957 resultados para Self-reports
Background and purpose: The paper reports a study of the perceptions of teachers in secondary schools in the Gucha district of Kenya of their own effectiveness, the structure of their self-perceptions, variations in self-perceived effectiveness and the relationship between self-perceptions of effectiveness and the examination performance of their students. Design and methods: Data were based on questionnaires completed by 109 English and mathematics teachers from a random sample of 30 schools in the Gucha district of Kenya. Pupil examination results were also collected from the schools. Results: Three dimensions of self-perceived effectiveness emerged from a factor analysis. These were: pedagogic process, personal and affective aspects of teaching and effectiveness with regard to pupil performance. Teachers tended to rate themselves relatively highly with regard to the first two, process-oriented, dimensions but less highly on the third, outcome-oriented, dimension. Self-ratings for pupil outcomes correlated with pupil examination performance at school level. Conclusions: The results show that these teachers can have a sense of themselves as competent classroom performers and educational professionals without necessarily having a strong sense of efficacy with regard to pupil outcomes.
The self-assembly of a fragment of the amyloid beta peptide that has been shown to be critical in amyloid fibrillization has been studied in aqueous solution. There are conflicting reports in the literature on the fibrillization of A beta (16-20), i.e., KLVFF, and our results shed light on this. In dilute solution, self-assembly of NH2-KLVFF-COOH is strongly influenced by aromatic interactions between phenylalanine units, as revealed by UV spectroscopy and circular dichroism. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy reveals beta-sheet features in spectra taken for more concentrated solutions and also dried films. X-ray diffraction and cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryo-TEM) provide further support for beta-sheet amyloid fibril formation. A comparison of cryo-TEM images with those from conventional dried and negatively stained TEM specimens highlights the pronounced effects of sample preparation on the morphology. A comparison of FTIR data for samples in solution and dried samples also highlights the strong effect of drying on the self-assembled structure. In more concentrated phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) solution, gelation of NH2-KLVFF-COOH is observed. This is believed to be caused by screening of the electrostatic charge on the peptide, which enables beta sheets to aggregate into a fibrillar gel network. The rheology of the hydrogel is probed, and the structure is investigated by light scattering and small-angle X-ray scattering.
The paper reports on research into what may have influenced trainees on four post-graduate teacher training courses in England to become specialist drama teachers rather than pursue careers in the world of professional entertainment. In doing so it raises questions regarding the value of considering teaching as a performing art. The paper goes on to explore how drama trainees regard an understanding of performance, and an ability to both use and demonstrate performance techniques, as integral to their role as subject specialists. The subsequent discussion examines how a drama teacher’s professional identity may be seen as being made up of the three inter-connected elements, self, role and character. Thus, while all teaching may be considered to involve some elements of performativity , this paper suggests that, for the drama specialist, an understanding of what constitutes ‘performance’ has a particular importance. One conclusion drawn from the research is that recognising the place of performance in their practice may result in experienced teachers of drama regarding themselves as artists whose art is teaching drama; another is that recognising the different ways in which adopting a role may involve performance could be of value to all teachers and teacher educators.
Background and Objectives Low self-esteem (LSE) is associated with psychiatric disorder, and is distressing and debilitating in its own right. Hence, it is frequent target for treatment in cognitive behavioural interventions, yet it has rarely been the primary focus for intervention. This paper reports on a preliminary randomized controlled trial of cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) for LSE using Fennell’s (1997) cognitive conceptualisation and transdiagnostic treatment approach ( [Fennell, 1997] and [Fennell, 1999]). Methods Twenty-two participants were randomly allocated to either immediate treatment (IT) (n = 11) or to a waitlist condition (WL) (n = 11). Treatment consisted of 10 sessions of individual CBT accompanied by workbooks. Participants allocated to the WL condition received the CBT intervention once the waitlist period was completed and all participants were followed up 11 weeks after completing CBT. Results The IT group showed significantly better functioning than the WL group on measures of LSE, overall functioning and depression and had fewer psychiatric diagnoses at the end of treatment. The WL group showed the same pattern of response to CBT as the group who had received CBT immediately. All treatment gains were maintained at follow-up assessment. Limitations The sample size is small and consists mainly of women with a high level of educational attainment and the follow-up period was relatively short. Conclusions These preliminary findings suggest that a focused, brief CBT intervention can be effective in treating LSE and associated symptoms and diagnoses in a clinically representative group of individuals with a range of different and co-morbid disorders.
