894 resultados para Sex, Pornography, Web, Internet
Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
Hoje em dia existem múltiplas aplicações multimédia na Internet, sendo comum qualquer website apresentar mais de uma forma de visualização de informação além do texto como, por exemplo: imagens, áudio, vídeo e animação. Com aumento do consumo e utilização de Smartphone e Tablets, o volume de tráfego de internet móvel tem vindo a crescer rapidamente, bem como o acesso à internet através da televisão. As aplicações web-based ganham maior relevância devido à maior partilha ou consumo de conteúdos multimédia, com ou sem edição ou manipulação da mesma, através de redes sociais, como o Facebook. Neste documento é apresentado o estudo de alternativas HTML5 e a implementação duma aplicação web-based no âmbito do Mestrado de Engenharia Informática, ramo de Sistemas Gráficos e Multimédia, no Instituto Superior Engenharia do Porto (ISEP). A aplicação tem como objetivo a edição e manipulação de imagens, tanto em desktop como em dispositivos móveis, sendo este processo exclusivamente feito no lado do cliente, ou seja, no Browser do utilizador. O servidor é usado somente para o armazenamento da aplicação. Durante o desenvolvimento do projeto foi realizado um estudo de soluções de edição e manipulação de imagem existentes no mercado, com a respetiva análise de comparação e apresentadas tecnologias Web modernas como HTML5, CSS3 e JavaScript, que permitirão desenvolver o protótipo. Posteriormente, serão apresentadas, detalhadamente, as várias fases do desenvolvimento de um protótipo, desde a análise do sistema, à apresentação do protótipo e indicação das tecnologias utilizadas. Também serão apresentados os resultados dos inquéritos efetuados a um grupo de pessoas que testaram esse protótipo. Finalmente, descrever-se-á de forma mais exaustiva, a implementação e serão apontadas dificuldades encontradas ao longo do desenvolvimento, bem como indicadas futuras melhorias a introduzir.
As we move more closely to the practical concept of the Internet of Things and, our reliance on public and private APIs increases, web services and their related topics have become utterly crucial to the informatics community. However, the question about which style of web services would best solve a particular problem, can raise signi cant and multifarious debates. There can be found two implementation styles that highlight themselves: the RPC-oriented style represented by the SOAP protocol’s implementations and the hypermedia style, which is represented by the REST architectural style’s implementations. As we search examples of already established web services, we can nd a handful of robust and reliable public and private SOAP APIs, nevertheless, it seems that RESTful services are gaining popularity in the enterprise community. For the current generation of developers that work on informatics solutions, REST seems to represent a fundamental and straightforward alternative and even, a more deep-rooted approach than SOAP. But are they comparable? Do both approaches have each speci c best suitable scenarios? Such study is brie y carried out in the present document’s chapters, starting with the respective background study, following an analysis of the hypermedia approach and an instantiation of its architecture, in a particular case study applied in a BPM context.
