952 resultados para Sehen, Goldfisch, Pharmakologie, Retina, operante Konditionierung
Before signals of the visual environment are transferred to higher brain areas via the optic nerve, they are processed and filtered in parallel pathways within the retina. In the past a plethora of functionally distinct ganglion cell types responding to certain aspects of the environment, such as direction of movement, contrast and colour have been described. Aim of this thesis was the anatomical investigation of the selectivity in retinal circuits underlying this diversity. For this purpose, mouse and macaque retinae were analysed. OFF-ganglion cells in the mouse retina received their excitatory drive unselectively from all bipolar cell types stratifying within the area of their dendritic trees. Only the input to direction-selective C6 ganglion cells and bistratified D2 ganglion cells appeared to be weighted. In primates the highly specialised midget-system forms a 1:1 connection from red- and green-sensitive cones onto midget bipolar- and ganglion cells, building the substrate for red/green colour vision. Here it was demonstrated that blue-sensitive (S-) cones also contact OFF-midget bipolars and are, thus, potential candidates to transfer blue-OFF signals to M1 intrinsically photosensitive ganglion cells (ipRGCs). M1 cells received glycinergic input from A8 amacrine cells and express GABAA receptors containing subunit alpha 3. M2 cells, in contrast, received less inhibitory input.
Le caratteristiche strutturali dell’occhio dei Cetacei sono state in passato oggetto di studio. Tuttavia, i dati relativi alla stratigrafia della retina ed alle caratteristiche morfologiche dei neuroni gangliari in essa presenti sono piuttosto ridotti; per questo motivo, l’obiettivo della presente ricerca è stato quello di studiare, mediante metodiche di immunoistochimica, l’uso della microscopia ottica e di opportuni software di analisi immagine, le caratteristiche morfologiche della retina e delle cellule gangliari in essa presenti in differenti specie di Cetacei. Per la presente ricerca sono stati utilizzate come specie di riferimento i seguenti Delfinidi: tursiope (Tursiops truncatus) e stenella striata (Stenella coeruleoalba). Le analisi sulle sezioni interessano l’area, la densità dei neuroni gangliari, la stratigrafia della retina e l’analisi morfometrica degli strati e dei neuroni. I risultati ottenuti indicano come la retina del tursiope e della stenella striata, nonostante un'organizzazione di base assai simile a quella degli altri Mammiferi, mostri caratteristiche qualitative sue proprie. Gli strati retinici sono quelli che si osservano in tutti i Mammiferi e lo spessore totale della retina è, nel tursiope (101,23 µm ) e nella stenella striata (108.35 µm ), pressochè simile ai Mammiferi terrestri (110-220 µm). Nell'ambito della retina, lo strato che presento lo spesso medio maggiore è quello dei granuli interni (SNE); tale dato non coincide con quanto osservato in altri Mammiferi. I neuroni gangliari presenti nella retina di tursiope e stenella striata mostrano, analogamente a quanto osservato in altri Cetacei, una bassa densità cellulare. Nel tursiope e nella stenella striata le aree a maggiore densità cellulare presentano neuroni multipolari di dimensioni minori rispetto a quelle con bassa densità. Questo dato potrebbe indicare una "cellularità" (quantità di superficie occupata da cellule) costante nei differenti distretti retinici. I neuroni gangliari presenti nella retina di tursiope e stenella striata sono disposti in un unico strato, come osservato in numerosi altri Cetacei, ma differisce da quanto osservato nel capodoglio (Physeter macrocephalus) dove tali cellule si dispongono in strati multipli. Neuroni gangliari di grandi dimensioni sono stati osservati sia nel tursiope che nella stenella striata. Tale dato coincide con quanto osservato in altri Odontoceti ed in alcuni Misticeti. Allo stato attuale non è ancora stato dato un chiaro significato funzionale alle cellule gangliari giganti. Un possibile ruolo potrebbe essere quello di condurre, in animali di grossa mole, l'impulso nervoso molto velocemente, grazie alla presenza di un assone provvisto di un diametro notevole. Tale interpretazione non è da tutti accettata in quanto Mammiferi terrestri di grandi dimensioni non presentano nella loro retina neuroni gangliari giganti.
For geographic atrophy (GA) due to age-related macular degeneration (AMD) there is so far no approved treatment option. Usually, increased autofluorescence (AF) levels of different patterns adjacent to the atrophic area indicate lipofuscin-laden retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells at a high risk for apoptosis. Herein, SRT was used to selectively treat these cells to stimulate RPE proliferation, in order to reduce or ideally stop further growth of the atrophic area.
