952 resultados para Salto de altura
No reservatório de Salto Grande (22º53’53’’S / 49º59’33’’W), Rio Paranapanema (SP/PR), é realizado um tipo de manejo (redução do nível de água) para redução da biomassa da macrófita submersa Egeria densa desde 2004. Estas plantas causam perdas econômicas para o programa de geração elétrica e infortúnio para a população local. O reservatório de Salto Grande possui lagoas marginais que apresentam elevada densidade dessas macrófitas e são tidas como ambientes de alta importância para o desenvolvimento, alimentação e reprodução de muitas assembléias, principalmente as de microcrustáceos zooplanctônicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar as mudanças na estrutura (composição, riqueza, abundância e diversidade) das assembléias de microcrustáceos zooplanctônicos (Cladocera e Copepoda) e suas relações com as alterações nas condições limnológicas decorrentes da variação de nível em duas lagoas marginais (Pedra Branca e Guaritá) em função do deplecionamento. Foram realizadas amostragens mensais de abril/2005 a julho/2006, além de coletas nictemerais durante o processo de deplecionamento (agosto/05) e um mês após o mesmo. Para a análise do zooplâncton foram amostrados 150 litros de água superficial em cada lagoa (região limnética). Simultaneamente, foram medidas as variáveis físicas e químicas da água: temperatura, pH, oxigênio dissolvido, condutividade elétrica, transparência, turbidez, material em suspensão (total, frações orgânica e inorgânica) e concentração de clorofila a. As variáveis limnológicas demonstraram um padrão de variação sazonal, além da influência do deplecionamento, principalmente sobre a temperatura e oxigênio dissolvido. O valor de riqueza encontrado para Cladocera foi elevado, totalizando 49 táxons. Os Copepoda foram analisados apenas até o nível de Ordem... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Mass reduction coupled with the mechanical performance in service has been the goal of many projects related to the transport area, considering the advantages that mass reduction can bring. However, make a simple material substitution without design a new geometry to corroborate for the best component performance, often makes the replacement unviable. In this study, it was investigated the advantages of replacing the prototype BAJA SAE front suspension lower arm of Equipe Piratas do Vale de BAJA SAE - Universidade Paulista, Campus Guaratinguetá, actually produced with steel, for a new component made of carbon fiber composite. The new geometry has been developed to provide the best possible performance for this component and your easy manufacturing. The study was done using the 3D modeling tools and computer simulations via finite element method. The first stage of this work consisted on calculation of the estimated maximum contact force tire / soil in a prototype landing after jump at one meter high, drop test in the laboratory with the current vehicle, current front suspension lower arm 3D modeling, finite element simulation and analysis of critical regions. After all current component analysis, a new geometry for the part in study was designed and simulated in order to reduce the component mass and provide a technological innovation using composite materials. With this work it was possible to obtain a theoretical component mass reduction of 25,15% maintaining the mechanical strength necessary for the appropriated component performance when incited
Currently, the dam of Salto Grande is very degraded. Water quality is seriously amended, and lack of riparian vegetation, as well as the advance of feed crops and land occupation in areas that should be permanently preserved, only complicate this situation. The permanent preservation area is essential for the water sources protection, soil erosion control and consequent watercourse sedimentation. Through aerial photography, using GIS techniques, it was able to identify the outwards bounds of the dam, to demarcate the permanent preservation areas and generate maps for land use. With this data, in addition to studies and ideas of reforestation in different environments, the development of a plan for restoration of degraded areas surrounding the dam is easier to be done. This study confirmed that about 72% of land use in permanent preservation areas is not in accordance with specific laws, making necessary its recovering.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo principal avaliar a influência de um período de chuvas intensas sobre as assembléias zooplanctônicas e variáveis limnológicas dos reservatórios de Chavantes e Salto Grande. Em função das precipitações elevadas, o tempo de residência da água durante o período de verão 2009/2010 (período imediatamente anterior às coletas) foi o mais baixo da década (1999-2010), tanto para Chavantes como para Salto Grande. As variáveis analisadas foram: transparência, temperatura, oxigênio dissolvido, pH, condutividade elétrica, turbidez, material em suspensão, clorofila a e nutrientes (nitrogênio total, fósforo total e silicato dissolvido). A turbidez foi a variável que mais se alterou, apresentando um aumento notável com o incremento das chuvas. A transparência e o material em suspensão também apresentaram grande alteração, sendo que a primeira variável diminuiu com a maior quantidade de chuvas e a segunda aumentou. Os valores de fósforo total e silicato dissolvido diminuíram com o aumento das chuvas, sendo que para o silicato a variação foi mais expressiva e para o fósforo o decréscimo foi mais acentuado em Chavantes do que em Salto Grande. Para as outras variáveis limnológicas, bem como para o zooplâncton, os dois reservatórios apresentaram comportamentos diferentes quanto às alterações pluviométricas. A temperatura variou mais em Chavantes. Condutividade elétrica e pH apresentaram relação com a temperatura e o oxigênio dissolvido não teve muita alteração com as mudanças pluviométricas. Os atributos analisados para o zooplâncton foram riqueza, composição, abundância (total, por táxon e das fases de desenvolvimento) e diversidade. Comparando os dois reservatórios estudados, foi observado que em Chavantes o aumento pluviométrico teve efeito muito ...(Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Due to motor difficulties, children with developmental coordination disorder (DCD) doesn't feel motivated to do physical activities, sometimes resulting in a decline of their physical fitness, but it isn't really known for sure the reasons that induct children with DCD to low performances in physical fitness tests, because a lot of tasks that are part of the battery of tests of physical performance are complex in the coordination and/or motor control point of view, like the vertical jump for example. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate the factors that induct children with DCD to low performances in physical fitness tests, especially in the vertical jump task. For that, cinematic (duration of the eccentrical phase, duration of the concentrical phase, shift of the mass center and velocity of the mass center), kinetic (potency peak and force peak) and vertical jump performance analysis in two conditions (with the use of arms and without it) were realized in a force platform. The results indicated that children with DCD show a lower performance compared to their peers with typical development (TD), due to a lower potency production
This paper proposes a mechanical device to adapt a simple model of hospital bed used in the Emergency Department at Santa Casa of Guaratinguetá, allowing the bed’s height adjustment with electromechanical drive. This adaptation aims to introduce improvements in the routine work of nurses and reduce ergonomic problems stemming from repetitive strain during the transfer of patients to stretchers and wheelchairs, as well as providing more comfort to the bedridden patient. The device is mainly composed of: an electric induction motor used to drive the engine, a steel spindle with square thread, which allows axial displacement of the bed, a transmission system with pulleys and belt, which transmits power supplied by the motor to the spindle. The mechanism allows the height of the bed is regulated between 400 and 800 mm. The estimated implementation cost of this proposal is lower than the acquisition cost of a commercial hospital bed with the same features, which confirms the feasibility of the proposed solution
In hospitals, health professionals may face different situations and problems. By following them, it is remarkable that one of the difficulties is related to the support provided by the facilities to carry out their work. This also affects the quality of treatment offered to patients. One of the points of improvement that could be studied is hospital beds. The Fawler's simplest hospital bed type, used in most Brazilian public hospitals, is designed with an ergonomic average height that offers a default position for analysis and treatment of patients. There is no possibility of adjusting the height of those beds, and hence there is a limitation in this regard since that height is fixed, but the physical structures of the workers and patients may vary widely and there may be a conflict when there are people too large or small involved in this process. Beyond that, studies by experts show that beds with height adjustment decreases the muscular effort and improve the movement quality of the spine of nursing staff, reducing the force on certain vertebrae and also the ergonomic risk. Of course, patient comfort is also affected accordingly. As the beds made with height adjustment are very expensive, this study aims to design a device to adapt the not adjustable beds. The project must be viable from an economic and mechanic standpoint, being able to adapt both old and new simplest Fawler hospital bed models, since their dimensions are similar. The final result shows that it is possible to adapt such beds using the designed concept at a viable cost. Furthermore, this concept could be applied in other bed types or objects that have hollow feet
O salto triplo existe há mais de 2000 anos e foi praticado, primeiramente, pelo povo celta, isto é, antigos habitantes da Europa Ocidental. Essa prova era praticada em competições esportivas rurais e expandiu-se pelo resto da Europa no século XIX. Atualmente, o Brasil serve como referência para outros países, já que tivemos grandes atletas que marcaram presença no cenário olímpico do salto triplo como, por exemplo, Adhemar Ferreira da Silva, Nelson Prudêncio e João Carlos de Oliveira. Apesar de ser uma das provas do atletismo mais antigas, o salto triplo ainda é muito pouco trabalhado em escolas de todo o país. Por essa razão, essa pesquisa, de caráter histórico-bibliográfico, tem como objetivo realizar um resgate histórico dessa prova, reunindo dados e informações pertinentes relacionados ao salto triplo. Nesse sentido, foram realizadas pesquisas no acervo de universidades como Unesp (Rio Claro), Unicamp e PUC-Campinas, além de web sites, com livros e artigos digitalizados, e registros diversos que pudessem contribuir para a elaboração desse trabalho. Esperamos, portanto, além de realizar o resgate histórico dessa prova, subsidiar o trabalho de professores de Educação Física no âmbito escolar, para que o ensino do salto triplo e do atletismo de forma geral se difunda e conquiste mais espaço nas escolas brasileiras
