972 resultados para Rural conditions.
Résumé : Le développement durable est un processus d'évolution dans lequel toutes les ethnies coexistent en harmonie avec un environnement sain. Depuis une quarantaine d'années, le Laos a connu de nombreux bouleversements. Des groupes minoritaires, dont les Hmongs, ont subi les contrecoups des changements socio-politiques et économiques. Les Hmongs, qui habitent les régions montagneuses et qui pratiquent l'agriculture itinérante, sont particulièrement touchés par des inégalités économiques et sociales malgré la politique d'égalité ethnique. Les transformations progressives de leur méthode d'utilisation du sol, de leur mode de production et de leur mode de vie itinérants en sédentarisation durable deviennent fondamentales et cruciales. Les Hmongs défavorisés aspirent fortement à de meilleures conditions de vie tout comme les populations qui vivent dans les plaines. En effet, les Hmongs, qui habitent dans les régions de Lakhasipsong et de Longsan, province de Vientiane, s'adaptent aux nouvelles conditions de transformation socio-économique, soient la sédentarisation du mode de production et du mode de vie. On peut affirmer que le développement rural et communautaire permet la sédentarisation des Hmongs et que ces derniers sont aptes à s'adapter à la vie moderne. La méthode d'enquête par entrevue sur la base d'un sondage employée sur le terrain nous a permis de découvrir les caractéristiques de développement durable autant socio-économique que politique dans la province de Vientiane avec application particulière aux Hmongs. Les résultats de l'enquête démontrent que les stratégies de sédentarisation sans relocalisation et avec relocalisation sur l'initiative soit personnelle soit gouvernementale ont fait leurs preuves. Des changements dans les modes de production et de vie ont non seulement permis une meilleure utilisation du sol, une augmentation de la production et une amélioration des conditions de vie mais aussi une meilleure préservation de l'écosystème.||Abstract : Sustainable development is an evolutionary process in which all ethnie groups live in harmony with a healthy environment. For approximately forty years, Laos has been subjected to many disruptions. Minority groups, like the Hmong, have felt the full impact of the numerous socio-political and economic changes that took place in the country. The Hmong, in particular, who live in mountainous regions and practice slash and burn agriculture, have suffered from economic and social inequality policies praticed by previous governments. The progressive transformation of their methods of land use, their mode of production and their migrant life style must clearly be understood before any attempt at a sedentary life style with a view to a sustainable development be undertaken. The underprivileged Hmong aspire to better living conditions comparable to those of people living in the plains. More precisely, the Hmong, who live in Lakhasipsong and Longsan in the province of Vientiane, adapt to their new conditions of social and economic transformation by fixing into place their mode of production and their lifestyle. We can state that the rural community development taking place allows an effective sédentarisation for the Hmong and, that they are able to adapt themselves to modem life. The survey method by interview and randown sampling on the ground permits us to discover elements of farming development within the socio-economic as well as political life in Vientiane province with a particular application to the Hmong. The survey results in showing that settling down strategies without relocation or with relocation on personal or governmental initiative are truly operational. Changes in the mode of production and life style have not only permitted a better land use, an increased production and a better life style but also, a better conservation of the environment.
