451 resultados para Sachs, MichaelSachs, MichaelMichaelSachs


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El presente trabajo desarrolla un modelo macroeconómico de equilibrio general dinámico y estocástico (DSGE), con el fin de analizar los efectos macroeconómicos que se derivan de simular un choque positivo al componente estocástico de la productividad del sector minero-energético. Este hecho genera un aumento generalizado de los salarios en el sector formal y en el recaudo tributario, incrementando el consumo total de los miembros del hogar. Esto genera un incremento del precio de los bienes no transables relativo al precio de los bienes transables, disminuyendo la tasa de cambio real (apreciación) y provocando un desplazamiento de los recursos productivos, desde el sector transable (manufacturero) al no-transable, seguido de un aumento en el PIB y empleo formal de la economía. Esto hace que el sector formal agregado absorba trabajadores desde el sector informal a través del subsector formal no-transable, lo que disminuye el PIB informal. En consecuencia, el consumo neto de los miembros informales disminuye, lo que incentiva a que algunos miembros del hogar no se empleen en el sector informal y prefieran quedarse desempleados. Por lo tanto, el resultado final sobre el mercado laboral es una disminución de los trabajadores informales, de los cuales una parte se encuentra en el sector formal, y la parte restante está en condición de desempleo.


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We study the role of natural resource windfalls in explaining the efficiency of public expenditures. Using a rich dataset of expenditures and public good provision for 1,836 municipalities in Peru for period 2001-2010, we estimate a non-monotonic relationship between the efficiency of public good provision and the level of natural resource transfers. Local governments that were extremely favored by the boom of mineral prices were more efficient in using fiscal windfalls whereas those benefited with modest transfers were more inefficient. These results can be explained by the increase in political competition associated with the boom. However, the fact that increases in efficiency were related to reductions in public good provision casts doubts about the beneficial effects of political competition in promoting efficiency.


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The negative pressure accompanying gravitationally-induced particle creation can lead to a cold dark matter (CDM) dominated, accelerating Universe (Lima et al. 1996 [1]) without requiring the presence of dark energy or a cosmological constant. In a recent study, Lima et al. 2008 [2] (LSS) demonstrated that particle creation driven cosmological models are capable of accounting for the SNIa observations [3] of the recent transition from a decelerating to an accelerating Universe, without the need for Dark Energy. Here we consider a class of such models where the particle creation rate is assumed to be of the form Gamma = beta H + gamma H(0), where H is the Hubble parameter and H(0) is its present value. The evolution of such models is tested at low redshift by the latest SNe Ia data provided by the Union compilation [4] and at high redshift using the value of z(eq), the redshift of the epoch of matter - radiation equality, inferred from the WMAP constraints on the early Integrated Sachs-Wolfe (ISW) effect [5]. Since the contributions of baryons and radiation were ignored in the work of LSS, we include them in our study of this class of models. The parameters of these more realistic models with continuous creation of CDM are constrained at widely-separated epochs (z(eq) approximate to 3000 and z approximate to 0) in the evolution of the Universe. The comparison of the parameter values, {beta, gamma}, determined at these different epochs reveals a tension between the values favored by the high redshift CMB constraint on z(eq) from the ISW and those which follow from the low redshift SNIa data, posing a potential challenge to this class of models. While for beta = 0 this conflict is only at less than or similar to 2 sigma, it worsens as beta increases from zero.


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Morphine is one of the most prescribed and effective drugs used for the treatment of acute and chronic pain conditions. In addition to its central effects, morphine can also produce peripheral analgesia. However, the mechanisms underlying this peripheral action of morphine have not yet been fully elucidated. Here, we show that the peripheral antinociceptive effect of morphine is lost in neuronal nitric-oxide synthase null mice and that morphine induces the production of nitric oxide in primary nociceptive neurons. The activation of the nitric-oxide pathway by morphine was dependent on an initial stimulation of PI3K gamma/AKT protein kinase B (AKT) and culminated in increasedactivation of K(ATP) channels. In the latter, this intracellular signaling pathway might cause a hyperpolarization of nociceptive neurons, and it is fundamental for the direct blockade of inflammatory pain by morphine. This understanding offers new targets for analgesic drug development.


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A partir de Buiter e Miller (1981), Obstfeld (1983), Sachs (1981), Svensson e Razin (1983) e alguns outros, a abordagem intertemporal da conta-corrente passou a receber atenção crescente da literatura. Desde então os estudos empíricos não são unânimes em atestar sua validade e, dessa forma, a evidência empírica tem sido mista. Mais recentemente, Corsetti e Konstantinou (2009) caracterizam empiricamente a dinâmica conjunta da conta-corrente, ativos e passivos externos a valor de mercado e produto líquido para os EUA no período pós Bretton Woods. Ao contrário da maioria das outras publicações, Corsetti e Konstantinou (2009) são pouco restritivos no que diz respeito às premissas. Neste trabalho buscou-se aplicar a mesma metodologia emprega por Corsetti e Konstantinou (2009) para analisar o equilíbrio externo do Brasil entre 1990 e 2014, período no qual diversos choques afetaram a economia brasileira. São identificados os componentes transitórios e permanentes para a dinâmica conjunta das quatro variáveis básicas da restrição intertemporal da economia, ou seja: Consumo, Produto Líquido, Ativos externos e Passivos externos. O presente trabalho sugere que existem evidências da validade da abordagem intertemporal da conta-corrente para o Brasil, mesmo a análise sendo feita em uma amostra em que estão presentes choques significantes que afetaram a economia brasileira.


