164 resultados para SBR


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A novel method that relies on the decoupling of the energy production and biosynthesis processes was used to characterise the maintenance, cell lysis and growth processes of Nitrosomonas sp. A Nitrosolnonas culture was enriched in a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) with ammonium as the sole energy source. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) showed that Nitrosomonas bound to the NEU probe constituted 82% of the bacterial population, while no other known ammonium or nitrite oxidizing bacteria were detected. Batch tests were carried out under conditions that both ammonium and CO, were in excess, and in the absence of one of these two substrates. The oxygen uptake rate and nitrite production rate were measured during these batch tests. The results obtained from these batch tests, along with the SBR performance data, allowed the determination of the maintenance coefficient and the in situ cell lysis rate, as well as the maximum specific growth rate of the Nitrosomonas culture. It is shown that, during normal growth, the Nitrosomonas culture spends approximately 65% of the energy generated for maintenance. The maintenance coefficient was determined to be 0.14 - 0.16 mgN mgCOD(biomass)(-1) h(-1), and was shown to be independent of the specific growth rate. The in situ lysis rate and the maximum specific growth rate of the Nitrosomonas culture were determined to be 0.26 and 1.0 day(-1) (0.043 h(-1)), respectively, under aerobic conditions at 30 degrees C and pH7. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Investigations concentrated on the styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) latex and formulations included standard carboxylated and special carboxylated latexes. The aqueous component, containing the stabilisers and antifoaming agent but not the polymer solids, was also used. For comparison, limited investigations were carried out using other polymer types e.g. acrylic, ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), and redispersible powders rather than emulsions. The major findings were: 1) All latex systems investigated acted as retarders for cement hydration. The extent of retardation depends on the type of polymer. The mechanism for cement hydration may be changed, and excessive retardation influences properties. 2) Polymer modified cements exhibited either similar or coarser pore structures compared with unmodified cements. Results suggest that polymer mainly exists in a mixture of cement hydrates and polymer phase. Very little evidence was found for the formation of a distinct polymer film phase. 3) During the first few days of curing the polymer solids are removed from the pore solution and concentrations of OH-, Na+ and K+ are reduced. These observations are probably a result of polymer-cement surface interactions since there was no evidence of any chemical reactions or degradation of the polymer. 4) Improved diffusional resistance of modified cements depends on the ability to achieve adequate workability at low w/c ratio, rather than modification of matrix structure.


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Polymer modified cements and mortars have become popular for use as patch repair materials. General evidence suggests that these materials offer considerable improvements compared to traditional mortars although the mechanisms for this are not fully understood. This work elucidates the factors which govern some properties and performance of different polymer systems. In view of the wide range of commercial systems available, investigations concentrated on the use of three of the most commonly available groups of polymers. These were: (1) Styrene Butadiene Rubber (SBR), (2) Acrylics and, (3) Ethylene Vinyl Acetates (EVA). The later two were in the form of both emulsions and redispersible powders. Experiments concentrated on: (1) Rheological behaviour of polymer modified cement pastes; (2) Workability of polymer modified mortars; (3) Influence of curing conditions on the pore size distribution and diffusion of chloride ions; (4) Bond strength of polymer modified cement and mortar patches; and (5) Microscopic examination and semi-quantitative analyses of the bulk and interfacial microstructures. The following main conclusions were reached: (1) The addition of polymer emulsions have a considerable influence on the workability of fresh cement pastes, the extent of this depending on the type of system used. (2) The rheological parameters of fresh polymer modified mortars can be established using a two-point workability test which may be used when comparing the properties of different systems at constant workability. (3) Curing conditions affect the properties of polymer modified systems and a wet/dry curing regime was essential for good adhesion of these materials to mortar substrates. (4) In contrast, the wet/dry curing regime resulted in a curing affected zone at the surface of patch materials. This can result in a much coarser pore structure and enhanced diffusion of e.g. chloride ions. (5) The microstructure of polymer modified systems was very different compared with the unmodified cement/mortar and varied depending on curing conditions.