[…] L'objectif visé est de faire une synthèse des connaissances accumulées sur les systèmes financiers informels du monde rural dans les pays du tiers-monde. Nous procéderons en deuxième lieu à l'application du modèle des coopératives d'épargne et de crédit comme alternative aux circuits financiers informels présents dans les économies à faible revenu. Enfin par l'analyse sommaire d'une C.E.C. située en milieu rural haïtien nous tenterons de justifier notre hypothèse de recherche. Dans cette étude, nous posons l'hypothèse que la coopérative d'épargne et de crédit, lorsqu'elle répond à certaines conditions de base, serait une réelle alternative aux systèmes financiers informels dans le monde rural des pays du tiers-monde. Il serait prétentieux de vouloir décrire tous les systèmes financiers informels rencontrés dans le monde rural des pays du tiers-monde. Aussi en vue de circonscrire le champ de notre étude nous nous sommes limités à analyser le cadre général de l’intermédiation financière dans un échantillon de quelques pays en développement appartenant à trois continents soit l'Afrique, l'Asie et l'Amérique Latine, couvrant les secteurs formel et informel en milieu rural. Dans le but d'atténuer le dualisme financier et son incidence sur le développement, nous proposons comme alternative aux systèmes financiers informels, la formule coopérative. Considérant qu'il y a autant de modèle coopératif de développement qu'il y a de contexte culturel, il nous a semblé important de relever les principales conditions de base pouvant assurer le succès d'une telle intégration. Nous avons choisi de tester la faisabilité de notre choix à travers un cas particulier qui est celui d'une C.E.C. située en milieu semi-rural à 104 Km de la Capitale dans le Département du Sud-Est d'Haïti. […]
The rural electrification is characterized by geographical dispersion of the population, low consumption, high investment by consumers and high cost. Moreover, solar radiation constitutes an inexhaustible source of energy and in its conversion into electricity photovoltaic panels are used. In this study, equations were adjusted to field conditions presented by the manufacturer for current and power of small photovoltaic systems. The mathematical analysis was performed on the photovoltaic rural system I- 100 from ISOFOTON, with power 300 Wp, located at the Experimental Farm Lageado of FCA/UNESP. For the development of such equations, the circuitry of photovoltaic cells has been studied to apply iterative numerical methods for the determination of electrical parameters and possible errors in the appropriate equations in the literature to reality. Therefore, a simulation of a photovoltaic panel was proposed through mathematical equations that were adjusted according to the data of local radiation. The results have presented equations that provide real answers to the user and may assist in the design of these systems, once calculated that the maximum power limit ensures a supply of energy generated. This real sizing helps establishing the possible applications of solar energy to the rural producer and informing the real possibilities of generating electricity from the sun.
This thesis examines how tourism affects conditions for young adults in rural areas. Such a study lies at the intersection of research about tourism impacts, adult transition, and rural areas. The aim is to examine how largescale tourism affects the opportunities for young adults living in rural areas; their perception of place and the perceived opportunities and obstacles that tourism provides. The thesis utilizes a mixed method approach. A quantitative study based on micro-data on individuals identifies the patterns and magnitudes of the mechanisms by which tourism affects population change among young adults. Interview methods are used in the case study area, Sälen, to investigate these mechanisms in depth. Finally, the rural–urban dichotomy is explored in a conceptual study that asks how tourism affects the perception of a local village as either rural or urban. Young inhabitants in rural areas are rarely considered in tourism research; therefore, the main contribution of this thesis is that it illuminates how tourism affects conditions for young adults in rural areas. The thesis reveals a substantial impact on the adult transition, mainly due to easier access to the labor market and a good supply of jobs during the high season. Further, the large number of people passing through creates flows of opportunities to make friends, get a job, or just meet people. All of these factors contribute to high mobility in these places, and to the perception of them as places where things happen. The high mobility in Sälen implies that fixed migrant categories (such as stayers and leavers) are largely insufficient. The tourism environment creates a space that is always under construction and continually producing new social relations mainly perceived as opportunities. Conceptualizing this as a modern rurality is a way to move beyond the often implicit notions of urban as modern and rural as traditional.
Introducción: El síndrome de agotamiento profesional o de burnout se define como una respuesta al estrés laboral crónico, afecta con frecuencia a los trabajadores del sector salud y ha sido descrito según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) como un riesgo laboral. En su desarrollo intervienen distintos factores principalmente sociodemográficos y laborales. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de síndrome de agotamiento profesional y su relación con las condiciones de trabajo del personal de salud de la zona rural del Cauca. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal en 4 hospitales rurales nivel I, con un muestreo probabilístico aleatorio simple, para un total de 212 trabajadores, de los cuales el 74.5% fueron asistenciales y el 25.5% administrativos, Se les aplicó el cuestionario Maslash Burnout Inventory (MBI) que consta de 22 ítems y mide los 3 aspectos del síndrome: cansancio emocional, despersonalización y falta de realización personal y el cuestionario nacional de condiciones de trabajo del instituto nacional de seguridad e higiene en el trabajo de España (INSHT). Se realizó un análisis de datos en STATA versión 12. Resultados: Se encontró una prevalencia general de síndrome de agotamiento profesional de 39.7% y según cada dimensión para cansancio emocional de 21.7%, para despersonalización de 15.1% y para realización personal de 13.7%. Se halló significancia estadística con relación a la edad y baja realización personal (p=0.037), con los factores de riesgo psicolaborales por sobrecarga y cansancio emocional (p=0.020), falta de autonomía y cansancio emocional (p=0.021) entre otros. En los factores de riesgo biomecánicos por falta de iluminación y cansancio emocional (p=0.000), falta de iluminación y despersonalización (p=0.017) y falta de iluminación y síndrome en general (p=0.000). Conclusión: La prevalencia de síndrome de agotamiento profesional en el personal de salud que trabaja en zona rural del Cauca fue de 39.7%, la dimensión más determinante fue cansancio emocional seguido de despersonalización y por ultimo realización personal. Se recomienda iniciar en la institución con un programa de vigilancia epidemiológica de prevención para el agotamiento laboral e intervenir en los factores biomecánicos y factores psicolaborales.
