696 resultados para Serotonin


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Serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) is an amine neurotransmitter derived from tryptophan and is important in brain systems regulating mood, emotional behavior, and sleep. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) drugs are used to treat disorders such as depression, stress, eating disorders, autism, and schizophrenia. It is thought that these drugs act to prolong the action of 5-HT by blocking reuptake. This may lead to decreased 5-HT content in the nerve fibers themselves; however, this has not previously been directly demonstrated. We have studied the effects of administration of two drugs, imipramine and citalopram, on levels of 5-HT in nerve fibers in the murine brain. Quantitative analysis of the areal density of 5-HT fibers throughout the brain was performed using ImageJ software. While a high density of fibers was observed in mid- and hind-brain regions and areas such as thalamus and hypothalamus, densities were far lower in areas such as cortex, where SSRIs might be thought to exert their actions. As anticipated, imipramine and citalopram produced a decline in 5-HT levels in nerve fibers, but the result was not uniform. Areas such as inferior colliculus showed significant reduction whereas little, if any, change was observed in the adjacent superior colliculus. The reason for, and significance of, this regionality is unclear. It has been proposed that serotonin effects in the brain might be linked to changes in glutamatergic transmission. Extracellular glutamate levels are regulated primarily by glial glutamate transporters. Qualitative evaluation of glutamate transporter immunolabeling in cortex of control and drug-treated mice revealed no discernable difference in intensity of glutamate transporter immunoreactivity. These data suggest that changes in intracellular and extracellular levels of serotonin do not cause concomitant changes in astroglial glutamate transporter expression, and thus cannot represent a mechanism for the delayed efficacy of antidepressants when administered clinically. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Myopia (short-sightedness) is a visual problem associated with excessive eye growth and vitreous chamber expansion. Within the eye serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT) appears to have a variety of effects, it alters retinal amacrine cell processing, increases intraocular pressure, constricts ocular blood vessels, and is also mitogenic. This study sought to determine the role of the retinal serotonin system in eye growth regulation. Myopia was produced in 7-day-old chicks using -15 D spectacle lenses (LIM) and form deprivation (FDM). The effect on LIM and FDM of daily intravitreal injections of a combination of 5-HT receptor antagonists (1, 10, 50 mu M), 5-HT2 selective antagonist (Mianserin 0.5, 20 mu M) were assessed. Counts were performed of serotonin and tyrosine hydroxylase positive neurons and the relative density used to account for areal changes due to eye growth. The effect of LIM and lens-induced hyperopia (LIH) on the numbers of 5-HT-containing amacrine cells in the retina were then determined. The combination of the 5-HT receptor antagonists inhibited LIM by approximately half (1 mu M RE: -7.12 +/- 1.0 D, AL: 0.38 +/- 0.06 mm vs. saline RE: -13.19 +/- 0.65 D, AL: 0.64 +/- 0.03 mm. RE: p < 0.01, AL: p < 0.01), whereas FDM was not affected (1 mu M RE: -8.88 +/- 1.10 D). These data suggest that serotonin has a stimulatory role in LIM, although high doses of serotonin were inhibitory (1 mu M RE: -9.30 +/- 1.34 D). 5-HT immunoreactivity was localised to a subset of amacrine cell bodies in the inner nuclear layer of the retina, and to two synaptic strata in the inner plexiform layer. LIM eyes had increased numbers of 5-HT-containing amacrine cells in the central retina (12.5%). Collectively, these results suggest that manipulations to the serotonin system can alter the eye growth process but the role of the transmitter system within this process remains unclear. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (Grant Nos. R01DK093587 and R01DK101379 [to YX], R01DK092605 to [QT], R01DK078056 [to MM]), the Klarman Family Foundation (to YX), the Naman Family Fund for Basic Research (to YX), Curtis Hankamer Basic Research Fund (to YX), American Diabetes Association (Grant Nos. 7-13-JF-61 [to QW] and 1-15-BS-184 [to QT]), American Heart Association postdoctoral fellowship (to PX), Wellcome Trust (Grant No. WT098012 [to LKH]), and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (Grant No. BB/K001418/1 [to LKH]). The anxiety tests (e.g., open-field test, light-dark test, elevated plus maze test) were performed in the Mouse Neurobehavior Core, Baylor College of Medicine, which was supported by National Institutes of Health Grant No. P30HD024064. PX and YH were involved in experimental design and most of the procedures, data acquisition and analyses, and writing the manuscript. XC assisted in the electrophysiological recordings; LV-T assisted in the histology study; XY, KS, CW, YY, AH, LZ, and GS assisted in surgical procedures and production of study mice. MGM, QW, QT, and LKH were involved in study design and writing the manuscript. YX is the guarantor of this work and, as such, had full access to all the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. The authors report no biomedical financial interests or potential conflicts of interest.


