215 resultados para Scriptural Archeology


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The article examines Brazilian refined earthenwares known as faianca fina (fine faience) and relates ideas about its production to the contextual backdrop of hygienist discourses in the city of Sao Paulo in the early twentieth century. Based on an analysis of glaze components, moisture expansion processes, and technological aspects of the production of earthenware recovered from the Petybon archeological site, it is suggested that the establishment of factories and the production and consumption of white ceramics in the city of Sao Paulo were partially a consequence of the vigorous hygienization policies and modernity projects then advocated by Sao Paulo's elites.


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[ES] En el presente artículo se estudia la gestión del patrimonio arqueológico en la provincia de Las Palmas durante la etapa del Comisariado de Excavaciones Arqueológicas (1939- 1955) y del Servicio Nacional de Excavaciones Arqueológicas (1955-1969), en la que destacó la figura de Sebastián Jiménez Sánchez como responsable de estas tareas en las Canarias orientales. Se presta especial atención a las relaciones existentes entre Jiménez Sánchez y El Museo Canario, institución que hasta el inicio de la dictadura franquista había monopolizado el estudio de los restos arqueológicos prehispánicos de Canarias.


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Purpose of this research is to deepen the study on the section in architecture. The survey aims as important elements in the project Teatro Domestico by Aldo Rossi built for the XVII Triennale di Milano in 1986 and, through the implementation on several topics of architecture, verify the timeliness and fertility in the new compositional exercises. Through the study of certain areas of the Rossi’s theory we tried to find a common thread for the reading of the theater project. The theater is the place of the ephemeral and the artificial, which is why his destiny is the end and the fatal loss. The design and construction of theater setting has always had a double meaning between the value of civil architecture and testing of new technologies available. Rossi's experience in this area are clear examples of the inseparable relationship between the representation of architecture as art and design of architecture as a model of reality. In the Teatro Domestico, the distinction between representation and the real world is constantly canceled and returned through the reversal of the meaning and through the skip of scale. At present, studies conducted on the work of Rossi concern the report that the architectural composition is the theory of form, focusing compositional development of a manufacturing process between the typological analysis and form invention. The research, through the analysis of some projects few designs, will try to analyze this issue through the rules of composition both graphical and concrete construction, hoping to decipher the mechanism underlying the invention. The almost total lack of published material on the project Teatro Domestico and the opportunity to visit the archives that preserve the drawings, has allowed the author of this study to deepen the internal issues in the project, thus placing this search as a first step toward possible further analysis on the works of Rossi linked to performance world. The final aim is therefore to produce material that can best describe the work of Rossi. Through the reading of the material published by the same author and the vision of unpublished material preserved in the archives, it was possible to develop new material and increasing knowledge about the work, otherwise difficult to analyze. The research is divided into two groups. The first, taking into account the close relationship most frequently mentioned by Rossi himself between archeology and architectural composition, stresses the importance of tipo such as urban composition reading system as well as open tool of invention. Resuming Ezio Bonfanti’s essay on the work of the architect we wanted to investigate how the paratactic method is applied to the early work conceived and, subsequently as the process reaches a complexity accentuated, while keeping stable the basic terms. Following a brief introduction related to the concept of the section and the different interpretations that over time the term had, we tried to identify with this facility a methodology for reading Rossi’s projects. The result is a constant typological interpretation of the term, not only related to the composition in plant but also through the elevation plans. The section is therefore intended as the overturning of such elevation is marked on the same plane of the terms used, there is a different approach, but a similarity of characters. The identification of architectural phonemes allows comparison with other arts. The research goes in the direction of language trying to identify the relationship between representation and construction, between the ephemeral and the real world. In this sense it will highlight the similarities between the graphic material produced by Ross and some important examples of contemporary author. The comparison between the composition system with the surrealist world of painting and literature will facilitate the understanding and identification of possible rules applied by Rossi. The second part of the research is characterized by a focus on the intent of the project chosen. Teatro Domestico embodies a number of elements that seem to conclude (assuming an end point but also to start) a curriculum author. With it, the experiments carried out on the theater started with the project for the Teatrino Scientifico (1978) through the project for the Teatro del Mondo (1979), into a Laic Tabernacle representative collective and private memory of the city. Starting from a reading of the draft, through the collection of published material, we’ve made an analysis on the explicit themes of the work, finding the conceptual references. Following the taking view of the original materials not published kept at Aldo Rossi's Archive Collection of the Canadian Center for Architecture in Montréal, will be implemented through the existing techniques for digital representation, a virtual reconstruction of the project, adding little to the material, a new element for future studies. The reconstruction is part of a larger research studies where the current technologies of composition and representation in architecture stand side by side with research on the method of composition of this architect. The results achieved are in addition to experiences in the past dealt with the reconstruction of some of the lost works of Aldo Rossi. A partial objective is to reactivate a discourse around this work is considered non-principal, among others born in the prolific activities. Reassessment of development projects which would bring the level of ephemeral works most frequented by giving them the value earned. In conclusion, the research aims to open a new field of interest on the part not only as a technical instrument of representation of an idea but as an actual mechanism through which composition is formed and the idea is developed.