Seven years (2003–2010) of measured shortwave (SW) irradiances were used to obtain estimates of the 10 min averaged effective cloud optical thickness (ECOT) and of the shortwave cloud radiative effect (CRESW) at the surface in a mid-latitude site (Évora — south of Portugal), and its seasonal variability is presented. The ECOT, obtained using transmittance measurements at 415 nm, was compared with the correspondent MODIS cloud optical thickness (MODIS COT) for non-precipitating water clouds and cloud fractions higher than 0.25. This comparison showed that the ECOT represents well the cloud optical thickness over the study area. The CRESW, determined for two SW broadband ranges (300–1100 nm; 285–2800 nm), was normalized (NCRESW) and related with the obtained ECOT. A logarithmic relation between NCRESW and ECOT was found for both SW ranges, presenting lower dispersion for overcast-sky situations than for partially cloudy-sky situations. The NCRESW efficiency (NCRESW per unit of ECOT) was also related with the ECOT for overcast-sky conditions. The relation found is parameterized by a power law function showing that NCRESW efficiency decreases as the ECOT increases, approaching one for ECOT values higher than about 50.
En Europa se están gestionando Políticas de Desarrollo Rural desde el año 1991 bajo el amparo de la Iniciativa LEADER. En este proyecto se ha diseñado un Geoportal para visualizar las Iniciativas LEADER de Desarrollo Rural en Extremadura. Para su elaboración se utilizó MapServer que facilita la introducción de las variables físicas, demográficas, económicas, equipamientos y las inversiones por medidas en una base de datos cartográfica y alfanumérica a escala municipal. El diseño de dicho Geoportal permite, por una parte, analizar el impacto de este tipo de políticas en los últimos dieciséis años, así como establecer su contribución a la mejora de las condiciones de vida de la población rural, sin duda, objetivo principal de estas iniciativas. Y, por otra parte, facilita la consulta pública de los datos sin coste alguno para el usuario, al estar disponible en software SIG Libre.Palabras clave: Europa, LEADER Iniciativa, SIG, software libre, MapServer.ABSTRACTIn Europe, Rural Development Policy since 1991 has been managed under the auspices of the LEADER Initiative. In this project a Geoportal has been designed to visualize rural development under the LEADER Initiatives. MapServer has been used for elaboration and the physical, demographic, economic, equipment and investment measures have been introduced in an alphanumeric and cartographic database to municipal scale. The design of the Geoportal allows the impact of the policies over the last 16 years to be analyzed, as well as to determine their impact on improving the living conditions of the rural population, without a doubt the main objective of these initiatives. Moreover, it allows inspection of the data at no cost to the user via free Open Source GIS software.Key Words: Europe, LEADER Initiative, GIS, Open Source, MapServer.