Trabalho de projeto apresentado para o cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em em Novos Media e Práticas Web
Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Geografia e Planeamento Territorial - Especialidade: Geografia Humana
in Varia, Revista do IHA, N.3 (2007), pp.328-331
in Varia, Revista do IHA, N.4 (2007), pp.379-382
In the last few years, we have observed an exponential increasing of the information systems, and parking information is one more example of them. The needs of obtaining reliable and updated information of parking slots availability are very important in the goal of traffic reduction. Also parking slot prediction is a new topic that has already started to be applied. San Francisco in America and Santander in Spain are examples of such projects carried out to obtain this kind of information. The aim of this thesis is the study and evaluation of methodologies for parking slot prediction and the integration in a web application, where all kind of users will be able to know the current parking status and also future status according to parking model predictions. The source of the data is ancillary in this work but it needs to be understood anyway to understand the parking behaviour. Actually, there are many modelling techniques used for this purpose such as time series analysis, decision trees, neural networks and clustering. In this work, the author explains the best techniques at this work, analyzes the result and points out the advantages and disadvantages of each one. The model will learn the periodic and seasonal patterns of the parking status behaviour, and with this knowledge it can predict future status values given a date. The data used comes from the Smart Park Ontinyent and it is about parking occupancy status together with timestamps and it is stored in a database. After data acquisition, data analysis and pre-processing was needed for model implementations. The first test done was with the boosting ensemble classifier, employed over a set of decision trees, created with C5.0 algorithm from a set of training samples, to assign a prediction value to each object. In addition to the predictions, this work has got measurements error that indicates the reliability of the outcome predictions being correct. The second test was done using the function fitting seasonal exponential smoothing tbats model. Finally as the last test, it has been tried a model that is actually a combination of the previous two models, just to see the result of this combination. The results were quite good for all of them, having error averages of 6.2, 6.6 and 5.4 in vacancies predictions for the three models respectively. This means from a parking of 47 places a 10% average error in parking slot predictions. This result could be even better with longer data available. In order to make this kind of information visible and reachable from everyone having a device with internet connection, a web application was made for this purpose. Beside the data displaying, this application also offers different functions to improve the task of searching for parking. The new functions, apart from parking prediction, were: - Park distances from user location. It provides all the distances to user current location to the different parks in the city. - Geocoding. The service for matching a literal description or an address to a concrete location. - Geolocation. The service for positioning the user. - Parking list panel. This is not a service neither a function, is just a better visualization and better handling of the information.
Este relatório descreve as fases essenciais do desenvolvimento de uma proposta para uma Web TV num contexto universitário e sugere um modelo multimédia baseado num princípio de folksonomia. Este projecto pretende ser uma mais valia na forma como o trabalho académico é divulgado e partilhado e visa ser um instrumento que dá visibilidade ao trabalho desenvolvido numa instituição académica, dinamiza a relação entre alunos e professores e torna possível a publicação dos mesmos para o publico em geral. Foi desenvolvido a pensar nas especificidades do Departamento de Ciências da Comunicação (DCC) da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH-UNL), sobretudo ao nível dos conteúdos de media produzidos nos ateliers e cadeiras práticas. Modelo que pode ser aplicado a outras instituições em contextos idênticos. A Web TV representa, no universo dos média, um conjunto muito alargado de aplicações que abrange a publicidade, o divertimento, o jornalismo e o ensino entre outras. O ensino é provavelmente a área em que a Web TV mais pode contribuir como meio privilegiado de divulgação e partilha de informação tanto dentro como fora de uma instituição universitária. Com a Web TV podem ser apresentados e criados os mais diversos conteúdos, como, por exemplo: conferências, aulas, documentários, teses e/ou qualquer outro conteúdo de texto ou multimédia que seja de natureza científica. As competências da Web 2.0, aplicadas na Web TV que proponho, conferem-lhe características únicas para a promoção e divulgação do conhecimento científico, revestindo assim este projecto de especial importância.
Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário
This paper presents a new approach of pre-defined profiles, based in different voltage and current values, to control the charging and discharging processes of batteries in order to assess their performance. This new approach was implemented in a prototype that was specially developed for such purpose. This prototype is a smart power electronics platform that allows to perform batteries analysis and to control the charging and discharging processes through a web application using pre-defined profiles. This platform was developed aiming to test different batteries technologies. Considering the relevance of the energy storage area based in batteries, especially for the batteries applied to electric mobility systems, this platform allows to perform controlled tests to the batteries, in order to analyze the batteries performance under different scenarios of operation. Besides the results obtained with the batteries, this work also intends to produce results that can contribute to an involvement in the strengthening of the Internet-of-Things.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that can foster the emergence of innovative applications. In order to minimize parents’s concerns about their children’s safety, this paper presents the design of a smart Internet of Things system for identifying dangerous situations. The system will be based on real time collection and analysis of physiological signals monitored by non-invasive and non-intrusive sensors, Frequency IDentification (RFID) tags and a Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine when a child is in danger. The assumption of a state of danger is made taking into account the validation of a certain number of biometric reactions to some specific situations and according to a self-learning algorithm developed for this architecture. The results of the analysis of data collected and the location of the child will be able in real time to child’s care holders in a web application.
The MAP-i Doctoral Program of the Universities of Minho, Aveiro and Porto