To observe detailed changes in neurosensory retinal structure after anti-VEGF upload in age-related macular degeneration (AMD), by using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT).
Retinal degeneration is followed by significant changes in the structure and function of photoreceptors in humans and several genetic animal models. However, it is not clear whether similar changes occur when the degeneration is induced pharmacologically. Therefore, our aim was to investigate the influence of retinotoxic N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) on the function, morphology and underlying molecular pathways of programmed cell death.
Hyperreflective foci (HFs) are observable within the neurosensory retina in diabetic macular edema (DME) using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). HFs have also been seen in wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), although the origin is still unknown; however, they reduced significantly during anti-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) therapy, and their baseline amount seemed to correlate with treatment success. In this study the behavior of HFs was evaluated during anti-VEGF therapy for DME.
Microglial cells are the resident macrophages of the central nervous system and participate in both innate and adaptive immune responses but can also lead to exacerbation of neurodegenerative pathologies after viral infections. Microglia in the outer layers of the retina and the subretinal space are thought to be involved in retinal diseases where low-grade chronic inflammation and oxidative stress play a role. This study investigated the effect of systemic infection with murine cytomegalovirus on the distribution and dynamics of retinal microglia cells. Systemic infection with murine cytomegalovirus elicited a significant increase in the number of microglia in the subretinal space and an accumulation of iris macrophages, along with morphological signs of activation. Interferon γ (IFN-γ)-deficient mice failed to induce changes in microglia distribution. Bone marrow chimera experiments confirmed that microglial cells in the subretinal space were not recruited from the circulating monocyte pool, but rather represented an accumulation of resident microglial cells from within the retina. Our results demonstrate that a systemic viral infection can lead to IFN-γ-mediated accumulation of microglia into the outer retinal layers and offer proof of concept that systemic viral infections alter the ocular microenvironment and therefore, may influence the course of diseases such as macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, or autoimmune uveitis, where low-grade inflammation is implicated.
Neuroligins (NLs) constitute a family of cell-surface proteins that interact with neurexins (beta-Nxs), another class of neuronal cell-surface proteins, one of each class functioning together in synapse formation. The localization of the various neurexins and neuroligins, however, has not yet been clarified in chicken. Therefore, we studied the expression patterns of neurexin-1 (Nx-1) and neuroligin-1 and -3 during embryonic development of the chick retina and brain by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and in situ hybridization (ISH). While neurexin-1 increased continuously in both brain and retina, the expression of both neuroligins was more variable. As shown by ISH, Nx-1 is expressed in the inner half retina along with differentiation of ganglion and amacrine cells. Transcripts of NL-1 were detected as early as day 4 and increased with the maturation of the different brain regions. In different brain regions, NL-1 showed a different time regulation. Remarkably, neuroligin-3 was entirely absent in retina. This study indicates that synaptogenetic processes in brain and retina use different molecular machineries, whereby the neuroligins might represent the more distinctly regulated part of the neurexin-neuroligin complexes. Noticeably, NL-3 does not seem to be involved in the making of retinal synapses.
Pericyte loss is an early pathologic feature of diabetic retinopathy, consistently present in retinae of diabetic humans and animals. Because pericyte recruitment and endothelial cell survival are controlled, in part, by the angiopoietin/Tie2 ligand/receptor system, we studied the expression of angiopoietin-2 and -1 in relation to the evolution of pericyte loss in diabetic rat retinae, using quantitative retinal morphometry, and in retinae from mice with heterozygous angiopoietin deficiency (Ang-2 LacZ knock-in mice). Finally, recombinant angiopoietin-2 was injected into eyes of nondiabetic rats, and pericyte numbers were quantitated in retinal capillaries. Angiopoietin-1 protein was present in the normal maturing retina and was upregulated 2.5-fold in diabetic retinae over 3 months of diabetes. In contrast, angiopoietin-2 protein was consistently upregulated more than 30-fold in the retinae of diabetic rats, preceding the onset of pericyte loss. Heterozygous angiopoietin-2 deficiency completely prevented diabetes-induced pericyte loss and reduced the number of acellular capillary segments. Injection of angiopoietin-2 into the eyes of normal rats induced a dose-dependent pericyte loss. These data show that upregulation of angiopoietin-2 plays a critical role in the loss of pericytes in the diabetic retina.