Growing need for infrastructure has led to expanding research on advances in road pavement materials. Finding solutions that are sustainable, environmentally friendly and cost-efficient is a priority. Focusing such efforts on low-traffic and rural roads can contribute with a significant progress in the vital circulatory system of transport for rural and agricultural areas. An important alternative material for pavement construction is recycled aggregates from solid wastes, including waste from civil engineering activities, mainly construction and demolition. A literature review on studies is made; it is performed a planned set of laboratory testing procedures aimed to fully characterize and assess the potential in-situ mechanical performance and chemical impact. Furthermore, monitoring the full-scale response of the selected materials in a real field construction site, including the production, laying and compaction operations. Moreover, a novel single-phase solution for the construction of semi-flexible paving layers to be used as alternative material to common concrete and bituminous layers is experimented and introduced, aiming the production and laying of a single-phase laid material instead of a traditional two phases grouted macadam. Finally, on a parallel research work for farming pavements, the possible use of common geotechnical anti-erosive products for the improvement of soil bearing capacity of paddock areas in cattle husbandries of bio-farms is evaluated. this thesis has clearly demonstrated the feasibility of using the sustainable recycled aggregates for low-traffic rural roads and the pavements of farming and agriculture areas. The pavement layers constructed with recycled aggregates provided satisfying performance under heavy traffic conditions in experimental pavements. This, together with the fact that these aggregates can be available in most areas and in large quantities, provides great impetus towards shifting from traditional materials to more sustainable alternatives. The chemical and environmental stability of these materials proves their soundness to be utilized in farming environments.
Waterlogging of soils is common in nature. The low availability of oxygen under these conditions leads to hypoxia of the root system impairing the development and productivity of the plant. The presence of nitrate under flooding conditions is regarded as being beneficial towards tolerance to this stress. However, it is not known how nodulated soybean plants, cultivated in the absence of nitrate and therefore not metabolically adapted to this compound, would respond to nitrate under root hypoxia in comparison with non-nodulated plants grown on nitrate. A study was conducted with (15)N labelled nitrate supplied on waterlogging for a period of 48 h using both nodulated and non-nodulated plants of different physiological ages. Enrichment of N was found in roots and leaves with incorporation of the isotope in amino acids, although to a much smaller degree under hypoxia than normoxia. This demonstrates that nitrate is taken up under hypoxic conditions and assimilated into amino acids, although to a much lesser extent than for normoxia. The similar response obtained with nodulated and non-nodulated plants indicates the rapid metabolic adaptation of nodulated plants to the presence of nitrate under hypoxia. Enrichment of N in nodules was very much weaker with a distinct enrichment pattern of amino acids (especially asparagine) suggesting that labelling arose from a tissue source external to the nodule rather than through assimilation in the nodule itself.
Retinal pigment epithelium cells, along with tight junction (TJ) proteins, constitute the outer blood retinal barrier (BRB). Contradictory findings suggest a role for the outer BRB in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy (DR). The aim of this study was to investigate whether the mechanisms involved in these alterations are sensitive to nitrosative stress, and if cocoa or epicatechin (EC) protects from this damage under diabetic (DM) milieu conditions. Cells of a human RPE line (ARPE-19) were exposed to high-glucose (HG) conditions for 24 hours in the presence or absence of cocoa powder containing 0.5% or 60.5% polyphenol (low-polyphenol cocoa [LPC] and high-polyphenol cocoa [HPC], respectively). Exposure to HG decreased claudin-1 and occludin TJ expressions and increased extracellular matrix accumulation (ECM), whereas levels of TNF-α and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) were upregulated, accompanied by increased nitric oxide levels. This nitrosative stress resulted in S-nitrosylation of caveolin-1 (CAV-1), which in turn increased CAV-1 traffic and its interactions with claudin-1 and occludin. This cascade was inhibited by treatment with HPC or EC through δ-opioid receptor (DOR) binding and stimulation, thereby decreasing TNF-α-induced iNOS upregulation and CAV-1 endocytosis. The TJ functions were restored, leading to prevention of paracellular permeability, restoration of resistance of the ARPE-19 monolayer, and decreased ECM accumulation. The detrimental effects on TJs in ARPE-19 cells exposed to DM milieu occur through a CAV-1 S-nitrosylation-dependent endocytosis mechanism. High-polyphenol cocoa or EC exerts protective effects through DOR stimulation.
Surgical site infections (SSIs) can affect body tissues, cavities, or organs manipulated in surgery and constitute 14% to 16% of all infections. This study aimed to determine the incidence of SSIs in women following their discharge from a gynecology outpatient clinic, to survey different types of SSIs among women, and to verify the association of SSIs with comorbidities and clinical conditions. Data were collected via analytical observation with a cross-sectional design, and the study was conducted in 1,026 women who underwent gynecological surgery in a teaching hospital in the municipality of Teresina, in the northeast Brazilian State of Piauí, from June 2011 to March 2013. The incidence of SSIs after discharge was 5.8% among the women in the outpatient clinic. The most prevalent surgery among the patients was hysterectomy, while the most prevalent type of SSI was superficial incisional. Comorbidities in women with SSIs included cancer, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension. Surveillance of SSIs during the post-discharge period is critical for infection prevention and control. It is worth reflecting on the planning of surgical procedures for patients who have risk factors for the development of SSIs.