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Pistoia rientra a buon diritto, nel quadro della Toscana medievale, in quella rete di centri urbani di antica origine e tradizione diocesana che riuscirono a costruire, nella dialettica fra città e territorio, un organismo politico autonomo, il comune cittadino. La ricerca prende in considerazione i resti materiali delle strutture conservate nel tessuto urbano attuale, in particolare l'edilizia civile, prediligendo la cosiddetta “edilizia minore”, ovvero gli edifici residenziali non monumentali che, proprio per questo motivo, sono generalmente poco conosciuti. Le strutture, censite ed inserite in una piattaforma GIS (Arpenteur), sono analizzate con metodo archeologico al fine di distinguere le diverse fasi costruttive, medievali e post-medievali, con cui sono giunte fino ad oggi. L'analisi stratigrafica, effettuata su rilievi realizzati mediante modellazione 3D (Photomodeler), ha permesso di costruire un primo “atlante” delle tipologie murarie medievali della città: i tipi murari assumono quindi la funzione di indicatori cronologici degli edifici analizzati. I dati stratigrafici, uniti al dato topologico dei complessi architettonici (localizzati prevalentemente nel centro storico, all'interno del circuito murario della metà del XII secolo), hanno fornito informazioni sia per quanto riguarda l'aspetto materiale degli edifici di abitazione (forma, dimensioni, materiali) sia per quanto riguarda temi di topografia storica (viabilità maggiore e minore, formazione dei borghi, orizzonte sociale degli abitanti, distribuzione della proprietà), nel periodo della “parabola” della Pistoia comunale (XII-XIII secolo). In conclusione, la ricerca vuole essere sia uno strumento di analisi per la storia delle trasformazioni delle città nel periodo comunale, sia uno strumento di conoscenza e tutela di un patrimonio storico-archeologico che, per la sua natura non-monumentale spesso sfugge all'attenzione di amministratori ed urbanisti.


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In August 1977 excavation was conducted at the Big Creek Lake site -24RA34- at the outlet of the 91g Creek Lakes, Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area, Ravalli County, Montana. The site contained shallow, disturbed deposits and lacks any statisgraphic separation. One of these occupations was identified by a projectile point type not previously reported from the area. This was termed Big Creek Corner Notched and its temporal affiliation is not precisely known. Comparative material from Colorado and Alberta suggest either Early Archaic or Late Archaic affiliation. The occupations exemplified by Big Creek Corner Notched points and by Pelican Lake-Elko points (Late Archaic 1000 B.B – A.D. 200) were the most prevalent at the site. Less intensive occupations are by ·Middle Plains Archaic McKean points and Late Prehistoric small side notche arrow points. Microscopic analysis of tool working edges shows several of the projectile point forms were used as multi-functional implements. especially as butchering tools. Many of the types of chipped stone recovered from the site are from known sources in western Montana; indicating group movements within the eastern portion of the Intermountain region. Based on the numerous projectile points and cutting tools, the site is interpreted as a seasonally occupied base camp for hunters.


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Ataulla Bajazitov (1846-1911) fulfilled a social double role by serving his Tatar community in St. Petersburg as imam and the Russian state as military Muslim ‘cleric’, translator and teacher. By founding Russia’s first monolingual Tatar newspaper, initiating St. Petersburg’s first Friday mosque and presenting scriptural and rational arguments for the compatibility of Islam and the modern Civilization to a Russian-speaking public as early as 1883, he has been a pioneer among the Muslims in Russia in several respects. In contrast though to similar activities of his Russian contemporary, the Krim Tatar Ismail Gasprinskii (1851-1914), Bajazitov’s endeavours have remained almost unnoticed in Western scholarship. Also in Tatarstan, his books have been only recently reprinted. The present study analyzes Bajazitov’s three monographs written in Russian, namely A Response to Ernest Renan’s lecture “Islam and Science” (1883), The Relationship of Islam towards Science and People of Different Faith (1887) and Islam and Progress (1898). There, he exposes many positions that around that time started to become key arguments of Muslim reformers in the Near East for the progressivness of Islam. The study takes also into account reactions to Bajazitov’s monographs by Russian officers in Tashkent who tried to demonstrate the backwardness of Islam, especially Nikolai Petrovič Ostroumov’s (1846-1930) response in his book entitled Quran and Progress – On the intellectual awakening of today’s Russian Muslims (1901/1903).


