987 resultados para Silage grains
Quatro éguas sem raça definida (idade e peso corporal médios de seis anos e 400 kg) foram distribuídas em delineamento experimental em quadrado latino para se avaliar o valor nutritivo e o estudo cinético do trato digestivo de grãos secos ou ensilados de sorgo de baixo e alto conteúdos de tanino na alimentação de eqüinos. Os tratamentos consistiram de dietas contendo dois híbridos de grãos de sorgo (baixo e alto níveis de tanino) e dois métodos de conservação (secos e ensilados). As dietas foram isoprotéicas (12,4% PB), com ingestão diária de MS estabelecida em 1,5% PV (relação feno:concentrado de 50: 50). Os parâmetros de trânsito gastrintestinal avaliados foram: k1 (taxa de passagem pelo intestino grosso), k2 (taxa de passagem pelo estômago), TT (tempo de trânsito), TMR (tempo médio de retenção) e TMRT (tempo médio de retenção total). Os tratamentos não afetaram os coeficientes de digestibilidade aparente (CDa) da MS e do amido, cujos valores médios foram 54,04 e 98,91%, respectivamente. Verificou-se efeito benéfico da ensilagem dos grãos de sorgo de alto conteúdo de tanino sobre a digestibilidade da PB e FDN. A CDa da PB e FDN para a dieta contendo grãos secos de sorgo de alto teor de tanino foi de 49,76 e 32,20% e para as dietas com grãos de sorgo de baixo conteúdo de tanino (seco ou ensilado) e grãos ensilados de sorgo de alto teor de tanino foi de 65,63 e 43,32%, respectivamente. Obteve-se somente efeito do método de conservação dos grãos de sorgo (secos vs ensilados) sobre o TMR, em que o valor para as dietas com silagens de grãos ensilados e secos foi, respectivamente, de 40,08 e 37,9h. Concluiu-se que os grãos de sorgo secos de alto teor de tanino não devem ser usados como principal grão energético nos concentrados para eqüinos, por diminuírem a digestibilidade da proteína e fibra.
Objetivou-se estudar a ação do tempo após a queima do canavial e o uso de aditivos sobre as características fermentativas, as perdas e a composição química de silagens de cana-de-açúcar. A cultivar utilizada foi a IAC 86-2480 colhida em cinco tempos (1, 4, 7, 10 e 14 dias) pós-queima. Os aditivos utilizados foram controle, sem aditivos, Lactobacillus buchneri, cal virgem micropulverizada e Lactobacillus buchneri + cal virgem micropulverizada. Antes da ensilagem em cada tempo, foram determinadas as populações de leveduras presentes na cana-de-açúcar. Decorridos 56 dias após a ensilagem, os silos experimentais foram abertos. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial, considerando os fatores aditivos e tempo pós-queima. Houve recontaminação da cana-de-açúcar pelas leveduras, elevando a população de 5,04 para 6,48 log ufc/g de forragem. Os teores de matéria seca (MS) após a abertura do silo reduziram em média 7,6 unidades percentuais em comparação aos observados na ensilagem. As silagens controle e com Lactobacillus buchneri tiveram menores recuperações da matéria seca (613 e 631 g/kg, respectivamente), em comparação às observadas nas silagens com cal e com a combinação Lactobacillus buchneri + cal (807 g/kg e 832 g/kg, respectivamente), fato que pode ser justificado pelo controle de levedura pela cal. Após a queima, as maiores variações foram na produção de gás e na recuperação de matéria seca: a produção de gás foi maior nos primeiros dias e diminuiu com o tempo após a queima, consequentemente, a recuperação de MS foi menor nos primeiros dias e aumentou com o tempo após a queima. O tempo após a queima altera o valor nutritivo da cana-de-açúcar fresca e das suas silagens, assim como a magnitude das perdas no processo de ensilagem.
The objective of this research was to measure the activity of e-desaturase enzyme in lactating buffaloes. Data from forty lactating Murrah-crossbred buffaloes were collected on five commercial farms located at Sarapui and Pilar do Sul, São Paulo-Brazil. A field survey was done from April to November 2002. In four farms, buffaloes were fed with wet brewers grains (primary concentrate). Only one farm (Farm 4) offered pasture and corn silage. Monthly milk samples were collected and stored at -20 degrees C until analyzed for fatty acid composition. The Delta(9)-desaturase activity was measured using an indirect method (myristoleic and myristic acids ration - C(14:1c9)/C(14:0)). The higher C(14:1c9)/C(14:0) rate was verified on Farm 4 (0.092). The C(14:1c9)/C(14:0) ratio were 0.064 to Farm 1; 0.065 to Farm 2; 0.062 to Farm 3 and 0.065 to Farm 5. The C(17:1)/C(17:0), C(18:1c9)/C(18:0) and C(18:2c9t11)/C(18:1t11) ratios were also affected. The Farm 4 showed higher value for all ratios. Therefore, in lactating buffaloes grazing pasture the Delta(9)-desaturase activity could be enhanced.