This article examines one legal criterion for the exercise of the right of self-defense that has been significantly overlooked by commentators: the so-called “reporting requirement.” Article 51 of the United Nations (UN) Charter provides, inter alia, that “[m]easures taken by members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council.” Although the requirement to report all self-defense actions to the Council is clearly set out in Article 51, the Charter offers no further guidance with regard to this obligation. Reference to the practice of states since the UN’s inception in 1945 is therefore essential to understanding the scope and nature of the reporting requirement. As such, this article is underpinned by an extensive original dataset of reporting practice covering the period from January 1, 1998 to December 31, 2013. We know from Article 51 that states “shall” report, but do they, and—if so—in what manner? What are the various implications of reporting, of failing to report, and of the way in which states report? How are reports used, and by whom? Most importantly, this article questions the ultimate value of states reporting their self-defense actions to the Security Council in modern interstate relations.
This paper looks at the blockages to the publication of children’s literature caused by the intellectual climate of the postwar era, through a case study of the editorial policy of Hachette, the largest publisher for children at this time. This period witnessed heightened tensions surrounding the social and humanitarian responsibilities of literature. Writers were blamed for having created a culture of defeatism, and collaborationist authors were punished harshly in the purges. In the case of children’s literature, the discourse on responsibility was made more urgent by the assumption that children were easily influenced by their reading material, and by the centrality of the young to the discourse on the moral reconstruction of France. As the politician and education reformer Gustave Monod put it: “penser l’avenir, c’est penser le sort des enfants et de la jeunesse.” These concerns led to the expansion of associations and publications dedicated to protecting children and promoting “good” reading matter for them, and, famously, to the 1949 law regulating publications for children, which banned the depiction of crime, debauchery and violence that might demoralise young readers. Using the testimonials of former employees, along with readers’ reports and editorial correspondence preserved in the Hachette archives, this paper will examine how individual editorial decisions and self-censorship strategies were shaped by the 1949 law with its attendant discourse of moral panic on children’s reading, and how national concerns for future citizens were balanced with commercial imperatives.
Lateral ordering of InGaAs quantum dots on the GaAs (001) surface has been achieved in earlier reports, resembling an anisotropic pattern. In this work, we present a method of breaking the anisotropy of ordered quantum dots (QDs) by changing the growth environment. We show experimentally that using As(2) molecules instead of As(4) as a background flux is efficient in controlling the diffusion of distant Ga adatoms to make it possible to produce isotropic ordering of InGaAs QDs over GaAs (001). The control of the lateral ordering of QDs under As(2) flux has enabled us to improve their optical properties. Our results are consistent with reported experimental and theoretical data for structure and diffusion on the GaAs surface.
Oxygenated xanthones have been extensively investigated over the years, but there are few reports concerning their crystal structure. Our chemical investigations of Brazilian plants resulted in the isolation of four natural products named 1-hydroxyxanthone (I), 1-hydroxy-7-methoxyxanthone (II), 1,5-dihydroxy-3-methoxyxanthone (III), and 1,7-dihydroxy-3,8-dimethoxyxanthone (IV). The structures of these compounds were established on the basis of single crystal X-ray diffraction. The xanthone nucleus conformation is essentially planar with the substituents adopting the orientations less sterically hindered. In addition, classical intermolecular hydrogen bonds (O-H center dot center dot center dot O) present in III and IV give rise to infinite ribbons. However, the xanthone I does not present any intermolecular hydrogen bonds, meanwhile the xanthone II presents only a non-classical one (C-H center dot center dot center dot O). The crystal packing of all xanthone structures is also stabilized by pi-pi interactions. The fingerprint plots, derived from the Hirshfeld surfaces, exhibited significant features of each crystal structures.