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El análisis literario permite distinguir la presencia de una voz femenina por toda la obra de Manuel Puig. El personaje que la expresa en Cae la noche tropical es Nidia. Desde el enfoque de la crítica genética fue posible observar en los materiales escriturales la configuración de esa voz y su relación con los lugares comunes -rasgo ya señalado como recurrente en la poética de este novelista por la crítica literaria-, así como el proceso por el cual logra fugarse del rol esperado y el cliché


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En este artículo se presentan algunas reflexiones desarrolladas en Argentina sobre los aportes de la genética textual o crítica genética (Lois, 2001, 2005; Goldchluk, 2009, 2010) a los estudios de literatura comparada. Desde esta perspectiva que propone un trabajo con el proceso de escritura, la comparación entre diferentes estadios textuales resulta decisiva; a su vez, el abordaje de una génesis escritural requiere consideraciones teóricas y metodológicas para delimitar el dossier genético (Lois, 2001) en torno a una obra analizada. A su vez, esta perspectiva considera que la obra no sólo es el estadio édito de un texto sino aquello que sucede entre los diferentes estadios textuales. El modo de lectura que puede desprenderse de este enfoque permite encontrar en una obra diferentes núcleos de análisis que pueden leerse de modo transversal en diferentes instancias textuales, por lo cual se puede efectuar una lectura que denominaremos "constelada". Para abordar estas ideas, recurriremos al análisis de la pieza teatral de Peter Shaffer, el cual se enmarca dentro de una investigación actual sobre su génesis. Nos concentraremos en la intertextualidad como problema teórico y la aparición de diferentes motivos en la obra así como las formas en que se retroalimentan


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El presente artículo busca comprender cómo el concepto de paisaje se transforma desde su producción y discusión académica hasta su adaptación por parte del Estado; y seguidamente, cómo este concepto termina siendo aplicado en el territorio, a través de la práctica de diversos profesionales interesados en el mismo. Para ello, se parte de algunas definiciones desarrolladas por diversas disciplinas: geografía, antropología, arqueología, ecología, agronomía y arquitectura, especificando sus puntos de interés; y se hace una comparación entre sus propuestas y la forma en la que estos conceptos son adoptados por el Estado, específicamente por medio de los denominados "términos de referencia". Posteriormente, se analiza cómo estos conceptos y metodologías son llevados a la práctica por profesionales que se desempeñan en diferentes empresas de consultoría, muchas veces sin considerar la forma en la que los habitantes locales entienden y viven el paisaje desde sus territorios. Concluyo que existe una evidente necesidad de construir puentes entre la academia, el Estado, la población y la empresa, a través de la práctica profesional y sobre la necesidad de reconocer la forma como los habitantes locales viven el concepto desde sus territorios. Solo así se logrará generar verdaderos impactos que se reflejen en una mejor calidad de vida de los habitantes


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El análisis literario permite distinguir la presencia de una voz femenina por toda la obra de Manuel Puig. El personaje que la expresa en Cae la noche tropical es Nidia. Desde el enfoque de la crítica genética fue posible observar en los materiales escriturales la configuración de esa voz y su relación con los lugares comunes -rasgo ya señalado como recurrente en la poética de este novelista por la crítica literaria-, así como el proceso por el cual logra fugarse del rol esperado y el cliché


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En este artículo se presentan algunas reflexiones desarrolladas en Argentina sobre los aportes de la genética textual o crítica genética (Lois, 2001, 2005; Goldchluk, 2009, 2010) a los estudios de literatura comparada. Desde esta perspectiva que propone un trabajo con el proceso de escritura, la comparación entre diferentes estadios textuales resulta decisiva; a su vez, el abordaje de una génesis escritural requiere consideraciones teóricas y metodológicas para delimitar el dossier genético (Lois, 2001) en torno a una obra analizada. A su vez, esta perspectiva considera que la obra no sólo es el estadio édito de un texto sino aquello que sucede entre los diferentes estadios textuales. El modo de lectura que puede desprenderse de este enfoque permite encontrar en una obra diferentes núcleos de análisis que pueden leerse de modo transversal en diferentes instancias textuales, por lo cual se puede efectuar una lectura que denominaremos "constelada". Para abordar estas ideas, recurriremos al análisis de la pieza teatral de Peter Shaffer, el cual se enmarca dentro de una investigación actual sobre su génesis. Nos concentraremos en la intertextualidad como problema teórico y la aparición de diferentes motivos en la obra así como las formas en que se retroalimentan


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El presente artículo busca comprender cómo el concepto de paisaje se transforma desde su producción y discusión académica hasta su adaptación por parte del Estado; y seguidamente, cómo este concepto termina siendo aplicado en el territorio, a través de la práctica de diversos profesionales interesados en el mismo. Para ello, se parte de algunas definiciones desarrolladas por diversas disciplinas: geografía, antropología, arqueología, ecología, agronomía y arquitectura, especificando sus puntos de interés; y se hace una comparación entre sus propuestas y la forma en la que estos conceptos son adoptados por el Estado, específicamente por medio de los denominados "términos de referencia". Posteriormente, se analiza cómo estos conceptos y metodologías son llevados a la práctica por profesionales que se desempeñan en diferentes empresas de consultoría, muchas veces sin considerar la forma en la que los habitantes locales entienden y viven el paisaje desde sus territorios. Concluyo que existe una evidente necesidad de construir puentes entre la academia, el Estado, la población y la empresa, a través de la práctica profesional y sobre la necesidad de reconocer la forma como los habitantes locales viven el concepto desde sus territorios. Solo así se logrará generar verdaderos impactos que se reflejen en una mejor calidad de vida de los habitantes