946 resultados para Scale not given.None


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Mittels eines Methodenexperiments mit zwei randomisierten Versuchsgruppen (N jeweils 200) und einer Kontrollgruppe (N=200) wird untersucht, ob und in welchem Ausmaß Geschenke bei einer postalischen Befragung zur Erhöhung der Ausschöpfungsquote beitragen. Es zeigt sich, dass ein versprochenes Geschenk (Telefonkarte im Wert von 10 Schweizer Franken) die Ausschöpfungsquote nicht erhöht, während ein dem Fragebogen beigelegtes Geschenk zu einem Anstieg der Quote um zirka 10 Prozentpunkte führt. Die Befunde stehen in Einklang mit der Reziprozitätshypothese, derzufolge Vorleistungen von vielen Personen auch dann honoriert werden, wenn die reziproke Handlung nicht dem unmittelbaren Eigeninteresse eines Akteurs entspricht.


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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, asthma and pulmonary tuberculosis are common pulmonary diseases that are caused or worsened by tobacco smoking. Growing observational evidence suggests that symptoms and prognosis of these conditions improve upon smoking cessation. Despite increasing numbers of (small) randomised controlled trials suggesting intensive smoking cessation treatments work in people with pulmonary diseases many patients are not given specific advice on the benefits or referred for intensive cessation treatments and, therefore, continue smoking. This is a qualitative review regarding smoking cessation in patients with COPD and other pulmonary disorders, written by a group of European Respiratory Society experts. We describe the epidemiological links between smoking and pulmonary disorders, the evidence for benefits of stopping smoking, how best to assess tobacco dependence and what interventions currently work best to help pulmonary patients quit. Finally, we describe characteristics and management of any "hardcore" smoker who finds it difficult to quit with standard approaches.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an HIV-screening program at a private health-care institution where the providers were trained to counsel pregnant women about the HIV-antibody test according to the latest recommendations made by the U.S. Public Health Service (PHS) and the Texas legislature. A before-and-after study design was selected for the study. The participants were OB/GYN nurses who attended an educational program and the patients they counseled about the HIV test. Training improved the nurses' overall knowledge about the content of the program and nurses were more likely to offer the HIV test to all pregnant women regardless of their risk of infection. Still, contrary to what was predicted, the nurses did not give more information to increase the knowledge pregnant women had about HIV infection, transmission, and available treatments. Consequently, many women were not given the chance to correctly assess their risk during the counseling session and there was no evidence that knowledge would reduce the propensity of many women to deny being at risk for HIV. On the other hand, pregnant women who received prenatal care after the implementation of the HIV-screening program were more likely to be tested than women who received prenatal care before its implementation (96% vs. 48%); in turn, the likelihood that more high-risk women would be tested for HIV also increased (94% vs. 60%). There was no evidence that mandatory testing with right of refusal would deter women from being tested for HIV. When the moment comes for a woman to make her decision, other concerns are more important to her than whether the option to be tested is mandatory or not. The majority of pregnant women indicated that their main reasons for being tested were: (a) the recommendation of their health-care provider; and (b) concern about the risks to their babies. Recommending that all pregnant women be tested regardless of their risk of infection, together with making the HIV test readily available to all women, are probably the two best ways of increasing the patients' participation in an HIV-screening program for pregnant women. ^


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Este artículo se ocupa del empleo de bajos ingresos (EBI), entendiéndose por tal al trabajo asalariado cuya remuneración se sitúa por debajo de determinados umbrales. Los umbrales considerados aquí fueron el Salario Mínimo Vital y Móvil y la mitad del ingreso promedio de los trabajadores asalariados de jornada completa. Con datos de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares de la Argentina para el período 2003-2010, se ha determinado la magnitud del EBI, las diferencias entre las ciudades cubiertas por la encuesta, la asociación del EBI con otras variables y, por último, sus microdeterminantes. Entre las conclusiones más relevantes se pueden mencionar las siguientes: el EBI afecta, en todo el país, a un rango que va del 16 al 26 de los trabajadores asalariados; es muy dispar por ciudad de residencia; está fuertemente asociado a la incidencia del trabajo no registrado; y, a pesar del fuerte aumento de la registración entre 2003 y 2010, no ha cedido en la misma proporción que la informalidad.


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Este trabajo examina los marcos epistémicos y su modus operandi sobre los modelos explicativos en la psicología del desarrollo. En primer lugar, los rasgos del marco epistémico de la escisión y su intervención en el modo ?legítimo? de explicar las competencias, habilidades y funciones psicológicas. En segundo lugar, se muestran las dificultades de dicho modelo, aún predominante entre los investigadores, cuando se pretende dar cuenta de la emergencia de comportamientos, sistemas conceptuales y funciones que son estrictamente novedosas, esto es, que no están dadas dentro del aparato mental ni fuera del propio proceso. En tercer lugar, se exploran las características de una explicación sistémica para dichas novedades, enmarcándola en una ontología y una epistemología relacional. Se identifican las características del modelo sistémico y se evalúa su eficacia respecto de la emergencia de sistemas conceptuales y funciones psicológicas nuevas en el desarrollo. Finalmente, se identifican dos versiones de dicha explicación: el sistema complejo del constructivismo y la perspectiva vigotskyana de la explicación, estableciendo una fuerte diferencia respecto de un sistema de interacciones no dialéctico