947 resultados para Serum Dioxin


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Background: D-dimer values are frequently increased in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) compared to subjects in sinus rhythm. Hypokalemia plays a role in several cardiovascular diseases, but little is known about the association with AF. Objective: D-dimer values are frequently increased in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) compared with subjects in sinus rhythm. Hypokalemia plays a role in several cardiovascular diseases, but little is known about the association with AF. The aim of this study was to investigate correlations between D-dimer and serum potassium in acute-onset AF (AAF). Methods: To investigate the potential correlation between the values of serum potassium and D-dimer in patients with AAF, we retrospectively reviewed clinical and laboratory data of all emergency department visits for AAF in 2013. Results: Among 271 consecutive AAF patients with D-dimer assessments, those with hypokalemia (n = 98) had significantly higher D-dimer values than normokalemic patients (139 versus 114 ng/mL, p = 0.004). The rate of patients with D-dimer values exceeding the diagnostic cut-off was higher in the group of patients with hypokalemia than in those with normal serum potassium (26.5% versus 16.2%; p = 0.029). An inverse and highly significant correlation was found between serum potassium and D-dimer (r = −0.21; p < 0.001), even after adjustments for age and sex (beta coefficient −94.8; p = 0.001). The relative risk for a positive D-dimer value attributed to hypokalemia was 1.64 (95% CI, 1.02 to 2.63; p = 0.040). The correlation remained statistically significant in patients free from antihypertensive drugs (r = −0.25; p = 0.018), but not in those taking angiotensin-receptor blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, or diuretics. Conclusions: The inverse correlation between values of potassium and D-dimer in patients with AAF provides important and complementary information about the thromboembolic risk of these patients.


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Fígado, veneno e sôro sanguíneo de "Bothrops jararaca" foram estudados por meio da eletroforese em papel e determinação de atividades enzimáticas. Xantina oxidase e deshidrogenase foram encontradas sòmente no fígado das cobras. A análise espectrográfica do veneno e do sôro confirmam os resultados negativos obtidos para xantina oxidase uma vez que não foi encontrado molibdêneo. L-amino ácido oxidase foi determinada no fígado, sÔro e veneno. A eletroforese em papel do sôro sanguíneo mostrou que existem 7 frações proteicas, sendo que duas apresentam fluorescência característica de flavinas, quando expostas à luz ultra-violeta. Em vista dos resultados obtidos é concluido que as flavinas do sôro e do veneno de Bothrops jararaca estão na maior parte ligadas às proteínas. Estas flavinas combinadas parecem estar sob a forma de FAD (flavina adenina dinucleotídeo) fazendo parte do grupo prostético da L-amino ácido oxidase, uma vez que não foi encontrada nenhuma atividade de xantina oxidase.


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Background: Cerebral cholinergic transmission plays a key role in cognitive function and anticholinergic drugs are associated with impaired cognitive functions [1]. In the perioperative phase many substances with anticholinergic effects are administered and disturbed cholinergic transmission is a hypothetical cause of postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD). Serum anticholinergic activity (SAA; pmol/ml) may be measured as a summary marker of anticholinergic activity in an individual patient's blood. We hypothesised that an increase in SAA from preoperatively to one week postoperatively is associated with POCD in elderly patients. Methods: Thirty-two patients aged >65 yrs undergoing elective major surgery under standardized general anaesthesia (thiopental, sevoflurane, fentanyl) were investigated. Cognitive functions were measured preoperatively and 7 days postoperatively using the extended version of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease - Neuropsychological Assessment Battery. POCD was defined as a postoperative decline >1 z-score in at least 2 cognitive domains. SAA was measured preoperatively and 7 days postoperatively at the time of cognitive testing. Results: 50% of the investigated patients developed POCD. There were no statistically significant differences between patients with and without POCD regarding age, education, baseline cognitive function, duration of anaesthesia, SAA preoperatively (median (range) 1.0 (0.3 to 5.0) vs 1.5 (0.4 to 5.0), SAA 7 days postoperatively (median (range) 1.3 (0.1 to 7.0) vs 1.4 (0.6 to 5.5) or changes in SAA (median (range) 0.1 (-1.6 to 2.2) vs 0.2 (-1.4 to 2.8). The variability of SAA in individual patients was considerable and marked changes in SAA between the two examinations were observed in some patients. However, there was no significant relationship between changes in SAA and changes in cognitive function. Conclusion: In this preliminary analysis of a small group of patients, changes in SAA in the perioperative phase were highly variable. SAA was not associated with POCD suggesting that POCD is not simply caused by anticholinergic medications administered in the perioperative phase. A further analysis of a larger group of patients is in progress.


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We report a simple method for evaluating the binding of concanavalin A (ConA) to human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The binding is evidenced by an immunoenzymic assay using peroxidase-conjugated immunoglobulins of a rabbit anti-ConA serum. Using the method we show that sera from patients with American leishmaniasis do not interfere with binding of ConA to PBMC.