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Tumor functional volume (FV) and its mean activity concentration (mAC) are the quantities derived from positron emission tomography (PET). These quantities are used for estimating radiation dose for a therapy, evaluating the progression of a disease and also use it as a prognostic indicator for predicting outcome. PET images have low resolution, high noise and affected by partial volume effect (PVE). Manually segmenting each tumor is very cumbersome and very hard to reproduce. To solve the above problem I developed an algorithm, called iterative deconvolution thresholding segmentation (IDTS) algorithm; the algorithm segment the tumor, measures the FV, correct for the PVE and calculates mAC. The algorithm corrects for the PVE without the need to estimate camera's point spread function (PSF); also does not require optimizing for a specific camera. My algorithm was tested in physical phantom studies, where hollow spheres (0.5-16 ml) were used to represent tumors with a homogeneous activity distribution. It was also tested on irregular shaped tumors with a heterogeneous activity profile which were acquired using physical and simulated phantom. The physical phantom studies were performed with different signal to background ratios (SBR) and with different acquisition times (1-5 min). The algorithm was applied on ten clinical data where the results were compared with manual segmentation and fixed percentage thresholding method called T50 and T60 in which 50% and 60% of the maximum intensity respectively is used as threshold. The average error in FV and mAC calculation was 30% and -35% for 0.5 ml tumor. The average error FV and mAC calculation were ~5% for 16 ml tumor. The overall FV error was ∼10% for heterogeneous tumors in physical and simulated phantom data. The FV and mAC error for clinical image compared to manual segmentation was around -17% and 15% respectively. In summary my algorithm has potential to be applied on data acquired from different cameras as its not dependent on knowing the camera's PSF. The algorithm can also improve dose estimation and treatment planning.^


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Inúmeras estruturas de concreto no Brasil e no mundo estão atingindo o limite de sua vida útil projetada, completando um ciclo de cinco ou mais décadas de uso e operação. Além das estruturas mais antigas, existem ainda estruturas com reduzido tempo de serviço, e qualidade discutível, que já apresentam patologias em estado tão avançado que chegam a comprometer o seu desempenho. Vindo ao encontro dessas necessidades e no sentido de contribuir para o avanço científico e tecnológico do setor, este trabalho apresenta um método para dosagem, preparo e aplicação de argamassas de alto desempenho para recuperação de estruturas deterioradas, além de sugerir procedimentos para a realização desses reparos, fomentando a cultura das manutenções preventivas e desmistificando a complexidade atribuída a tais operações. Para tanto, foram realizados ensaios mecânicos, microestruturais e relacionados à durabilidade em corpos-de-prova moldados com sílica ativa e látex de estireno-butadieno. Os resultados indicaram que a adoção desses ingredientes, na composição da argamassa de reparo, provocou uma redução significativa da permeabilidade total e descontinuidade de poros, assim como promoveu uma melhor integridade dos constituintes da argamassa, traduzindo-se em uma ampliação, expressiva, das suas capacidades mecânicas. Quando comparada aos produtos industrializados da construção civil, com padrões similares, proporcionou uma economia da ordem de 85%, que permitiria recuperar, com os mesmos custos, quase cinco vezes mais estruturas comprometidas. Este estudo, de viés altamente tecnológico, vem oferecer à construção civil uma argamassa polimérica de alto desempenho, com função reparadora e custo mais acessível, que pode ser adotada em canteiros de obras, implementando ações de natureza sustentável e ainda atendendo às atuais exigências elencadas pela literatura, relacionadas à desempenho, vida útil e durabilidade das estruturas reparadas.


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Steam injection is an oil recovery method accomplished by introducing steam directly into the oil well to the reservoir. The steam causes dilation of the casing, which, after reduction in temperature, tends to return to the initial dimensions: causing the formation of cracks in the cement and loss of hydraulic isolation.. In this context, the type of the SBR latex is used to improve the flexibility of the cement matrix by reducing the amount of fatigue failure. To prevent these failures, the mechanical resistance parameters should be carefully adjusted to well conditions. This work aims to study the mechanical behavior of cement slurry systems additivated with SBR latex for cementing oil wells subject to steam injection. Through the central composite factorial design was studied the behavior of the compressive strength by varying the density of the paste between 1.75 g /cm³ (14.6 lb/ Gal) and 1.89 g/cm³ (15,8lb / Gal), curing time between 4 days and 28 days and concentration of SBR Latex between 0 L / m³ and 534.722 L / m³ (0 gpc and 4 gpc). The results showed that increasing the concentration of SBR latex, within the given ranges, there was a decreased compression resistance and elastic modulus by increasing the elastic deformability of the slurry. From the results it can determine best slurries formulation conditions in oil well cementing operations subject to steam injection.


