986 resultados para Siderurgical residue


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Biological security and the absence of residues in meat Effectiveness, and/or eggs must be considered when recommending options for the control Alphitobius diaperinus in poultry production environments. This research study evaluated the effectiveness of cypermethrin+chlorpyrifos+citronellal in the control of A. diaperinus, including analysis for the presence of residues of this compound in poultry carcasses (experimental farm). Two studies were carried out under laboratory conditions. One used paper filters a four dilutions of the compound, and the other used a container including with pulverized broiler litter and the compound. The analysis of carcasses for residues was conducted in broilers that raised in a broiler house treated (floor and/or litter) with the compound at a dilution of 1:800. Birds were regularly sacrificed, submitted to necropsy, and liver, muscle and fat fragments were collected. Gas chromatography was used to identify the possible presence of any chemical residue in these samples. High effectiveness rates against A.diaperinus were observed in the two laboratory studies, as well as the absence of residues in the carcasses. This compound, can be recommended as a valuable used in the studied concentrations, alternative for the control and treatment of A. diaperinus.


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To determine the presence of p-monochlorophenol in the calcium hydroxide (Calen) + p-monochlorophenol combination after its use as intracanal dressing, periapical lesions were induced in 60 root canals of upper and lower premolars of four dogs, After biomechanical preparation, the root canals received the intracanal medication, which was removed from the apical third after 2, 4, 7, and 14 days for chemical analysis by spectrophotometry, the results showed a p-monochlorophenol loss of approximately 50.0% in the dressing after 48 h, with no further significant loss after longer periods of times, p-Monochlorophenol was still present in the medication after 14 days.


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This paper presents the development of a procedure, which enables the analysis of nine pharmaceutical drugs in wastewater using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) associated with solid-phase microextraction (SPME) for the sample preparation. Experimental design was applied to optimize the in situ derivatization and the SPME extraction conditions. Ethyl chloroformate (ECF) was employed as derivatizing agent and polydimethylsiloxane-divinylbenzene (PDMS-DVB) as the SPME fiber coating. A fractional factorial design was used to evaluate the main factors for the in situ derivatization and SPME extraction. Thereafter, a Doehlert matrix design was applied to find out the best experimental conditions. The method presented a linear range from 0.5 to 10 mu g/L, and the intraday and interday precision were lower than 16%. Applicability of the method was verified from real influent and effluent samples of a wastewater treatment plant, as well as from samples of an industry wastewater and a river.


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This study evaluated the effects of two lipids sources of fish residue (tilapia and salmon) compared with a vegetable oil source (soybean oil) on the fatty acid profiles of male and female lambari. This experiment was developed in a completely randomized experimental design in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement, totaling 6 treatments resulting from the combination of the three experimental diets for both sexes, with four replications for each treatment. This study involved 120 male (2.58 +/- 0.13 g) and 72 female lambari (4.00 +/- 0.09 g), fed the experimental diets twice a day until apparent satiation for a period of 60 days. Oleic, linoleic, palmitic and stearic fatty acids were found at higher concentrations in all experimental oils and diets, as well in the muscle of male and female lambari. The low amounts of arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids in the experimental diets and subsequent greater concentrations in muscle tissue, suggested that lambari are able to desaturate and elongate the chain of fatty acids with 18 carbons. The fish of both sexes that received the diet with soybean oil showed high levels of n-6 fatty acids, especially of C18: 2n-6 and low levels of eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. The diet with salmon residue oil promoted higher levels of fatty acids of the n-3 series and resulted in the best n-3/n-6 ratio in the muscle of male and female lambari. The oils from fish residues can be a substitute for traditional fish oil and its use in the lambari diets does not impair its growth.


