749 resultados para Science and Mathematics education
In a world where technology is ever present and ever changing, is too much technology at too young of an age detrimental to a child’s educational success? The purpose of this paper is to share the results of a four-month study that focused on the use of calculators in grade eight. This study was conducted in an eighth grade class, in a small kindergarten through twelfth grade school. This paper will share the findings of a study of a classroom in which calculator use was limited and mental computation was emphasized. The main focus of this study was whether or not there would be any improvement in the computation skills of my students and how, or if, their problem solving would be affected. As a result of this research project, I plan to permanently limit calculator use in grades seven and eight, as well as to implement a computational review that will be conducted yearly with all of my classes.
In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade mathematics students, I investigated if learning different problem solving strategies helped students successfully solve problems. I also investigated if students’ knowledge of the topics involved in story problems had an impact on students’ success rates. I discovered that students were more successful after learning different problem solving strategies and when given problems with which they have experience. I also discovered that students put forth a greater effort when they approach the story problem like a game, instead of just being another math problem that they have to solve. An unexpected result was that the students’ degree of effort had a major impact on their success rate. As a result of this research, I plan to continue to focus on problem solving strategies in my classes. I also plan to improve my methods on getting students’ full effort in class.
In this action research study of my two high school geometry classrooms, I investigated the use of homework. By changing the focus on homework away from the answers to the process involved in getting the answers, I found that students felt more confident, utilized their class time better, and placed more effort on complex problems. Their questions also became more specific and more effective for finding gaps in their understanding. As a result of this research, I plan to change my strategy in the practice of homework. I will give students the answers on multi-step problems to allow them the opportunity to utilize problem solving and critical thinking skills to gain practice in autonomous learning.
In this action research study of my freshmen Algebra I class, I investigated a method of assessing homework based on completion and presentations. When I changed the method of grading from checking answers to looking for completion and presentation of selected problems, I found that the majority of the students enjoyed the method because it allowed them to explore other methods of solving and helped them gain an understanding of the problems. This resulted in less stress on obtaining “the” answer. I also realized that I viewed homework differently and had a better understanding of the students’ thought processes, which caused me to check tests differently. These results led to a better relationship between the students and myself. As a result of this research, I plan to change my methods of assessing homework from the traditional right or wrong to a rubric assessment based on presentations and completion of the assignment.
In this action research study of my classroom of 7th grade students, enrolled in Pre- Algebra (an 8th grade course), I investigated: rate of homework completion when not taken as part of the academic grade, cognizant self-assessment and its affect on mastery of objectives, and use of self-assessment to guide instruction and re-teaching of classroom objectives. I learned that without sufficient accountability homework completion rates drop with time. Similarly, students can be overconfident in their abilities but unmoved when their summative reports do not match their initial perceived formative benchmarks. Finally, due in part to our society’s reactive nature; students find it more practical to play catch-up rather than staying caught up. As a result of this research, I plan to create, with the help of the students, an accountability statute to help students stay caught up with their understanding of the objectives, as well as allow additional time and energy spent by both student and teacher to react in a timely manner to complete student knowledge within a day or two rather than a week or two later.
In this action research study of my classroom of sixth grade mathematics, I investigated word problems. I discovered that my students did not like to try word problems because they did not understand what was being asked of them. My students also saw no reason for solving word problems or in having the ability to solve them. I used word problems that covered topics that were familiar to the students and that covered the skills necessary at the sixth grade level. I wanted to deepen their understanding of math and its importance. By having my students journal to me about the steps that they had taken along the way to solve the word problem I was able to see where confusion occurred. Consequently I was able to help clarify where my students made mistakes. Also, through writing down the steps taken, students did see more clearly where their errors took place. Each time that my students wrote their explanations to the steps that they used in solving the word problems they did solved them more easily. As I observed my students they took more time in writing their explanations and did not look at it as such a difficult task anymore.
In this action research study of my classroom of 10th grade geometry students, I investigated how students learn to communicate mathematics in a written form. The purpose of the study is to encourage students to express their mathematical thinking clearly by developing their communication skills. I discovered that although students struggled with the writing assignments, they were more comfortable with making comments, writing questions and offering suggestions through their journal rather than vocally in class. I have utilized teaching strategies for English Language Learners, but I had never asked the students if these strategies actually improved their learning. I have high expectations, and have not changed that, but I soon learned that I did not want to start the development of students’ written communication skills by having the students write a math solution. I began having my students write after teaching them to take notes and modeling it for them. Through entries in the journals, I learned how taking notes best helped them in their pursuit of mathematical knowledge. As a result of this research, I plan to use journals more in each of my classes, not just a select class. I also better understand the importance of stressing that students take notes, showing them how to do that, and the reasons notes best help English Language Learners.