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Evidence of an association between early pregnancy exposure to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and congenital heart defects (CHD) has contributed to recommendations to weigh benefits and risks carefully. The objective of this study was to determine the specificity of association between first trimester exposure to SSRIs and specific CHD and other congenital anomalies (CA) associated with SSRI exposure in the literature (signals). A population-based case-malformed control study was conducted in 12 EUROCAT CA registries covering 2.1 million births 1995-2009 including livebirths, fetal deaths from 20 weeks gestation and terminations of pregnancy for fetal anomaly. Babies/fetuses with specific CHD (n = 12,876) and non-CHD signal CA (n = 13,024), were compared with malformed controls whose diagnosed CA have not been associated with SSRI in the literature (n = 17,083). SSRI exposure in first trimester pregnancy was associated with CHD overall (OR adjusted for registry 1.41, 95% CI 1.07-1.86, fluoxetine adjOR 1.43 95% CI 0.85-2.40, paroxetine adjOR 1.53, 95% CI 0.91-2.58) and with severe CHD (adjOR 1.56, 95% CI 1.02-2.39), particularly Tetralogy of Fallot (adjOR 3.16, 95% CI 1.52-6.58) and Ebstein's anomaly (adjOR 8.23, 95% CI 2.92-23.16). Significant associations with SSRI exposure were also found for ano-rectal atresia/stenosis (adjOR 2.46, 95% CI 1.06-5.68), gastroschisis (adjOR 2.42, 95% CI 1.10-5.29), renal dysplasia (adjOR 3.01, 95% CI 1.61-5.61), and clubfoot (adjOR 2.41, 95% CI 1.59-3.65). These data support a teratogenic effect of SSRIs specific to certain anomalies, but cannot exclude confounding by indication or associated factors.


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Mood disorders, including depression and anxiety, are among the most prevalent mental illnesses with high socioeconomic impact. Although the underlying mechanisms have not yet been clearly defined in the last decade the importance of the role of neuropeptides, including Galanin (GAL), and/or their receptors in the treatment of stress-related mood disorders is becoming increasingly apparent. GAL is involved in mood regulation, including depression-related and anxiety-like behaviors. Activation of GALR1 and GALR3 receptors results in a depression like behavior while stimulation of GALR2 receptor leads to anti-depressant-like effects. Moreover, GAL modulates 5-HT1A receptors (5-HT1AR), a key receptor in depression at autoreceptor and postsynaptic level in the brain. This interaction can in part be due to the existence of GALR1-5-HT1AR heteroreceptor complexes in discrete brain regions [1]. Not only GAL but also the N-terminal fragments like GAL(1-15) are active in the Central Nervous System [2, 3]. Recently, we described that GAL(1-15) induces strong depression-related and anxiogenic-like effects in rats, and these effects were significantly stronger than the ones induced by GAL [4]. The GALR1-GALR2 heteroreceptor complexes in the dorsal hippocampus and especially in the dorsal raphe (DR), areas rich in GAL(1-15) binding sites [5] were involved in these effects [4, 6] and demonstrated also in cellular models. In the present study, we have analyzed the ability of GAL(1-15) to modulate 5-HT1AR located at postjunctional sites and at the soma-dendritic level in rats. We have analyzed the effect of GAL(1-15) on the 5-HT1AR-mediated response in a behavioral test of depression and the involvement of the GALR2 in these effects. GAL(1-15) enhanced the antidepressant effects induced by the 5-HT1AR agonist 8-OH-DPAT in the forced swimming test [7]. These effects were stronger than the ones induced by GAL. The mechanism of this action involved interactions at the receptor level in the plasma membrane with changes also at the transcriptional level. Thus, GAL(1-15) affected the binding characteristics as well as the mRNA level of 5-HT1AR in the dorsal hippocampus and DR. GALR2 was involved in these effects, since the specific GALR2 antagonist M871 blocked GAL(1-15) mediated actions at the behavioral and receptor level [7]. Furthermore, the results on the proximity ligation assay (PLA) in this work suggest the existence of GALR1-GALR2-5-HT1AR heteroreceptor complexes since positive PLA were obtained for both GALR1-5-HT1AR and GALR2-5-HT1AR complexes in the DR and hippocampus. Moreover the studies on RN33B cells, where GALR1, GALR2 and 5-HT1AR exist [4], also showed PLA-positive clusters indicating the existence of GALR1-5-HT1AR and GALR2-5-HT1AR complexes in these cells [7]. In conclusion, our results indicate that GAL(1–15) enhances the antidepressant effects induced by the 5-HT1AR agonist 8-OH-DPAT probably acting on GALR1-GALR2-5-HT1AR heteroreceptor located at postjunctional sites and at the soma-dendritic level. The development of new drugs specifically targeting these heteroreceptor complexes may offer a novel strategy for treatment of depression. This work has been supported by Junta de Andalucia CVI646 1. Borroto-Escuela, D.O., et al., Galanin receptor-1 modulates 5-hydroxtryptamine-1A signaling via heterodimerization. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2010. 393(4): p. 767-72. 2. Hedlund, P.B. and K. Fuxe, Galanin and 5-HT1A receptor interactions as an integrative mechanism in 5-HT neurotransmission in the brain. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1996. 780: p. 193-212. 3. Diaz-Cabiale, Z., et al., Neurochemical modulation of central cardiovascular control: the integrative role of galanin. EXS, 2010. 102: p. 113-31. 4. Millon, C., et al., A role for galanin N-terminal fragment (1-15) in anxiety- and depression-related behaviors in rats. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol, 2015. 18(3). 5. Hedlund, P.B., N. Yanaihara, and K. Fuxe, Evidence for specific N-terminal galanin fragment binding sites in the rat brain. Eur J Pharmacol, 1992. 224(2-3): p. 203-5. 6. Borroto-Escuela, D.O., et al., Preferential activation by galanin 1-15 fragment of the GalR1 protomer of a GalR1-GalR2 heteroreceptor complex. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 2014. 452(3): p. 347-53. 7. Millon, C., et al., Galanin (1-15) enhances the antidepressant effects of the 5-HT1A receptor agonist 8-OH-DPAT: involvement of the raphe-hippocampal 5-HT neuron system. Brain Struct Funct, 2016.


