853 resultados para Severe Mental Illness


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Objectives: Research about the outcomes of schizophrenia and the factors that determine them in developing countries is still limited. In this study, we interviewed experienced Vietnamese psychiatrists to examine their perspectives on outcome determinants in their country. The qualitative approach aimed to complement existing epidemiological knowledge and contribute to debate around the hypothesis that recovery is better in developing countries. Methods: Fifteen Vietnamese psychiatrists working in five leading psychiatric facilities participated in semi-structured interviews. Thematic content analysis of their expressed views identified three themes related to important outcome determinants in Vietnam: access to contemporary treatment, established patient-level prognostic indicators, and sociocultural variables. Results: The improving accessibility of modern treatment (including new medications, specialist staff and facilities) and increasing community adoption of a medical perspective on mental illness were seen as factors leading to improved outcomes, particularly in urban areas. However, some psychiatrists also identified the potentially beneficial nature of some aspects of Vietnamese society and culture being eroded by modernization, including traditional family structures, forms of employment and lifestyles. Conclusions: The perspectives of psychiatrists in this study suggest that socioeconomic change may be exerting conflicting influences on the outcomes of schizophrenia in Vietnam and other developing countries. Their views have implications in terms of how adequate treatment and support for people with severe mental illness can be provided in the context of limited resources, staffing and formal treatment options. Further research is needed to establish current recovery rates and prospectively explore the impact of modernization on outcomes.


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There is growing evidence, especially in the USA and UK, that creative writing can form an important part of the recovery experience of people affected by severe mental illness. In this chapter, I consider theoretical models that explain how creative writing might contribute to recovery, and discuss the potential for creative writing in psychosocial rehabilitation. It is argued that the rehabilitation benefits of creative writing might be optimized through focus on process and technique in writing, rather than expression or content alone, and that consequently, the involvement of professional writers might be important. I will explore the recent history of theoretical frameworks and explanatory models that link creative writing and recovery, and examine such empirical evidence as is available on the contribution of creative writing to recovery from severe mental illness.


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Background: The aims of this study were to evaluate the prevalence of HIV and its associated demographic and clinical factors among psychiatric inpatients of a general hospital. Methods: This was a single-center, observational, cross-sectional study that included patients consecutively admitted to our unit aged 16 years or older and with no relevant cognitive problems. The patients were evaluated using a semistructured interview and an appropriate test for HIV infection. Results: Of the 637 patients who were screened, 546 (86%) who consented to participate were included in the analyses. Twenty-five (4.6%, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.0-6.8) patients were HIV-positive. The prevalence was higher among patients with substance misuse (17.4%, 95% CI 9.7-28.8). All except one of the 25 patients knew of their seropositive condition prior to participation in the study. Only 14 (56%) of the 25 seropositive patients had previously received pharmacological treatment for their infection. According to the multiple logistic regression analysis, the likelihood of HIV infection was lower in patients with higher levels of education and higher among patients who were single, had history of intravenous drug use, and had an HIV-positive partner, particularly if they did not use condoms. Among the patients with HIV infection, 18 (72%) had a history of suicide attempts compared with 181 (34.7%) of the patients without HIV infection (relative risk 2.1, 95% CI 1.6-2.7; P<0.001). Conclusion: HIV infection is highly prevalent in patients admitted to a psychiatric unit, especially those with a diagnosis of substance misuse. Seropositive patients show very poor treatment adherence. The risk of suicide seems to be very high in this population. Implementing interventions to reduce the suicide risk and improve adherence to antiretroviral therapy and psychotropic medications seems crucial.