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Background: T reatment o f chronic hepatitis C i s evolving, a nd direct acting antivirals ( DAAs) are now a dded to p egylated interferon-α ( Peg- INF-α) and ribavirin (RBV) for the treatment o f hepatitis C v irus ( HCV) genotype 1 infection. DAAs c ause d ifferent side effects and can even worsen RBV induced hemolytic anemia. T herefore, identifying host genetic d eterminants of R BV bioavailability and therapeutic e fficacy will remain crucial for individualized treatment. Recent d ata showed associations between R BV induced h emolytic anemia and genetic polymorphisms o f concentrative nucleoside transporters s uch as C NT3 (SLC28A3) and i nosine t riphosphatase (ITPA). T o analyze t he association of genetic variants of SLC28 transporters and ITPA with RBV induced hemolytic anemia and treatment o utcome. Methods: I n our study, 173 patients f rom t he S wiss Hepatitis C C ohort Study and 2 2 patients from Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver study 24 (61% HCV g enotype 1, 3 9% genotypes 2 o r 3) were analyzed for SLC28A2 single nucleotide p olymorphism (SNP) rs11854484, SLC28A3 rs56350726 and SLC28A3 rs10868138 as well as ITPA SNPs rs1127354 and rs7270101. RBV serum levels during treatment were measured in 49 patients. Results: SLC28A2 r s11854484 genotype TT was associated with significantly higher dosage- and body weight-adjusted RBV levels as compared to genotypes TC and CC (p=0.04 and p=0.02 at weeks 4 and 8, respectively). ITPA SNPs rs1127354 and rs7270101 were associated with h emolytic a nemia both in genotype as w ell as i n allelic a nalyses. SLC28A3 rs56350726 genotype TT (vs. AT/AA, RR=2.1; 95% CI 1.1-4.1) as well as the T allele (vs. A; RR=1.8, 95% CI 1.1-3.2) were associated with increased SVR rates. The combined analysis of overall ITPA activity and SLC28 v ariants together revealed n o significant a dditive effects on either treatment-related anemia or SVR. Conclusions: T he newly identified association between RBV serum levels a nd SLC28A2 rs11854484 genotype as well as the replicated association of ITPA and SLC28A3 g enetic p olymorphisms w ith RBV induced hemolytic anemia and treatment r esponse underpin the need for further studies on host genetic d eterminants of R BV bioavailability and therapeutic e fficacy f or individualized treatment of chronic hepatitis C.


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Serum-free aggregating cell cultures of fetal rat telencephalon were examined by a combined biochemical and double-labeling immunocytochemical study for the developmental expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and glutamine synthetase (GS). It was found that these two astroglial markers are co-expressed at different developmental stages in vitro. During the phase of cellular maturation (i.e. between days 14 and 34), GFAP levels and GS activity increase rapidly and in parallel. At the same time, the number of immunoreactive cells increase while the long and thick processes staining in early cultures gradually disappear. The present results demonstrate that in this particular cell culture system only one type of astrocytes develops which expresses both GFAP and GS and which attains a relatively high degree of maturation.


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Background: Leptin is produced primarily by adipocytes. Although originally associated with the central regulation of satiety and energy metabolism, increasing evidence indicates that leptin may be an important factor for congestive heart faire (CHF). In the study, we aimed to test the hypothesis that leptin may influence CHF pathophysiology via a pathway of increasing body mass index (BMI). Methods: We studied 2,389 elderly participants aged 70 and older (M; 1161, F: 1228) without CHF and with serum leptin measures at the Health Aging, and Body Composition study. We analyzed the association between serum leptin level and risk of incident CHF using Cox hazard proportional regression models. Elevated leptin level was defined as more than the highest quartile (Q4) of leptin distribution in the total sample for each gender. Adjusted-covariates included demographic, behavior, lipid and inflammation variables (partially-adjusted models), and further included BMI (fully-adjusted models). Results: In a mean 9-year follow-up, 316 participants (13.2%) developed CHF. The partially-adjusted models indicated that men and women with elevated serum leptin levels (>=9.89 ng/ml in men and >=25 ng/ml in women) had significantly higher risks of developing CHF than those with leptin level of less than Q4. The adjusted hazard ratios (95%CI) for incident CHF was 1.49 (1.04 -2.13) in men and 1.71 (1.12 -2.58) in women. However, these associations became non-significant after adjustment for including BMI for each gender. The fully-adjusted hazard ratios (95%CI) were 1.43 (0.94 -2.18) in men and 1.24 (0.77-1.99) in women. Conclusion: Subjects with elevated leptin levels have a higher risk of CHF. The study supports the hypothesis that the influence of leptin level on risk of CHF may be through a pathway related to increasing BMI.


