950 resultados para Sindicatos - Agricultural laborers


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This paper focuses on the higher order factors affecting successful adoption of technologies. Drawing on the "actor-oriented perspective" in rural sociology, it is argued that successful examples of adoption at this higher level result from a complex conjunction of people and events, with outcomes that may have been quite unanticipated at the outset. From this perspective, research and extension projects and programs are viewed as arenas in which social actors–village leaders, farmers, researchers (local and international), aid officials, municipal agents, extension workers, and traders–pursue their own short- and long-term objectives and strategies. To this end, they maneuver, negotiate, organize, cooperate, participate, coerce, obstruct, form coalitions, adopt, adapt, and reject, all within a specific geographical and historical context.


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This paper uses data collected from migrants' wives in the Nyeri district of Kenya. The main objective is to determine whether migration and remittances contribute to the development of agriculture. Our results suggest that most migrants are pushed out of rural areas, belong to the group of low-paid workers in urban areas, send little and irregular remittances to their wives back in rural areas and that these remittances are mainly used for consumption purposes and do not contribute to any significant development in agriculture. Our results also indicate that altruism or social obligation might be the main reason for migrants sending remittances back to their rural wives.


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Numerical optimisation methods are being more commonly applied to agricultural systems models, to identify the most profitable management strategies. The available optimisation algorithms are reviewed and compared, with literature and our studies identifying evolutionary algorithms (including genetic algorithms) as superior in this regard to simulated annealing, tabu search, hill-climbing, and direct-search methods. Results of a complex beef property optimisation, using a real-value genetic algorithm, are presented. The relative contributions of the range of operational options and parameters of this method are discussed, and general recommendations listed to assist practitioners applying evolutionary algorithms to the solution of agricultural systems. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We studied the foraging habitat of the endangered black-breasted button-quail (Turnix melanogaster) in 13 rainforest patches of an agricultural landscape (23.4 km(2)) in eastern Australia to assess its use of fragmented habitats outside conservation reserves. The species foraged only in the three largest patches (17.4, 40.0, 63.8 ha in size), all of which were connected to open eucalypt forest, and in intact rainforest. Occurrence of birds was greatest in the largest patch. The maximum number of individuals within the study area was estimated to be 22. Radio-tracking of nine birds revealed that three were resident in the largest patch for periods of over 100 days; no movements between patches were detected. Three radio-tagged birds were taken by avian and mammalian predators. Our results indicated that the long-term future of the species in agricultural landscapes is bleak and that management action is urgently needed to arrest its decline in these ecosystems, (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Despite growing attention to crop and property damage caused by the Asian elephant, uncertainty exists about the magnitude of this problem. This article explores the nature and, Magnitude of this problem in Sri Lanka. An economic analysis of individual farmers'. decisions to control elephants is provided. Government policies to assist farmers in coping with the elephant pest problem are assessed. Appropriate compensation schemes for farmers are seen as potentially more effective for conserving elephants in Sri Lanka than legal prohibitions on the killing of elephants. The issues raised here have wider relevance than merely to Sri Lanka or Asian elephants.


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Observations of an insect's movement lead to theory on the insect's flight behaviour and the role of movement in the species' population dynamics. This theory leads to predictions of the way the population changes in time under different conditions. If a hypothesis on movement predicts a specific change in the population, then the hypothesis can be tested against observations of population change. Routine pest monitoring of agricultural crops provides a convenient source of data for studying movement into a region and among fields within a region. Examples of the use of statistical and computational methods for testing hypotheses with such data are presented. The types of questions that can be addressed with these methods and the limitations of pest monitoring data when used for this purpose are discussed. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar, ?? luz da conven????o da Organiza????o Internacional do Trabalho (OIT) 151, os instrumentos de negocia????o coletiva de trabalho entre o Governo do Distrito Federal e os sindicatos de servidores p??blicos. Para tanto, o referencial te??rico foi organizado em 4 t??picos: o primeiro ?? o conceito de inputs e outputs para se compreender melhor como ingressam as demandas - inputs de pol??ticas p??blicas ??? outputs ao Estado. Em seguida, ?? explicitado o conceito de agente principal, para esclarecer como os sindicatos de servidores p??blicos constituem-se num grupo de press??o corporativa relevante para a gest??o p??blica. No segundo cap??tulo ?? apresentado um breve hist??rico da consolida????o do modelo sindical brasileiro, qual a sua pauta e de que maneira ela orienta a a????o sindical na busca por influenciar as tomadas de decis??o do Estado. O terceiro cap??tulo aborda a import??ncia estrat??gica do Estado em dialogar com as press??es constitu??das pelo movimento sindical no setor p??blico, bem como a relev??ncia dos servidores p??blicos, por meio de gest??o participativa, com o instrumento da negocia????o coletiva para construir a governabilidade. No quarto cap??tulo s??o abordados os dispositivos legais para a constitui????o de espa??o de negocia????o coletiva entre sindicato e governo, considerando que o reconhecimento do di??logo com os sindicatos no setor p??blico depende do Estado se apropriar e aprofundar os mecanismos legais de negocia????o. Para tanto, s??o apresentados os instrumentos legais internacionais e nacionais, bem como os infra legais do Distrito Federal. Esta pesquisa foi realizada procurando apresentar a teoria e o que ?? praticado no GDF, no per??odo de 2011-2013, no governo Agnelo Queiroz, respons??vel por instituir o Dialoga-DF, que acolhe as demandas dos servidores p??blicos, por meio de um sistema de negocia????o permanente, que procura praticar o que postula a conven????o OIT 151. Para tanto, a vivencia do pesquisador foi importante para acesso ?? din??mica do processo negocial no GDF. Para complementar tal experi??ncia, foram feitas entrevistas semiestruturadas com as representa????es sindicais que participam de diversas mesas de negocia????o. Por fim, s??o apresentados alguns limites e avan??os na negocia????o coletiva no GDF, perante a cultura organizacional corporativa tradicional nos servi??os p??blicos, mas que vem mudando ?? medida que o Estado aperfei??oa a gest??o p??blica em busca da efici??ncia e de melhores servi??os p??blicos oferecidos ?? popula????o