In this action research study of my calculus classroom consisting of only 12th grade students, I investigated activities that would affect a student’s understanding of mathematical language. The goal in examining these activities in a systematic way was to see if a student’s deeper understanding of math terms and symbols resulted in a better understanding of the mathematical concepts being taught. I discovered that some students will rise to the challenge of understanding mathematics more deeply, and some will not. In the process of expecting more from students, the frustration level of both the students and the teacher increased. As a result of this research, I plan to see what other activities will enhance the understanding of mathematical language.
In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade mathematics, I investigated the influence of vocabulary instruction on students’ understanding of the mathematics concepts. I discovered that knowing the meaning of the vocabulary did play a major role in the students’ understanding of the daily lessons and the ability to take tests. Understanding the vocabulary and the concepts allowed the students to be successful on their daily assignments, chapter tests, and standardized achievement tests. I also discovered that using different vocabulary teaching strategies enhanced equity in my classroom among diverse learners. The knowledge of the math vocabulary increased my students’ confidence levels, which in turn increased their daily and test scores. As a result of this research, I plan to find ways to incorporate the vocabulary teaching strategies I have used into current math curriculum. I will start this process at the beginning of the next school year, and will continue looking for new strategies that will promote math vocabulary retention.
In this action research study of my classroom of Algebra 2 students, I investigated the confidence levels and communication skills of these students. I discovered that students who have higher confidence levels are comfortable in their classroom situations. The students with increased levels of confidence also have more open communication with those they respect. As a result of this research, I plan to continue with the implementation of communication skills. I will also look to next school year as a place to start executing a plan to be more available and involved in the active learning process of my students.
In this action research study of my 7th grade math class, I investigated the inclusion of homework presentations to see if they would improve students’ attitude toward mathematics, participation, and understanding. I discovered that although the implementations of presentations into our homework routine did not drastically influence grades, or even improve attitudes (according to test grades and student surveys), a multitude of other changes surfaced. These changes consisted of an increase in discussion, a team effort among students in my class, and an overall “learning community” effect. I plan to continue to pursue presentations as a major part of my homework routine, and also incorporate presentations into review sessions.
In this action research study of my 7th grade math class, I investigated homework presentations, to see if they would reduce the amount of late homework assignments. I did not find any significant results that weekly presentations given by students were beneficial to reduce the amount of late assignments, but found many other positive things that happened because of presentations. As a result of this research, I plan to use classroom presentations because they foster listening skills and student interaction, and promote deeper thinking.
In this action research study of my classroom of 8th grade mathematics, I investigated the effect of reviewing basic fraction and decimal skills on student achievement and student readiness for freshman Algebra. I also investigated the effect on the quality of student work, with regards to legibility by having students grade each other’s work anonymously. I discovered that students need basic skill review with fractions and decimals, and by the end of the research their scores improved. However, their handwriting had not. At the end of the research, a majority of the students felt the review was important, and they were ready to take math next year in high school. As a result of this research, I plan to implement weekly fraction and decimal review assignments in all middle school grades: 6th, 7th, and 8th. In addition, fraction and decimals must be incorporated into daily assignments, where appropriate, in order to encourage students to retain these skills.
In this action research study of my sixth grade mathematics class, I investigated the influence a change in my questioning tactics would have on students’ ability to determine answer reasonability to mathematics problems. During the course of my research, students were asked to explain their problem solving and solutions. Students, amongst themselves, discussed solutions given by their peers and the reasonability of those solutions. They also completed daily questionnaires that inquired about my questioning practices, and 10 students were randomly chosen to be interviewed regarding their problem solving strategies. I discovered that by placing more emphasis on the process rather than the product, students became used to questioning problem solving strategies and explaining their reasoning. I plan to maintain this practice in the future while incorporating more visual and textual explanations to support verbal explanations.
In this action research study of recent graduates from my district, I investigated their level of readiness for college-level mathematics courses. I discovered that the students have a wide variety of experiences in college. There are many factors that determine success in college mathematics courses. These factors include size of college, private or public, university or community college. Other factors include students’ choice of major, maturity level, and work ethic. As a result of this research, I plan to raise the individual expectations in my classroom. It is our duty as high school educators to prepare the students for a wide variety of experiences in college. We cannot control where the students attend college or what they study. High schools need to prepare the students for all possibilities and ensure that they have a solid knowledge of the baseline mathematics skills.