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Despite the beneficial effects of imatinib mesylate, some patients may either not respond or respond suboptimally. Here, we report two chronic myelogenous leukemia patients; one had a suboptimal response according to European LeukemiaNet criteria (a major molecular response was not achieved after 18 months of standard-dose imatinib therapy) and the other had failure with a standard dose of imatinib. At the time of the suboptimal response in patient 1 and the failure in patient 2, we were able to detect the F359I mutation in the BCR-ABL tyrosine kinase domain using DNA sequencing in both patients. Therefore, it was decided to change the therapeutic regimen to dasatinib at a dose of 100 mg once daily in both patients. This change resulted in the achievement of complete cytogenetic remission in patient 1 after 4 months and a major molecular response within 2 and 3 months in both patients. Detection of the F359I mutation in our two cases likely explains the suboptimal response to imatinib in case 1 and the failure in case 2. This implies that in such cases dasatinib should be considered to effectively suppress the mutated clones. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel


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To boost crop yield, sugarcane growers are using increasing amounts of pesticides to combat insects and weeds. But residues of these compounds can pollute water resources, such as lakes, rivers and aquifers. The present paper reports the results of a study of water samples from the Feijao River, which is the source of drinking water for the city of Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, Brazil. The samples were evaluated for the presence of four leading pesticides - ametryn, atrazine, diuron and fipronil - used on sugarcane, the dominant culture in the region. The samples were obtained from three points along the river: the headwaters, along the middle course of the river and just before the municipal water intake station. The pesticides were extracted from the water samples by solid-phase extraction (SPE) and then analyzed by liquid chromatography with diode array detection (LC-DAD). The analytical method was validated by traditional methods, obtaining recovery values between 90 and 95%, with precision deviations inferior to 2.56%, correlation coefficients above 0.99 and detection and quantification limits varying from 0.02 to 0.05 mg L-1 and 0.07 to 0.17 mg L-1, respectively. No presence of residues of the pesticides was detected in the samples, considering the detection limits of the method employed.


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L’alluminio, grazie alla sua bassa temperatura di fusione e all’elevata fluidità di molte leghe, è uno dei metalli più versatili in fonderia. Per ottenere il massimo delle proprietà resistenziali, le leghe che lo permettono sono sottoposte a trattamento termico. Questo, però, in componenti geometricamente complessi può far insorgere tensioni residue che inficeranno la resistenza del materiale durante la sua messa in esercizio. Gli obiettivi della presente ricerca sono stati: la valutazione dell’incidenza del mezzo temprante usato durante il trattamento termico sulle tensioni residue che si sviluppano nella lega AlSi7Mg e la definizione di come questo potesse essere modificato per ridurre le tensioni senza peggiorare le proprietà resistenziali del materiale. Per tale ragione sono state eseguite prove di trattamento termico, analisi microstrutturali e test di durezza su campioni estratti direttamente da getti colati in sabbia.


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La vita di un aeromobile è un elemento importante sia per quanto riguarda la sicurezza del payload, che da un punto di vista economico, a causa delle spese di manutenzione/rinnovamento della flotta che una compagnia aerea deve affrontare. Gli elementi costitutivi di un aeromobile sono soggetti a diverse tipologie di carichi, alcuni dei quali ciclici come la pressurizzazione/depressurizzazione della fusoliera; tali carichi, nel lungo periodo, possono provocare la nascita e la propagazione di eventuali cricche, le quali possono portare alla rottura del componente stesso causando gravi incidenti. Il legame tra tensioni residue e nascita/crescita delle cricche ha portato allo sviluppo di tecniche per contrastare questo fenomeno, come il processo del LSP. Per la misura delle tensioni residue esistono già normative di riferimento, le quali però non trattano componenti metallici di piccolo spessore mentre i pannelli di fusoliera rientrano in questa categoria. Scopo di questa tesi è quello di studiare una variante della tecnica HD adatta a valutare le tensioni residue in componenti metallici di piccolo spessore e confrontare i risultati con quelli ottenuti con la tecnica XRD. L’idea di partenza è l’implementazione di un supporto posteriore in resina che simuli la presenza di uno spessore maggiore.


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Benzodiazepines act at the major isoforms of GABA type A receptors where they potentiate the current evoked by the agonist GABA. The underlying mechanism of this potentiation is poorly understood, but hypothesized to be related to the mechanism that links agonist binding to channel opening in these ligand activated ion channels. The loop F of the ?(1) and the ?(2) subunit have been implicated in channel gating, and loop F of the ?(2) subunit in the modulation by benzodiazepines. We have identified the conservative point mutation Y168F located N-terminally of loop F in the ?(1) subunit that fails to affect agonist properties. Interestingly, it disrupts modulation by benzodiazepines, but leaves high affinity binding to the benzodiazepine binding site intact. Modulation by barbiturates and neurosteroids is also unaffected. Residue ?(1) Y168 is not located either near the binding pockets for GABA, or for benzodiazepines, or close to the loop F of the ?(2) subunit. Our results support the fact, that broader regions of ligand gated receptors are conformationally affected by the binding of benzodiazepines. We infer that also broader regions could contribute to signaling from GABA agonist binding to channel opening.