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O presente trabalho propõe uma avaliação do bem-estar social dos beneficiários em idade economicamente ativa do Programa Bolsa Família (BIEAs PBF) no município de Porto Alegre. Tal avaliação é norteada pela identificação de situações de restrições ou armadilhas (SACHS, 2005) da capacidade dos indivíduos escolherem diferentes estilos de vida, através dos papéis instrumentais da liberdade (SEN, 2010). Assim, são testadas hipóteses que envolvem as relações dos indivíduos com a escolarização, o mercado de trabalho e a renda. Os resultados da avaliação sugerem a existência de um nível de renda com restrições; incentivos para a interrupção do processo de escolarização, antes de um nível desejável; uma relação entre escolaridade e renda, pouco convergente; e um baixo acesso ao mercado de trabalho formal, prevalecendo relações de trabalho mais precárias. Finalmente, o presente trabalho propõe o posicionamento das questões relevantes atinentes aos BIEAs PBF em uma perspectiva mais ampla do desenvolvimento humano.


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The theme of this dissertation is the collegiate management in the cashew cultivation s productive chain by the reading of the Managerial Committee s role in accordance with Sustainable Regional Development. The research had as aim to reveal the way as Managerial Committee s members of cashew cultivation s productive chain interpret the economic, social and environmental dimensions to the sustainability of entrepreneurships, using as interpretative base Sachs (2004) theoretical model. The theoretical reference is based in precepts of Solidarity Economy as a strategy to the Sustainable Regional Development. To reach this aim was done a case study, based in analysis of contents and semi-structured interviews with the solidarities economic entrepreneurships that integrate the Committee and with the group of Entities of Support and Fomentation responsible for formulating and conducting actions in favour of development of the chain. The research permitted to conclude that the economic, mainly, and social dimension, secondly, to super-impose the environmental dimension. The actions in favour of the chain are yet restricted and with low effectiveness when interpreted, in an integrated way, by a side, by the informers of this research and, by another side, in accordance with precepts of sustainable development


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The current debate on rural development focuses on the territorial approach, recognizing the multifunctional character of rural areas. Emphasize the use of endogenous forces, the need of implement policies which valorize local specificities, the participation of social actors in revitalization of rural areas. In this context tourism enters as a means to induce a new dynamic to rural areas, since the activity is regarded as a channel for the upgrading of the natural and cultural resources and the rural way of life. This study focuses on local-based tourism as a promoter of rural development, giving an analysis of the social reality and potential for this tourism in the district of Dondo. In it, is proposed to analyze the potential for development of local-based tourism in the district of Dondo, assessing the extent to which local reality enables the inclusion of the community in the management of local tourism resources. For this, was showed the inclusion of local-based tourism in the current context of rural development, was identified and organized systematically the factors that influence the implementation of local-based tourism in the study area and was verified as far as possible the study area corresponds to the constraints identified, showing how local-based tourism can best been encouraged. Was adopted a qualitative methodological approach to both the procedures and data processing, but also by critical approach, using bibliographical research, semi-structured interviews that fell on the group of public administrators who work in tourism and community leaders. The critical analysis was based on the principles of sustainability o Sachs particular ecological, social, cultural, economic, space, beyond the analysis of political and institutional aspects. The survey results show that the district of Dondo has a potential for implementing a model of tourism development on a local basis, since it is rich in natural and cultural research, benefits from good network accessibility in the context of the market in the region, the population live according to their habits and customs and value their identity. There is also a good cooperation between community members, although not in tourism, a fact which is observed through the lever of community participation in associations, cooperatives, working in areas such as agriculture, fishing, environment, civic education etc. It also has public funding sources to augment or stimulate local investment. Despite obstacles such as inexistence of policies and local plans for tourism development, lack of awareness of tourism, lack of basic infrastructure, as well as equipment and facilities to support tourism, the results shows that these problems can be solved through a public commitment from both government, and community through a joint planning and participation


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This paper deals with two aspects of relativistic cosmologies with closed spatial sections. These spacetimes are based on the theory of general relativity, and admit a foliation into space sections S(t), which are spacelike hypersurfaces satisfying the postulate of the closure of space: each S(t) is a three-dimensional closed Riemannian manifold. The topics discussed are: (i) a comparison, previously obtained, between Thurston geometries and Bianchi-Kantowski-Sachs metrics for such three-manifolds is here clarified and developed; and (ii) the implications of global inhomogeneity for locally homogeneous three-spaces of constant curvature are analyzed from an observational viewpoint.


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Fungicide application is one of the control strategies of fungal diseases in corn leaves. In Brazil, there are no fungicides recorded for the control of corn macrospora leaf spot (MLS). The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of 16 fungicides on MLS control in a protective, curative and eradicant form. Fungicides of the chemical groups of benzimidazoles, strobilurins and triazoles were used alone or in mixture, in completely randomized block design, with six replicates of five plants, totaling 30 plants per treatment. The experiments were carried out in a greenhouse with the single-cross hybrid AS 1565 in phenological stage of two to six expanded leaves, using an isolate of S. macrospsora from the same hybrid. The inoculum was deposited into the cartridge of plants at 48 hours after, 48 hours before and 10 days before fungicide applications for preventive, curative and eradicant action, respectively. The experiment was repeated twice. The data underwent analysis of variance (p<0.05), and the means of treatments were compared by using the Scott-Knott test (p<0.05). Severity was estimated at 21 days after inoculations. All fungicides significantly differed from the control treatment in the preventive, curative and eradicant action. For the preventive action, mean disease control was 85%. The mixture of triazoles plus strobilurins controlled, on average, 75% of the disease severity, while the isolated products such as strobilurins reduced it by 62%, benzimidazoles by 55% and triazoles by 38% for the curative action. The lowest control was obtained for the eradicant action, with mean reduction of 40.1% in the disease severity and no significant difference among fungicides.