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Experiencias de Teletandem portugués/español: el proyecto UNESP (Assis/Brasil) - UTU (Salto/Uruguay)
To calculate the estimated and actual height and weight measures in cancer patients, evaluate the correlation and concordance of these measures and to identify the malnutrition patients. 62 cancer patients, treated at the Amaral Carvalho Hospital (Jaú- SP). For classifi cation of nutritional status, the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment, the Body Mass Index and the relationship with usual weight were used. For the estimated weight was used the algorithm Chumlea et al.7 and estimated height, the equation proposed by Chumlea et al.8 and Kwok & Whitelaw24. The Pearson Correlation Coeffi cient and the Intraclass Correlation Coeffi cient was calculated and simple linear regression was conducted. To compare the malnutrition detected by different methods, the Cochran’s Q test were performed. There was a strong and signifi cant correlation between the estimated and actual weight (r=0,95; CI95%=0,92-0,97; p<0,001) and excellent concordance (ρ=0,95). For height measurements, a signifi cant correlation was observed between the actual and estimated measurement the method Chumlea et al.8 (r=0,78; CI95%=0,66-0,86; p<0,001) and Kwok & Whitelaw24 (r=0,85; CI95%: 0,75-0,90; p<0,001). Concordance was “Good” (ρ=0,72) and “Moderate” (ρ=0,67) between the actual height and estimated by Chumlea et al.8 and Kwok & Whitelaw,24 respectively. There was a strong correlation between the actual and estimated weight and height measures. The reproducibility of the equation proposed by Chumlea et al.8 to calculate height was better. The nutritional status, the patients classifi ed as malnutrition was greater when using the Patient-Generated Subjective Global Assessment and the relationship with usual weight.
The knowledge of Forensic Anthropology is very importance in cases of identification of human remains. One phase of this process is the study of human height, which can be accomplished with relative ease when intact corpses, complete skeletons or long bones are available. However, the experience of Forensic Dentistry is essential in situations in which there is only information of the skull or of the teeth. The objective of this study was to review in the literature and evaluate works concerning the estimate of the height calculated from dental dimensions. Carrea, in 1920, proposed the estimation of the probable height of an individual by developing formulas for maximum and minimum heights from measurements of the lower central and lateral incisors and canines. The method was used in the case "Josef Mengele", to complement estimates. Tested in the Brazilian population, 70% of match between the actual and the estimated stature were obtained. Using more precise instruments, in the modified method, 96% of correct matching were verified. Recently, a new formula was introduced to estimate height, from measurements of upper teeth, because the technique cannot be used when jaw is not available. The correlation between height and dental dimensions is demonstrated. However, there is still a lack in scientific literature in this field, and further studies are necessary. The estimate of height from dental dimensions can be very useful and important, especially in situations where the complete skeleton it not found, and long bones are not available.
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
The present study aimed to analyze the performance of 'boost' among water polo athletes. Twelve athletes (13,9 1,08 years, 169,0 6,0 cm and 59,5 13,5 kg of bodyweight) were under went to anthropometric assessment, body composition and maximum concentric strength of lower limbs. The jump test in the water was done by 'boost' and scaled to jump height. According to the results of strength (Leg Press 45: 157,08 43,30 kg Leg Extension: 72,08 12,86 kg), anthropometry (arm circumf.: 26,04 3,25 cm, thigh circumf.: 50,47 7,65 cm, sholder circumf.: 95,97 8,00 cm, elbow diam.: 4,74 0,51 cm, wrist diam.: 3,21 0,34 cm, knee diam.: 7,89 0,58 cm, biacromial diam.: 37,49 3,81 cm and bi-iliac diam.: 25,43 4,34 cm) and body composition (BMI: 20,74 4,00 kg / m² and% fat: 8,45 4,28), only stature showed a linear correlation (r= 0,595) to the values of vertical jump (height: 47,80 4,35 cm) performance. This anthropometric variable was one able to influence the height of performance by modifying it self, perhaps by maturity. However maturity may be an implicity feature of performance, since force is a concerned effect of the growth. Otherwise technique could play a mains role to the performance of the 'boost'. It can be conclude that possibly is advantageous for water polo athlete be higher and more mature for the realization of 'boost', and the training directed for the technique, but is necessary muscle fitness for the holder