Hevea brasiliensis is a native species of the Amazon Basin of South America and the primary source of natural rubber worldwide. Due to the occurrence of South American Leaf Blight disease in this area, rubber plantations have been extended to suboptimal regions. Rubber tree breeding is time-consuming and expensive, but molecular markers can serve as a tool for early evaluation, thus reducing time and costs. In this work, we constructed six different cDNA libraries with the aim of developing gene-targeted molecular markers for the rubber tree. A total of 8,263 reads were assembled, generating 5,025 unigenes that were analyzed; 912 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) represented new transcripts, and two sequences were highly up-regulated by cold stress. These unigenes were scanned for microsatellite (SSR) regions and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In total, 169 novel EST-SSR markers were developed; 138 loci were polymorphic in the rubber tree, and 98 % presented transferability to six other Hevea species. Locus duplication was observed in H. brasiliensis and other species. Additionally, 43 SNP markers in 13 sequences that showed similarity to proteins involved in stress response, latex biosynthesis and developmental processes were characterized. cDNA libraries are a rich source of SSR and SNP markers and enable the identification of new transcripts. The new markers developed here will be a valuable resource for linkage mapping, QTL identification and other studies in the rubber tree and can also be used to evaluate the genetic variability of other Hevea species, which are valuable assets in rubber tree breeding.
Reduction in sirtuin 1 (Sirt-1) is associated with extracellular matrix (ECM) accumulation in the diabetic kidney. Theobromine may reduce kidney ECM accumulation in diabetic rats. In the current study, we aimed to unravel, under diabetic conditions, the mechanism of kidney ECM accumulation induced by a reduction in Sirt-1 and the effect of theobromine in these events. In vitro, we used immortalized human mesangial cells (iHMCs) exposed to high glucose (HG; 30 mM), with or without small interfering RNA for NOX4 and Sirt-1. In vivo, spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were rendered diabetic by means of streptozotocin and studied after 12 wk. The effects of treatment with theobromine were investigated under both conditions. HG leads to a decrease in Sirt-1 activity and NAD(+) levels in iHMCs. Sirt-1 activity could be reestablished by treatment with NAD(+), silencing NOX4, and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase-1 (PARP-1) blockade, or with theobromine. HG also leads to a low AMP/ATP ratio, acetylation of SMAD3, and increased collagen IV, which is prevented by theobromine. Sirt-1 or AMPK blockade abolished these effects of theobromine. In diabetic SHR, theobromine prevented increases in albuminuria and kidney collagen IV, reduced AMPK, elevated NADPH oxidase activity and PARP-1, and reduced NAD(+) levels and Sirt-1 activity. These results suggest that in diabetes mellitus, Sirt-1 activity is reduced by PARP-1 activation and NAD(+) depletion due to low AMPK, which increases NOX4 expression, leading to ECM accumulation mediated by transforming growth factor (TGF)-β1 signaling. It is suggested that Sirt-1 activation by theobromine may have therapeutic potential for diabetic nephropathy.
Swine production represents an important segment of Brazilian economy, and the possibility of increasing production is eminent mainly if considered the low pork consumption when compared to other meat and the consumption of other countries. The increasing need in the international market demands show that in a near future the commercial barriers will be based on welfare, in the protection of the environment as well as in the worker's legislation. Little knowledge is available in the subject of worker's standards in the environmental agents in rural activities as well as the air quality under Brazilian conditions. The objectives of this research were to apply the main used standards related to noise and gases and to estimate occupational risk using measurements of noise level, hydrogen sulfide, methane and oxygen in swine housing, in piglet's nursery and finishing. The results showed that the continuous noise level were below the one found in the standards, however there were observed differences (P < 0.05) in relation to the noise level measured in piglet's nursing cages and in semi-slatted floor. The respective concentrations of hydrogen sulfide and methane were less than 1 ppm and less than 0,1% by volume, which was lower than the recommended limits in NR-15, CIGR and ACGIH. The oxygen level was 21% in average.