985 resultados para Sandwich plates
Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin hitsaamalla valmistettavan kerrossihtilevyn soveltuvuutta eri sellutehtaan laitteisiin mekaanisen kuormituskokeen, korroosiokokeen ja syrjäytyskokeiden avulla. Tutkimusympäristönä käytettiin puukuitupesuria, sillä kerrossihtilevyrakenteen todennäköisimpiä käyttökohteita ovat erilaiset massan pesuun tarkoitetut laitteet. Mekaanisen kuormituksen kokeessa tarkasteltiin kerrossihtilevyn staattista ja dynaamista kuormituksen kestoa painevaihteluiden avulla pesurin koelokerossa ja verrattiin sitä porattuun reikälevyyn. Kokeessa käytetyn kerrossihtilevyversion todettiin olevan huomattavasti porattua saman paksuista reikälevyä heikompi dynaamisen kuormituksen alaisena. Syrjäytyskokeilla määritettiin syrjäytysnopeus erilaisilla reiänhalkaisijoilla ja –jaoilla sekä tutkittiin väriaineen avulla sokeiden tukikannasten vaikutusta syrjäytyspesun homogeenisuuteen levyn pinnassa. Syrjäytysnopeuden todettiin heikentyvän vapaan reikäpinta-alan pienentyessä. Väriaineellisissa kokeissa ei havaittu tukikannasten merkittävästi alentavan syrjäytysnopeutta. Korroosiokokeilla tutkittiin ja vertailtiin laser- ja vastuspistehitsien korroosionkestokykyä kloridipitoisissa olosuhteissa lämpötilan säätelyn mahdollistavan olosuhdekaapin avulla. Laserhitsauksessa parametrien ei havaittu vaikuttavan merkittävästi hitsin herkistymislämpötilaan. Vastuspistehitsaamalla on mahdollista saavuttaa laserhitsien korroosionkesto.
A method to detect Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) based on reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was developed using primers ASGV4F-ASGV4R targeting the viral replicase gene, followed by a sandwich hybridisation, in microtiter plates, for colorimetric detection of the PCR products. The RT-PCR was performed with the Titan™ RT-PCR system, using AMV and diluted crude extracts of apple (Malus domestica) leaf or bark for the first strand synthesis and a mixture of Taq and PWO DNA polymerase for the PCR step. The RT-PCR products is hybridised with both a biotin-labelled capture probe linked to a streptavidin-coated microtiter plate and a digoxigenin (DIG)-labelled detection probe. The complex was detected with an anti-DIG conjugate labelled with alkaline phosphatase. When purified ASGV was added to extracts of plant tissue, as little as 400 fg of the virus was detected with this method. The assay with ASGV4F-ASGV4R primers specifically detected the virus in ASGV-infected apple trees from different origins, whereas no signal was observed with amplification products obtained with primers targeting the coat protein region of the ASGV genome or with primers specific for Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus (ACLSV) and Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV). The technique combines the power of PCR to increase the number of copies of the targeted gene, the specificity of DNA hybridization, and the ease of colorimetric detection and sample handling in microplates.
This work presents a geometric nonlinear dynamic analysis of plates and shells using eight-node hexahedral isoparametric elements. The main features of the present formulation are: (a) the element matrices are obtained using reduced integrations with hourglass control; (b) an explicit Taylor-Galerkin scheme is used to carry out the dynamic analysis, solving the corresponding equations of motion in terms of velocity components; (c) the Truesdell stress rate tensor is used; (d) the vector processor facilities existing in modern supercomputers were used. The results obtained are comparable with previous solutions in terms of accuracy and computational performance.
Tässä työssä tutkittiin uumajäykistettyä sandwich-rakennetta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää kuormitetulle uumajäykistetylle sandwich-elementille taipuman analyyttinen laskentamenetelmä. Sellaisen kehitykselle oli tarve, koska kyseisen tyyppiselle sandwich-rakennetyypille ei ole standardisoitua taipuman laskentamenetelmää. Uumajäykistetyn sandwich-elementin taipuma on kiinnostava, koska käyttörajatilan mukainen taipumaraja on tärkein rakennetta mitoittava tekijä. Työn soveltavassa osiossa kehitettiin uumajäykistetyn sandwich-elementin taipuman analyyttinen laskentamenetelmä. Taipuman analyyttinen laskentamenetelmä kehitettiin sandwich-palkkiteorian perusteella. Keskeisimpiä ongelmia oli uumajäykisteiden taivutus- ja leikkausjäykkyyden huomioonottaminen laskennassa. Analyyttisen laskennan tuloksia verrattiin uumajäykistetylle sandwich-elementille suoritettujen taivutuskokeiden tuloksiin sekä FE-analyysin tuloksiin. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voitiin todeta kehitetyn uumajäykistetyn sandwich-elementin taipuman analyyttisen laskentamenetelmän soveltuvan taipuman laskentaan tutkitulle uumajäykistetylle sandwich-elementille. Laskentamenetelmän luotettavuuden ja toimivuusrajojen määrittämiseksi uumajäykistetty sandwich-rakenne vaatii jatkotutkimuksia.