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Uricemia was studied in a sample of 192 individuals from a highly endemic site for Chagas' disease (Bambuí, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil). The sample had serologically negative individuals (controls) and the positive ones were classified on the basis of the presence of electrocardiographic alterations (63), altered esophageal emptying (16), or without any sign on sympton of the disease (76). Only the individuals with the digestive form of chronic Chagas' disease showed hyperuricemia, when compared with the appropriate controls. Family data suggest that hyperuricemia is an effect of the digestive pathology, rather than a cause, since the non-infected sibs of the megaesophagous patients did not show elevated levesl of serum uric acid. Possible mechanisms responsible for these findings are postulated.


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BACKGROUND: Studies on the association between homocysteine levels and depression have shown conflicting results. To examine the association between serum total homocysteine (tHcy) levels and major depressive disorder (MDD) in a large community sample with an extended age range. METHODS: A total of 3392 men and women aged 35-66 years participating in the CoLaus study and its psychiatric arm (PsyCoLaus) were included in the analyses. High tHcy measured from fasting blood samples was defined as a concentration ≥15μmol/L. MDD was assessed using the semi-structured Diagnostic Interview for Genetics Studies. RESULTS: In multivariate analyses, elevated tHcy levels were associated with greater odds of meeting the diagnostic criteria for lifetime MDD among men (OR=1.71; 95% CI, 1.18-2.50). This was particularly the case for remitted MDD. Among women, there was no significant association between tHcy levels and MDD and the association tended to be in the opposite direction (OR=0.61; 95% CI, 0.34-1.08). CONCLUSIONS: In this large population-based study, elevated tHcy concentrations are associated with lifetime MDD and particularly with remitted MDD among men.


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Although polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) have been banned in many countries for more than three decades, exposures to PCBs continue to be of concern due to their long half-lives and carcinogenic effects. In National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health studies, we are using semiquantitative plant-specific job exposure matrices (JEMs) to estimate historical PCB exposures for workers (n = 24,865) exposed to PCBs from 1938 to 1978 at three capacitor manufacturing plants. A subcohort of these workers (n = 410) employed in two of these plants had serum PCB concentrations measured at up to four times between 1976 and 1989. Our objectives were to evaluate the strength of association between an individual worker's measured serum PCB levels and the same worker's cumulative exposure estimated through 1977 with the (1) JEM and (2) duration of employment, and to calculate the explained variance the JEM provides for serum PCB levels using (3) simple linear regression. Consistent strong and statistically significant associations were observed between the cumulative exposures estimated with the JEM and serum PCB concentrations for all years. The strength of association between duration of employment and serum PCBs was good for highly chlorinated (Aroclor 1254/HPCB) but not less chlorinated (Aroclor 1242/LPCB) PCBs. In the simple regression models, cumulative occupational exposure estimated using the JEMs explained 14-24% of the variance of the Aroclor 1242/LPCB and 22-39% for Aroclor 1254/HPCB serum concentrations. We regard the cumulative exposure estimated with the JEM as a better estimate of PCB body burdens than serum concentrations quantified as Aroclor 1242/LPCB and Aroclor 1254/HPCB.


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Diverse conditions for stimulating human mononuclear cells to release thymocyte costimulatory factors were tested for their contribution to the generation of supernatants high titers of these monokines. Activity titers increased with LPS concentration, reaching a plateau between 1 and 10 microng/ml. Indomethacin did not modify the monokine, but the assay for thymocyte costimulatory activity was substantially affected by inhibitory substances produced by the monocytes in the absence of indomethacin. The use of nylon wool columns to trap the cells was shown to be effective in raising cellular densities without decreasing activity titers. As result, the yield per cell could be maintained even in the absence of serum, an important step toward the goal of purifiying bioactive from crude broths.


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The specific antibody responses were compared among susceptible (A/Sn), moderately susceptible (Balb/c) and resistant (C57 BL/lOJ) mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi (Y strain). Sera obtained during the second week of infection recognized a surface trypomastigote antigen of apparent Mr 80 kDa while displaying complex reactivity to surface epimastigote antigens. Complex trypomastigote antigens recognition was detected around the middle of the third week of infection. No major differences were observed along the infection, among the three strains of mice, neither in the patterns of surface antigen recognition by sera, nor in the titres of antibodies against blood trypomastigotes (lytic antibodies), tissue culture trypomastigotes or epimastigotes. On immunoblot analysis, however, IgG of the resistant strain displayed the most complex array of specificities against both trypo and epimastigote antigens, followed by the susceptible strain. IgM antibodies exhibited a more restricted antigen reactivity, in the three mouse strains studied. Balb/c sera (IgG and IgM) showed the least complex patterns of reactivity to antigens in the range of 30 kDa to 80 kDa. The onset of reactivity in the serum to trypomastigote surface antigens was also dependent on the parasite load to which the experimental animal was subjected.