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W5.43(194), a conserved tryptophan residue among G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) and cannabinoid receptors (CB), was examined in the present report for its significance in CB2 receptor ligand binding and adenylyl cyclase (AC) activity. Computer modeling postulates that this site in CB2 may be involved in the affinity of WIN55212-2 and SR144528 through aromatic contacts. In the present study, we reported that a CB2 receptor mutant, W5.43(194)Y, which had a tyrosine (Y) substitution for tryptophan (W), retained the binding affinity for CB agonist CP55940, but reduced binding affinity for CB2 agonist WIN55212-2 and inverse agonist SR144528 by 8-fold and 5-fold, respectively; the CB2 W5.43(194)F and W5.43(194)A mutations significantly affect the binding activities of CP55940, WIN55212-2 and SR144528. Furthermore, we found that agonist-mediated inhibition of the forskolin-induced cAMP production was dramatically diminished in the CB2 mutant W5.43(194)Y, whereas W5.43(194)F and W5.43(194)A mutants resulted in complete elimination of downstream signaling, suggesting that W5.43(194) was essential for the full activation of CB2. These results indicate that both aromatic interaction and hydrogen bonding are involved in ligand binding for the residue W5.43(194), and the mutations of this tryptophan site may affect the conformation of the ligand binding pocket and therefore control the active conformation of the wild type CB2 receptor. W5.43(194)Y/F/A mutations also displayed noticeable enhancement of the constitutive activation probably attributed to the receptor conformational changes resulted from the mutations.


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This paper evaluates whether the Swiss monitoring programme for foreign substances in animal products fulfils basic epidemiological quality requirements, and identifies possible sources of bias in the selection of samples. The sampling was analysed over a 4-year period (2002-05). The sampling frame in 37 participating abattoirs covered 51% of all slaughtered pigs, 73% of calves, 68% of beef and 36% of cows. The analysis revealed that some sub-populations as defined by the region of origin were statistically over-represented while others were under-represented. The programme that is in accordance with European Union requirements contained some relevant bias. Patterns of under-sampled regions characterized by management type differences were identified. This could lead to an underestimate of the number of contaminated animals within the programme. Although the current sampling was stratified and partially risk-based, its efficiency could be improved by adopting a more targeted approach.


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Several months were required to produce a single gram of indium. Consequently, the industrial history of the metal is extremely short. In view of the unique properties that indium has demonstrated in this short period, it is probable that indium is still in its early stage of development. However, the commer­cial applications of the metal are well established and indium is now produced on a commercial scale. It is obtainable as the metal or in solution for electroplat­ing.


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Paramyxovirus cell entry is controlled by the concerted action of two viral envelope glycoproteins, the fusion (F) and the receptor-binding (H) proteins, which together with a cell surface receptor mediate plasma membrane fusion activity. The paramyxovirus F protein belongs to class I viral fusion proteins which typically contain two heptad repeat regions (HR). Particular to paramyxovirus F proteins is a long intervening sequence (IS) located between both HR domains. To investigate the role of the IS domain in regulating fusogenicity, we mutated in the canine distemper virus (CDV) F protein IS domain a highly conserved leucine residue (L372) previously reported to cause a hyperfusogenic phenotype. Beside one F mutant, which elicited significant defects in processing, transport competence, and fusogenicity, all remaining mutants were characterized by enhanced fusion activity despite normal or slightly impaired processing and cell surface targeting. Using anti-CDV-F monoclonal antibodies, modified conformational F states were detected in F mutants compared to the parental protein. Despite these structural differences, coimmunoprecipitation assays did not reveal any drastic modulation in F/H avidity of interaction. However, we found that F mutants had significantly enhanced fusogenicity at low temperature only, suggesting that they folded into conformations requiring less energy to activate fusion. Together, these data provide strong biochemical and functional evidence that the conserved leucine 372 at the base of the HRA coiled-coil of F(wt) controls the stabilization of the prefusogenic state, restraining the conformational switch and thereby preventing extensive cell-cell fusion activity.