An experiment was conducted to study nitrogen absorption and translocation in grain sorghum plants during their reproductive growth. Sorghum was grown in four row spacings: 50 and 70 cm in single rows, 80 and 120 cm in double rows 20 cm apart. Plant populations were 71000, 142000 and 213000 plants/ha. After flowering, samples were taken at 12 day intervals, and the plants were divided into grains and stover, where N was analyzed. There was an increase in N concentration in lower plant populations and in wider row spacings. However, total nitrogen accumulation (in kg/ha) increased as the number of plants was increased. In the vegetative parts of the plants there were higher N concentrations in lower populations showing that there was a higher N absorption and a lower translocation to the grains. When grain sorghum was grown in 50 cm rows, there was a high N accumulation, a high N translocation to the grains and the highest yield. This row spacing led to the highest N use efficiency.
This study evaluated the effect of diets containing sorghum silages with higher (HT) and lower-tannin (LT) concentrations supplemented with concentrate or urea on intake, digestibility, ruminal digestibility, methane emission and rumen parameters in beef cattle. Four treatments were distributed according to a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement in a duplicate 4 x 4 Latin square: LT sorghum silage + urea, LT sorghum silage + concentrate, HT sorghum silage + urea, and HT sorghum silage + concentrate. Total digestibility of the organic matter was higher when concentrate was included in the diet (0.749 and 0.753 in the LT and HT treatments, respectively). It was observed lower ruminal apparent digested matter of neutral detergent fiber in HT diets. There was no effect of tannin levels on digestibility and methane emission. The supplementation with concentrate in the LT diet decreased gas losses as a function of gross energy intake in comparison to the supplementation of the diet with urea. These results suggest the potential of concentrate supplementation to minimize energy loss as methane emission by ruminants and increase the efficiency of energy utilization. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this trial was to document the total fatty acids in Murrah buffaloes milk on commercial farms in Brazil. Data from forty lactating Murrah-crossbred buffaloes were collected on five commercial farms located at Sarapui and Pilar do Sul, São Paulo-Brazil. A field survey was done from April to November 2002. In four farms, buffaloes were fed with wet brewers grains (primary concentrate). Only one farm (Farm 4) offered pasture and corn silage. Monthly milk samples were collected and stored at -20 degrees C until analyzed for fatty acid composition. The fatty acids with the highest percentage in total milk fat were C(16:0); C(18:1c9); C(18:0) and C(14:0). The average content observed in C(16:0) varied from 25.4 to 32.5%. Farm 4 (pasture plus corn silage) showed a higher C(16:0) value (32.5%). C(18:1c9) (varied) from 20.6 to 25.1%, C(14:0) varied from 5.9 to 8.9% and CLA content (C(18:2c9t11)) varied from 1.0 to 1.8%. Farm 3 presented higher average of C(18:1c9) (25.1%) and C(18:2c9t11) (1.8%), and lower average of C(14:0) (6.0%). Likewise, unsaturated fatty acids, C(18:1c9) and C(18:2c9t11) were higher on Farm 3. Probably, these results can be due to high CIA intakes derived from wet brewers grain and pasture. Long chain fatty acids varied from 34.2% (Farm 4) to 48.8% (Farm 3). In general, diets based on pasture and corn silage increased the levels of medium chain fatty acids in Murrah buffaloes milk.
Corn plants were ensiled at the milk, milk-early dough, medium dough, and semi-hard dough stages. The intake and digestibility trials showed that: a) silage DM and NFE contents increased and ADF, cellulose, and lignin contents decreased with plant maturity; b) corn plant maturity had little effect on the digestibility of the silages, but the milk and medium dough stages produced the best results; c) no consistent effect of maturity was observed in DM and CP daily intakes (mean values 41.86 and 26.77/g/kg(75), respectively). Nevertheless, daily digestible dry matter and digestible protein intakes (g/kg(75)) were higher with medium-dough grains (31.74 and 1.97g, respectively) than with the milk (23.27 and 1.45g, respectively) and the milk-early dough stages (22.60 and 1.28g, respectively). However, similar intakes were observed with the medium-dough and semi-hard dough stages. Total digestible nutrient contents of the silages were affected little by corn plant maturity. Nevertheless, statistical differences were Found between the medium dough (70.09%) and the milk-early dough stages (63.07%).
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)