimensional y reconstrucción Multiplanar escanográfica. Materiales y Métodos: se realizó estudio observacional tipo cross-sectional, con 25 pacientes diagnosticados con SAHOS, a los cuales se les hizo TAC simple de cara con reconstrucción multiplanar y tridimensional, evaluando volumen de vía aérea, longitud, promedio del área en corte transversal, área retropalatal, área reglosal, espacio retrogloso lateral y anteroposterior. Resultados: se incluyeron 25 pacientes y realizaron medidas de volumen, longitud, promedio del área en corte transversal, área retropalatal, área retroglosal y espacios regloso lateral y anteroposterior, realizando análisis estadístico mediante el programa SPSS 17.0 reportando medidas de tendencia central como promedio, media, moda, rango, desviación estándar, y concordancia inter e intra observador. Conclusión: la Cefalometría tridimensional con reconstrucción multiplanar ha mostrado ser un excelente método de evaluación de vía aérea en pacientes con SAHOS, obteniendo propias clasificaciones dentro del estudio de estos pacientes. Sin embargo, ante la escasa literatura y difícil obtención de parámetros de referencia es necesario promover el estudio y la investigación de este método diagnostico en pacientes con SAHOS.


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This is the beginning of a prospective study on patients who have obstructive jaundice to see how the serum bilirubin falls after operative relief of the obstruction. Seven of such patients have been studied; four had carcinoma of the head of the pancreas while the other three had choledocholithiasis. The patients with carcinoma had relief of the jaundice through a biliary-enteric anastomosis and those with common bile duct stones had choledochotomy with stone extraction which was completed with insertion of a T-tube. Serial bilirubin estimations were then performed post-operatively to chart the pattern and rate of descent of this in each patient. Our observations suggest that the pattern of fall of serum bilirubin after successful decompression of the extra-hepatic biliary tree exhibit a distinct pattern regardless of the surgical procedure performed for the relief of the obstruction.


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The Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) has a progressive and irreversible character and it’s associated to the triad of dyspnea, exercise limitation and the evident deterioration of quality of life. In the United States the prevalence of COPD in adult population is approximately of 6% in men, and 1 to 3% in women and it’s the fourth cause of mortality by no transmissible chronic diseases. In 1993, the National Health Interview Surgery considered that 12 millions of Americans suffer from chronic bronchitis and 2 million had emphysema. These two affections are responsible for more than 13% of the hospitalizations. As this affection progresses, patients experience a diminution in quality of life related to health (CVRS), their capacity to work get worse and their participation in physical and social activities reduces. Nevertheless, it has been confirmed that the isolated evaluation of COPD seriousness, defined by the reduction of the Forced Expiratory Volume in the First Second (FEV1), does not provide enough information to know the health state perceived by the patients. The fact that the CVRS is the result of the interaction of multiple physical, psychological and social factors, unique for each individual, can explain this finding. This paper is a general and updated approach to the integral handling of patients with COPD, and it discusses the concept of quality of life, related to health improvement.


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Rationale: The molecular mechanisms of muscle atrophy in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are poorly understood. In wasted animals, muscle mass is regulated by several AKT-related signaling pathways.
Objectives: To measure the protein expression of AKT, forkhead box class O (FoxO)-1 and -3, atrogin-1, the phosphophrylated form of AKT, p70S6K glycogen synthase kinase-3ß (GSK-3ß), eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding protein-1 (4E-BP1), and the mRNA expression of atrogin-1, muscle ring finger (MuRF) protein 1, and FoxO-1 and -3 in the quadriceps of 12 patients with COPD with muscle atrophy and 10 healthy control subjects. Five patients with COPD with preserved muscle mass were subsequently recruited and were compared with six patients with low muscle mass.
Methods: Protein contents and mRNA expression were measured by Western blot and quantitative polymerase chain reaction, respectively.
Measurements and Main Results: The levels of atrogin-1 and MuRF1 mRNA, and of phosphorylated AKT and 4E-BP1 and FoxO-1 proteins, were increased in patients with COPD with muscle atrophy compared with healthy control subjects, whereas atrogin-1, p70S6K, GSK-3ß, and FoxO-3 protein levels were similar. Patients with COPD with muscle atrophy showed an increased expression of p70S6K, GSK-3ß, and 4E-BP1 compared with patients with COPD with preserved muscle mass.
Conclusions: An increase in atrogin-1 and MuRF1 mRNA and FoxO-1 protein content was observed in the quadriceps of patients with COPD. The transcriptional regulation of atrogin-1 and MuRF1 may occur via FoxO-1, but independently of AKT. The overexpression of the muscle hypertrophic signaling pathways found in patients with COPD with muscle atrophy could represent an attempt to restore muscle mass.


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Aim: To explore health professionals’ experiences of barriers and facilitators to referring patients for pulmonary rehabilitation in a primary care setting.

Background: Pulmonary rehabilitation involves a multidisciplinary teamwork approach to improving
the quality of life for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. This study aimed to find out about health care professionals’ experiences when referring patients. Reports suggest that a health care professional’s attitude towards a treatment affects the willingness of patients to accept advice.

Methods: Five focus group interviews were undertaken with 21 health professionals from North Midlands, UK. Data were analysed using a thematic analysis drawing on the techniques of grounded theory.

Findings: Chronic disease management has been delegated to Practice Nurses in many cases leaving some nurses feeling unsupported and some General Practitioners feeling deskilled. Problems with communication, a lack of adequate and timely local service provision, a difficult referral process, time pressures and lack of information were barriers to health care professionals making an offer of pulmonary rehabilitation. An explanatory model is proposed to describe how addressing barriers to referral may improve health care professionals views about pulmonary rehabilitation and therefore may mean that they present it in a more positive manner.


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Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder, with variable clinical manifestations and unpredictable course, associated with an increased incidence of various tumours. Plexiform neurofibromas are hallmark lesions of NF1; they are slow-growing tumours, which account for substantial morbidity, including disfigurement and functional impairment, and may even be life-threatening. Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs), a rare diverse group of neoplasms, are occasionally associated with neurofibromatosis. Pancreatic NETs are tumours with an incidence of less than 1/100 000 population/year and complex patterns of behaviour, which often need complicated strategies for optimal management. We present the case of a young adult with NF1, having a unique concurrence of plexiform neurofibroma involving the liver with an ampullary NET, and we discuss step by step the management in a specialist centre.


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Background: Streamlining emergency department (ED) care of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) may be an important strategy in managing the increasing burden of this disease.

Study objectives: The aim of this study was to identify factors predictive of hospital admission in ED patients with COPD, specifically factors that can be used early in the ED episode of care.

Methods: Using retrospective regression analysis, case data from 321 randomly selected medical records from five Australian EDs were analysed. Patient characteristics, triage and ED system features, physiological status, and ED treatment during the first four hours of ED care were compared between discharged and admitted patients.

Results: Factors available on ED arrival associated with increased likelihood of admission were: age (OR = 1.04, p = 0.008) respiratory symptoms affecting activities of daily living (OR = 1.8, p = 0.043) and signs of respiratory dysfunction (OR = 2.5, p = 0.005). Factors available from the first four hours of ED care associated with increased likelihood of admission were: age (OR = 1.04, p = 0.021), oxygen use at four hours (OR = 3.5, p = 0.002) and IV antibiotic administration (OR = 2.6, p = 0.026). There were conflicting findings regarding the association between ambulance transport and admission.