This paper compares the effects on corporate performance and managerial self-dealing in a situation in which the CEO reports to a single Board that is responsible for both monitoring management and establishing performance targets to an alternative in which the CEO reports to two Boards, each responsible for a different task. The equilibrium set of the common agency game induced by the dual board structure is fully characterized. Compared to a single board, a dual board demands less aggressive performance targets from the CEO, but exerts more monitoring. A consequence of the first feature is that the CEO always exerts less effort toward production with a dual board. The effect of a dual board on CEO self-dealing is ambiguous: there are equilibria in which, in spite of the higher monitoring, self-dealing is higher in a dual system. The model indicates that the strategic interdependence generated by the assignment of different tasks to different boards may yield results that are far from the desired ones.
A posterior crossbite malocclusion is defined as an abnormal buccolingual relationship. One or more maxillary teeth improperly occludes with one or more mandibular teeth in centric relation. This alteration develops early and is seldom self-correcting. This study is a report of the benefits of treating posterior crossbite malocclusions in mixed dentitions using removable appliances.
This article reports on the growth of SnO nanobelts and dendrites by a carbothermal reduction process. The materials were synthesized in a sealed tube furnace at 1210 degrees C and at 1260 degrees C for 2 h. in a dynamic nitrogen atmosphere of 40 seem. After synthesis, gray-black materials were collected downstream in the tube and the samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). The results showed that the gray-black materials were composed of nanobelts, which grew in the [110] direction of the orthorhombic structure of SnO. Some of the belts also presented dendritic growth. The dendrites grew in the (110) planes of the SnO structure, and no defects were observed at the junction between the nanobelts and the dendrites. A self-catalytic vapor-liquid-solid (VLS) process was proposed to explain the growth of the SnO nanobelts and dendrites.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Background: There are no reported cases of factitious or simulated obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). However, over the last years, our clinic has come across a number of individuals that seem to exaggerate, mislabel or even intentionally produce obsessive and/or compulsive symptoms in order to be diagnosed with OCD.Methods: In this study, experienced clinicians working on a university-based OCD clinic were requested to provide clinical vignettes of patients who, despite having a formal diagnosis of OCD, were felt to display non-genuine forms of this condition.Results: Ten non-consecutive patients with a self-proclaimed diagnosis of OCD were identified and described. Although patients were diagnosed with OCD according to various structured interviews, they exhibited diverse combinations of the following features: (i) overly technical and/or doctrinaire description of their symptoms, (ii) mounting irritability, as the interviewer attempts to unveil the underlying nature of these descriptions; (iii) marked shifts in symptom patterns and disease course; (iv) an affirmative yes pattern of response to interview questions; (v) multiple Axis I psychiatric disorders; (vi) cluster B features; (vii) an erratic pattern of treatment response; and (viii) excessive or contradictory drug-related side effects.Conclusions: In sum, reliance on overly structured assessments conducted by insufficiently trained or naive personnel may result in invalid OCD diagnoses, particularly those that leave no room for clinical judgment. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Although sucking activity has been considered an essential behavior of early childhood to satisfy nutritive and non-nutritive needs, digit and pacifier sucking are deleterious oral habits that may interfere with child development. Furthermore, this clinical picture may be compounded by other concerning habits, such as self-mutilating behavior. This article reports 4-year follow-up of a child in whom non-nutritive sucking was associated with an unusual self-mutilating behavior; namely, the child would pull out her own hair after wrapping it around her finger every time she sucked on the pacifier. This occurred specially at bedtime, while she was watching TV, or when she was somewhat anxious, and remitted and recurred throughout the follow-up period. In an attempt to address this behavior, pacifier use was discontinued and the child’s head was shaved. Ultimately, the case was only solved through combined efforts involving the child, her family, and health professionals. Based on the parents’ reports and clinical examination and follow-up findings, we emphasize the importance of investigating the origin of the problem and considering emotional aspects and its association with other habits in such cases.
Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)