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Steam injection is an oil recovery method accomplished by introducing steam directly into the oil well to the reservoir. The steam causes dilation of the casing, which, after reduction in temperature, tends to return to the initial dimensions: causing the formation of cracks in the cement and loss of hydraulic isolation.. In this context, the type of the SBR latex is used to improve the flexibility of the cement matrix by reducing the amount of fatigue failure. To prevent these failures, the mechanical resistance parameters should be carefully adjusted to well conditions. This work aims to study the mechanical behavior of cement slurry systems additivated with SBR latex for cementing oil wells subject to steam injection. Through the central composite factorial design was studied the behavior of the compressive strength by varying the density of the paste between 1.75 g /cm³ (14.6 lb/ Gal) and 1.89 g/cm³ (15,8lb / Gal), curing time between 4 days and 28 days and concentration of SBR Latex between 0 L / m³ and 534.722 L / m³ (0 gpc and 4 gpc). The results showed that increasing the concentration of SBR latex, within the given ranges, there was a decreased compression resistance and elastic modulus by increasing the elastic deformability of the slurry. From the results it can determine best slurries formulation conditions in oil well cementing operations subject to steam injection.


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Surface samples, mostly from abyssal sediments of the South Atlantic, from parts of the equatorial Atlantic, and of the Antarctic Ocean, were investigated for clay content and clay mineral composition. Maps of relative clay mineral content were compiled, which improve previous maps by showing more details, especially at high latitudes. Large-scale relations regarding the origin and transport paths of detrital clay are revealed. High smectite concentrations are observed in abyssal regions, primarily derived from southernmost South America and from minor sources in Southwest Africa. Near submarine volcanoes of the Antarctic Ocean (South Sandwich, Bouvet Island) smectite contents exhibit distinct maxima, which is ascribed to the weathering of altered basalts and volcanic glasses. The illite distribution can be subdivided into five major zones including two maxima revealing both South African and Antarctic sources. A particularly high amount of Mg- and Fe-rich illites are observed close to East Antarctica. They are derived from biotite-bearing crystalline rocks and transported to the west by the East Antarctic Coastal Current. Chiorite and well-crystallized dioctaedral illite are typical minerals enriched within the Subantarctic and Polarfrontal-Zone but of minor importance off East Antarctica. Kaolinite dominates the clay mineral assemblage at low latitudes, where the continental source rocks (West Africa, Brazil) are mainly affected by intensive chemical weathering. Surprisingly, a slight increase of kaolinite is observed in the Enderby Basin and near the Filchner-Ronne Ice shelf. The investigated area can be subdivided into ten, large-scale clay facies zones with characteristic possible source regions and transport paths. Clay mineral assemblages of the largest part of the South Atlantic, especially of the western basins are dominated by chlorite and illite derived from the Antarctic Peninsula and southernmost South America and supported by advection within the Circumantarctic Deep Water flow. In contrast, the East Antarctic provinces are relatively small. Assemblages of the eastern basins north of 30°S are strongly influenced by African sources, controlled by weathering regimes on land and by a complex interaction of wind, river and deep ocean transport. The strong gradient in clay mineral composition at the Brazilian slope indicate a relatively low contribution of tropically derived assemblages to the western basins.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to survey various meanings attached to a public-private partnership (PPP) and related aspects in Western literature, and identify commonalities and differences between them. Additionally, the article intends to critically assess conflicting and overlapping views on contractual and institutional PPPs, their forms and models, and draw insights for transitional economies. Design/methodology/approach – The article contrasts and compares views on PPP meanings, forms and models within Western PPP literature, and also draws comparisons with understanding of partnership aspects in the Russian language sources. The paper examines theories underpinning PPPs, builds connections to PPP advantages and drawbacks, and provides critical assessment of net benefits that PPPs may bring along to the society. Findings – The article concludes that future PPP research in transitional countries such as Kazakhstan and Russia, particularly in the area of organisational and power arrangements in partnerships, may delineate new concepts such as government as a guarantor of a PPP project, social significance of a PPP project, and risk management in a country’s contextual environment. Practical implications – In transitional countries, in which PPPs are in their infancy, clarification of theoretical positions, and identification of commonalities and differences between meanings attached to the PPP terminology may enable better decisions by researchers and practitioners in their selection and further development of partnerships and related concepts. Originality/value – Research in the field of PPPs in transitional countries such as Russia and Kazakhstan is in its infancy. The paper intends to contribute to the body of knowledge about PPPs by providing detailed account and categorisation of their principal meanings, forms, models, underpinning theories, and drawing insights for future research in transitional countries.


