868 resultados para Savela, Ari: Hostile takeovers and directors


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While the development of undergraduate generic skills has become a significant issue in universities in Australia and the UK, identifying research higher degree students' generic attributes have been ignored until recently. This paper reviews the list of generic skills the Council of Australian Deans and Directory of Graduate Studies would like research students to develop. A number of approaches that seek to develop research students' generic attributes are explored, including an innovative learning partnership between the Australian Technology Network (ATN) Deans and Directors of Graduate Studies (DDOGS), working on, among other things, a series of online generic skills modules for ATN research students that will cover topics such as project management, entrepreneurship, leadership and communication, technological and commercial development and understanding public policy.


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O presente trabalho aborda a questão da Gestão de Talentos humanos nas organizações, o principal objetivo do trabalho foi pesquisar através da perspectiva dos gestores o que são os talentos nas organizações e a melhor maneira de gerenciá-los. A pesquisa trata-se de um estudo exploratório qualitativo dividido em pesquisa bibliográfica e estudo de campo por meio de entrevistas com líderes de empresas (gerentes e diretores) com o intuito de entender o processo da gestão de talentos nas organizações estudadas. Os principais resultados da pesquisa apontam a necessidade de humanizar o ambiente de trabalho para obter o real talento das pessoas.(AU)


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O objetivo deste estudo é analisar a crítica cinematográfica durante o período chamado de Retomada do cinema nacional. Foram escolhidos os maiores veículos de circulação da região Sudeste do País, os jornais O Globo (Rio de Janeiro), Folha de S.Paulo e O Estado de S.Paulo (São Paulo) e a revista Veja para fazer uma análise de conteúdo das críticas das seis maiores bilheterias da Retomada para, em seguida, conferir a recepção das mesmas pelos diretores desses filmes, por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A intenção é analisar quais conflitos permeiam a relação entre os críticos de cinema e os cineastas, a fim de contribuir para o melhor entendimento do trabalho de dois elementos dos mais importantes da área de cinema. O confronto do material da análise com as entrevistas confirmou a hipótese da existência de conflitos de valores e opiniões entre os dois lados e permitiu identificar pré-julgamentos, simpatias e antipatias, análises emotivas e não-fundamentadas de alguns críticos e cineastas, mas também opiniões e valores fundamentados de outros, demonstrando uma rica diversidade que não se encaixa em uma única definição.(AU)


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Através de pesquisa qualitativa, com estudo de caso descritivo sobre a Casa de Cinema de Porto Alegre, o objetivo do projeto é analisar se o cinema produzido no Rio Grande do Sul desenvolve características próprias ou regionais e observar se a identidade regional gaúcha é retratada nas produções cinematográficas. A Casa de Cinema de Porto Alegre é uma das maiores empresas produtoras e distribuidoras de cinema do Rio Grande do Sul. Situada na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS, a Casa de Cinema foi criada em dezembro de 1987 por um grupo de cineastas gaúchos. Estes trabalhavam em cinema desde o início dos anos 80, e ainda atuam no mercado cinematográfico brasileiro. Para esta análise, optou-se por um recorte na filmografia entre 1981 a 2001, por ser este, segundo críticos, pesquisadores e diretores de cinema do Rio Grande do Sul, um período de adaptações e transformações dentro do cinema gaúcho.(AU)


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In a linguistic context where it seems the entire world is only interested in learning English, it is worth considering the idea of whether French still has a place in Mexico. In spite of the predominance of English, there is nevertheless a feeling that French remains alive in Mexico, and indeed in certain areas has retained its strength and appeal. This hypothesis was to put to the test by exploring the current linguistic environment prevalent in the state of Veracruz. An investigation in the form of questionnaires and interviews of all those connected to the teaching of French (including students, teachers and employees and directors of language schools) shows that the desire of the Mexican government of promoting English for everyone is not necessarily consistent with the desire and expectations of the general populace. This in turn suggest the need of adopting a policy that enables us not only to take into consideration what people seem to be telling us regarding the learning of foreign learning but also of what they are not telling us. If the teaching and learning of French as a foreign language remains strong in Veracruz, it is explained much more by the long and friendly relationship that people in the state have had with French people (and their culture) than it is by any instrumental needs of learning their language. This is seen in the fact that students here consistently describe their motivation for learning French from an emotional or affective standpoint rather than from professional one. It seems that the ties between the Mexican and French people remain solid. Another interesting characteristic of students of French in Veracruz is the positive attitude they seem to have regarding languages in general, which in turn enables them to take further advantage of the benefits made available from globalization. In reality, there exists no rivalry between French and English and therefore it is unnecessary to adopt measures that would address such struggle. It is however a matter of great urgency that authorities in the arenas of politics and academia take a closer look at the policies they design regarding the study of foreign languages in general, and that they consider, specifically, a wholly alternative to the one language model of teaching and learning of foreign language – in this case English-, a model that for all intents and purposes has failed. In the midst of a globalized world, and during this current period of increased linguistic activity, the aforementioned assertions serve not only to support my initial hypothesis, but also to help shake off the dust of some out-dated belief systems and lay down the framework for a new, better informed and well thought-out policy of foreign languages planning.


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Objectives - Powdered and granulated particulate materials make up most of the ingredients of pharmaceuticals and are often at risk of undergoing unwanted agglomeration, or caking, during transport or storage. This is particularly acute when bulk powders are exposed to extreme swings in temperature and relative humidity, which is now common as drugs are produced and administered in increasingly hostile climates and are stored for longer periods of time prior to use. This study explores the possibility of using a uniaxial unconfined compression test to compare the strength of caked agglomerates exposed to different temperatures and relative humidities. This is part of a longer-term study to construct a protocol to predict the caking tendency of a new bulk material from individual particle properties. The main challenge is to develop techniques that provide repeatable results yet are presented simply enough to be useful to a wide range of industries. Methods - Powdered sucrose, a major pharmaceutical ingredient, was poured into a split die and exposed to high and low relative humidity cycles at room temperature. The typical ranges were 20–30% for the lower value and 70–80% for the higher value. The outer die casing was then removed and the resultant agglomerate was subjected to an unconfined compression test using a plunger fitted to a Zwick compression tester. The force against displacement was logged so that the dynamics of failure as well as the failure load of the sample could be recorded. The experimental matrix included varying the number of cycles, the amount between the maximum and minimum relative humidity, the height and diameters of the samples, the number of cycles and the particle size. Results - Trends showed that the tensile strength of the agglomerates increased with the number of cycles and also with the more extreme swings in relative humidity. This agrees with previous work on alternative methods of measuring the tensile strength of sugar agglomerates formed from humidity cycling (Leaper et al 2003). Conclusions - The results show that at the very least the uniaxial tester is a good comparative tester to examine the caking tendency of powdered materials, with a simple arrangement and operation that are compatible with the requirements of industry. However, further work is required to continue to optimize the height/ diameter ratio during tests.


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Louis Proyect documents the role of corporate decision-making and profit in the undermining of ostensibly "independent" cinema. He focues on Miramax and its history of tampering with the work of writers and directors.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.


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General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.