The clinical heterogeneity observed in leptospirosis may be associated with host factors or bacteria virulence. Human serum mannose-binding lectin (MBL) recognizes many pathogens, and low levels of this lectin are associated with susceptibility to infection. MBL is also implicated in the modulation of the inflammatory process. We determined the levels of serum MBL during leptospirosis infection. A double-antibody sandwich ELISA was used to detect the immunoreactive serum MBL. The ELISA plates were coated with monoclonal antibody to MBL and bound MBL or recombinant human MBL were detected by rabbit anti-human MBL serum. HRPO-conjugated goat anti-rabbit antibody was used for detection of the reaction. Two groups of patients seen at referral hospitals in Recife, PE, Brazil, were divided according to the year of infection, 2001 (N = 61) or 2002 (N = 57) and compared in terms of disease severity and levels of serum MBL. A group of healthy volunteers (N = 97) matched by age, gender, and ethnic background was used as control. Patients infected in 2001 had more severe outcomes than those infected in 2002, including jaundice, hemorrhage, respiratory alteration, and renal complication (P = 0.0009; chi-square test). The frequency of patients producing serum MBL >1000 ng/mL was higher in the 2001 group than in the 2002 and control groups (P < 0.01), suggesting an association of MBL level with disease severity. The involvement of MBL and genetic variation of the MBL2 gene should be further evaluated to establish the role of this lectin in the pathogenesis of leptospirosis.
A test that is rapid, simple, accurate, not expensive, gives rapid results, and is sensitive enough to detect low levels of microorganisms would be the most suitable for food industry routine laboratories, or even for a public health laboratories. A ready-to-use alternative, commercially available method is the PetrifilmTM EB method. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether there is a statistically significant difference between the conventional methods based on Violet Red Bile Glucose Agar and the alternative 3M TM Petrifilm (EB) method for the enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae in poultry carcasses. This study also assessed whether the alternative method showed ability to produce results that were directly proportional to the concentration of the target (approximately 270 colony-forming unit.mL-1). A total of 120 poultry carcasses samples showed a significant difference (p < 0.05) between the populations obtained by the two methods, and the conventional method showed low proportionality between the dilutions. On the other hand, the PetrifilmTM EB quantification system showed the capacity to produce results that are proportional to the concentration of the analyte in samples in the concentration range from 1 to 256 colony-forming unit.mL-1.
Thermal cutting methods, are commonly used in the manufacture of metal parts. Thermal cutting processes separate materials by using heat. The process can be done with or without a stream of cutting oxygen. Common processes are Oxygen, plasma and laser cutting. It depends on the application and material which cutting method is used. Numerically-controlled thermal cutting is a cost-effective way of prefabricating components. One design aim is to minimize the number of work steps in order to increase competitiveness. This has resulted in the holes and openings in plate parts manufactured today being made using thermal cutting methods. This is a problem from the fatigue life perspective because there is local detail in the as-welded state that causes a rise in stress in a local area of the plate. In a case where the static utilization of a net section is full used, the calculated linear local stresses and stress ranges are often over 2 times the material yield strength. The shakedown criteria are exceeded. Fatigue life assessment of flame-cut details is commonly based on the nominal stress method. For welded details, design standards and instructions provide more accurate and flexible methods, e.g. a hot-spot method, but these methods are not universally applied to flame cut edges. Some of the fatigue tests of flame cut edges in the laboratory indicated that fatigue life estimations based on the standard nominal stress method can give quite a conservative fatigue life estimate in cases where a high notch factor was present. This is an undesirable phenomenon and it limits the potential for minimizing structure size and total costs. A new calculation method is introduced to improve the accuracy of the theoretical fatigue life prediction method of a flame cut edge with a high stress concentration factor. Simple equations were derived by using laboratory fatigue test results, which are published in this work. The proposed method is called the modified FAT method (FATmod). The method takes into account the residual stress state, surface quality, material strength class and true stress ratio in the critical place.