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This naturalistic study investigated the mechanisms of change in measures of negative thinking and in 24-h urinary metabolites of noradrenaline (norepinephrine), dopamine and serotonin in a sample of 43 depressed hospital patients attending an eight-session group cognitive behavior therapy program. Most participants (91%) were taking antidepressant medication throughout the therapy period according to their treating Psychiatrists' prescriptions. The sample was divided into outcome categories (19 Responders and 24 Non-responders) on the basis of a clinically reliable change index [Jacobson, N.S., & Truax, P., 1991. Clinical significance: a statistical approach to defining meaningful change in psychotherapy research. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59, 12–19.] applied to the Beck Depression Inventory scores at the end of the therapy. Results of repeated measures analysis of variance [ANOVA] analyses of variance indicated that all measures of negative thinking improved significantly during therapy, and significantly more so in the Responders as expected. The treatment had a significant impact on urinary adrenaline and metadrenaline excretion however, these changes occurred in both Responders and Non-responders. Acute treatment did not significantly influence the six other monoamine metabolites. In summary, changes in urinary monoamine levels during combined treatment for depression were not associated with self-reported changes in mood symptoms.


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Serotonergic hypofunction is associated with a depressive mood state, an increased drive to eat and preference for sweet (SW) foods. High-trait anxiety individuals are characterised by a functional shortage of serotonin during stress, which in turn increases their susceptibility to experience a negative mood and an increased drive for SW foods. The present study examined whether an acute dietary manipulation, intended to increase circulating serotonin levels, alleviated the detrimental effects of a stress-inducing task on subjective appetite and mood sensations, and preference for SW foods in high-trait anxiety individuals. Thirteen high- (eleven females and two males; anxiety scores 45·5 (sd 5·9); BMI 22·9 (sd 3·0)kg/m2) and twelve low- (ten females and two males; anxiety scores 30·4 (sd 4·8); BMI 23·4 (sd 2·5) kg/m2) trait anxiety individuals participated in a placebo-controlled, two-way crossover design. Participants were provided with 40 g α-lactalbumin (LAC; l-tryptophan (Trp):large neutral amino acids (LNAA) ratio of 7·6) and 40 g casein (placebo) (Trp:LNAA ratio of 4·0) in the form of a snack and lunch on two test days. On both the test days, participants completed a stress-inducing task 2 h after the lunch. Mood and appetite were assessed using visual analogue scales. Changes in food hedonics for different taste and nutrient combinations were assessed using a computer task. The results demonstrated that the LAC manipulation did not exert any immediate effects on mood or appetite. However, LAC did have an effect on food hedonics in individuals with high-trait anxiety after acute stress. These individuals expressed a lower liking (P = 0·012) and SW food preference (P = 0·014) after the stressful task when supplemented with LAC.


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Background: The C allele of a common polymorphism of the serotonin 2A receptor (HTR2A) gene, T102C, results in reduced synthesis of 5-HT2A receptors and has been associated with current smoking status in adults. The -1438A/G polymorphism, located in the regulatory region of this gene, is in linkage disequilibrium with T102C, and the A allele is associated with increased promoter activity and with smoking in adult males. We investigated the contributions of the HTR2A gene, chronic psychological stress, and impulsivity to the prediction of cigarette smoking status and dependence in young adults. Methods: T102C and -1438A/G genotyping was conducted on 132 healthy Caucasian young adults (47 smokers) who completed self-report measures of chronic stress, depressive symptoms, impulsive personality and cigarette use. Results: A logistic regression analysis of current cigarette smoker user status, after adjusting for gender, depressive symptom severity and chronic stress, indicated that the T102C TT genotype relative to the CC genotype (OR = 7.53), and lower punishment sensitivity (OR = 0.91) were each significant predictive risk factors. However, for number of cigarettes smoked, only lower punishment sensitivity was a significant predictor (OR = 0.81). Conclusions: These data indicate the importance of the T102C polymorphism to tobacco use but not number of cigarettes smoked for Caucasian young adults. Future studies should examine whether this is explained by effects of nicotine on the serotonin system. Lower punishment sensitivity increased risk of both smoking and of greater consumption, perhaps via a reduced sensitivity to cigarette health warnings and negative physiological effects.