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Supported housing for individuals with severe mental illness strives to provide the services necessary to place and keep individuals in independent housing that is integrated into the community and in which the consumer has choice and control over his or her services and supports. Supported housing can be contrasted to an earlier model called the “linear residential approach” in which individuals are moved from the most restrictive settings (e.g., inpatient settings) through a series of more independent settings (e.g., group homes, supervised apartments) and then finally to independent housing. This approach has been criticized as punishing the client due to frequent moves, and as being less likely to result in independent housing. In the supported housing model (Anthony & Blanch, 1988) consumers have choice and control over their living environment, their treatment, and supports (e.g., case management, mental health and substance abuse services). Supports are flexible and faded in and out depending on needs. Results of this systematic review of supported housing suggest that there are several well-controlled studies of supported housing and several studies conducted with less rigorous designs. Overall, our synthesis suggests that supported housing can improve the living situation of individuals who are psychiatrically disabled, homeless and with substance abuse problems. Results show that supported housing can help people stay in apartments or homes up to about 80% of the time over an extended period. These results are contrary to concerns expressed by proponents of the linear residential model and housing models that espoused more restrictive environments. Results also show that housing subsidies or vouchers are helpful in getting and keeping individuals housed. Housing services appear to be cost effective and to reduce the costs of other social and clinical services. In order to be most effective, intensive case management services (rather than traditional case management) are needed and will generally lead to better housing outcomes. Having access to affordable housing and having a service system that is well-integrated is also important. Providing a person with supported housing reduces the likelihood that they will be re-hospitalized, although supported housing does not always lead to reduced psychiatric symptoms. Supported housing can improve clients’ quality of life and satisfaction with their living situation. Providing supported housing options that are of decent quality is important in order to keep people housed and satisfied with their housing. In addition, rapid entry into housing, with the provision of choices is critical. Program and clinical supports may be able to mitigate the social isolation that has sometimes been associated with supported housing.


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This article will reveal the experiment and the subsequent investigation work carried out with patients having chronic and severe mental illness at the Creativity and Rehabilitation Workshop of the Mental Health Service at the Health Department no. 12 of the Hospital Francisco de Borja of Gandia, Spain. The course focuses on patient training in the use of photography and image as a means of expression and as a part of psychosocial therapies to improve patients’ quality of life in front of the society. In addition, it tries to enhance the analytic capacity of the patient not only with regards to the photography aesthetically, but also personally. There are many international scientific surveys backing up the knowledge and use of Artistic and Creative Therapy in chronic patients; however, these activities are seen as pioneering actions in Spain given the current health structure, which includes few national psychiatric centers developing them continuously and being temporally monitored. This experiment demonstrates that photography significantly improves the quality of life of chronic patients and motivates them socially to communicate themselves through art, just as it helps them using creativity as a tool for social action.


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All suicides and related prior attempts occurring in Northern Ireland over two years were analyzed, focusing on number and timing of attempts, method, and mental health diagnoses. Cases were derived from coroner's records, with 90% subsequently linked to associated general practice records. Of those included, 45% recorded at least one prior attempt (with 59% switching from less to more lethal methods between attempt and suicide). Compared with those recording one attempt, those with 2+ attempts were more likely to have used less lethal methods at the suicide (OR = 2.77: 95% CI = 1.06, 7.23); and those using less lethal methods at the attempts were more likely to persist with these into the suicide (OR = 3.21: 0.79, 13.07). Finally, those with preexisting mental problems were more likely to use less lethal methods in the suicide: severe mental illness (OR = 7.88: 1.58, 39.43); common mental problems (OR = 3.68: 0.83, 16.30); and alcohol/drugs related (OR = 2.02: 0.41, 9.95). This analysis uses readily available data to highlight the persisting use of less lethal methods by visible and vulnerable attempters who eventually complete their suicide. Further analysis of such conditions could allow more effective prevention strategies to be developed.


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La psychopathie et le trouble de personnalité antisociale sont deux syndromes reliés qui ont été identifiés comme prédicteurs importants de comportements violents et de criminalité. Cependant, la recherche indique que les facteurs de la psychopathie centrés sur la personnalité ne sont pas des prédicteurs fiables de récidive violente chez les personnes atteintes de maladies mentales. Toutefois, peu d’études se sont centrées sur l’identification des facteurs associés au patron des antécédents criminels. Les 96 hommes de l’étude ont été déclarés non criminellement responsables en raison de troubles mentaux. Ils ont été évalués quant au trouble de la personnalité antisociale ainsi qu’à la psychopathie. Les dossiers criminels de la Gendarmerie Royale du Canada ont également été consultés afin de reconstituer l’histoire criminelle. Les résultats suggèrent que ni les traits de personnalité antisociaux, ni les facteurs de la psychopathie ne démontrent une validité prédictive incrémentielle les uns sur les autres quant au nombre ou à la sévérité des délits. La présence d’un grand nombre de traits antisociaux est associée à un plus grand nombre et à une plus importante sévérité d’actes criminels non-violents. Les résultats sont discutés en termes de l’utilité d’une classification du trouble de personnalité antisociale, et de la pertinence du construit de la psychopathie pour les personnes atteintes de maladies mentales graves.


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Plusieurs travaux suggèrent que les personnes atteintes d’une maladie mentale grave représentent un risque plus élevé de passage à l’acte violent que les personnes de la population en générale. Les raisons pour lesquelles ces personnes seraient plus enclines à commettre des gestes violents restent toutefois souvent contradictoires. En 1994, Link et Stueve suggéraient qu’une personne atteinte de symptômes de type menace/atteintes aux mécanismes de contrôle (TCO), était significativement plus à risque de commettre un geste violent. Les résultats de ces travaux furent par la suite reproduits dans le cadre d’autres études. L’objectif de ce rapport de stage est de mieux comprendre la relation entre les symptômes TCO et le passage à l’acte agressif en cours d’hospitalisation. Pour ce faire, les informations concernant la symptomatologie et les passages à l’acte violents de deux résidents de l’Institut Philippe-Pinel de Montréal (IPPM) sont présentées sous forme d’études de cas. L’analyse du contenu clinique des études de cas suggère qu’une approche nomothétique ne permet de comprendre qu’en partie l’association entre le passage à l’acte agressif et les symptômes TCO. Une telle approche ne permet pas d’intégrer d’autres facteurs cliniques tels les hallucinations ou les idées de violence, à l’étude du passage à l’acte agressif. Une approche phénoménologique où l’on s’intéresse à la compréhension qu’a la personne de son environnement et aux moyens qu’elle envisage afin d’y répondre semble offrir davantage de pistes afin de comprendre le passage à l’acte violent chez la personne atteinte d’une maladie mentale grave.


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Cette thèse pose un premier regard sur l’expérience subjective de la violence manifestée par les individus atteints d’un trouble de santé mentale grave et persistant et d’un trouble lié à une substance. À partir d’une recension des écrits, elle présente, dans le premier chapitre, une adaptation des volets psychopharmacologique et économico-compulsif du modèle tripartite de Goldstein (1985), à la population aux prises avec une telle comorbidité. Dans les deuxième et troisième chapitres, elle présente l’analyse qualitative d’une série d’entrevues effectuées auprès de détenus incarcérés dans une unité de santé mentale d’un pénitencier canadien pour cause de délits violents. Elle explore, dans ces chapitres, les représentations de l’influence de la consommation sur les différentes sphères de la vie de ces détenus ainsi que l’importance qu’ils attribuent à celles-ci quant au passage à l’acte responsable de leur incarcération. L’analyse démontre que presque la moitié des personnes interrogées attribue la responsabilité du délit violent aux effets directs de la substance sur les symptômes liés à la maladie mentale ou aux effets directs de celle-ci sur leur comportement et leurs cognitions. Les autres attribuent plutôt la responsabilité de leur acte violent à la détérioration de leur fonctionnement psychosocial (c’està- dire à leur incapacité graduelle à maintenir un emploi, à se nourrir, se loger et à entretenir des relations sociales, amoureuses ou familiales), qui résulte des conséquences sociales et économiques associées à l’usage répétitif et/ou excessif de substances intoxicantes. À la lumière de ces résultats, le deuxième chapitre vérifie l’applicabilité du volet psychopharmacologique à cette population, et le troisième, celle du volet économico-compulsif. Les trois chapitres de cette thèse sont présentés sous forme d’articles scientifiques.