The present thesis describes syntheses, structural studies, and catalytic reactivity of new non-classical silane complexes of ruthenium and iron. The ruthenium complexes CpRu(PPri3)CI(T]2-HSiR3) (1) (SiR3 = SiCh (a), SiClzMe (b), SiCIMe2 (c), SiH2Ph (d), SiMe2Ph (e» were prepared by reactions of the new unsaturated complex CpRu(PPri3)CI with silanes. According to NMR studies and X-ray analyses, the complexes la-c exhibit unusual simultaneous Si··· H and Si··· CI-Ru interactions. The complex CpRu(PPri3)CI was also used for the preparation of the first examples of late transition metal agostic silylamido complexes CpRu(PPri3)(N(T]2-HSiMe2)R) (2) (R= Ar or But), which were characterized by NMR spectroscopy. The iron complexes CpFe(PMePri2)H2(SiR3) (3) (SiR3 = SiCh (a), SiClzMe (b), SiCIMe2 (c), SiH2Ph (d), SiMe2Ph (e» were synthesized by the reaction of the new borohydride iron complex CpFe(PMePri2)(B~) with silanes in the presence NEt3. The complexes 3 exhibit unprecedented two simultaneous and equivalent Si··· H interactions, which was confirmed by X-ray analyses and DFT calculations. A series of cationic ruthenium complexes [CpRu(PR3)(CH3CN)(112-HSiR'3)]BAF (PR3 = PPri 3 (4), PPh3 (5); SiR'3 = SiCh (a), SiClzMe (b), SiClMe2 (c), SiH2Ph (d), SiMe2Ph (e» was obtained by substitution of one of the labile acetonitrile ligands in [CpRu(PR3)(CH3CNh]BAF with sHanes. Analogous complexes [TpRu(PR3)(CH3CN)(T]2 -HSiR' 3)]BAF (5) were obtained by the reaction of TpRu(PR3)(CH3CN)CI with LiBAF in the presence of silanes. The complexes 4-5 were characterized by NMR spectroscopy, and the observed coupling constants J(Si-H) allowed us to estimate the extent of Si-H bond activation in these compounds. The catalytic activity in hydrosilylation reactions of all of the above complexes was examined. The most promising results were achieved with the cationic ruthenium precatalyst [CpRu(PPri3)(CH3CN)2t (6). Complex 6 shows good to excellent catalytic activity in the hydrosilylation of carbonyls, dehydrogenative coupling of silanes with alcohols, amines, acids, and reduction of acid chlorides. We also discovered very selective reduction of nitriles and pyridines into the corresponding N-silyl imines and l,4-dihydropyridines, respectively, at room temperature with the possibility of catalyst recycling. These chemoselective catalytic methods have no analogues in the literature. The reactions were proposed to proceed via an ionic mechanism with intermediate formation of the silane a-complexes 4.
This thesis describes syntheses and catalytic reactivity of several half-sandwich complexes of ruthenium. The neutral ruthenium trihydride complex, Cp(PPri3)RuH3(1), can efficiently catalyse the H/D exchange reaction between various organic substrates and deuterium sources, such as benzene-d6. Moreover, the H/D exchange reactions of polar substrates were also observed in D2O, which is the most attractive deuterium source due to its low cost and low toxicity. Importantly, the H/D exchange under catalytic conditions was achieved not only in aromatic compounds but also in substituted liphatic compounds. Interestingly, in the case of alkanes and alkyl chains, highly selective deuterium incorporation in the terminal methyl positions was observed. It was discovered that the methylene units are engaged in exchange only if the molecule contains a donating functional group, such as O-and N-donors, C=C double bonds, arenes and CH3. The cationic half-sandwich ruthenium complex [Cp(PPri3)Ru(CH3CN)2]+(2) catalyses the chemoselective mono-addition of HSiMe2Ph to pyridine derivatives to selectively give the 1,4-regiospecific, N-silylated products. An ionic hydrosilylation mechanismis suggested based on the experiments. To support this mechanistic proposal, kinetic studies under catalytic conditions were performed. Also, the 1,4-regioselective mono-hydrosilylation of nitrogen containing compounds such as phenanthroline, quinoline and acridine can be achieved with the related Cp*complex [Cp*(phen)Ru(CH3CN)]+(3) (phen = 1,10-phenanthroline) and HSiMe2Ph under mild conditions. The cationic ruthenium complex 2 can also be used as an efficient catalyst for transfer hydrogenation of various organic substrates including carbonyls, imines, nitriles and esters. Secondary alcohols, amines, N-isopropylidene amines and ether compounds can be obtained in moderate to high yields. In addition, other ruthenium complexes, 1,3 and [Cp*(PPri3)Ru(CH3CN)2]+(4), can catalyse transfer hydrogenation of carbonyls although the reactions were sluggish compared to the ones of 2. The possible intermediate, Cp(PPri3)Ru(CH3CN)(H), was characterized by NMR at low temperature and the kinetic studies for the transfer hydrogenation of acetophenone were performed. Recently, chemoselective reduction of acid chlorides to aldehydes catalysed by the complex 2 was reported. To extend the catalytic reactivity of 2, reduction of iminoyl chlorides, which can be readily obtained from secondary amides, to the corresponding imines and aldehydes was investigated. Various substituted iminoyl chlorides were converted into the imines and aldehydes under mild conditions and several products were isolated with moderate yields.
Two engraved brass plates. The first plate is engraved with "Mr. and Mrs. Percy Carruthers Band, Hewlett, Long Island". The second plate is engraved with "Mr. and Mrs. Percy C. Band send best wishes for Christmas and the New Year".
Receipt from W.H. Glenny Sons and Co., Buffalo, New York for plates and cups, Nov. 30, 1886.
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal