927 resultados para Sánchez Allú, Martín, 1823-1858.


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Among the mitigation strategies to prevent nitrogen (N) losses from ureic fertilizers, urease inhibitors (UIs) have been demonstrated to promote high N use efficiency by reducing ammonia (NH3) volatilization. In the last few years, some field experiments have also shown its effectiveness in reducing nitrous oxide (N2O) losses from fertilized soils under conditions of low soil moisture. An incubation experiment was carried out with the aim of assessing the main biotic mechanisms behind N2O emissions once that the UIs N-(n-butyl) thiophosphoric triamid (NBPT) and phenil phosphorodiamidate (PPDA) were applied with Urea (U) under different soil moisture conditions (40, 60 and 80 % water-filled pore space, WFPS). In the same study we tried to analyze to what extent soil WFPS regulates the effect of these inhibitors on N2O emissions. The use of PPDA in our study allowed us to compare the effect of NBPT with that of another commercially available urease inhibitor, aiming to see if the results were inhibitor-specific or not. Based on the results from this experiment, a WFPS (i.e. 60 %) was chosen for a second study (i.e. mesocosm experiment) aiming to assess the efficiency of the UIs to indirectly affect N2O emissions through influencing the pool of soil mineral N. The N2O emissions at 40 % WFPS were almost negligible, being significantly lower from all fertilized treatments than that produced at 60 and 80 % WFPS. When compared to U alone, NBPT+U reduced the N2O emissions at 60 % WFPS but had no effect at 80 % WFPS. The application of PPDA significantly increased the emissions with respect to U at 80 % WFPS whereas no significant effect was found at 60 %. At 80 % WFPS, denitrification was the main source of N2O emissions for all treatments. In the mesocosm study, the application of NBPT+U was an effective strategy to reduce N2O emissions (75 % reduction compared to U alone), due to a lower soil ammonium (NH4 +) content induced by the inhibitor. These results suggest that adequate management of the UI NBPT could provide, under certain soil conditions, an opportunity for mitigation of N2O emissions from fertilized soils.


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Abstract The Tower of Martín González, also known as castle of La Raya, is placed in the actual border between the Spanish provinces of Soria and Zaragoza and in the historical limit between the Crowns of Castile and Aragon: this is the reason for its name. The castle dominates the hedge of the plain-moors that surround the Valley of Nágima River. It is a castle with courtyard and a high tower in the western flank. The paper analyzes the castle in four main levels. All references about the castle are studied to draw a historical narration and to relate with the territory and other fortifications, both Castilian and Aragonese. Despite its advanced state of ruin, it preserves many rests that allow making an analysis of its defensive elements and constructive aspects. Resumen La torre de Martín González, también conocida como el castillo de La Raya, se sitúa en el límite actual entre las provincias de Soria y Zaragoza y en el límite histórico entre las coronas de Castilla y Aragón. Domina el extremo de los páramos que circundan el río Nágima. Es un castillo de tipo torrejón con patio de armas y una torre del homenaje adosada a su flanco occidental. El análisis contempla cuatro niveles fundamentales para el entendimiento de la arquitectura fortificada. La comunicación revisa la documentación existente sobre los elementos históricos que se ponen en relación, mediante el análisis territorial, con el sistema fortificado de frontera. A pesar de su avanzado estado de ruina, conserva restos que permiten realizar una lectura interpretativa de sus elementos defensivos y de sus aspectos constructivos.


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The Pridneprovsky Chemical Plant was a largest uranium processing enterprises, producing a huge amount of uranium residues. The Zapadnoe tailings site contains the majority of these residues. We propose a theoretical framework based on Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and fuzzy logic to analyse different remediation alternatives for the Zapadnoe tailings, in which potentially conflicting economic, radiological, social and environmental objectives are simultaneously taken into account. An objective hierarchy is built that includes all the relevant aspects. Fuzzy rather than precise values are proposed for use to evaluate remediation alternatives against the different criteria and to quantify preferences, such as the weights representing the relative importance of criteria identified in the objective hierarchy. Finally, it is proposed that remediation alternatives should be evaluated by means of a fuzzy additive multi-attribute utility function and ranked on the basis of the respective trapezoidal fuzzy number representing their overall utility.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo es el de realizar una revisión crítica de dos planteamientos distintos para conseguir erradicar de la pobreza. Los dos planteamientos están desarrollados por dos economistas: Jeffrey Sachs y Sala i Martín. El primero escribe un libro titulado “El fin de la pobreza”, en el cual el capítulo 13 explica “qué inversiones hay que realizar para acabar con la pobreza”. Los planteamientos de Sala i Martín los recoge Guy Sorman en su libro “La economía no miente”, en el cual, hay un capítulo titulado “El fin de la pobreza masiva” con citas constantes a Sala i Martín y en el que Sorman se posiciona claramente a favor de los argumentos de éste. Los dos planteamientos son expuestos durante la clase por el alumno y se espera conocer la opinión que tengan los compañeros/as del curso y el profesor sobre los textos. Sería incluso deseable poder llegar durante la clase a una conclusión de consenso para tratar de dlucidar qué vía es la más apropiada para el objetivo último de erradicación de la pobreza.


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La tesis está focalizada en la resolución de problemas de optimización combinatoria, haciendo uso de las opciones tecnológicas actuales que ofrecen las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, y la investigación operativa. Los problemas de optimización combinatoria se resuelven en general mediante programación lineal y metaheurísticas. La aplicación de las técnicas de resolución de los problemas de optimización combinatoria requiere de una elevada carga computacional, y los algoritmos deben diseñarse, por un lado pensando en la efectividad para encontrar buenas soluciones del problema, y por otro lado, pensando en un uso adecuado de los recursos informáticos disponibles. La programación lineal y las metaheurísticas son técnicas de resolución genéricas, que se pueden aplicar a diferentes problemas, partiendo de una base común que se particulariza para cada problema concreto. En el campo del desarrollo de software, los frameworks cumplen esa función de comenzar un proyecto con el trabajo general ya disponible, con la opción de cambiar o extender ese comportamiento base o genérico, para construir el sistema concreto, lo que permite reducir el tiempo de desarrollo, y amplía las posibilidades de éxito del proyecto. En esta tesis se han desarrollado dos frameworks de desarrollo. El framework ILP permite modelar y resolver problemas de programación lineal, de forma independiente al software de resolución de programación lineal que se utilice. El framework LME permite resolver problemas de optimización combinatoria mediante metaheurísticas. Tradicionalmente, las aplicaciones de resolución de problemas de optimización combinatoria son aplicaciones de escritorio que permiten gestionar toda la información de entrada del problema y resuelven el problema en local, con los recursos hardware disponibles. Recientemente ha aparecido un nuevo paradigma de despliegue y uso de aplicaciones que permite compartir recursos informáticos especializados por Internet. Esta nueva forma de uso de recursos informáticos es la computación en la nube, que presenta el modelo de software como servicio (SaaS). En esta tesis se ha construido una plataforma SaaS, para la resolución de problemas de optimización combinatoria, que se despliega sobre arquitecturas compuestas por procesadores multi-núcleo y tarjetas gráficas, y dispone de algoritmos de resolución basados en frameworks de programación lineal y metaheurísticas. Toda la infraestructura es independiente del problema de optimización combinatoria a resolver, y se han desarrollado tres problemas que están totalmente integrados en la plataforma SaaS. Estos problemas se han seleccionado por su importancia práctica. Uno de los problemas tratados en la tesis, es el problema de rutas de vehículos (VRP), que consiste en calcular las rutas de menor coste de una flota de vehículos, que reparte mercancías a todos los clientes. Se ha partido de la versión más clásica del problema y se han hecho estudios en dos direcciones. Por un lado se ha cuantificado el aumento en la velocidad de ejecución de la resolución del problema en tarjetas gráficas. Por otro lado, se ha estudiado el impacto en la velocidad de ejecución y en la calidad de soluciones, en la resolución por la metaheurística de colonias de hormigas (ACO), cuando se introduce la programación lineal para optimizar las rutas individuales de cada vehículo. Este problema se ha desarrollado con los frameworks ILP y LME, y está disponible en la plataforma SaaS. Otro de los problemas tratados en la tesis, es el problema de asignación de flotas (FAP), que consiste en crear las rutas de menor coste para la flota de vehículos de una empresa de transporte de viajeros. Se ha definido un nuevo modelo de problema, que engloba características de problemas presentados en la literatura, y añade nuevas características, lo que permite modelar los requerimientos de las empresas de transporte de viajeros actuales. Este nuevo modelo resuelve de forma integrada el problema de definir los horarios de los trayectos, el problema de asignación del tipo de vehículo, y el problema de crear las rotaciones de los vehículos. Se ha creado un modelo de programación lineal para el problema, y se ha resuelto por programación lineal y por colonias de hormigas (ACO). Este problema se ha desarrollado con los frameworks ILP y LME, y está disponible en la plataforma SaaS. El último problema tratado en la tesis es el problema de planificación táctica de personal (TWFP), que consiste en definir la configuración de una plantilla de trabajadores de menor coste, para cubrir una demanda de carga de trabajo variable. Se ha definido un modelo de problema muy flexible en la definición de contratos, que permite el uso del modelo en diversos sectores productivos. Se ha definido un modelo matemático de programación lineal para representar el problema. Se han definido una serie de casos de uso, que muestran la versatilidad del modelo de problema, y permiten simular el proceso de toma de decisiones de la configuración de una plantilla de trabajadores, cuantificando económicamente cada decisión que se toma. Este problema se ha desarrollado con el framework ILP, y está disponible en la plataforma SaaS. ABSTRACT The thesis is focused on solving combinatorial optimization problems, using current technology options offered by information technology and communications, and operations research. Combinatorial optimization problems are solved in general by linear programming and metaheuristics. The application of these techniques for solving combinatorial optimization problems requires a high computational load, and algorithms are designed, on the one hand thinking to find good solutions to the problem, and on the other hand, thinking about proper use of the available computing resources. Linear programming and metaheuristic are generic resolution techniques, which can be applied to different problems, beginning with a common base that is particularized for each specific problem. In the field of software development, frameworks fulfill this function that allows you to start a project with the overall work already available, with the option to change or extend the behavior or generic basis, to build the concrete system, thus reducing the time development, and expanding the possibilities of success of the project. In this thesis, two development frameworks have been designed and developed. The ILP framework allows to modeling and solving linear programming problems, regardless of the linear programming solver used. The LME framework is designed for solving combinatorial optimization problems using metaheuristics. Traditionally, applications for solving combinatorial optimization problems are desktop applications that allow the user to manage all the information input of the problem and solve the problem locally, using the available hardware resources. Recently, a new deployment paradigm has appeared, that lets to share hardware and software resources by the Internet. This new use of computer resources is cloud computing, which presents the model of software as a service (SaaS). In this thesis, a SaaS platform has been built for solving combinatorial optimization problems, which is deployed on architectures, composed of multi-core processors and graphics cards, and has algorithms based on metaheuristics and linear programming frameworks. The SaaS infrastructure is independent of the combinatorial optimization problem to solve, and three problems are fully integrated into the SaaS platform. These problems have been selected for their practical importance. One of the problems discussed in the thesis, is the vehicle routing problem (VRP), which goal is to calculate the least cost of a fleet of vehicles, which distributes goods to all customers. The VRP has been studied in two directions. On one hand, it has been quantified the increase in execution speed when the problem is solved on graphics cards. On the other hand, it has been studied the impact on execution speed and quality of solutions, when the problem is solved by ant colony optimization (ACO) metaheuristic, and linear programming is introduced to optimize the individual routes of each vehicle. This problem has been developed with the ILP and LME frameworks, and is available in the SaaS platform. Another problem addressed in the thesis, is the fleet assignment problem (FAP), which goal is to create lower cost routes for a fleet of a passenger transport company. It has been defined a new model of problem, which includes features of problems presented in the literature, and adds new features, allowing modeling the business requirements of today's transport companies. This new integrated model solves the problem of defining the flights timetable, the problem of assigning the type of vehicle, and the problem of creating aircraft rotations. The problem has been solved by linear programming and ACO. This problem has been developed with the ILP and LME frameworks, and is available in the SaaS platform. The last problem discussed in the thesis is the tactical planning staff problem (TWFP), which is to define the staff of lower cost, to cover a given work load. It has been defined a very rich problem model in the definition of contracts, allowing the use of the model in various productive sectors. It has been defined a linear programming mathematical model to represent the problem. Some use cases has been defined, to show the versatility of the model problem, and to simulate the decision making process of setting up a staff, economically quantifying every decision that is made. This problem has been developed with the ILP framework, and is available in the SaaS platform.


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In recent years, coinciding with adjustments to the Bologna process, many European universities have attempted to improve their international profile by increasing course offerings in English. According to the Institute of International Education (IIE), Spain has notably increased its English-taught higher education programs, ranking fifth in the list of European countries by number of English-taught Master's programs in 2013. This article presents the goals and preliminary results of an on-going innovative education project (TechEnglish) that aims to promote course offerings in English at the Technical University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, UPM). The UPM is the oldest and largest of all Technical Universities in Spain. It offers graduate and postgraduate programs that cover all the engineering disciplines as well as architecture. Currently, the UPM has no specific bilingual/multilingual program to promote teaching in English, although there is an Educational Model Whitepaper (with a focus on undergraduate degrees) that promotes the development of activities like an International Semester or a unique shared curriculum. The TechEnglish project is an attempt to foster courses taught in English at 7 UPM Technical Schools, including students and 80 faculty members. Four tasks were identified: (1) to design a university wide framework to increase course offerings, (2) to identify administrative difficulties, (3) to increase visibility of courses offered, and (4) to disseminate the results of the project. First, to design a program we analyzed existing programs at other Spanish universities, and other projects and efforts already under way at the UPM. A total of 13 plans were analyzed and classified according to their relation with students (learning), professors (teaching), administration, course offerings, other actors/institutions within the university (e.g., language departments), funds and projects, dissemination activities, mobility plans and quality control. Second, to begin to identify administrative and organizational difficulties in the implementation of teaching in English, we first estimated the current and potential course offerings at the undergraduate level at the UPM using a survey (student, teacher and administrative demand, level of English and willingness to work in English). Third, to make the course offerings more attractive for both Spanish and international students we examined the way the most prestigious universities in Spain and in Europe try to improve the visibility of their academic offerings in English. Finally, to disseminate the results of the project we created a web page and a workspace on the Moodle education platform and prepared conferences and workshops within the UPM. Preliminary results show that increasing course offerings in English is an important step to promote the internationalization of the University. The main difficulties identified at the UPM were related to how to acknowledge/certify the departments, teachers or students involved in English courses, how students should register for the courses, how departments should split and schedule the courses (Spanish and English), and the lack of qualified personnel. A concerted effort could be made to increase the visibility of English-taught programs offered on-line.


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The moisture content and its spatial distribution has a great influence on the durability properties of concrete structures. Several non-destructive techniques have been used for the determination of the total water content, but moisture distribution is difficult to determine. In this paper impedance spectroscopy is used to study the water distribution in concrete samples with controlled and homogeneously distributed moisture contents. The technique is suitable for the determination of water distribution inside the sample, using the appropriate equivalent circuits. It is shown that using the selected drying procedures there is no change in the solid phase of the samples, although the technique can only be used for the qualitative study of variations in the solid phase when samples are too thick. The results of this work show that for a wide range of concrete percentages of saturation, from full to 18 % saturation, practically all the pores keep at least a thin layer of electrolyte covering their walls, since the capacitance measurement results are practically independent of the saturation degree.


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Entre los múltiples personajes propios de la literatura latinoamericana, posiblemente el gaucho argentino ha sido el que ha despertado un mayor interés por la creación literaria, con el Martín Fierro de José Hernández como buque insignia de una amplia tradición. Esta se ve recogida muy pronto por la narración gráfica, ya sea a través de las ilustraciones de las ediciones clásicas, o en las adaptaciones de las grandes obras en revistas de historietas. Todas ellas van configurando una iconografía que completa el imaginario de los guachos, fundamental para la identidad argentina. En el siguiente trabajo haremos una panorámica de las historietas de gauchos desde las revistas tradicionales, las adaptaciones de obras literarias, como las del Martín Fierro, hasta personajes propios como Lindor Covas o Inodoro Pereyra.


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Aquest article pretén bastir una comparativa entre la figura teratològica mostrada a l’obra A les muntanyes de la follia de Howard Phillips Lovecraft i La pell freda d’Albert Sánchez Piñol. Una comparativa que té per finalitat mostrar com Howard Phillips Lovecraft inicia una evolució en el gènere de por (basada en la introducció de la versemblança en les narracions d’aquest gènere a través d’un racionalisme que connecta amb exactitud tots els elements de la narració, tot introduint una realitat que contrasta amb allò sobrenatural i crea la por als ulls del lector) que és assumida per Sánchez Piñol en alguns aspectes i transgredida en altres. Així, aquest darrer autor traspassa la frontera infranquejable entre humans i monstres que planteja Lovecraft en humanitzar el monstre, tot atribuint-li qualitats físiques i psicològiques humanes. Una acció que ocasiona un sentiment d’empatia dels personatges humans envers els monstres que derivarà, en última instància, en un intent d’aproximació d’aquests al monstre. O, dit d’una altra manera, en una aproximació de l’ésser humà a l’obscuritat, espai que, lluny de ser perniciós per aquest, l’ajudarà a assolir un coneixement aprofundit de si mateix. Una característica del text de Sánchez Piñol que atorga a La pell freda (i a la major part de l’obra de l’autor) un important valor antropològic i sociològic que pot salvaguardar la narrativa de por de la tendència a desaparèixer que experimenta en una societat cada cop més marcada per l’escepticisme.


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There are many models in the literature that have been proposed in the last decades aimed at assessing the reliability, availability and maintainability (RAM) of safety equipment, many of them with a focus on their use to assess the risk level of a technological system or to search for appropriate design and/or surveillance and maintenance policies in order to assure that an optimum level of RAM of safety systems is kept during all the plant operational life. This paper proposes a new approach for RAM modelling that accounts for equipment ageing and maintenance and testing effectiveness of equipment consisting of multiple items in an integrated manner. This model is then used to perform the simultaneous optimization of testing and maintenance for ageing equipment consisting of multiple items. An example of application is provided, which considers a simplified High Pressure Injection System (HPIS) of a typical Power Water Reactor (PWR). Basically, this system consists of motor driven pumps (MDP) and motor operated valves (MOV), where both types of components consists of two items each. These components present different failure and cause modes and behaviours, and they also undertake complex test and maintenance activities depending on the item involved. The results of the example of application demonstrate that the optimization algorithm provide the best solutions when the optimization problem is formulated and solved considering full flexibility in the implementation of testing and maintenance activities taking part of such an integrated RAM model.