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Depuis la désinstitutionalisation dans les milieux psychiatriques, il a été souvent mentionné qu’une augmentation des admissions dans les milieux carcéraux et de psychiatrie légale était en cours afin de prendre soin des personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux graves (TMG). Parallèlement, plusieurs auteurs ont rapporté que les individus ayant des troubles mentaux sévères sont plus à risque de perpétrer des gestes antisociaux ou de violence. À l’égard de cette problématique, nous soutenons le modèle de la spécificité clinique. Celui-ci précise que des profils psychopathologiques particuliers augmentent le risque de violence, conduisent à différents types de fonctionnement social et articulent la demande de soins. L’environnement a, de plus, un effet modulateur au niveau du fonctionnement distinctif de l’individu. Une relation bidirectionnelle se construit entre la spécificité psychopathologique et l’environnement, plus particulièrement en ce qui a trait aux relations interpersonnelles, au milieu socioéconomique, au patron d’utilisation des services de psychiatrie et à l’interaction avec le système de justice qui déterminent subséquemment le type de prise en charge ou le statut légal du patient. Afin d’appuyer ce modèle, les profils des patients atteints de TMG en fonction des statuts légaux, du milieu de soins (psychiatrie générale et psychiatrie légale) et de l’utilisation des mesures d’isolement et de contentions ont été examinés. Les patients ont été évalués par des mesures sociodémographiques (indicateurs du fonctionnement social, des relations interpersonnelles et du milieu socioéconomique), psychodiagnostiques (SCID-I et II) et de la psychopathie. De même, le dossier criminel, les dossiers médicaux hospitaliers et administratifs (MED-ECHO et RAMQ) ont été observés. Les devis étaient rétrospectifs. Par ailleurs, au niveau de l’interaction entre les services de psychiatrie et l’individu atteint d’un TMG, nous avons exploré la perception subjective des intervenants en santé mentale quant à l’agressivité et la violence. Nous avons considéré l’impact de cette perception sur la manière d’offrir des soins, plus particulièrement en ce qui a trait aux mesures coercitives (mesures d’isolement avec ou sans contentions), lors des hospitalisations. Les cinq études ont appuyé l’idée d’une spécificité clinique tant sur le plan des profils cliniques des individus que sur la manière d’offrir les services, spécialement au niveau des mesures de contrôles. Les caractéristiques de la personne et de l’environnement semblent de ce fait jouer un rôle important dans le type de services que recevra un individu souffrant de TMG. Ces travaux ouvrent sur la possibilité de mieux déterminer l’étiologie et la gestion de la violence de même que la manière dont le système s’occupe des patients à risque de violence.


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Introducción: La esquizofrenia es una enfermedad crónica que genera deterioro cognitivo y diversos grados de discapacidad. Dentro del tratamiento no solo debe considerarse el abordaje farmacológico sino también un enfoque psicoterapéutico. La psicoeducación es una intervención terapéutica con alto potencial en el manejo de pacientes con esquizofrenia, tiene importantes resultados especialmente en el área cognitiva. Métodos: Revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos de bases de datos y búsqueda manual de revistas relacionadas que aportaran la mejor evidencia. Se evaluó calidad metodológica de los estudios y estos se organizaron en tablas de evidencia. Resultados: De 34 artículos potenciales, se seleccionaron finalmente dos para ser incluidos en la revisión. Se clasificaron como nivel de evidencia I. A pesar de la ambigüedad de las comparaciones, en general, las intervenciones psicoeducativas aportan beneficios con disminución de recaídas y reingresos hospitalarios. Discusión: La amplia gama de comparaciones aportó complejidad en el momento de incluir estudios para la presente revisión, la falta de detalle sobre aspectos propios de la intervención utilizada en cada estudio, generó limitaciones al momento de realizar comparaciones. La psicoeducación aporta beneficios, sin embargo debe tenerse en cuenta el compromiso cognitivo propio de la enfermedad, al momento de evaluar los desenlaces de este tipo de intervenciones. Conclusión: Las intervenciones psicoeducativas juegan un importante papel en el tratamiento de los pacientes con esquizofrenia. Es necesaria la realización de más estudios que consoliden con mayor firmeza la evidencia científica en éste área en particular.


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The overall aim with this thesis is to describe and analyze women’s and men’s recovery processes. More specifically, the aim is to determine what women and men with experience of mental illness describe as contributing to the personal recovery process. The point of departure for the studies was 30 in-depth interviews conducted with 15 men and 15 women. The selection of interview subjects was limited to individuals who had been treated in 24-hour psychiatric care and diagnosed as having schizophrenia, psychosis, a personality disorder, or a bipolar disorder.   Four studies have been carried.  Study 1 was a baseline article that examined what people in recovery from mental illness outline as facilitating factors to their recovery. The results that emerged from that study indicated areas for further analysis to condense the understanding of the recovery process. In study 2 the similarities and the differences in recovery described by women and men were examined. In Study 3 women’s and men’s meaning-making with reference to severe mental illness facilitate the recovery process were studied. The forth study explored how peer-support contribute to women’s and men’s recovery from mental illness.   The results emphasize recovery from mental illness as a social process in which relationships play a key role in creating new identities beside the mental illness. For a majority of the participants meeting peers facilitated the recovery process. The participants described how peer support meant an end to isolation and became an arena for identification, connection, and being important to others. Throughout these recovery processes the impact of gender has been emphasized. The results from this thesis provide new insight into gender as an important factor in understanding the recovery processes. The results from the four studies emphasize the mental patient, the psychiatric interventions and the individual recovery strategies as being influenced by gender constructions.