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Purpose – The paper aims to conceptualise cosmopolitanism drivers from the third-level power perspective by drawing on Lukes’ (1974; 2005) theory of power. In addition, the paper aims to investigate the relationship between entrepreneurs’ cosmopolitan dispositions and habitus, i.e. a pattern of an individual’s demeanour, as understood by Bourdieu. Design/methodology/approach – This conceptual paper makes use of Bourdieu’s framework (habitus) by extending it to the urban cosmopolitan environment and linking habitus to the three-dimensional theory of power and, importantly, to the power’s third dimension – preference-shaping. Findings – Once cosmopolitanism is embedded in the urban area’s values, this creates multiple endless rounds of mutual influence (by power holders onto entrepreneurs via political and business elites, and by entrepreneurs onto power holders via the same channels), with mutual benefit. Therefore, mutually beneficial influence that transpires in continuous support of a cosmopolitan city’s environment may be viewed as one of the factors that enhances cosmopolitan cities’ resilience to changes in macroeconomic conditions. Originality/value – The paper offers a theoretical model that enriches the understanding of the power-cosmopolitanism-entrepreneurship link, by emphasising the preference-shaping capacity of power, which leads to the embedment of cosmopolitanism in societal values. As a value shared by political and business elites, cosmopolitanism is also actively promoted by entrepreneurs through their disposition and habitus. This ensures not only their willing compliance with power and the environment, but also their enhancement of favourable business conditions. Entrepreneurs depart from mere acquiescence (to power and its explicit dominance), and instead practice their cosmopolitan influence by active preference-shaping.


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Com a realização deste trabalho, pretendeu-se efetuar uma seleção de culturas mistas em reatores semi-descontínuos (SBR) com capacidade de acumulação de polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA). Para a seleção de culturas foram utilizados inóculos provenientes de diferentes Estações de Tratamento de Águas Residuais (ETAR) e ácidos orgânicos voláteis (AOV) como fonte de carbono. Foram testadas diferentes condições como a proveniência do inóculo, as cargas orgânicas aplicadas e a seleção de culturas utilizando soro de queijo. Verificaram-se elevadas remoções da CQO (acima de 90%) em grande parte dos ensaios realizados, apresentando uma acumulação de PHA por parte de algumas espécies de bactérias presentes. Ocorreu o aparecimento de microrganismos filamentosos com capacidade de acumulação de PHA em alguns ensaios, levando a serem testadas como culturas acumuladoras de PHA. A estabilidade das culturas mistas não foi atingida, mesmo havendo ensaios com 80 dias de operação. Efetuaram-se ensaios de acumulação de PHA em reatores descontínuos, utilizando as culturas selecionadas anteriormente em reatores SBR, com AOV provenientes da acidificação anaeróbia de diferentes resíduos (Fração Orgânica dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos - FORSU e Soro de Queijo). Verificou-se uma melhor acumulação por parte das culturas selecionadas com soro de queijo, na qual a quantidade de polímero acumulado triplicou.