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Objective: To evaluate an intervention to improve implementation of guidelines for the prevention of chronic vascular disease. Setting: 32 urban general practices in 4 Australian states. Randomisation: Stratified randomisation of practices. Participants: 122 general practitioners (GPS) and practice nurses (PNs) were recruited at baseline and 97 continued to 12 months. 21 848 patient records were audited for those aged 40-69 years who attended the practice in the previous 12 months without heart disease, stroke, diabetes, chronic renal disease, cognitive impairment or severe mental illness. Intervention: The practice level intervention over 6 months included small group training of practice staff, feedback on audited performance, practice facilitation visits and provision of patient education and referral information. Outcome measures: Primary: 1. Change in proportion of patients aged 40-69 years with smoking status, alcohol intake, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), blood pressure (BP) recorded and for those aged 45-69 years with lipids, fasting blood glucose and cardiovascular risk in the medical record. 2. Change in the level of risk for each factor. Secondary: change in self-reported frequency and confidence of GPS and PNs in assessment. Results: Risk recording improved in the intervention but not the control group for WC (OR 2.52 (95% CI 1.30 to 4.91)), alcohol consumption (OR 2.19 (CI 1.04 to 4.64)), smoking status (OR 2.24 (1.17 to 4.29)) and cardiovascular risk (OR 1.50 (1.04 to 2.18)). There was no change in recording of BP, lipids, glucose or BMI and no significant change in the level of risk factors based on audit data. The confidence but not reported practices of GPS and PNs in the intervention group improved in the assessment of some risk factors. Conclusions: This intervention was associated with improved recording of some risk factors but no change in the level of risk at the follow-up audit. Trial registration number: Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Register (ANZCTR): ACTRN12612000578808, results.


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The autism is a severe mental illness that involves psychological, social, educational and neurobiological aspects. The Education plays an important role in recovering, preserving and increasing the cognitive task of people with autism. There are several ways to observe a person with autism. Through the studying of cases, it is also possible to address issues of everyday life of the person with the illness, its cognitive issues and its obstacles of psychosocial involvement, as well as psychological aspects such as illness acknowledgement. Through specialized literature, it is possible to identify characteristics referring to the learning process and neurobiological components involved in the condition, such as brain activity disorder and genetic factors. The objectives of this paper are: from the analysis of two books: Unique World: comprehend the Autism (SILVA, A. B. B; GAIATO, M.B; REVELES, L.T) and The cats never lie about love (DILLON, J.), it is intended to describe cognitive and psychosocial aspects of the autism. Based on the specialized literature, the goal is to identify cognitive and neurobiological components in the illness. The methods that were used: analysis of the books Unique World: comprehend the Autism and The cats never lie about love to describe psychosocial and educational aspects of the autism; analysis of the specialized literature to identify clinical and neurobiological components of the illness, such as changes in brain activity, genetic factors or clinical evolution; and also details of the Education role in preserving the person with autism and his cognitive and emotional development. The study had the documentary research as reference for the methodological design, including book analysis and research in specialized literature. It is intended to deepen discussions about the Education roles related to the cognitive and neurobiological aspects of the autism


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The role of social cognition in severe mental illness (SMI) has gained much attention, especially over the last decade. The impact of deficits in socio-cognitive functioning has been found to have detrimental effects on key areas of day-to-day functioning in individuals with SMI, such as gaining and maintaining employment and overall experienced quality of life. Treatment of individuals with SMI is challenging, as the presentation of individual signs and symptoms is rather heterogeneous. There are several treatment approaches addressing deficits ranging from broader social and interpersonal functioning to neurocognitive and more intrapersonal functioning. As research in the domain of social cognition continues to identify specific deficits and its functional detriments, treatment options need to evolve to better target identified functional deficits. Social Cognition and Interaction Training (SCIT) was recently developed to address specific socio-cognitive deficits in an inpatient population of individuals with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. This study applied SCIT in an outpatient SMI population as many deficits remain after individuals’ symptoms are less severe and overall functioning is more stable than during the acute inpatient phase of their rehabilitation. Specifically, this study has two objectives. First, to demonstrate that deficits in social cognition persist after the acute phase of illness has abated. Second, to demonstrate that these deficits can be ameliorated via targeted treatment such as SCIT. Data was gathered in local outpatient treatment settings serving a heterogeneous SMI population. Adviser: William D. Spaulding