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The current energy market requires urgent revision for the introduction of renewable, less-polluting and inexpensive energy sources. Biohydrogen (bioH2) is considered to be one of the most appropriate options for this model shift, being easily produced through the anaerobic fermentation of carbohydrate-containing biomass. Ideally, the feedstock should be low-cost, widely available and convertible into a product of interest. Microalgae are considered to possess the referred properties, being also highly valued for their capability to assimilate CO2 [1]. The microalga Spirogyra sp. is able to accumulate high concentrations of intracellular starch, a preferential carbon source for some bioH2 producing bacteria such as Clostridium butyricum [2]. In the present work, Spirogyra biomass was submitted to acid hydrolysis to degrade polymeric components and increase the biomass fermentability. Initial tests of bioH2 production in 120 mL reactors with C. butyricum yielded a maximum volumetric productivity of 141 mL H2/L.h and a H2 production yield of 3.78 mol H2/mol consumed sugars. Subsequently, a sequential batch reactor (SBR) was used for the continuous H2 production from Spirogyra hydrolysate. After 3 consecutive batches, the fermentation achieved a maximum volumetric productivity of 324 mL H2/L.h, higher than most results obtained in similar production systems [3] and a potential H2 production yield of 10.4 L H2/L hydrolysate per day. The H2 yield achieved in the SBR was 2.59 mol H2/mol, a value that is comparable to those attained with several thermophilic microorganisms [3], [4]. In the present work, a detailed energy consumption of the microalgae value-chain is presented and compared with previous results from the literature. The specific energy requirements were determined and the functional unit considered was gH2 and MJH2. It was possible to identify the process stages responsible for the highest energy consumption during bioH2 production from Spirogyra biomass for further optimisation.


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Background: It is important that the residual bowel adapts after massive resection. The necessary intestinal adaptation is a progressive recovery from intestinal failure through increase in absorptive surface area and functional capacity and includes both morphological and functional adaptations. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate intestinal morphological and functional adaptations of small bowel syndrome (SBS) model rats (SBS1W) 7 days after bowel resection. Materials and Methods: Male sprague–dawley rats (n = 20/group) underwent either a 75% proximal small bowel resection (SBS1W group) or a control operation (control group). Markers of morphological adaptation were revealed by TEM analysis of H&E-stained tissue samples. The intestinal barrier condition was assessed by BT, and sIgA concentration in intestinal mucus was measured by ELISA. Contractility and the slow wave rhythm of the entire intestinal remnant were measured and recorded. Results: The SBS1W group experienced more weight loss than control group and had a clearly different intestinal morphology as revealed in TEM images. Compared with control rats, the SBS1W group had a lower sIgA concentration in intestinal mucus and higher BT to lymph nodes (70% vs 40%; level I), portal blood (40% vs 10%; level II), and peripheral blood (60% vs 30%; level III). Disorder of spontaneous rhythmic contraction, irregular amplitude, and slow frequency were detected in the SBS1W group by a muscle strips test. Similarly, the slow wave of the entire intestinal remnant in the SBS1W group was irregular and uncoordinated. Conclusions: The finding of intestinal adaptation following massive SBR in SBS1W rats provides more understanding of the mechanisms of progressive recovery from the intestinal failure that underlies SBS. The mechanical, chemical, immunological, and biological barriers were all impaired at 7 days following bowel resection, indicating that the SBS model rats were still in the intestinal adaptation phase.


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Tumor functional volume (FV) and its mean activity concentration (mAC) are the quantities derived from positron emission tomography (PET). These quantities are used for estimating radiation dose for a therapy, evaluating the progression of a disease and also use it as a prognostic indicator for predicting outcome. PET images have low resolution, high noise and affected by partial volume effect (PVE). Manually segmenting each tumor is very cumbersome and very hard to reproduce. To solve the above problem I developed an algorithm, called iterative deconvolution thresholding segmentation (IDTS) algorithm; the algorithm segment the tumor, measures the FV, correct for the PVE and calculates mAC. The algorithm corrects for the PVE without the need to estimate camera’s point spread function (PSF); also does not require optimizing for a specific camera. My algorithm was tested in physical phantom studies, where hollow spheres (0.5-16 ml) were used to represent tumors with a homogeneous activity distribution. It was also tested on irregular shaped tumors with a heterogeneous activity profile which were acquired using physical and simulated phantom. The physical phantom studies were performed with different signal to background ratios (SBR) and with different acquisition times (1-5 min). The algorithm was applied on ten clinical data where the results were compared with manual segmentation and fixed percentage thresholding method called T50 and T60 in which 50% and 60% of the maximum intensity respectively is used as threshold. The average error in FV and mAC calculation was 30% and -35% for 0.5 ml tumor. The average error FV and mAC calculation were ~5% for 16 ml tumor. The overall FV error was ~10% for heterogeneous tumors in physical and simulated phantom data. The FV and mAC error for clinical image compared to manual segmentation was around -17% and 15% respectively. In summary my algorithm has potential to be applied on data acquired from different cameras as its not dependent on knowing the camera’s PSF. The algorithm can also improve dose estimation and treatment planning.